Portofolio Arsitektur & Interior Desain Muhammad Ikhsan Hamiru

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curriculum vitae & architectural portfolio 2011-2015 MUHAMMAD IKHSAN HAMIRU

architectural & interior design portfolio 2011 - 2015 MUHAMMAD IKHSAN HAMIRU


Final Project Studio Architecture Department Hasanuddin University 2015 Mentor: Prof. Dr. Ir. Victor Sampebulu`, M.Eng Dr. Eng. Nasruddin Junus, ST., MT

Integrated Fishing Industries at Paotere Makassar, South Sulawesi | Indonesia

Indonesia has an area of sea up to 3.4 million square meters and was ranked sixth of the country which has the largest sea in the world. Currently the fishery potentials in Indonesia according to the national statistics figures range from 10.9 million tons / year and total production of freshwater fish every year to reach 9.7 million tons / year. Makassar is one of the major cities in Indonesia, and has many important roles in terms of both historical as well as a series of developments in Indonesia. While Paotere itself is an area of traditional fisheries sector which has slum environment. Paotere also have a boat harbor of inter-island cargo ship that Phinisi and Lambo are be used as tourist area of traditional boats. This is a big potential to developed it to be the fishery indutries. Design of integrated fishery industries with all their activities, especially industrial activities, there are three sectors of activity, namely the industrial sector, recreation and support service activities. For the electrical system using independent power sources coming from photovoltaic panels on every building and comes from off-shore wind turbines and turbines in buildings too with a height sufficient to obtain wind energy. Sewage system is also processed independently with their areas for S.T.P (Sewage Treatment Plant) and a sewage treatment use microbiology system because there are wastes of living beings (the remnants of fish).

masterPlan turbin angin lepas pantai support facilities building ship traditional tour area seafood restaurant

sewage treatment plant

sea water desalination center

cargo warehouse fishing cultivation center

fish processing center administrator office hostel of workers

sky bridge parking area

fish marketing center

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

fish processing center

fish marketing center

hostel of workers

administrator office

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

fish cultivation center

support facilities building

cargo warehouse

seafood restaurant

sea water desalination center

administrator office of sewage treatment plant

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

project of 5th Design Studio Architecture Department of Hasanuddin University 2014 Lecturer: Ir. H. Muh. Syavir Latief, M.Si Dr. Eng. Rosady Mulyadi, ST., MT Afifah Harisah, ST., MT., Ph.D

The Akkarena GreenLand (entertain & convention center)

5th Architecture Design Studio is the job lecture which undertaken by students group and the project case is designing the mix-used or superblock .Here I'm as principal in the team that will make the basic concept for solving problems based our observation about the project and get the potential things to be developed and discuss the project case to the team and get the conclusion of macro design and have the unity of architecture each other .There are challenges to composed the various function building in one unity and mutual integrated each other .

The principle of friendly environment and energy efficient enacted in this design of mix used area, namely with making ocean water as a source of fresh water through desalination process because the ground water sources begin dwindling as well as supported by the location of the tread is right on the shores of Tanjung Bunga Makassar city which is very close to the source of the water of the sea. For electric energy sources also use independent sources of energy in the form of the use of photovoltaic panels which applicated on buildings and in structuring the landscape areas as well as the use of offshore wind turbines could be an additional source of energy for the building which is located outside the region.

In the planning there are hotel facility, apartment, office rent, mall, the convention centre and support facilities. Group members are design unit of a building based the planning and i got the parts of mall and the convention centre.

Especially in my design objects, there is a mall, Entertainment Center, and Convention to accomodate the needs of an integrated entertain containers ranging from shopping activities, the activity playground, cinema, music event, expo, and others are purely entertainment. Aspects of circulation and comfort to the user are base key considerations in designing this project task to produce a design that is not only aesthetically but also comfortable and safe for the user.

Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan | Indonesia portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

masterPlan portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/


entertain center


convention center

artificial lake

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Design Concept of Port Revitalization PT. PELINDO IV, Makassar (area gerbang 1) In the development plan of the New Port of Makassar, especially on the activities of loading and unloading need to repair the circulation activities that previously were poorly decomposed into good circulation and does not take a lot of time in the process of loading and unloading. Best circulation plan in the new design is one of the basic concepts in this project. By widening the access entrance (gate) which can be accessed from the main road to be able divide clearly the type of vehicle entering in the port area and also to maximize existing area within the port only to the activities of container because before there are functions of other activities such as area for the tube of silo, a damaged vehicle, police office, etc. Relocating police offices and buildings of Stevedoring to potential area and are integrated with the activities of the port area, while the silo tube was also relocated to an area not far from the harbor area that is prepared for tubes silo. Landscape design also worked optimally to reduce pollution arising from the activities of highway and also the activities in the harbor.

with MIV ARCHITECTS Studio client: PT. PELINDO IV, MAKASSAR design period: 2015 construction: 2016

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portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

d e s I g n c o n c e p t

Re-design of Private House Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan | Indonesia with PT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: Andi Kurniati MB design period: 2013-2014

Based of boredom the client against her house facade, he asked to redesign her house into something new and different from the others, considering the house is located in a residential area of the series that almost all units have the same face. This is something that is quite complicated to redesign an existing item instead of creating something new.

r e d e s I g n

alternatif 1

e x I s t I n g

alternatif 2

alternatif 3

Creating an asymmetrical composition with prominent accents using some alternative material. Railing balconies with frameless tempered glass to give a modern impression at home. The main structure is maintained with some adjustments to the design.

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

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Home & Notary Office Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia with MIV ARCHITECTS Studio client: Abdul Haris Bachtiar design period: 2014 construction: 2015-2017

Footprint shape that tapers to the rear as well as the size of land is the basis for the client to build a house and also serves as the office of the Notary. Initially I recommend to be built two-level floor that is not fully used the land but with consideration of the client's phobia against story building more than 1 floor, so it is designed for one level only while maintaining the existing access openings for sunlight and wind circulation inside the house. There is no public access between the office and home, only access for the owner of the home area to the boardroom office (notary). There are supporting facilities in the office so that employees do not interact with the residents of the house if there is a specific purpose.

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

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portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Private Home Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia with MIV ARCHITECTS Studio client: H. Donny Haju design period: 2015 construction: 2016

Previous dwelling house with 1 floor in residential area series which was dismantled for new built into 2 levels. The client's desire to have their children living with disciplined, so design patterns that reinforce the function of the space to accommodate activities. On the first floor there is a spacious one bedroom which functioned also as a workspace of homeowners as well as the dining room, assembly, and relax with the family. While on the second floor is devoted to the children's room are only used to rest without any activity whatsoever in it because it is provided also a study room, library and a space to worship collectively have high privacy to concentrate. The house design is also strived to maximize access to natural light and wind circulation, the use of skylights tempered glass on the roof that shaded the void in order to provide lighting from above can be spread through the void to all parts of the house and the use of ventilation roaster that are composed in such a way so as to accent its own aesthetic are serves as access to the wind.

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portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Ethnic House Concept of South Sulawesi Wooden House Design Competition|Bali | Indonesia organizer: Rumah Intaran, Bali year: 2014


portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Shaping Healthier Tropical Cities International Architecture Workshop Darwin City | Northern Territory | Australia organizer: AIA (Australian Institute of Architects) year: 2014

Together with selected architectural students across Indonesia in collaboration with architecture students throughout Australia in a design workshop with the theme "Shaping Tropical Healthier Cities". In our design workshop activities guided by three architects from Indonesia and 5 architect from Australia. Cases award is designing the Aboriginal Healing Center that is a healing center with the method of Aboriginal given by doctors and traditional healers in the area. From the architectural aspects, the entire material using natural materials either derived from stone, earth, wood, thatch, etc. are composed into a design where people who are sick while in the healing center that will gradually improve, as well as process therapy is carried out routinely. We were divided into groups where each group is filled by the students of Indonesia and Australia. In the workshop process is all done by free-hand sketch to convey ideas or concepts to solve the case. From the results of the workshop there are several design options to be used as literature in developing a healing center that can be applied in Indonesia and in Darwin, Australia considering the climate of both are tropical and have the availability of natural material.

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Private Home Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara| Indonesia with CV. DIAGONAL CONSULTANT client: Zulkifli Jumadi design period: 2010 - 2011 construction: 2011 - 2013

first design

final design

The design process that originally the home of one floor with a long shape until finally approved to be used with 2 floors. Clients who wish to have a spacious home and big to maximize the view to sea considering the houses that are in hilly areas. The house consists of two segments, first there is a segment which has 3 levels of floors and the second floor has two levels caused contoured land. There are some changes from the initial design to the design that will be built in the field, especially on the facade but for layout plan space in accordance with a design that was created earlier. This happens because of considerations about efficiency costs for the construction by the client.

r e a l I s a s i portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Private Home Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia with MIV ARCHITECTS Studio client: Ali Imran design period: 2015 construction: 2017

Clients who own the land with fairly extreme measure which is 4 m x 28 m eager to build homes and also functions as a mini office for companies engaged in general trading. Decoded with the design concept to separate the two parts of the home space at the bottom that are public and service area. Among both are made atrium void that functioned as a garden and space for the stairs to the 2nd floor, thr room under the stairs used for public bathrooms for user of office so that the circulation of officer do not disturb residents. Open area in the center of the building is also intended to entering the wind circulation and natural lighting considering the narrow house would be difficult to get natural light. Access for natural light is also applied on the 2nd floor in the corridor precisely the connective between spaces by using skylights. Skylight used to enter the reflection of sunlight to be reflected through the ceiling plate and eaves then go through the skylight. So light taken into the room is soft and does not sting like direct sunlight.

lantai 1

lantai 2

rencana atap


portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Hostel Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia with PT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: Government of POLEWALI MANDAR, South Sulawesi design period: 2015-2016 construction: 2017-2018

Private Home Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia with MIV Architects client: Mr. ZET LOGEN design period: 2016 construction: 2016-2017


In interior design projects of Four Points by Sheraton Makassar, we got the parts to work on the design of the bedrooms, swimming pool and fitness room, while other rooms done by other design consultants. Our design concept is take up the South Sulawesi cultural identity and merge with the identity and the vision and mission of the hotel operator that is Four Points by Sheraton which are identical with simple characteristics and cheerful colors. From the cultural aspects of South Sulawesi, we use the carvings or special local motifs are modified to modern impression, for example Toraja carving, Mandar gloves motif, etc. are applied to the rugs texture, ornaments, and others. For the design of furniture, we adjust to the standards that have been given by the hotel operators and do the developments in terms of ergonomics, effective and efficient in furniture design to be produced.

Interior Design of Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Makassar (rooms) Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia with PT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: PT. IMB GROUP design period: 2013 - 2014 construction: 2014-2016

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s u j I u t ne I o r r o o m portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

s u d I e t l e u x r e o o m

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Interior Design of Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Makassar (swimming pool) Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia with PT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: PT. IMB GROUP design period: 2013 - 2014 construction: 2014-2015

Basically, the design of the pool has been planned by architects from PT. IMB Group. To realize the hotel pool is safe and comfortable and in accordance with the standards specified for the pool, we make a more detailed design includes furniture, materials used, the complete components of the pool, and others. Design of furniture consider the value of ergonomics and weather resistance in terms of material of the furniture used. While the selection of flooring materials around the pool using a material whose surface is not so hard and slippery and vertical field in the pool area using natural stone material to support the arrangement of landscaping around the pool that gives the impression of nature and support the natural breeze while seeing the sights of Makassar.


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portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

l o b b y

Interior Design of Cordela Hotel Yogyakarta (Public Area & Meeting Room) Yogyakarta | Indonesia with PT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: PT. ALFALAND design period: 2015-2016 construction: 2016-2017


portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Interior Design of Cordela Hotel Yogyakarta (Public Area & Meeting Room) Yogyakarta | Indonesia with PT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: PT. ALFALAND design period: 2015-2016 construction: 2016-2017

m e e t I n g r o o m

pre function area of meeting room portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

The house previously in redesigning was seems cramped when entered into the spaces within the home. Client needs for the furniture are also quite a lot and have a challenges in itself to finish the interior design.

Interior Design of Private Home

Furniture are designed in a simple and heed function as a storage and utilizing space effectively and efficiently. The white color is dominates for home interiors and interior accent color of the composition comes from the texture of solid wood in other furniture. The use of the white color to give the roomy impression especially boosted by the inclusion of access to natural light into the space.

with PT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: Andi Kurniati MB design period: 2013-2014 finishing: 2015

Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan | Indonesia

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

Renovation of Private Home Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan| Indonesia withPT. DUTA ARYA PRATAMA client: Halil Shihab year: 2014-2015

earlier clients have 2 floor of house and plan to redesign the second floor with the addition of some spaces behind but not convinced of the entry of natural light because the house in a residential unit series are minimal access to natural light into the building. The use of skylights be one of solution at a residential home series to gain maximum access of sunlight and combining the color space by bright and cheerful color to be raised up the mood and give effect to the psychological condition of the occupants to always excited in activities

portofolio arsitektur & desain interior | muhammad ikhsan hamiru | http://www.archilovers.com/muhammad-ikhsan-hamiru/

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