Sinaloa Training Log 3rd Session - May 27-29, 2011
Mujeres Autosustentables “Self-Sustaining Women� - A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity
Program: Apparel workshops for women from rural and low income communities in Mexico
Sinaloa Third training session for our beneficiaries in Los Mochis and Guasave, Sinaloa. It took place from May 27-29, 2011.
This Training Log is solely a photographic recount of our training sessions. If you would like to learn more details about the grading system and the progress of each participant, send an email to:
Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity
At the beginning of each new training session there is a short period of “show and tell� in which all the beneficiaries share with their peers and the instructor the garments they put together since the last training session as part of their homework. This way the instructor can evaluate and help all the beneficiaries improve in their technique.
Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity.
Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity
Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity.
Mujeres Autosustentables is committed to assisting the beneficiaries in setting up and starting their own businesses by guiding them through the accounting, administration, and marketing processes, as well as helping them access new market venues once they complete their training and perfect their sewing skills. That is why the beneficiaries are fully devoted to each class, patiently learning as much as possible while assisting the instructor in every way they can.
Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity
By the start of the training session the beneficiaries demonstrated that they were capable of assembling high quality pants, skirts, and school jumpers; and throughout the three days of training they were properly taught how to put together dress pants and shirts for men as well as the proper cataloguing and storing techniques for their fashion patterns. Note: The patterns are perhaps the most important tool included in the program, because by learning how to use them properly they will be able to create any type of clothing for any occasion. Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity.
By the end of the third day each beneficiary was able to put together a dress shirt utilizing the skills learned throughout the whole training session. By analyzing and critiquing their garments, the instructor points out the mistakes and ways to improve the piece, valuable information since the beneficiaries will have to put together a new dress shirt and bring it in for the next training session as homework.
Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity
Mujeres Autosustentables
A new model of Social Development centered on Training and Productivity.
Sinaloa Training Log 3rd Session - May 27 - 29 , 2011 This Training Log is solely a photographic recount of our training sessions. If you would like to learn more details about the grading system and the progress of each participant, send an email to:
Mujeres Autosustentables
UnAnuevo new model modelo of Social de Desarrollo Development Social centradocentered en la Capacitaci贸n on Trainingy and la Productividad Productivity