How to make money on pinterest by brian f jefferson

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Table of Content Introduction Chapter 1 – Introduction to Pinterest Chapter 2 – How to use Pinterest? Chapter 3 – Pinterest Business Account Chapter 4 – Ways to make money on Pinterest Chapter 5 – Ways to promote your business on Pinterest Chapter 6 – How to advertise on Pinterest Chapter 7 – Other uses of Pinterest Chapter 8 – Myths and More about Pinterest Conclusion

Introduction Pinterest has always been in use for posting pictures and videos and pinning them to their boards but not anymore. People have started realizing that there is more to Pinterest than just a photo sharing app. These days’ people are earning a lot of money solely on Pinterest. Can you imagine? If not, then you must. What makes Pinterest good for the business? The fact that its getting popular day by day. It’s one of the most popular social media platform hence has a lot of users doing different stuff on it. You can always make money on Pinterest in a lot of different ways. If you are already running a business, then Pinterest is the best site to advertise your business. Pinterest not only lets you get in contact with your audience but also with other people running their business over there. You can make your followers there and also build friendly relations with other people in the business. These both can be very benefiting on two different levels. Pinterest not only lets you advertise your business but also helps you keep up with the trend. You always get to know what’s in and how it can effect what you are selling. Not to forget that to do all of this first you will need to know some basic things like what is Pinterest and how to make your own business profile. Well don’t worry we will let you know all in this book. Following book will answer all of your queries. Good luck reading it. Happy reading! Enjoy!

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Pinterest Before getting to know how you can make money on Pinterest let’s start with some basics. So the people who do not know about it already would know what it is. Basically Pinterest is a social media platform which provides the users with the opportunity to create share and discover new interests by pinning as in posting videos and images to the pinboards of themselves and others. The images can be uploaded by people from their PCs or can be pinned down from the pictures they find online by using the Pin it buttons, Pinterest BookMarklet or just web address (URL).

In other words, Pinterest is a platform of social media where you can share and organize images you find attractive and interesting online. You share pictures that inspire you and the pictures you love. When you share these pictures on Pinterest these pictures become pins and are called by this name. Users can put these images on customized themed Boards. The users are able to make Boards for any topic they like, any topic from cars to cats, and from cats driving the cars. The options are endless. Why does it matter? If you are running a business that relies big time on managing a great bulk of website traffic to make your sales bigger then you should definitely join Pinterest. According to comScore, people spend more money on Pinterest stuff then the stuff on any other social media platform. This mean Pinterest is the best site for business. Pinterest Terminology and their meaning Before using certain social media website, you should know about its common terminologies and

what do they mean. This will help you big time in using the social media platform. So before using Pinterest for business you need to know its terminologies and their meanings. Most of the terms that are used in Pinterest most commonly are also used in other social media platform but obviously there are few exceptions too. So here are some common terms of Pinterest and their meaning: Boards: Boards are the cork boards basically. Boards are the places where you can upload the articles and pictures you like to share on your Pinterest page. You will notice that these boards are very much similar to what Facebook timeline is. The only different is that in Pinterest the posts are organized in a grid form. This makes the posts more attractive for the readers. Pins: You can think of the pins as your visual bookmarks, where you are able to upload everything you love. The things you post, or your uploads are your pins. Like on other social media platforms you say you uploaded or posted a photo, here you say you pinned a photo, a video or anything else. Just like you post things on your Facebook timeline, here you pin the posts on your board. The only difference between a post and a pin is that pin looks bigger visually than a post. Repins: If you have used twitter, then you can compare the repins with the retweets. They are just like the retweets in Twitter. Just like in twitter retweets mean posting the tweets of others again, repins means pinning the pins of others again. This means that you are appreciating what others are posting, or the means of appreciating the posts of others. This is also used to save the information you think is important for you. If you want to build a great audience, repins will do it for you. This will also connect you with other users on Pinterest. Comments: Comments are used by you on your Pinterest account for the purpose of giving feedback or give an opinion on a certain pin. These are much similar to the ones on Facebook and twitter but the comments on Pinterest are not very much pervasive. Likes: This is just like the ‘like’ button on Facebook. On Pinterest it is more useful though as you can always like something you find attractive or important and look at it afterwards without posting it on your board.

Chapter 2 – How to use Pinterest? If you are interested to work on Pinterest, you need to know how to use it. If you are someone who is not on Pinterest yet, then this chapter is a little guide for you which will let you know all you need to know about using Pinterest like a pro. Before getting to the business point you need to know about it first. Following steps are the easy steps that will let you set up your own account and will let you know how you can use it.

1. Join Pinterest: Go to Click on the ‘Join Pinterest’ button. There will be three options; you can choose any option you want. These include joining Pinterest using Facebook or twitter or you can sign up with your email address. If you choose any of the first two options then it will ask you to allow it to use your information from Facebook or twitter like basic info, birthday, email address, likes etc. This will let Facebook or twitter to post your Pinterest activity on your behalf but you can always make the changes and let it not to post your pins whenever you feel like. This will automatically import your display picture and now you will have to make your username and password. There will be two boxes then which will say Follow recommended friends and publish activity to your Facebook or twitter timeline. You can check or uncheck both. If you do not like these options, you can sign up using your email address. In this they will ask you few questions, you will have to answer them, then you will upload your picture and proceed. 2. Follow Boards After setting up your account then comes the step to fill your feed with the boards you like. At first Pinterest will make it easy for you by suggesting you some boards itself. Select the one you are interested in, select at least five to continue. These are just for the purpose of you to get you going.

After you start using Pinterest you can always find the better ones and follow them. Just know that every account is following a lot of boards so if you are going to follow an account you will follow all its boards and that is whole lots of boards. You can follow or unfollow the specific boards from a certain account though. 3. Verify the Pinterest account After selecting the boards, the next step is to verify your account. You will get an email for the confirmation. After the verification, you will see your home feed. Home feed has the pins of account you are following. 4. Manage settings After this it’s time to manage your settings. Go to the drop down menu in the upper right corner right beside your picture. Click settings. This will let you update your basic info, connect to Twitter or Facebook or opt for stop getting email notifications. 5. Create Boards To organize and collect items you like, you need to make your own board. To do so go to your boards and then click on Create a Board. It will ask you to give a name to your Board, add description to it and categorize it. After creating one, you can pin the things you like to it. You can make a secret one too. Only you can see all the pins of this board and the users you invite to it. 6. Pinning Now the next step after all this is to get pinning. You can read or see the pins of people you are following on your home feed. You can also search for the pins you want by clicking on the option next to the search bar. You can find pins, boards or users by entering the key words in the search bar. If you want to pin a post all you need to do is go on it and click red button which says Pin It. Its present on the upper left hand corner. It will ask you to put it in one of your board. It will also ask for a description. If you will click anywhere else on the picture it will enlarge it. There will come a time when you will want all the pictures on the web to have pin it button not only the ones on Pinterest. You can upload your own pins too. As in if you want to upload a picture of something of your own, go to Your Pins option and click on the button with a plus sign which says Add a Pin. From this option you can upload your own picture, put it on one of your boards and add its description. Other will have the option of repining your image then. 7. Socialize Now you are officially a user of Pinterest. Now it’s time for you to make some friends on it. Follow boards of other people and make your own boards so people get attracted towards yours too. Like pins of others and get friendly with them. Comment on their pins too. This will make the interaction stronger.

Chapter 3 – Pinterest Business Account Before starting to learn about making money with Pinterest you need to know about Pinterest Business accounts facility which is now provided by Pinterest to the people with businesses. It’s high time that people should stop looking at Pinterest just for fashion and food. There is more to Pinterest than this and that is business. Pinterest I becoming really important part of the marketing strategy. In this chapter we will let you know what you need to do to set up your own Pinterest business account.

Difference between a simple and a business account Business and the personal account both appear to be same though but there are few differences between both of them that you should know. 1. The first thing that changed after the revelation of business accounts is the TOS (terms of service) for the accounts, the personal and the business one. They formulated the new terms of service. The main difference between both the accounts is this one which is the change of terms of service. Now the terms of service say that users who want to use their accounts for business purposes should make the business account and use it for the purpose. They should agree to the terms of service of business account. 2. In personal account you have to write your first and the last name. This is not applicable to the business accounts. You can now put your business name as it is for your business account.

3. Pinterest is making addition of educational materials on its business site for the people with business to learn how they can market themselves. This is a big revelation and is a very helpful one. The tutorial it shows has the content based on how people with business can tell their story with the help of their profile, build public through partnership, attract customers by making the products of the brand discoverable on Pinterest and learn how other users will see their product or brand on Pinterest. 4. Business people will be glad to know that Pinterest offers special features for the businesses which can help them expand the reach of their brand and understand their audience on Pinterest. People with business profile get updates about these features whenever a new feature comes up.

Setting up your Pinterest business account Now we will let you know how to set up your own business account in few simple steps. Follow the following steps to make your own business profile: Step #1: Go to the web address This will take you to the page where you can start signing up for business profile. Remember this is not the sign up for the regular profile. Step #2: Click on the button that says Join as a business. After that it will ask you to put in your information. Put your appropriate information in it. When it will give you an option to select the type of your business, go for the type Online Marketplace if you are planning to sale on amazon. After this click on the button Create account. Step #3: The third step is to choose any 5 categories that match with your brand. After selecting these, it will show you your Pinterest feed. Step #4: Now it’s time to make up your profile page. For this you will have to click on the push pin on the right upper corner of the page and go to my profile. Step #5: At the next page click on the option edit profile that will be present on the top right corner. Step #6: Enter the information about your business in the edit profile box. There are few tips for putting your information it:

Us your company’s logo as your profile picture. Edit it to fit in the circle of the display picture space. Make your username as close to your brand’s name as you can. If it is already in use, then add numbers or some letters in the end of the username. Keep your About You brief and make use of key words for your brand. After entering your website, confirm it by clicking on confirm website option. This will help you make your website better and notify you if someone else uses it. After putting in all the info don’t forget to click on save. Step #7: Now it’s time to make boards of your own. Pinterest is like a scrapbook which is visual and has all the things you like. It’s like a filing system. To create your own board what you need to do is to click on the option create board. Put the name of the board and add its description and select a category for it. Step #8: Now it’s time to pin items to the board you created for yourself. When you put a name of certain item in the search bar, a lot of items related to it will be shown to you. Choose the one you like and it will make pins to appear on your page. Step #9: After all this go to the section of your business profile which is the advertisement section. To reach this you need to click on the ads that appear on top left corner of your page, after this click on the Overview. After going to Promoted pins page, click on Join the waitlist and start entering your info. Pinterest will send you an email of approval when the process will be done. This is how you set up a business profile of your own on Pinterest.

Chapter 4 – Ways to make money on Pinterest Only if you are living your life under a rock for the last so many years, then you must not know how popular Pinterest is becoming and it is now the best social media platform which is known as the virtual pin Board platform. But if you are not living under a rock you must know how rapidly its popularity is increasing day by day and this popularity is the reason its users are increasing drastically with time.

What you might not know is that the entrepreneurs and the bloggers are cashing their Pinterest profiles. You cannot simply ignore this social media platform with having more than 100 million users. Don’t worry you can be one of those people too who are earning money through Pinterest. Following are the most popular ways in which you can earn money from this social media platform in few days. 1. Market a physical product you sell Does your brand sell a physical product? Then this is the best platform to market that product. All you need to do is take high quality pictures of the process of production of that product, the final product and the product which is being used. You can also tell your customers to send you the pictures of your product they are using anywhere. Upload all of these pictures on Pinterest with the link of sales page of the product. When people will like, comment or repin your pins your sales will increase. 2. Selling something digital Digital products are very in these days. A lot of people are selling digital products like online

courses, ebooks, and income selling printables and digital files and earning a lot of money through this sale. Pinterest is the best platform if you want to market any of your digital products. You can also do video marketing for this in your pins. 3. Offering services If you are running a business which is service based, then the best platform to connect with your clients is Pinterest. Use Pinterest for showing your portfolios, testimonials, motivational quotes and even the tools or tips people can use. Make them realize what they get if they work with you. 4. Asking for sponsors Find something you enjoy. Build some audience on the platform of Pinterest. Share the content that keeps your audience engaged. Once a lot of people are following you and are engaged with you, it’s time to ask people for sponsors. These people will pay you to get to your audience. 5. Be an Affiliate There are a lot of people with their own business who offer their customers to become an affiliate. What is an affiliate? It’s someone who uses their brand or product and then promotes it. What they get in return is some money every time someone buys their product through them. You can post pictures of yourself using the product with the link where people can go and order that product. Pinterest started allowing affiliate links recently so congrats. 6. Growing your list If you have been running a business for a quite long now, then you must have heard a lot about this the money is in the list thing. This is very much true. There should be enough number of people who love what you do. It is not a direct way of earning money but it’s a part of it. An important part of it. Use Pinterest for this purpose. 7. Boosting book sales Are you a writer? Do you have your own published book? Do you want to sell it? Are you planning to launch your book? Then this is the best platform for you to get in touch with your future or even current readers. Give them little information about your books, the characters in it or may be small pieces of your writing to attract them towards buying your book. You can also share reviews of your book from the people who have already bought and read it. Let people know how they can buy your book. 8. Learn about your audience If you think your target audience uses Pinterest, then it’s the best opportunity to learn about them. Use this platform to know in what things your target audience is involved in, what problems they are going through? Use all this knowledge for your own benefit when you make your products and when you do marketing. 9. Research on your competitors

It is very smart to research on your competitors through Pinterest. Get to know what they are doing and how they are getting better day by day. 10. Becoming a professional at Pinterest You can become a Pinterest brand manager by helping people how to set their business profiles and help them in using their accounts by offering your services on payment.


5 – Ways to promote your business on Pinterest Are you not marketing on Pinterest yet? Do you think your brand won’t fit? Well that’s not true. Every brand has a story which can be told and the content that is visual can help you do it. Visual marketing is getting popular day by day and it’s the best kind of marketing these days. In this case what can be a better platform for this than Pinterest? Following are some of the ways to promote your business on Pinterest.

1. Create pins that are more than just about your brand Think about who your target audience is and how you can reach them. Make your pins that are totally audience focused. They should be more prevalent than other social media platforms like Facebook. Most of the people love using Pinterest. They might be just wandering around on Pinterest when they have nothing else to do. You can easily get the attention of your audience during their leisure time and when they are browsing for the things they find interesting. But this needs your pins to be completely focused on your target audience. Not every product is appealing to the people. So you have to make your unattractive products attractive to drive the attention of the audience. Be audience focused and target their interests no matter what your product is. 2. Pin in the best category To make the best of your marketing strategy you need to pin your product to the best category. The wrong category will only waste your efforts. Yes, we know that there are a lot of different

categories and it’s hard to choose but it’s really important to choose the best one. It’s not necessary to put your pins in the category that goes best with the kind of pin but to put it in the one that is most likely to be visited by your target audience is important. 3. Promote on your website Promoting your product on Pinterest is as important as promoting your Pinterest on your brand’s website. This can help a lot as a marketing strategy. It is a very good way to encourage your audience to pin your Pinterest post s directly from a button on your website. The more people will pin it, the more exposure you will be getting. It is very benefiting when people promote your brand. It is better than you promoting your own brand. These pins have more importance. Put a button that directs your customers to you Pinterest account and some buttons that will directly take them to the pins of the products. You never know their pins might gain you more followers. 4. Remembers ‘About me’ section of yours Every time you think of promoting your website you will be needing your About Me section for this. This doesn’t include having a link to your website only but also the presence of it at a place where it is easily seen by others and people are able to click it easily. You can also pick a display picture for yourself and something about your business and yourself. This is the best way to show people what your brand is and how your business works. 5. Make interesting Boards and creative too Do not just focus on having interesting pins. It’s not just the pins and posts that matters just like Facebook but what impression the overall profile leaves. Your boards should be exciting and interesting enough for the people to visit them. People who would be visiting your profile should get attracted towards your boards. The main pin or picture that will be representing your board should be very interesting. This should be very appealing. Choose this carefully. Give an amazing description of every board you own. Explain it that what is it about and how it is representing your business. Doesn’t matter if these details are small, they still matter. They make your profile look full and small details make up your profile and make your business stand out. So don’t take them lightly. 6. Relevant You must have seen the same post circulating on Pinterest for years. Just like I see one of the lemon recipes all the time on Pinterest, which sure is delicious. These are the ones who got shared when they first were uploaded due to being relevant. People received it well on the first go. Doesn’t matter what you are pinning, the seasonal pins are the best and they work really well. Even if it has seasonal description it works the best and can do wonders.

Make your pin as relevant as it can get to what’s going on around. The more relevant it is the more likes and comments it will get and the more people will pin it. It calls for a lot of engagement. 7. Use of promoted pins Promoted pins are the best tool. Your pins will stand out as great pins not great ads. Promoted pins are the best because they make a lot of people to see your posts. Not to forget that it’s a paid platform.

Chapter 6 – How to advertise on Pinterest If you have your own business, then Pinterest is the best platform to advertise your business. How you can do it? Here is a small simple guide for you to do it. Just follow the following steps:

1. Sign up for the business account First you will need a business account. We already told you how you can sign up for one. You can change your normal account to the business one too and fill it with new info of your business. 2. Approve from Pinterest for promoted pins After making an account you need an approval for the promoted pins. What most people think of at this point is how long would the approval take? Well the answer is it might take 3 to infinite weeks. I mean it might not get approved ever. If you do not get the approval for a quite long, then ask Pinterest for the advertising application. This will make the process fast. 3. Create pin for the advertising You are only allowed to advertise the pins that are already created on your boards. You cannot make a customized one for the advertisement. You cannot disappear it after the promotion is over. Before advertising a pin, you need to know some ground rules for this set by Pinterest. They might seem too big but in real they are not. Some of the rules you need to know are: You cannot have call for action buttons on your pins. This is not allowed.

You cannot advertise porn, drugs, guns or booze. In the description of the pin you cannot have more than one hashtag. It should be related to your company or business. so make sure you choose the best and the most relevant one. As this is your only chance. 4. Choose the right pin for the advertisement After making the pin to advertise you need to put it in a board. After that you can promote that pin. There are basically two types of Promoted pins, choose the best one for you. Here is something you shouldn’t do, do not choose a pin from some other boards but from one of your own. Choose one from the one you created yourself. Do not choose from the ones from a board group. 5. Choose the best keywords Choose the keywords that the targeted customers must be searching for. Choose these words carefully as people will reach to your pin through these keywords. 6. Choose location, device, language and gender The next thing to do is to choose the characteristics of your targeted audience. You can choose the cities you want to approach, the language of the targeted audience, their device and gender too. The more details you add the amount of searches decreases. 7. Choose the cost per click Now it’s time to choose how much you will want to pay for each click. If the business is small, then choose small CPC. As not a lot of people are advertising here so the competition is kind of low.

Chapter 7 – Other uses of Pinterest By using some small pinches, you can get a lot more from your Pinterest boards than you are already getting. A lot of people just use Pinterest for some specific reasons like gift ideas, wishlists, tutorials, or most of them use the combination of all these. But why you should stop here and limit yourself to this? There is much more than just this to Pinterest.

How to take attention of the visitors immediately who will be visiting your boards? This can be done bymaking the use of Pinterest in a unique way which isn ’ t a very common place. As we all know first impression is the last impression and it lasts really long. This can make all the difference we need in the world. If you have been using Pinterest for the same reasons for so long, its time you should start using it for new different reasons. You will be surprised to know all of the ways you can use Pinterest but still haven’t. You will be pleased. 1. Showcasing Projects Are you an artist? Do you like creating things? Then you can make a lot of noise and do publicity of your art and stuff just by changing the way you are presenting your ideas, creations and projects. How to change the way? Here is how. Make events of everything you create instead of just pinning your creativity every now and then when you make something new. Instead of posting your stuff one by one, post all of them at once in an event, just like it happens in art exhibitions. You can do the same.

This also applies to other stuff than just art. If you own a company, then its product announcements can be made just like this, similar to a small expo. Releasing your products in front of the traditional press is attractive but showcasing it on Pinterest can be a big way for attracting traffic, creating hype and stories that are news worthy. Just make sure that people know you already. If people do not know you then it’s of no use as events of the artists and companies that people do not know about do not draw much of the attention. Either it’s in real life or on Pinterest.

2. Collaboration If you want to see what someone is up to these days, then Pinterest is the best platform for this. It won’t be wrong to say that Pinterest is social media that is built on followers. But have you ever thought of using your board in a collaborative way instead of one directional way? When you make a certain board you can always choose who is allowed to pin on that board. For example, if you make a board for wedding ideas for your own wedding, you can permit your bride’s maids to pin their own ideas in that board. This idea is better than following a lot of different people for the same purpose. Other options for the collaboration are business, advertisement, baby names, event ideas, and more. 3. Collecting options If you are stuck in making a certain decision, then Pinterest can be a big help in that. All you need to do is use board as a poll and tell people to pin their opinions. You will get a lot of different opinions. This can help you in making the decision. People can do that by using the like or the comment options.

This is the best thing for everyone but for the people with companies who already have a lot of following on Pinterest. Let’s say you want to redesign your website, you can pin a lot of different samples on your board and tell your followers to like the one they think is the best. This is better than sending them to some other site for polling. 4. Following Progress People who are working on some project that is long lasting, they can always make the use of option of private boards on Pinterest to follow their progress from the start to end. There are some advantages of that. One day when you will achieve it all, you will be able to look back with the help of this and see all the progress you have made to reach this. If something is wrong or goes missing you can always find it in the posted progress. It is motivating for you. The long process can be overwhelming so when you become tired of things or will want to give up you can look at it and know how much progress you have made. If the board is public, people that follow you can stay updated with it. When people see things happening in front of them they get attached to them and they trust them better. 5. Charity There this trend on Pinterest known as Pin it to Give it. This brought a twist to the idea that was already popular knows as Pin it to win it. The idea behind Pin it to give it is if someone pins something to the board it donates some amount to the charity. This charity can be given to needy people then. This might sound weird but people actually do it and gain a lot of response from this. It’s not only a big advantage as you get a lot of donations but it also builds up a nice rapport of the person doing it in public.

Chapter 8 – Myths and More about Pinterest There are few myths about Pinterest which are absolutely wrong. Let’s have a look on them: Only women can use Pinterest. Pinterest is only for women not men. There are only pins about wedding content and food. Targeted audience doesn’t use Pinterest. Pinterest take up all your time and you cannot spend any time on other social media. What you need to know about Pinterest The fourth largest source of traffic is Pinterest. 21 % of users on Pinterest are men, others are women. It is the fastest growing social network website. If you put something on Pinterest it goes viral 3 times faster than the twitter. Reasons you should use Pinterest for business Here are some of the reasons you should use Pinterest for business, it doesn’t matter what kind of Business it is. It helps covert browsers into buyers. As Pinterest lets you go to the source directly. It drives a lot of traffic more than any other social media. As I told you things go more viral on Pinterest than put on any other social media. As it makes people come back to the website with a simple link. Every pin has a link which takes you back to the source of the pin. This makes it easy to get you inbound links. Just by posting images you can attract a lot of user back to your timeline as in board. Engagements of users are very high. Like it’s huge. People share things on Pinterest a lot. This means this is the best platform for business. The more repins the more people will know about your pins. It combines your account with other social media platforms like twitter and Facebook. You can always know about the recent trends these days. This will help you know what people love these days. Follow the people following you and get to know about their likes and dislikes through their pins. Pinterest updates you with what hot these days. You can always use it in the favor of your business.

Conclusion People who run their business have more opportunities to market their brands now than any time before. Social media platforms like Pinterest have not only made it easy to advertise their business but have also made it cheap to afford. It’s not expensive anymore to advertise your brand. You don’t have to put a big poster beside a road or a TV ad that will cost you a big amount. Now putting your brand’s ad on Pinterest will do. How can we forget that people pay more attention to online browsing than what’s on the posters or what’s going on in a TV ad. Pinterest is very flexible and adaptive. This makes it easy for the people to do visual marketing of their products. We just cannot ignore the fact that it’s getting very popular day by day hence gaining millions of more followers. This makes it the best site to tell people about your brand or services. Now that you know enough about it, I hope it will be easy for you and the people you know to run their business and not to worry about its marketing. The key point is just to enhance your followers by posting stuff that attracts them, else your ad will do. Make your ad as attractive as you can. I hope now you know all about how to make money on Pinterest that it is easy for you to make some. We are sure the book was informative and you enjoyed reading it. Thank you for reading us. Good luck applying in real life.

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