SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS “Empty words and long praises do not impress God. Show Him your faith by your deeds” ― Abdul Sa ar Edhi ―
GO GREEN.......! Crescent “GO GREEN” ini a ve is to make our surroundings pure by plan ng trees and mi ga ng the effect of all emissions. Due to these emissions from different industries, the global temperature is inclining day by day making the earth uninhabitable for our future genera ons. Our Go Green campaign focuses on the responsibility, to provide them with a be er society to live. For this purpose, we have planted more than 18,000 tress in our premises that helps the environment in reducing 390 tons of CO2 emissions on yearly basis. Crescent Tex les (Crestex) is commi ed to improve this number to contribute more and more.
Na onal Tree of Pakistan
Cedrus Deodara (Deodar) is a large evergreen coniferous tree reaching 40–50 m (131–164 ) tall, excep onally 60 m (197 ) with a trunk up to 3 m (10 ) in diameter. It has a conic crown with level branches and drooping branchlet.
About Company Crestex came into existance on Monday, May 01, 1950, as a private limited company and was subsequently converted into a public limited company that is currently listed on all the na onal stock exchanges. It started expor ng all of its products mee ng interna onal standards in 1956.
Vision “To be the preferred choice of customers through innova ve products and solu ons and be a leading contributor to the economy by enhancing value for stakeholders.”
Values Our core values are the heart of our business because they define who we are, how we work, what we believe in, what we stand for, how we act and how we expect to be treated as part of Crestex
Spinning Count Range : NE 10/s ~ 100/s Carded & Combed Type : Ring Spun, MJS, TFO Value Addi on : Compact, Slub, Nep’s, Plain/Contrast, Elas c Yarns & Mul Count Mul Twist. Capacity : • 300 MJS Drums & 102,000 Spindles • 1,600 Spindles for Doubling & Twis ng • Per year capacity = 40 Million kg (Basis 20/1count)
Human Capital : 2100
Weaving Plane weave, Plain/stripe sateen, Poplin, Twill, Flannel, Dobby & Yarn Dyed Yearly Capacity: • 112 Air Jet Looms • Greige - 35 Million Sq Mtr/Yr (60 Picks) • Greige Out Source - 50 Million Sq Mtr/Yr
Human Capital : 360
Processing Yearly Capacity: • Finishing: 30 Million Mtrs • Prin ng: 15 Million Mtrs • Dyeing: 07 Million Mtrs • Bleaching: 08 Million Mtrs Pigment, Reac ve, Burn Out, Puff, Metallic, Pearl, Glow in the Dark.
Human Capital : 320
Home Tex les Semi Automated Opera ons - Fabric Consump on : 25 Million Meters/Year Es mated - Monthly Capacity • Open Line Bedding: 350,000 Pcs • Sheet Set : 75,000 Sets • Duvet Set : 215,000 Sets • Lined Curtains : 45,000 Pairs • Table Linen: 20,000 Pcs • BIAB/Bed Spreads: 50,000 Packs • Ins tu onal Garments 150,000 Pcs
Human Capital : 120
The Pursuit Of Educa on For All The pursuit of educa on is one of the most crucial aspects of life. Educa on is what empowers us. One cannot truly enjoy living without knowing the wonders surrounding us. It gives us the knowledge of world and allows us to experience wonderful colors of life. Crestex recognizes this importance and eagerly contribu ng not only for the well-being of its internal but external stakeholders as well. For this purpose Crestex has been working on different programs including Literacy Program, Worker Health & Safety Programs, Pakistan Skill Development Programs over the past years and financing mul ple educa onal ins tu ons. Educa on is an important aspect that plays a huge role in the modern, industrialized world. Fortunately, more and more people are realizing its importance for be er survival of future genera ons. Therefore, educa on carries greater prominence. Crestex believes that most valuable asset of any company is it’s literate & skillful employees. Crestex is among those companies that recognize employees as their b i g ge st a s s e t s a n d p u t t h e i r development on top agenda to let them deal with futuris c dynamic challenges. In this regard, they have invested more than PKR 8.2 million (in 02 years) on external stakeholders and 8.52 million on its internal stakeholders (in last 10 years).
The internal learning programs include: • Basic Literacy Program • Worker Training Programs • Punjab Skill Development Program • Na onal &Interna onal Training’s
Basic Literacy Program The Basic Literacy Program (BLP) is a program aimed to eradica ng illiteracy among employees of Crestex and enabling them to get a basic level of educa on. BLP provides an opportunity to our illiterate employees to learn, how to read and write.
Crestex strongly believes that encouraging literacy can contribute to economic growth, reduce poverty, reduce crime, and increase civic engagement; and confer personal benefits such as increased self- esteem; confidence and empowerment. The program facilitates 2,600 par cipants on annual basis and eager to increase this number in the future.
Worker Health and Safety Training Program Workplace safety is very important for each and every employee of Crestex because it’s a worker right to work in a safe and protected atmosphere. Health and safety is the area of great concern for Crestex in order to promote the wellness of both employees and employer. It is a duty and moral responsibility of the company to look a er the employees’ protec on. For this purpose, the company has developed different manuals regarding health and safety. It includes, Tools Mechanical Assistance, Stay Alert, Fire Drills, Workplace Environment Risk and Stress, PPEs Awareness Programs. These programs have enabled more than 10,000 employees to get aware of Health & Safety at workplace during the last 03 years. It has also helped in reducing the workplace accidents significantly.
Punjab Skills Development Program (PSDP) PSDP engaged mul ple Voca onal Training Providers to provide technical & voca onal trainings to the residents of Punjab. PSDP has partnered with Crestex to take a tremendous ini a ve for Women Empowerment by providing them intensive training on sewing methodologies, cu ng techniques and machine awareness. More than 100 par cipants get this training each year.
Na onal & Interna onal Training Training is a tool that helps employees to learn specific knowledge or skill to improve performance in their current roles. Crestex appreciates the link between learning and business success and understands that Crestex’s growth depends on the skill level of its employees. The fastest learning and quick adaptability towards changing environments encourage the company to remain compe ve. The company has performed different internal and external training which include Leader In Me (Organized in Malaysia), Six Sigma, 07 habits of highly effec ve people, Care & Growth, Tex le Awareness For Execu ves and many more.
External Educa onal Contribu ons The company has contributed to a variety of ins tu ons including: •The Ci zens Founda on •Chiniot Educa onal Society •Crescent Educa onal Trust •Jamia Mohammdi Sharif Crestex has donated more than Rs. 8.2 Million to said ins tu ons during the last 02 years. In addi on to cash contribu ons, the company also encourage its employees to be a part of volunteer program and officials spent about 560 hours to these structured programs during the last few years.
Health Is Wealth Accidents and mishaps are unforeseen circumstances that can affect individuals as well as groups at any me & any place. Most accidents are preventable, but the carelessness or negligence of the involved individuals leads to major injuries and grievances. Crestex understand the cri cality and importance of this point and has taken mul ple ini a ves to create awareness among the employees to avoid such accidents and to live a healthy balanced life. Accidents and mishaps are unforeseen circumstances that can affect individuals as well as groups at any me & any place. Most accidents are preventable, but the carelessness or negligence of the involved individuals leads to major injuries and grievances. Crestex understand the cri cality and importance of this point and has taken mul ple ini a ves to create awareness among the employees to avoid such accidents and to live a healthy balanced life. • Yoga & Self Defence Sessions • Health & Safety Awareness Sessions • Group Life Insurance • Health insurance & Social Security • Health Checkups & 24/7 Ambulance Service
Yoga & Self Defence Sessions A healthy mind ensures a healthy body; Yoga is a way of living that aims towards this saying. Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; yoga helps promote a balanced development of all the three. In this regard, Crestex has organized yoga sessions for its employees, which helps them to reduce work stress and live a healthy and balanced life. Apart from that Crestex also organizes regular self defence sessions for employees’ and their kids on quarterly basis and more than 50 par cipants have been trained in the said program this year.
Health Awareness Sessions “Preven on is be er than cure”. Taking necessary precau on and awareness is always be er before the disaster strikes. Once the disease starts spreading, the consequences can some mes be troublesome, dangerous and to the extent of life-threatening. Company is very keen to provide its
workforce with all the available and necessary informa on which will keep them informed with the rising challenges regarding health.
Group Life Insurance Crestex provides their employees with Group Life Insurance on permanent disability and/or death of any employee to provide ďŹ nancial assistance to them or their families.
Health Insurance & Social Security Health insurance oers medical and surgical expenses of employees and their families. Company is providing health insurance to more than 300 employees and approx. 4,450 employees are registered in Social Security.
Health Checkups & 24/7 Ambulance Service Company has provided 24/7 Ambulance Service for its employees who need immediate health care a en on due to serious illness or injury at work. Crestex is also maintaining a First Aid Center to address the First Aid needs for its employees.
External Contribu on for Health & Safety Company has donated more than Rs.2.2 Million in the last 02 years in Health and Medicare sector to some reputable organiza ons like An -Tuberculosis Associa on Gojra, H a n d i c a p p e d Faisalabad,Na onal Society of mentally emo onally challenged children, Pa ent Welfare Society, Allied Hospital Faisalabad, Islamia Hospital Chiniot, Kidney Centre Karachi, AzizJehan Begum Trust for Blind Lahore, Chiniot Blood Bank & Dialysis Centre Faisalabad and Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital & Research Centre Lahore. Recently Crestex has also donated Rs. 500,000 in DiamerBhasha Dam Fund.
Because They Also Breathe Trees are our earliest neighbors and best friends. Trees are of tremendous value to us. They provide us oxygen which is a prime source of living. They prevent drought and cause rainfall. They help in checking environmental pollu on like, air pollu on; soil pollu on etc. & trees also are a natural medium to prevent soil erosion. They give us oxygen to breathe in and absorb the carbon dioxide. So, we should promote foresta on. We get resins, natural gums, etc. from the trees. Trees help in maintaining the fer lity of soil. They maintain ecological balance. They help in cleaning environment. Not only trees provide essen al things, they also add to the natural beauty. Unfortunately, trees are being cut indiscriminately. Rapid industrializa on, urbaniza on and popula on growth have contributed to the loss of trees. In this way we have done great loss to ourselves.
To keep our environment clean and healthy, Crestex has planted more than 18,000 trees in its premises in Faisalabad and around 1,000 trees in Ha ar Unit, which are saving approximately 390 tons of CO2 per year. Apart from that the company has plans to plant 10,000 White Kikkar trees in Faisalabad. The company has also installed effluent treatment plant in the premises because they believe that if the water is not treated before discharge it can be harmful not only for the marine life but also for humans. The company treats 70-80 cubic meter of waste-water each day to preserve nature and society as a whole. Also business and opera ons of the company are cer fied for compliance of interna onal standards and regulatory requirements from na onal and interna onal agencies. Crestex has achieved third party cer fica ons through the accredited agencies for following product, services, management and environmental systems standards. ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 OCS-NL GOTS-NL Oeko-Tex 100 Oeko-Tex 100 Oeko-Tex 100 SA 8000 SEDEX SMETA/ETI Eco labelling (SWAN) ECTM SCTM
Quality Management Systems Environment Management Systems Product Standards, Organic Content Standard Product Standards, Global Organic Tex le Standard Product Standards for Yarn, Human Ecology Product Standards for Fabric, Human Ecology Product Standards for Home Tex les, Human Ecology Social Accountability Audit Data Bank for sharing with Customers Code Ethical Trading Ini a ve Environmental, Health and Quality requirements Egyp an Co on Trade Mark Supima Co on Trade Mark
2nd Home to Birds - Crestex Birds, also known as Aves, are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterised by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. Birds live worldwide and range in size from the 5 cm (2 in) bee hummingbird to the 2.75 m (9 ) ostrich. They rank as the world's most numericallysuccessful class of tetrapods, with approximately ten thousand living species, more than half of these being passerines, some mes known as perching birds. Birds have wings which are more or less developed depending on the species; the only known groups without wings are the ex nct moa and elephant birds. Crestex is the 2nd home of birds with more than 10 kind of species including Sparrow, Nigh ngale, Owl, Crow, Parrot & many more.
Our Facili es Crestex believes that their employees are the biggest asset of the company. Crestex in not only focused to provide a conducive and respectable environment but keeps on inves ng on their wellbeing and facili es. In this regard, Crestex has provided variety of facili es that includes Mosques, hygienic subsidized food in staff & workers’ Cafeterias, staff residen al colony, workers’ dormitory with free electricity and gas, staff hostel for bachelors, guest house, execu ve club, 24/7 first aid center & ambulance service, gym, indoor badminton court, football ground, snooker, table tennis, connect room, library, day care center and nursery. This is not the end of list but company provides 300 bicycles, 400 pedestal fans,100 washing machines, 140 sewing machines to their workers every year on easy installments. Crestex also provide financial support on the marriage of sister’s and daughter’s marriage of workers.
Life at Crestex
Mills & Head Office Sargodha Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan. T : +92 41 111 105 105 E :