6 reasons for sending down the qur’ᾱn in stages (1)

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6. REASONS FOR SENDING DOWN THE QUR’ᾹN IN STAGES (1) The Qur’ān consists of 6236 verses which is today the most accepted opinion. According to Ibn ‘Abbās there are 6616 verses, Nāfi‘: 6217, Shaybah: 6214, scholars of Egypt: 6226, and alZamakhsharī: 6666. The difference lies in counting, such as whether the letters of the alphabet in the beginning of some surahs (chapters) are considered one verse or part of a verse. Two or three verses could be considered by some scholars as one verse. This is because, among other things, one sentence which is usually understood to have at least one subject and one predicate may consist of many verses. Sūrat al-Takwīr (chapter 81), for example, starts with 13 verses depicting the situation in the Hereafter: “When the sun…, and when the stars… and when the mountains…and when the pregnant she-camel…and when…etc…, then to complete a sentence verse 14 follows: “(Then) every person shall know what he has brought (of good and evil).” It is said that the Qur’an was revealed in about 5 verses in each revelation, then, in the above example, at least 14 verses would have to be revealed to complete the sentence. The Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet gradually and in stages for a period of 23 years for many reasons, among which are as follows: 1. To strengthen the heart of the Prophet by addressing him continually. Allah said in the Qur’an, ‫ِين َك َفرُوا لَ ْو َل ُن ِّز َل َعلَ ْي ِه ْالقُرْ آنُ ُج ْملَة َوا ِح َدة‬ َ ‫َو َقا َل الَّذ‬ َ ‫ك لِ ُن َثب‬ )32: ‫ك َو َر َّت ْل َناهُ َترْ تِيل (الفرقان‬ َ ‫ِّت ِب ِه فُ َؤا َد‬ َ ِ‫َك َذل‬ And those who disbelieve say: ‘Why is not the Qur’an revealed to him all at once?” Thus (it is sent down in parts), that We may strengthen your heart thereby. And We have revealed it to you gradually, in stages. (Q. 25:32) Allah also revealed to the Prophet the story of prophets before him to strengthen his heart. He said:


ُ ‫ك مِنْ أَ ْن َبا ِء الرس ُِل َما ُن َثب‬ ‫ك َو َجا َء َك‬ َ ‫ِّت ِب ِه فُ َؤا َد‬ َ ‫َو ُك ّل َنقُص َع َل ْي‬ )121 :‫ِين (هود‬ َ ‫فِي َهذِه ْال َحق َو َم ْوعِ َظة َو ِذ ْك َرى ل ِْلم ُْؤ ِمن‬ And all that We relate to you (O Muhammad) of the news of the Messengers is in order that We may make strong and firm your heart thereby. And in this (chapter of the Qur’an) has come to you the truth, as well as an admonition and a reminder for the believers. (Q. 11:120) At the outset of his mission most people disbelieved him, and might weaken his spirit, and then Allah comforted him by revealing to him that prophets before him were also called liars, but they were patient. He said: ُ ُ ‫ص َبرُوا َعلَى َما ُك ِّذبُوا َوأ‬ ْ ‫َو َل َق ْد ُك ِّذ َب‬ ‫وذوا َح َّتى أَ َتا ُه ْم‬ َ ‫ك َف‬ َ ‫ت ُرسُل مِنْ َق ْب ِل‬ )34:‫ِين (األنعام‬ ِ ‫َنصْ ُر َنا َو َل ُم َب ِّد َل لِ َكلِ َما‬ ِ َّ ‫ت‬ َ ‫ك مِنْ َن َبإِ ْالمُرْ َسل‬ َ ‫ّللا َولَ َق ْد َجا َء‬ Verily, (many) Messenger were denied before you (O Muhammad), but with patience they bore the denial, and they were hurt till Our Help reached them, and none can alter the Words (Decisions) of Allah. Surely there has reached you the information (news) about the Messengers (before you) (Q. 6:34) The Makkan idolaters not only rejected the Prophet’s call to Islam, but also ridiculed and made fun of him. Then Allah revealed to him to be patient and to leave them. He said: )11( ‫ون َواهْ جُرْ ُه ْم َهجْ را َجمِيل‬ َ ُ‫َواصْ ِبرْ َعلَى َما َيقُول‬ And be patient (O Muhammad) with what they say, and keep away from them in a good way.(Q. 73:10) Their worshiping idols saddened the Prophet, but Allah wanted him to be patient and convinced him that He knew what they said openly or secretly. He said: ‫ُون َنصْ َر ُه ْم َو ُه ْم لَ ُه ْم‬ ِ َّ ‫ون‬ َ ‫ َل َيسْ َتطِ يع‬.‫ُون‬ َ ‫صر‬ َ ‫ّللا آلِ َهة لَ َعلَّ ُه ْم ُي ْن‬ ِ ‫َوا َّت َخ ُذوا مِنْ ُد‬


)76-74:‫ون (يس‬ َ ‫ون َو َما يُعْ لِ ُن‬ َ ‫ك َق ْول ُ ُه ْم إِ َّنا َنعْ لَ ُم َما يُسِ ر‬ َ ‫ َف َل َيحْ ُز ْن‬.‫ُون‬ َ ‫ضر‬ َ ْ‫ُج ْند مُح‬ And they have taken besides Allah gods, hoping that they might be help3ed (by those co-called gods). They cannot help them, but they will be brought forward as a troop against those who worshipped them (at the time of Reckoning). So, let not their speech, then, grieve you (O Muhammad). Verily, we know what they conceal and what they reveal. (Q. 36:74-76) Moreover, Allah promised to protect the Prophet in conveying the message of Islam, when He said: َ ‫ك َوإِنْ لَ ْم َت ْف َع ْل َف َما َبلَّ ْغ‬ ‫ت ِر َسالَ َت ُه‬ َ ‫ك مِنْ َر ِّب‬ َ ‫َيا أَي َها الرَّ سُو ُل َبلِّ ْغ َما أ ُ ْن ِز َل إِلَ ْي‬ َّ ‫َو‬ )67:‫ين (المائدة‬ َ ‫ّللا َل َي ْهدِي ْال َق ْو َم ْال َكاف ِ​ِر‬ َ ‫ّللا ُ َيعْ صِ ُم‬ َ َّ َّ‫اس إِن‬ ِ ‫ك م َِن ال َّن‬ O Messenger (Muhammad), proclaim (the Message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed the Message. Allah will protect you from mankind. Verily, Allah guides not the people who disbelieve. (Q.5:67) When victory seemed to be far away, Allah promised it to the Prophet, when he said: َّ ‫ب‬ )21:‫ّللا َق ِوي َع ِزيز (المجادلة‬ َ ‫َك َت‬ َ َّ َّ‫ّللا ُ َألَ ْغلِ َبنَّ أَ َنا َو ُر ُسلِي إِن‬ Allah has decreed: “Verily, it is I and My Messengers who shall be victorious.” Verily, Allah is AllPowerful, All-Mighty (Q. 58:21) When the companions of the Prophet were not happy with the conclusion of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, as they considered it a one-sided treaty: they had to postpone their pilgrimage to the next year, and any Muslim from the Makkan tribe who took refuge to Madinah had to be brought back to Makkah, and not vise-versa. Ssome of them were even in doubt of his being a prophet. On their way back to Madinah, the Prophet said to them that it had been


revealed to him worth more than the world and its contents. He recited: َّ ‫ك‬ ‫ك َو َما َتأ َ َّخ َر َو ُي ِت َّم نِعْ َم َت ُه‬ َ ‫ّللاُ َما َت َق َّد َم مِنْ َذ ْن ِب‬ َ َ‫ لِ َي ْغف َِر ل‬. ‫ك َف ْتحا م ُِبينا‬ َ َ‫إِ َّنا َف َتحْ َنا ل‬ َّ ‫ك‬ )3-1:‫ّللا ُ َنصْ را َع ِزيزا (الفتح‬ َ ‫ َو َي ْنص َُر‬.‫ك صِ َراطا مُسْ َتقِيما‬ َ ‫ك َو َي ْه ِد َي‬ َ ‫َعلَ ْي‬ Verily, We have given you (O Muhammad) a manifest victory. That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future, and complete His Favour on you, and guide you on the Straight Path. (Q. 48:1-3). The Prophet was said to have performed night prayers until his feet became swollen. It was said to him, “Allah has forgiven you your sins of the past and the future.” On that, he said, “Shouldn’t I be a thankful slave of Allah?” (Reported by Bukhari) The Prophet’s companions congratulated him for the good news for him; they asked him whether good news would also be for them. Then Allah revealed, ‫ِين‬ ِ ‫ِين َو ْالم ُْؤ ِم َنا‬ َ ‫ت َج َّنات َتجْ ِري مِنْ َتحْ ِت َها ْاألَ ْن َها ُر َخالِد‬ َ ‫لِي ُْد ِخ َل ْالم ُْؤ ِمن‬ )5:‫ّللا َف ْوزا عَظِ يما (الفتح‬ ِ َّ ‫ك عِ ْن َد‬ َ ِ‫ان َذل‬ َ ‫فِي َها َو ُي َك ِّف َر َع ْن ُه ْم َس ِّي َئات ِ​ِه ْم َو َك‬ That He may admit the believing men and the believing women to Gardens under which rivers flow (i.e. Paradise) to abide therein forever, and He may expiate from their sins; and that is with Allah a supreme success. (Q. 48:5) Verse 1-2 and verse 5 are connected, so that it means, that Allah has given the Prophet s.a.w. victory so that He forgives his past and future sins, and that He admits believers to Heaven. 2. Out of consideration for the Prophet since revelation was a very difficult experience for him. For example: a. He perspired profusely.


َّ ‫ِين َرضِ َي‬ َ ‫ار‬ ‫ث ب َْن ِه َشام‬ َ َّ‫ أَن‬،‫ّللا ُ َع ْن َها‬ َ ‫َعنْ َعا ِئ َش َة أ ُ ِّم الم ُْؤ ِمن‬ ِ ‫الح‬ َّ ‫َرضِ َي‬ ‫ َيا َرسُو َل‬:‫صلَّى ّللا ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم َف َقا َل‬ ِ َّ ‫ّللا ُ َع ْن ُه َسأ َ َل َرسُو َل‬ َ ‫ّللا‬ :‫صلَّى ّللا ُ َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم‬ ِ َّ ‫الوحْ يُ ؟ َف َقا َل َرسُو ُل‬ ِ َّ َ ‫ّللا‬ َ ‫ك‬ َ ‫ْف َيأْتِي‬ َ ‫ َكي‬،‫ّللا‬ ‫ص ُم َع ِّني‬ َ ‫ َف ُي ْف‬، َّ‫ َوه َُو أَ َشدهُ َعلَي‬،‫س‬ َ ‫صلَ ِة‬ َ ‫ص ْل‬ َ ‫«أَحْ َيانا َيأْتِينِي م ِْث َل‬ ِ ‫الج َر‬ ُ ‫َو َق ْد َو َعي‬ ‫ك َرجُل َف ُي َكلِّ ُمنِي َفأَعِ ي‬ ُ َ‫ َوأَحْ َيانا َي َت َم َّث ُل ل َِي ال َمل‬،‫ْت َع ْن ُه َما َقا َل‬ َّ ‫ت َعا ِئ َش ُة َرضِ َي‬ ْ َ‫] َقال‬7:‫َما َيقُو ُل» [ص‬ ‫ َولَ َق ْد َرأَ ْي ُت ُه‬:‫ّللا ُ َع ْن َها‬ ‫ َف َي ْفصِ ُم َع ْن ُه‬،ِ‫الوحْ ُي فِي ال َي ْو ِم ال َّشدِي ِد ال َبرْ د‬ َ ‫َي ْن ِز ُل َعلَ ْي ِه‬ )‫ص ُد َع َرقا (رواه البخاري و مسلم‬ َّ ‫َوإِنَّ َج ِبي َن ُه لَ َي َت َف‬ Narrated ‘Ᾱ’ishah (the mother of the faithful believers): Al-Ḥārith bin Hishām (r.a.) asked Allah’s Messenger s.a.w. O, Allah’s Messenger! How is the Divine Inspiration revealed to you?” Allah’s Messenger s.a.w. replied, “Sometimes it is (revealed) like the ringing of a bell, this form of Inspiration is the hardest of all and then this state passes off after I have grasped what is inspired. Sometimes the angel comes in the form of a man and talks to me and I grasp whatever he says.” ‘Ᾱ’ishah r.a. added: Verily, I saw the Prophet s.a.w. being inspired (divinely) and (noticed) the sweat dropping from his forehead on a very cold day as the Inspiration was over. (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim) ُ ‫" ُك ْن‬: ‫وقال زيد بن ثابت‬ ‫ان إِ َذا َن َز َل َع َل ْي ِه‬ ِ َّ ‫ُول‬ َ ‫ّللا َو َك‬ ِ ‫ت أَ ْك ُتبُ ْال َوحْ َي ل َِرس‬ "‫ي َع ْن ُه‬ َ ِّ‫ ُث َّم سُر‬،‫ان‬ ِ ‫أَ َخ َذ ْت ُه ب َُر َحاء َشدِي َدة َو َع ِر َق َع َرقا َشدِيدا م ِْث َل ْال ُج َم‬ Zayd ibn Thābit said: “I used to write the revelation for the Prophet, and when revelation came to him affliction overtook him and perspired profusely like small pearls, then he felt at peace again .” b. His body became very heavy. ‘Ᾱ’ishah said that it happened that revelation came to the Prophet while he was on his riding she camel. The camel felt the heaviness of him that she knelt and hit the ground with her inner neck. It also happened that the Prophet was leaning on the leg of Zayd ibn Thābit. Zayd said:


:‫ َو َح َّتى أَقُو َل‬،‫آن‬ ِ ْ‫" َح َّتى َت َكا َد ِرجْ لِي َت ْن َكسِ ُر مِنْ ِث َق ِل ْالقُر‬ )‫َل أَ ْمشِ ي َعلَى ِرجْ لِي أَ َبدا" (رواه الطبراني‬ “The Qur’ān was so heavy, that my legs almost became broken, and said that I would not be able to walk again.” (Reported by al-Ṭabrānī) c. He heard sound like clinking, heard by the companions like the hum of bees. َ ‫َعنْ ُع َم َر ْب ِن ْا‬ ِ َّ ‫لخطا‬ ِ ‫ُول‬ َ ‫ّللا‬ َ ‫" َك‬:‫ب َقا َل‬ ُ ‫صلَّى ّللا‬ ِ ‫ان إِ َذا َن َز َل َعلَى َرس‬ )‫َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلَّ َم ْال َوحْ ُي يُسْ َم ُع عِ ْن َد َوجْ ِه ِه د َِوي َك َد ِويِّ ال َّنحْ ِل" (رواه أحمد‬ ‘Umar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb said: “When revelation came to the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. hum was heard at his face like the hum of bees” (Reported by Ahmad) d. His face changed. ‫ّللا إِ َذا أ ُ ْن ِز َل‬ ِ ‫ان َن ِبي‬ َ ‫" َك‬:‫ قال‬:‫ َقا َل‬،ِ‫ْن الصَّا ِمت‬ ِ ‫َعنْ ُع َبا َد َة ب‬ )‫ َو َت َر َّب َد َوجْ ُه ُه" (روام مسلم‬،‫ك‬ َ ِ‫ب لِ َذل‬ َ ‫َعلَ ْي ِه ُك ِر‬ ‘Ubādah ibn al-Ṣāmit said: “When the Prophet of Allah received revelation he felt distress from it, and his face turned grey (Reported by Muslim) e. He tilted his head and covered it with a cloth. ‫ان ال َّن ِبي إِ َذا أ ُ ْن ِز َل َعلَ ْي ِه ْال َوحْ ُي‬ َ ‫ « َك‬:‫ َقا َل‬،ِ‫ْن الصَّا ِمت‬ ِ ‫َعنْ ُع َبا َد َة ب‬ »‫ َفلَمَّا أ ُ ْتل َِي َع ْن ُه َر َف َع َر ْأ َس ُه‬،‫ُوس ُه ْم‬ َ ‫س أَصْ َحا ُب ُه ُرء‬ َ ‫س َر ْأ َس ُه َو َن َك‬ َ ‫َن َك‬ Ubādah ibn al-Ṣāmit said: “When the Prophet of Allah received revelation he tilted his head and covered it with a cloth, and his companions also covered their heads. After the revelation was read to him his lifted his head.


f. Snoring was heard from him like that of the young camel. Ya‘lā ibn Umayyah said: “I wish I could see the Prophet when revelation was being sent down to him.” ‘Umar asked him if he really wanted to see him in that condition. When he said, “yes”, ‘Umar lifted his clothes and snored like the snore of the young camel. All these indicate the severity in receiving revelation, which has been mentioned by Allah when he says: )5:‫ك َق ْول َثقِيل (المزمل‬ َ ‫إِ َّنا َس ُن ْلقِي َعلَ ْي‬ Verily, We shall send down to you a weighty Word (Q. 73:5) Commentators of the Qur’ān say that the revelation itself is weighty, such as the above examples; others say that the application of its injunction and prohibition is weighty. Similarly, the following verse indicate the difficulty in applying the injunctions and prohibition in the Qur’ān, ‫ّللا‬ ِ َّ ‫ص ِّدعا مِنْ َخ ْش َي ِة‬ َ ‫آن َعلَى َج َبل لَ َرأَ ْي َت ُه َخاشِ عا ُم َت‬ َ ْ‫لَ ْو أَ ْن َز ْل َنا َه َذا ْالقُر‬ َ َ ‫َوت ِْل‬ )21:‫الحشر‬21( ‫ُون‬ َ ‫اس لَ َعلَّ ُه ْم َي َت َف َّكر‬ ِ ‫ك ْاأل ْم َثا ُل َنضْ ِر ُب َها لِل َّن‬ Had We send down this Qur’ān on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rent asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect.(Q. 59:21) [TO BE CONTINUED] (CIVIC, 17.01.14) Bibliography: Von Denffer, Ahmad. ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān. Kuala Lumpur: A.S. Nordeen, 1991 ‫المكتبة الشاملة‬ ‫تفسير الطبري‬ http://vb.tafsir.net/tafsir35685 http://askaquestionto.us/question-answer/revealedbook/howmany-verses-ayahs-are-there-in-the-quran

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