ber-Arsitektur Vol. 2

Page 1

architectural portfoliO.

integrating design into nature.

muhamad fadil
© 2024.

2016 - 2019

2019 - 2024


+ SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan | West Java

Teknik Gambar Bangunan (TGB)

+ Bachelor of Architecture, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta | Yogyakarta, D.I.

Bachelor of Architectural Studies (S. Ars) - IPK 3.70


Kuningan, April 18th 2000

(+62) 897-4029-480

e-mail: faaddilll


I am very interested in the sustainable interaction between buildings, humans and nature, as well as the exploration of the interconnectivity of spatial and visual spaces. Environmental architecture and contextual design as my way of being responsible with nature, humans and buildings in architecture.

2023 - 2024




2021 - 2022

2020 - 2022

2020 - 2021


2018 - 2019


+ Lecture Assistant

Structure and Construction IV

+ Pre-professional Program

Participated BPA INSTITUTE Pre-professional Work From Home Internship Program Batch#04 and attended BPA Training session for 20 weeks

+ Internship at Sanjaya Architecture & Engineering

Assistant Project Architect

+ Committee Workshop 2D Drawing “basic 2D for Prospective Architecture Student at UTY” Event Documentation Committee

+ HIMARS Astabrata

Media Division Member

+ Drafter Architectural at Umran studio, Yogyakarta, D.I.

Project Prototype Modular Hospital COVID 19 Collaboration with RS JIH-UII, and Project Indische Style House

+ Lecture Assistant

Architectural Graphics Studio

+ Competition IAI at Umran studio, Yogyakarta, D.I.

Godean Traditional Market, Sleman, Yogyakarta, D.I.

+ Internship at Gubah Ruang studio, Bandung, West Java

House Construction Supervisor





+ Journal Publication of Final Project Publication Manuscript

“AGORA : Usakti Architectural Research and Scientific Work Journal”

+ TOP 15 Mini-Competition Archimony 2023 Sustainable Design Application

“Sustainable Architecture for a Better Urban Settlement”

+ 10 Best Works in the Bamboo Portal Competition

“Architectural Installation Work Exhibition week 2 “PITUTUR 2; Architectural Design Studio 1 T.A. 2019 - 2020 at UTY”


Soft Skills Technical Softwares

Sketching, Design thinking, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Willingness to learn, Time management, CommunicationIndonesia (native); English (elementary)

Drafting and Modeling (AutoCAD, SketchUp, Ecotect Analysis); Rendering, Layouting and Presentation (Lumion, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and Ms. Office)

Contact | Curriculum Vitae


simple and mock-up house bamboo portal; stone unity deer farmhouse. mind mapping tunas co-working space. vertical housing diagonal. new movement space design board - collage & montage architecture idea +modular hospital COVID-19.

+traditional market; pasar godean ambuka dasar soring wit-witan. akcaya; hotel and convention. co-housing; container +d’pandowo; rural resort and country.

participatory architecture kampung pandeyan (rw5); signage/meeting point ifarm; urban farming sketching out; dan bandung, malioboro, plengkung nirbaya gading residential; tsc living, e-house, r-house redesign; mall malioboro +tourist market; ‘both-and’ rather, than éither-or’. residential; vm house, bsp c6 house seturan, demangan house research; on drought phenomena in Venice, Italy. and pertamina plumpang refinery fire phenomenon. diagram mapping; putrajaya, malaysia.

create architectural models and analysis; koshino house by tadao ando. pre-profesional program; (training materials-research and brainstorming method, design tool, design stage, preliminary design, schematic design, presentation, design development, construction document, tender stage, budget planning.

+architec(t)ure; peace lily pods.

+mec and research laboratory; marine scientist, conservation and sustainable ecotourism. +red oasis _ remembering the past imagining the future +indische house.


(+62) 897-4029-480

instagram. faaddilll

(+62) 897-4029-480
Table of Content.

+modular hospital COVID-19


Modular hospitals made from used shipping containers could help medical systems meet the challenges of the fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19).

the units are quick to set up but provide all the features of normal isolation wards. Capable of being deployed in numerous configurations – either as self-standing groups of pods or connected to a hospital – the containers house all the equipment needed to treat two ICU patients, including beds, ventilators, monitors and intravenous fluid stands.

Commission | Professional | 2020

Project with Umran Studio and JIH Hospital

Location: Sleman, Yogyakarta, D.I

Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Ilya Fadjar Maharika, MA., IAI


the containers house all the equipment needed to treat two ICU patients, including beds, ventilators, monitors and intravenous fluid stands.


construction design that can be disassembled and assembled so as to give the impression of sustainability.

20ft containers


wood frames

medical staff room 2. emergency room 3. examination room 4. pharmacy room 5. surgical room 6. laboratory room 7. staying room 8. patient toilet 9. medical staff toilet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 3 4 1 2


Typology of IGD Unit room

the containers house all the equipment needed to treat patients, including beds, ventilators, monitors and intravenous fluid stands.


Typology of ICU Unit room

the containers house all the equipment needed to treat two ICU patients, including beds, ventilators, monitors and intravenous fluid stands.


The mass arrangement is formed from the results of zoning, apart from following the cardinal directions, the formation of the mass adjusts access routes to the site with space syntax analysis, which is then used as a ref erence in organizing the direction of building orienta tion. The north and south areas are the tallest stacked containers with 4 stacks. The east and west areas have heights that adjust to the scale of the human eye.

Vehicle Access

Emergency Access

User Access

Waste Processing

Emergency Assembly Point

1 2 3 4

Access to the market is designed in a fluid manner, so that visitors can enter and exit the market from various sides, so there is no com petition for traders to get prime locations. 1.

configure 1 container

The sales space is designed using used containers. Apart from considering modular aspects that are efficient, clean, resistant to fire hazards, easy to install, and sustainable, the market with containers provides a new ambient alternative. From the references it appears that several market investments with containers have received very positive responses from users and local governments (for example Art Box Market in Thailand). The configuration of merchant kiosks can also be developed to be more flexible; 1/4 container, 1/3 container, 1/2 container, 1 container and so on according to needs that can be defined in a participatory and open manner.

Another reason for using containers as the main space-forming element in Godean market planning is because their shape is compact, flexible and has high mobility. Containers can be assembled conck down and can be quickly transported and rearranged at any time to suit the configuration in certain conditions, such as a post-disaster emergency situation for example; Containers can be used as temporary shelter assistance.

by mobile crane
to the lorry mobilization to the affected area
2. zoning 3. massing 4. landscaping


Rural resort and Country


The rapid development/development of tourism in the Sleman tourist village, especially the Pandowoharjo tourist village, requires adequate supporting capacity. Judging from the context of the areas included in suburban areas and urban agglomeration areas, it is clear that the Pandowoharjo area is still in the development stage. There are many tourist attractions but the accommodation function with international standard resort facilities is still inadequate in the area, therefore it is necessary to build a rural resort with site conditions that also allow the project to be built due to the availability of public facilities around the site.

The context of the site location in a tourist village area requires a special approach in design that can translate abstract design concepts and rural touches as well as the aesthetics of the space.

Starting from an ecological village design approach, “a concept that is valuable and rooted”. how a village (ecologically) develops based on its noble values, namely community, culture/spirituality, and nature as a source of life.

Elements of culture and spirituality are adopted as respect for gods and ancestors. Community elements are adopted as a form of structure of the building’s face/skyline towards the environment.

Natural elements are adopted as representatives of one of the characteristic features/ images of a village.

Location: Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta, D.I

Supervisor: Muhammad Arief Kurniawan, S.T., M.T

5th Architectural Project Studio | Academic Work | 2021 + TOP 15th Mini Competition Archimony | PAMIY | 2023

The resort area site design applies SLEMAN REGENT REGULATION NUMBER 49 OF 2012:

KDB max 30%, KLB max 0.8, KDH min 20%, and GSB 9.5 m from the road axle.

Area 01 as a general space area is filled with reception area and parking lot functions. Area 02 as a limited space area for the public is filled with supporting area functions. Area 03 is a space area with personal freedom filled with residential functions.

The combination of rice fields and water in the mina padi system and lotus pond and existing river functions to reduce the surrounding temperature, the placement of open land in the middle of the site also has the function of encouraging wind into the building.

From a macro perspective, the building’s function is arranged through the application of Javanese cosmology which is projected onto the site. and the axes on the site give rise to areas that have a hierarchy as the basis for placing spatial functions in the resort.

The site is located between Jl. Temon and Jl. Pelda Sugiono, there are two circulation points (Main Entrance - Exit).

visitors staff vehicle

Gray water processing and rain water harvesting are expected to reduce the need for water for buildings, used water and rainwater are collected first so they can be reused for certain functions such as (toilet flush, plants, etc.)



01 entrance

02 exit

03 security room

04 vehicle parking

05 drop off lobby

public circulation service sirculation

20 mina paddy

21 boh / service area

22 standard bungalows

23 deluxe bungalows

24 bungalow suites

25 lotus ponds

26 viewing decks

27 paths

28 ferrocement upper water tanks

29 rice fields

06 management office /rented area

07 drop off functional area

08 drop off service

09 main lobby

10 staff rooms/clinics

11 lavatories/kitchens

12 courtyards /wedding area

13 prayer rooms

14 meeting rooms

15 function rooms

16 restaurants /fitness room

17 tennis courts

18 swimming pools

19 amphitheater



01 entrance

02 exit

03 security room

04 vehicle parking

05 drop off lobby

public circulation service sirculation



06 management office /rented area

07 drop off functional area

08 drop off service

09 main lobby

10 staff rooms/clinics

11 lavatories/kitchens

12 courtyards /wedding area

13 prayer rooms

14 meeting rooms

15 function rooms

16 restaurants /fitness room

17 tennis courts

18 swimming pools

19 amphitheater

1. Hall Visitor / Main Lobby 2. Restaurant 3. Standart Bungalow 4. Deluxe Bungalow 5. Suite Bungalow
mina paddy
boh / service area
standard bungalows
deluxe bungalows
bungalow suites
lotus ponds
viewing decks
ferrocement upper water tanks
rice fields

the Pandowo Rural resort and Country at rice fields is designed with special care for the unique natural environment.


Creating a (exterior/interior) resort by applying a symbiosis of local context with contemporary visualization. while still paying attention to the essence of local architecture which emphasizes a natural impression for the users of the space, and offers a rustic feel by applying natural materials and ornaments to make up the space elements:

standart bungalow

01 Bedroom

02 Lavatory

03 Terrace


deluxe bungalow

01 Kitchen

02 Dining Room

03 Living Room

04 Bedroom

05 Lavatory

06 Terrace

suite bungalow 01 Kitchen

02 Dining Room
Living Room 04 Bedroom 1 05 Lavatory 1 06 Bedroom 2 07 Lavathori 2 08 Terrace 09 Mini Private Pool

Starting from an ecological village design approach, “a concept that is valuable and rooted”. how a village (ecologically) develops based on its noble values, namely community, culture/spirituality, and nature as a source of life.

Elements of culture and spirituality are adopted as respect for gods and ancestors. Community elements are adopted as a form of structure of the building’s face/skyline towards the environment. Natural elements are adopted as representatives of one of the characteristic features/images of a village.


6+6 mm. thik laminated glass skylight with reflective films. Silicone sealant Silicone sealant Bitument roof Water proofing membrance Roof rafter 16 mm, fibercement board with square steel frame system 4” width pine wood ceiling planks with 3 mm. (v-shape) groove line with 1” rectangular steel frame. 2”x6” C channels steel with rustproof paint Bitument roof Water proofing membrane Roof rafter Water proofing membrance Steel roof structiure 4” width pine wood ceiling planks with 3 mm. (v-shape) groove line with 1” rectangular steel frame. 16 mm, fibercement board with square steel frame system 16 mm, fibercement board with square steel frame system 6+6 mm. thik laminated glass skylight with reflective films. See detail D1 See detail D2 0.20x0.20 .m. wideflange column with rustproof paint 2”x2”angle steel railing eith rustproof paint 4”width WPC planks with 3 mm. width gap. 4”width WPC planks with 3 mm. width gap. Roof rafter Roof rafter Steel roof structure with 16 mm, fibercement board with waterproofing membrane with bitument roof Steel roof structure with 16 mm, fibercement board with waterproofing membrane 4” width pine wood ceiling planks with 3 mm. (v-shape) groove line with 1” rectangular steel frame. 4” width pine wood ceiling planks with 3 mm. (v-shape) groove line with 1” rectangular steel frame. Stair

Softscape Concept: Several flower plants and trees in the resort function as bird plants, these plants will attract birds which is also good for the environment. Planted scattered throughout the location, along the paths and around the bungalows. Meanwhile, it is also integrated with the existing ditch/irrigation flow and flows through the site.

Implement a tropical landscape design that combines local culture, art and elements created with a lush and lively atmosphere through dense ornamental plants.


Creating a (exterior/interior) resort by applying a symbiosis of local context with contemporary visualization. while still paying attention to the essence of local architecture which emphasizes a natural impression for the users of the space, and offers a rustic feel by applying natural materials and ornaments to make up the space elements:

1. brick wall finish exterior paint ex. dulux catylac color crisp white shirt

2. brick wall fin. uk temple natural stone. 150x300 mm+skonkote propane coating clear doff color

3. bitumen roof covering

4. smooth fin camprote brick walls. dulux catylac color forged dulux catylac color forged metal

5. teak wood planks in natural finish

6. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - 5mm clear glass

7. steel structure frame

8. galvanized hollow iron

9. texture ice glass


Creating a (exterior/interior) resort by applying a symbiosis of local context with contemporary visualization. while still paying attention to the essence of local architecture which emphasizes a natural impression for the users of the space, and offers a rustic feel by applying natural materials and ornaments to make up the space elements:

1. brick wall finish exterior paint ex. dulux catylac color crisp white shirt

2. brick wall fin. uk temple natural stone. 150x300 mm+skonkote propane coating clear doff color

3. bitumen roof covering

4. smooth fin camprote brick walls. dulux catylac color forged dulux catylac color forged metal

5. teak wood planks in natural finish

6. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - texture ice glass

7. steel structure frame

8. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - 5mm clear glass

9. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - 5mm clear glass


Creating a (exterior/interior) resort by applying a symbiosis of local context with contemporary visualization. while still paying attention to the essence of local architecture which emphasizes a natural impression for the users of the space, and offers a rustic feel by applying natural materials and ornaments to make up the space elements:

1. brick wall finish exterior paint ex. dulux catylac color crisp white shirt

2. brick wall fin. uk temple natural stone. 150x300 mm+skonkote propane coating clear doff color

3. bitumen roof covering

4. smooth fin camprote brick walls. dulux catylac color forged dulux catylac color forged metal

5. wooden lumberceiling ceiling

6. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo

7. steel structure frame

8. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - 5mm clear glass

9. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - 5mm clear glass


Creating a (exterior/interior) resort by applying a symbiosis of local context with contemporary visualization. while still paying attention to the essence of local architecture which emphasizes a natural impression for the users of the space, and offers a rustic feel by applying natural materials and ornaments to make up the space elements:

1. brick wall finish exterior paint ex. dulux catylac color crisp white shirt

2. brick wall fin. uk temple natural stone. 150x300 mm+skonkote propane coating clear doff color

3. bitumen roof covering

4. smooth fin camprote brick walls. dulux catylac color forged dulux catylac color forged metal

5. wooden lumberceiling ceiling

6. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo

7. steel structure frame

8. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - 5mm clear glass

9. aluminum fin. black powder coating ex. alexindo - 5mm clear glass


Creating a (exterior/interior) resort by applying a symbiosis of local context with contemporary visualization. while still paying attention to the essence of local architecture which emphasizes a natural impression for the users of the space, and offers a rustic feel by applying natural materials and ornaments to make up the space elements:

1. woven walls made of red brick

2. brick wall fin. uk temple natural stone. 150x300 mm+skonkote propane coating clear doff color

3. bitumen roof covering

4. concrete expose fin. cat stucco cement concrete

5. wooden lumberceiling ceiling

6. water pond

7. steel structure frame

8. mini elephant grass plant (axonopus) slope

9. 6+6 mm. thik laminated glass skylight with reflective films.



Both-and rather, than either-or


Yogyakarta, A Special City with a Million Memories and Uniqueness

Yogyakarta is called a special region because until now it is still a kingdom led by the Sultan. Apart from that, what makes the Special Region of Yogyakarta special is that there are many universities (student cities), tourism, arts and culture (culture city), as well as history and not to forget adequate means of transportation which is the CITY’S IDENTITY.



‘undirected civic space’

The development of Malioboro as a special ‘civic space’ is very fast, large and directionless, too commercial in nature, its burden exceeds its carrying capacity;

activities and culture


| ‘fading of philosophical axis’

The philosophical, historical and cultural significance of the region and the philosophical axis have faded/cannot be seen, appreciated and studied. Rapid urbanization has in many cases destroyed the identity of cities. When a tourist enters a city, he or she is essentially lost or bombarded with different versions of ‘city identity’ that lack a clear picture of the place and its roots.



‘climate crisis-new normal’

Climate change due to global warming has various impacts on life on earth. and the Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world, and Indonesia is included in it (Malioboro - Yogyakarta area).

| Creating a synergy between dimensions (tourist market, TIC and urban recreation) that is connected or in harmony with the surrounding context (neighborhood context) of the Malioboro area of Yogyakarta. which can later be used by the public and tourists as a forum for expression, which is full of philosophical meaning and can be interpreted and appreciated for its sustainability.

6th Architectural Project Studio | Academic Work | 2022

Location: TERAS MALIOBORO 2, Jl. Malioboro No.56, Suryatmajan, Kec.

Danurejan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55212

Supervisor: Endah Tisnawati, S.T., M.T



create a modular grid of space with dimensions of 6x6m (36m2) for the space.


create a market stall/stall configuration with a modular approach with a size of 4x4m (16m2) for the space, then the modular configuration is developed to be more flexible: custom layout according to needs that can be defined in a participatory and open manner.

dry stall/stall wet stall/stall configuration 1 configuration 1/2 configuration 1/4

1. baseplat 200x200x10mm.

2x2 M16mm anchor bolts. grade 8.8, full threaded.

2. steel plate knife fin for column connection 10mm thick, fillet weld 8mm all around to baseplate.

3. square section timber column 150x150mm.

4. 2 through bolts 16mm diameter.

5. 18mm diameter wholes for 16mm through bolts.

1 2 A A section A-A 1 3 2 5 B B section B-B 1 3 2 4 baseplate plan view
THE FACADE building skin.

The facade of the building uses transparent polycarbonate material which acts as a responsive facade material combined with wood and concrete (white) structures. designed to fit the context of the Malioboro area and also function as a night-time landmark.

The geometric roof shape is a response from a combination of joglo and flat roof shapes and then given a skylight-green roof to respond to climatic conditions.


The facade of the building uses transparent polycarbonate material which acts as a responsive facade material combined with wood and concrete (white) structures. designed to fit the context of the Malioboro area and also function as a night-time landmark.

The geometric roof shape is a response from a combination of joglo and flat roof shapes and then given a skylight-green roof to respond to climatic conditions.



Peace lily pods


Mental health is a subset of physical health, and we cannot maintain a view that separates the two. Moreover, recently there has been widespread concern about the quality of the air we breathe, especially after WHO announced that Jakarta was a city with poor air quality. The impact of air quality on overall health has an impact on physical health (hypertension, eye, nose and throat irritation) and mental health (stress, depression, cognitive decline, anxiety disorders and risk of psychiatric disorders). Air quality problems in Jakarta regarding health which have an impact on mental and physical health most often occur in public service industries such as education, health and social. By designing a public installation in the form of a healing pod for use in public places or the built environment of the city of Jakarta in particular, this healing pod is designed so that a person can sit in a natural environment with the aim of helping as a place of refuge and contemplation of the environmental conditions that occur, as well as a place healing such as

de-stressing, unplugging, and unwinding for some time throughout the day. This is done by purifying plants which increase productivity, light therapy which is proven to increase energy levels, aromatherapy which can help reduce pain levels, and natural sounds which can improve mood. Allowing people to spend 15-20 minutes in a natural environment (peace lily pods) is also an effective way to improve sleep patterns, mood and energy levels. This Healing Pod is intended for environments with high levels of stress from the impact of air quality in Jakarta such as hospitals, offices, universities, train stations and other built environments. This product is named Peace Lily Pods as a representation of the morphology of the resulting healing pod design.

spread of healing pods around Jakarta, Indonesia.

Competition Entry | SKALARS | 2023

Location: spread of healing pods around Jakarta, Indonesia.

Size Temporary Instalation: 4.48m2

train stations environment context. |


Marine scientist, conservation, sustainable ecotourism


Kepulauan Seribu National Park is a shallow marine ecosystem consisting of small islands vulnerable to various changes from many factors, threatening the sustainable use of natural resources within the area. This research explores the design of a Marine Education Center and Research Laboratory in the Kepulauan Seribu National Park using a Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approach which serves as a strategic response to existing issues and a first step towards protecting, securing, and restoring the shallow marine ecosystem in the Kepulauan Seribu National Park while promoting public education and sustainable nature tourism.

The research aims to design a building that can serve as a research facility for studying and monitoring marine ecosystem populations, a public educational facility, and a sustainable nature tourism destination that emphasizes the importance of marine resource conservation and critical ocean habitats for community well-being. The research employs a qualitative method with design stages encompassing data collection, data analysis method, and synthesis method. The research findings demonstrate that the Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Approach-based design process aims to create a building that serves as a research facility for studying and monitoring marine ecosystem populations, a public educational facility, and a sustainable nature tourism destination that emphasizes the importance of marine resource conservation and critical ocean habitats for community well-being. Additionally, the building contributes to addressing the existing challenges in the Kepulauan Seribu National Park.



Site area: 14.397m2

Building area: 8.630m2

Final Project | Academic Work | 2024
Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Indonesia.

“Analysis of site data that has been identified and given a design response will later function as a design parameter in simplifying the concept analysis of the design approach (sustainable and resilient building design).”


Concept analysis of the main design approaches in the design of the marine education center and research laboratory in the Seribu Islands National Park Area using a sustainable and resilient building design approach. The assessment criteria are a consideration of the principles of a sustainable and resilient building design approach, consisting of (integration, community, ecology, water, economy, energy, wellness, resources, change and discovery). In other words, the principle parameters of this approach reveal how a design project must anticipate and adapt to new uses, adapt to climate change, and support resilient recovery towards environmental conservation. The following is an analysis and discussion of the design approach concept, in designing a marine education center and research laboratory in the Seribu Islands National Park Area using a sustainable-resilient building design approach.


The building mass arrangement is the placement of several compound building masses arranged based on zoning, function and required circulation. The concept of composition at MEC and Research Laboratory refers to the analysis of site data that has been identified and provided with previous design responses (sustainable and resilient building design).


Starting from an approach to zoning and the function of the building mass. The initial placement of the building mass structure is simplified into a simple basic form, then placed on a flat and sloping site using a system using helical piers.


The curved/aerodynamic roof shape approach is a response to the climate conditions at the site location, namely a wet tropical climate with dominant wind directions from the east and west throughout the year.

1. academic-research center

2. research library

3. main residence

4. mosque

5. outdoor facilities

6. multipurpose auditorium

7. showroom and restaurants

8. marine support


In the next compositional transformation approach, the author implements horizontal circulation skylines in the area as a link between one building mass and another.


Allocation of space for local vegetation which is arranged to maintain local vegetation (60%), is useful for maintaining the continuity of existing flora and fauna ecosystem habitat, as well as buffering against storms.


Consideration of climate conditions and building function systems. So the approach to the type of roof used on the building mass is divided into 2 (two), namely zinc panel roof coated with Kynar 500® (brown), and green roof (green).


Consideration of views of offshore waters. So some design approaches to building facades apply charred wood cladding on the highest floors, and biophilia and connections to the outside are focused on the ground floor.


Consideration of views of offshore waters. So some design approaches to building facades apply charred wood cladding on the highest floors, and biophilia and connections to the outside are focused on the ground floor.

w elevation nw elevation
section 1 section 2

+RED OASIS: remembering the past imagining the future

The ‘red oasis’, is likened to a shelter or place to blend in from an intervention that is contextually rooted in this case, ‘acculturation of modern Aceh heritage’ robur usk. The main function of the building is to present several functions, namely, co-working space, creative platform and pavilion located within the Unsyiah campus complex. This object is very suitable to enable the creation of an ‘oasis’, a place to shelter or blend in from the atmosphere of the past and present. because the planned object is needed by many groups, so that it can preserve Acehnese culture in the past, especially the history of Robur Usk. Therefore, the ‘red oasis’ design re-instills a sense of context, memorability and natural beauty into the building environment.

2 6 3 7

Competition Entry | AMAH | 2022 Location: Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia 1 5

The residential concept uses the Indic architectural style by maximizing the openings in the roof of the building in the form of dormer windows to catch light to enter the attic residence which can be used as a room.

design concept by team umran studio | +INDISCHE HOUSE:
Commission | Professional | 2022 Location: Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta D.I Site area: 179,85m2 Building area: 317m2 PROGRAMMING 1. ground floor 2. 1st floor 3. 2nd floor Umran design studio RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI ARSITEKTUR DENAH BANGUNAN DENAH LANTAI TAMPAK BANGUNAN Umran design studio RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI Umran design studio DENAH BANGUNAN ARSITEKTUR RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI DENAH LANTAI Umran design studio RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI Umran design studio DENAH BANGUNAN ARSITEKTUR RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI DENAH LANTAI 3 Umran design studio RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI 1 2 3 Umran design studio ARSITEKTUR POTONGAN BANGUNAN RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI POTONGAN Umran design studio ARSITEKTUR POTONGAN BANGUNAN RUMAH TINGGAL LANTAI POTONGAN

+internship: pre-professional program


Some of my work as an architectural intern at an architectural studio firm in Sanjaya Architecture and Engineering was only for a short time.


one of the tasks is making a mockup, redrawing the floor plan and analyzing the space program and design elements applied to the Koshino House by Tadao Ando building during the wfhi programme.

design concept by team sanjaya architecture | schematic plan |
. terima kasih thank you. e. ph. +62 897-4029-480

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