333-News Writer of the Year 2010/2011

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Great Mukilteo

Mukilteo Beacon GARAGE SALE

Saturday April 25 - listings inside Pages 7-9

Your Hometown Newspaper

806 5th Street Mukilteo, WA 98275

Power line cut, waterfront loses power temporarily by

SOC alleges FAA bias; readies for next round of battle


editor @ mukilteobeacon . com


Celebrating diversity...



POWER, page 6 Kindergartener Siddiq Khan blows up the origami balloon he folded at the Japanese booth at Odyssey’s Art and Heritage Fair. For the full story, please see page 6.

Delivering a Pounding…

Beacon photo by Sara Bruestle

Mukilteo loses a friend; Larry Busch remembered for his kindness and strength REBECCA CARR editor @ mukilteobeacon . com by


Photo courtesy of Liz Ferry

Josh Holcomb of Harbour Pointe pitches for the Pounders in their 14-2 victory over the A’s Saturday.


editor @ mukilteobeacon . com

contractor laying sidewalk at Lighthouse Park Monday avoided serious injury when he accidentally drove a metal stake through a 1200-volt power line. Residents of nearby Losvar Condominiums, and waterfront businesses Diamond Knot Brewery and Woody’s Market were without power for several hours; a few residences and businesses in Old Town (including the Beacon) lost power for about a minute. “A worker on our project, while setting forms for some of the concrete work, drove a steel form stake through one of the conduits that run power through the area,” public works director Larry Waters said. While the man wasn’t injured, the accident could have been much worse, Waters said. “Hammering a steel stake into a live high voltage power line can have very negative consequences, one might say deadly consequences,” he said. It’s unclear why the man wasn’t electrocuted, Snohomish County PUD spokesman Neil Neroutsos said Tuesday. “He may not have made full contact with the wire,” he said. “We were surprised it wasn’t a worse situation.” Archeological requirements meant the power lines were installed close to the surface – about six to eight inches


Volume XVIII Number 39 April 21, 2010

arry Busch by all accounts was the best friend, best son and best big brother anyone could hope for – unless you were unfortunate enough to be sitting across from him in a poker game. Even then he’d have your back – but don’t expect any slack at the card table. Busch died Friday morning of complications from the accident in 2006 that paralyzed him, according to sister Teri. “I’m going to miss everything about him,” she said. “We were very close and did a lot of things together.” That would, of course, include always telling her what to do, like a big brother does. “He was a good big brother, probably the best ever,” she said. “He took care of me a lot, both before and after the accident.”

The 2002 Kamiak graduate was nearing the end of his senior year at University of Washington in March of 2006, celebrating spring break with his Zeta Psi fraternity brothers at Flamingo Beach in Costa Rica. Horsing around in the waves, Busch came up from a headfirst tumble floating face down. He would later learn he had shattered his spine at the C-5 level. Lying on the beach awaiting the ambulance, Busch had no feeling or movement from the chest down, yet still had the presence of mind to reassure his fraternity brothers with jokes. “I guess I’ll never be the Dancing Queen now,” he told them wryly. “Larry was a true scholar with a tiny impish side to him,” Kamiak guidance counselor and family friend Alison Mead said. “If there was fun


BUSCH, page 5

ave Our Communities president Don Doran and his group don’t pull any punches in alleging bias by the Federal Aviation Administration, a government agency that is supposed to be objective, that is currently evaluating whether scheduled passenger air service would have a negative impact on the surrounding community. “We strongly believe this process was not on the up and up,” he told Mukilteo City Council Monday. Evidence in the form of e-mails and phone conversations turned up in January that suggests both Paine Field officials and FAA representatives were working toward a desired outcome. SOC uncovered that information through the Freedom of Information Act. Even as FAA reviews the 900-plus comments – 2,000 pages worth – of public input on its recent Environmental Analysis, SOC continues to encourage Paine Field Airport becoming a center of aerospace significance. This is a strategy that would hopefully discourage scheduled passenger air traffic while recruiting companies that bring higher wage technical jobs to Mukilteo and the surrounding community. “I am thrilled,” Doran said of the voluminous public input. “Gosh, even if you’re for it, tell them – the best decision-making comes from knowing all sides.” Doran painted a dire picture at Monday’s meeting of what could happen should Horizon and Allegiant airlines set up business at Paine Field and ramp up to full capacity. Allegiant’s numbers only go out five years, but project as much as a 400-percent increase in that time period, Doran said, and it’s reasonable to expect Horizon will have the same success. “They don’t go out further than five years, but you’d either believe they hit the ceiling then, or will continue to expand,” he said. At some point, the airport will cross a line where demand for runway space exceeds capacity, he cautioned. “Either Boeing or the airlines will need to go legal at that point,” he said. Doran cited a one-runway airport in California (Paine Field has three runways but only one large enough to accommodate either commercial passenger flights, or Boeing’s ongoing test flights of new aircraft),that he said is operating at capacity. There, he said, flights leave every 2 ½ minutes, for 16 hours each day. “Very bad things will happen to your neighborhood if planes are taking off every 2 ½ minutes,” he said. “Sure, it will take a long time to get to that point, but things are changing.” It would be onerous to have that in


SOC, page 16

16 - Mukilteo Beacon

April 21, 2010


WORSHIP Interfaith families welcome here RON GREEN, president & GLEN PICKUS, youth education committee chairperson, Temple Beth Or by

by Ron Green, President and Glen Pickus, Youth Education Committee Chairperson, Temple Beth Or While Temple Beth Or members believe our synagogue is special and unique, admittedly there is one area where we are a lot like other Reform synagogues in the country. Many of our member families are interfaith. That is, only one of the parents is Jewish. In fact, more than half of our families include a non-Jewish spouse or partner. There are all kinds of interfaith couples and Temple Beth Or’s membership includes most types. These include couples where the non‐Jewish partner maintains his/her religion of birth; the non‐Jewish partner has converted and is now Jewish; the non‐Jewish partner no longer follows his/her religion of birth and has not converted; both partners were not raised Jewish and one or both have converted. It is a common occurrence for Temple Beth Or’s Governing Board to include members who are part of an interfaith family. Such is true for the current leadership. Both of the authors of this article are spouses in an interfaith family.

No doubt, future Temple Beth OR presidents will also be part of an interfaith family. The definition of what constitutes a “Jewish family” is evolving. According to the 2000 National Jewish Population Study, half of North American Jews today will enter interfaith relationships. Of this group, one third of them will affiliate with a synagogue and raise their children as Jews. Some say this is a threat to the future of Judaism, but at Temple Beth Or we see it as an opportunity to strengthen our community. We believe non‐Jewish partners demonstrate a primary Jewish value – g’milut chasadim (loving kindness) – by inviting Judaism into their homes and daily lives and accepting their role as partners with all Jews in ensuring our future by raising Jewish children. Reform Jewish outreach focuses on attracting unaffiliated Jews and interfaith couples into our synagogues. In addition to our outreach efforts, Temple Beth Or is adding some Jewish “in-reach” by recognizing the synagogue’s interfaith couples, the unique perspectives they bring, and the many issues with which they struggle. Examples of these include experiencing new and very different religious rituals and explaining to the extended family the decision to raise a Jewish family. The intent of this effort is to make

more visible the special issues our interfaith couples grapple with, so we as a caring and welcoming community can be supportive. One of Ron Green’s presidential goals is to start a dialogue between Temple Beth Or’s interfaith families to allow us to come together and share our struggles and hopes and dreams, both for ourselves and for our children. A number of Temple Beth Or interfaith couples, from founding members to new members, will join together in this effort to support each other. Temple Beth Or’s rabbi, Jessica Marshall, and experts at the Union for Reform Judaism have been asked to provide programming ideas about in‐reach and outreach on interfaith issues. Interfaith families not currently affiliated with Temple Beth Or are invited to participate in this program. To find out more and to receive notification of future events contact the Temple office at 425-259-7125 or office@ templebethor.org and leave your contact information. Those interested in exploring these issues independently will find useful information on the Internet at the Union of Reform Judaism’s outreach page (http://urj.org/cong/outreach/interfaith/), as well as at Interfaith Family. com (www.interfaithfamily.com) and the Jewish Outreach Institute’s web page (www.joi.org).

SOC, from page 1

Beacon photo by Rebecca Carr

Save Our Communities president Don Doran updates Mukilteo City Council on the group’s latest efforts to fight passenger air traffic at Paine Field. The FAA’s ruling of non-significance could spell financial trouble for Snohomish County cities along with the quality of life issues previously raised, he said.

Kamiak Athlete of the Week “Congratulations to Teddi McFall for being selected the Athlete of the Week from Kamiak High School. Teddi is a senior infielder for the Knights’ softball team who currently leads the Knights with a .467 batting average. In a recent game against Shorewood, Teddi helped spark an amazing comeback win by going 3 for 3 at the plate and scoring 2 runs. In addition to her offense, Teddi is a solid defensive player who makes incredible plays from her position at 3rd. Great job, Teddi.

Teddi McFall

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our midst, he told the council. “We have the largest dollar volume exporter in the world right here in Washington state,” he pointed out. FAA’s determination of non-significance could be quite significant to Snohomish County residents, as we’ll be on the hook for needed mitigation, Doran said. In Mukilteo, the intersection of Beverly Park Road and SR-525 is already a mess, Doran said, and passenger air traffic at Paine Field will only exacerbate the situation. Regardless of how much worse it gets, FAA’s ruling of no negative impacts means few or no federal dollars to fix it. Doran said Mukilteo would probably receive no more than $150,000 for the needed maintenance of Beverly Park Road, a drop in the bucket compared to the $5 million price tag. “Unless you have some real whiz-bang financial people on board, I don’t see that working,” he said. The problem isn’t caused by passenger air traffic, Doran acknowledged, but pointed out that it will exacerbate it. “The point is, a lot of miti-

gation will need to occur, and (with an FAA determination of no impact), it will all fall on the shoulders of taxpayers,” he said. Even worse is the area of Highway 99 and 128th Street in unincorporated county – that intersection is already rated an F for its excess capacity and delays, Doran said, and right now the county doesn’t have the money to do anything with it. There is one bright spot, Doran pointed out: wading through the voluminous public input could mean the FAA misses its already-extended June deadline, virtually gutting the summer tourist season. “That could really drill a hole through summer vacation; maybe then Allegiant and Horizon won’t be as motivated in the fall,” he said. Mukilteo mayor Joe Marine and the council praised Doran and SOC for their ongoing efforts. Doran emphasized the need for everyone who opposes scheduled service to work together. “We can’t do this alone,” he said. “We need everybody on board.”

John David Moen, 1925 to 2010

John David Moen passed away April 11 at the Harbour Pointe Retirement and Assistant Living Center in Mukilteo. Born in Mt. Vernon on Valentine’s Day 1925, “Dave,” as he was called by family and friends, served in the Navy as a radar man on board the U.S.S. California during World War II. He attended both WSU (then Washington State College) and the University of Washington, where he completed his graduate degree with honors in business. Moen dedicated his working career to Seattle First National Bank (now Bank of America), serving as a vice president and central regional manager until his retirement. He is survived by his children, Karen Moen Lewing of Montana, Mike Moen of Puyallup, and Jay Moen of Vancouver, Washington, son-in-law Neal Lewing, daughters-in-law Sally Moen and Linda Moen. Dave’s grandchildren include Kristy Moen Dressler, Lindsay Moen, Anna and David Lewing. Moen is also survived by great-granddaughter Kaylee Dressler. He was preceded in death by his sister, Mary Ann Dixon, brother Tom M. Moen, mother Marian Kumlien Moen, father Carl J. Moen, and his wife of 53 years, Cheryl Ann Pierson Moen. A celebration of Dave’s life will take place in the fall with his immediate family. Dave recently enjoyed his 85th birthday with all three of his devoted kids and family, who suggest memorial gifts in his name to: Providence Hospice of Snohomish Co 2731 Wetmore Avenue Ste. 500 Everett, WA 98201

April 28, 2010


Mukilteo Beacon -

Mukilteo man held on child prostitution charge REBECCA CARR

editor @ mukilteobeacon . com

A Mukilteo man is in King County Jail, facing charges of promoting commercial sexual abuse of a minor and first degree promoting prostitution, both felonies, according to King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg. Alexander Dalgardno, 20, is held on $250,000 bail and will be arraigned May 10, King County Prosecutor spokesman Dan Donohoe said Tuesday. Two juveniles, a 16-year-old female and a 17-year-old male, were arraigned Tuesday afternoon and pled not guilty in juvenile court, Donohoe said.

The female also advertised herself as an adult escort, and had explicit talks with Bellevue detectives about prices and what she was willing to do, according to the prosecutor. According to the prosecutor, Dalgardno allegedly committed the acts between March 3 and March 9, and “knowingly advanced and profited from prostitution by compelling (the victim) by threat and force.” The woman contacted Bellevue police on March 9, the prosecutor said, and told officers she had been forced into prostitution by a female and two males. The victim said a female contacted her on a social networking site, offering her a job in hotel hospitality.

Dine out for clean water ow was that nice, clean shower this morning? What about the coffee, tea or juice you enjoyed with breakfast? Did it taste like mud, or make you violently ill? You probably didn’t give a second’s thought to the water that gushed out when you switched on the tap, nor did you question its quality or safety. That’s not the case in Mozambique in Africa, where one in five children die each year of sickness caused by contaminated water, and the

Mukilteo votes to incorporate; elects first mayor and Town Council


ollowing numerous meetings of Mukilteo Improvement Club, deliberations were made with the goal of Mukilteo becoming an incorporated municipality. The club appears to have had widespread input from Mukilteo residents. Christopher O p a l Summit Mukilteo Historical Society McConnell cites many Mukilteo Minute familiar names in the meeting minutes. The club’s projects included restoring Pioneer Cemetery, street repair, street lighting and planning future development of Mukilteo State Park. Before long a petition, signed by some 181 citizens, was circulated calling for a vote on incorporation and the election of the first mayor and town council. The election was scheduled for April 29, 1947. The Everett Herald reported that for Mukilteo’s big day, only 92 voters out of a potential 825 had cast their votes by 1 p.m. They cautioned, however, that “the majority of voters commute and many of them will cast their votes upon returning from work in outside cities.” Incorporation passed. There were three candidates for mayor. were in the running, Residents chose Al Tu-

nem, former superintendent of Stanwood School District, over Fred Lee and Chart Pitt. William Osborne, Richard Taylor, Luke Holtgeerts, Otto Zahler and R.D. McMasters were elected to Town Council. Jack Gribble was elected treasurer and Helen Cotton became the town clerk. Tunem was a scholar. His article on the San Juan Islands Pig War diplomacy is still the standard source on that near-conflict. Sadly, the only photograph of him seems to be a single picture in the Everett Herald from 1951 where he and Cotton are inspecting a street grader, one of the improvements that came to Mukilteo with incorporation. Does anyone out there know of a good portrait of Tunem?


WATER, page 5


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average lifespan is around 40. That’s why Kamiak’s leadership class is partnering with South Everett-Mukilteo Rotary to raise money to build wells in Mozambique, to ensure safe, clean water for thousands of citizens. Want to help? No need to trek to Africa, or to carry giant, heavy buckets of water on your head. Simply work up an appetite, and take family and friends to dine out (or pick up a takeout order) between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Thursday, April 29, at one of seven participating restaurants, and each will donate 10 to 20 percent of its

proceeds during that time to the project. As of press time, The Bite of New York, Amici Bistro, Shake and Go (in Mukilteo), Golden House, John’s Grill, Cactus Jack’s and Sabor A Mexico have signed up. “Cathy Reese came in and talked about all the people there who need help, how much a little will go a long way,” Kamiak senior Shaylin Johnson said of how her class learned of the project. “Everyone in our class just lit up; instantly we knew we were all interested.” Last year, Kamiak and SEMR raised $10,000, enough to build five wells, Johnson said. Of that, around $2,000 came from the dining out night. Johnson hopes to eclipse that total this year. “It’s an indescribable feeling, to know what you did helped save so many lives,” she said. With so many local residents and social organizations in need, Kamiak’s leadership class has focused much of its efforts closer to home this year, Johnson explained, so the dining out night is the main fundraiser for the wells

fingers if she didn’t cooperate,” the Bellevue detective said in his report. The woman told police that the group took photos of her wearing the lingerie, in sexually explicit poses, then uploaded the photos to an escort web site under an adult category, and instructed her how to interact with clients. Over the course of the next few days, she stayed with the group in two different hotels and had sex with men on three separate occasions, in addition to Dalgardno. The suspects kept all of the money, she told police. On March 7, the woman convinced

Myths and Man

REBECCA CARR editor @ mukilteobeacon . com by

The victim said she didn’t know the female, but the female told her they’d met previously through a mutual friend. The two met in a Seattle hotel room, purportedly to discuss the job. During that time, police said, two Russian males entered the hotel room, one of which the victim recognized as the mutual friend. The four drove to Bellevue Square, where the suspects purchased $500 in clothing and lingerie for the victim, then informed her she owed them the money and that she would be working as an escort to pay them back, the police report said. “The group threatened to harm the woman’s family and to break her

Answer: 2) 20


April 28, 2010


Mukilteo Beacon -

HOME & GARDEN Design, plant selection make the most of small space G

arden design was the topic I recently presented to the Mukilteo Way Garden Club. Today, let’s focus on the small garden, by far the most difficult in which to achieve a balance between plant material and hardscape. Careful plant selection can give you the leaf shapes, size and colors that will make the garden interesting all year and even without bloom. Do repeat plantMaster Gardener ings. Use the same & Mukilteo Community four roses in a row to Garden President screen and add color. by Lois Brown You see your plants www.mukilteogarden.org up close in a small garden. Planting multiples allows your eye to rest. Four different roses in a row give a polka-dot effect.

PROSTITUTION, from pg 3 the group her family would report her missing. They let her return to her family, who contacted police. The hotel rooms were booked in Dalgardno’s name, police said. Dalgardno is a registered sex offender who served prison time for two counts of child rape and one count of child molestation. He at first told police he had no knowledge of the prostitution; he’d just rented the rooms for his friends because they were underage. According to Satterberg’s report, Dalgardno had several sexually explicit photos of the victim and of underage children on his camera phone and on several other cameras. He also reportedly manages the escort web site on which he uploaded the photos. The Bellevue detective said that Dalgardno knew his 16year-old accomplice was underage when he had sex with her and when he took explicit photos of her and posted them on his web site. The suspects told Bellevue police that the woman was a willing participant, both with him and as an adult escort, and Dalgardno claimed the group didn’t owe her any money because she owed them for food, rent, and the clothing they bought her.

Use lattice, hang old windows, or build fences or arbors to create rooms. Make space for storage of tools and materials. Consider a relaxation or conversation area. Often a dining table and chairs are the focal point. Use open, airy see-through furniture to visually enlarge the space. Look beyond your borders to the neighborhood. Block with plantings or screens any unwanted views. Borrow space, trees and vistas from your neighbors that enhance the enjoyment of your garden. Last, but not least, add scented plants and the sound of water for feeling of well-being. Lois Brown is a Washington State University trained Master Gardener of Snohomish County. She is retired from her Garden Coach design business. She is currently co-chair of the Mukilteo Community Garden.

Plant of the month: Ceanothus or wild lilac. The Sunset Western Garden Book lists more than 30 different plants. Ranging from 18 inches tall to higher than 10 feet, this evergreen shrub with small, glossy leaves celebrates spring with vivid blue/purple color blooms of Dark Star that are striking right now. Dan Hinkley has a number of these in his new garden. Ceanothus need good drainage and

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little water, except when first planted. You can prune to control size and shape. Victoria can be pruned in a flat fan shape to give an evergreen backdrop to a border in a small garden. Avoid cutting off branches hat are more than an inch in diameter. You can also control plant growth by pinching back shoot tips during the growing season.

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We want to know what YOU think. E-mail letters to editor@mukilteobeacon.com

Mukilteo Beacon 806 5th Street Mukilteo, WA 98275

Your Hometown Newspaper Mid-day fire devastates Mukilteo home...

Volume XVIII Number 44 May 26, 2010

Annexation efforts ramp up – again by


editor @ mukilteobeacon . com


Beacon photos by Pat Ratliff and Paul Archipley

Firefighters pour on water Monday while beating down a blaze on the 900 block of 10th Street. Cause of the fire, which appeared to start in the garage, top, is under investigation. For the story, see page 15.

Eyman initiative targets traffic cameras REBECCA CARR editor @ mukilteobeacon . com by


ayor Joe Marine and Mukilteo’s initiative guru Tim Eyman are in consensus on one issue – the traffic cameras Mukilteo City Council approved last week on a one-year trial basis are a revenue generator. Where the two men part ways is the safety aspect. Marine said the cameras make the city’s roads safer, particularly when a camera can capture a red light runner rather than a police officer running that same red light in hot pursuit, putting him or her at risk as well as other motorists. Eyman, however, contends the cameras make the roads less safe and, for Mukilteo’s relatively polite bedroom community, they’re “rude.” “They’re treating citizens like ATMs,” he said. “I think it’s a horrible thing when government doesn’t view citizens as allies, as fellow citizens.” Marine said the decision was primarily about safety, but said the revenue generation is a positive as well. “If we can put that revenue (and the police officers who would otherwise be assigned to traffic trouble spots) elsewhere in public safety, that’s a good thing,” he said. “Domestic violence, crime – those things you need officers for, and any money collected from the cameras goes right back into public safety, putting our officers where we really need them.” Monday, standing in council chambers where the vote took place,

Eyman officially launched Mukilteo Initiative 2, which, if approved, would prohibit the city from using camera surveillance to impose fines unless two thirds of the council and two thirds of voters approve. It would limit fines, repeal Ordinance 1246 that allowed the machines, and mandate an advisory vote. “Last week’s Beacon said it all,” Eyman said, pointing to the headline. “Lights, camera, tickets.” Eyman’s focus has been on statewide initiatives up until now. “Given what Mukilteo has done in my own backyard, my own hometown, this is a good approach to show exactly how much citizens are against this,” he said. Based on last year’s general election turnout, Eyman must gather 1,804 valid signatures to put Initiative 2 on the Aug. 17 ballot. He offered his petition to city staffers in the room, but (not surprisingly) got no takers. However, a young man who said he was there because he’d seen the press conference notice on Facebook and “had nothing better to do,” signed. Eyman is working closely with Nick Sherwood, co-founder of BanCams. com, an organization that believes the cameras are about revenue, not safety, and Alex Rion of Campaign For Liberty, an organization that promotes personal freedom and other issues. “I’m excited to work with Tim and Alex to right this wrong,” Sherwood said. “We feel automated ticket machines are unhealthy for the community.

“They work as a tool for politicians to pick the pockets of citizens. They provide a profit incentive to ticketing people.” Cities could do engineering studies and make a more thoughtful and


CAMERAS, page 16

hey attend our schools, shop in our stores, eat in our restaurants and play sports with our kids. Now they’d like to be officially a part of our city, including Mukilteo Police responding to their crime reports. Annexation is heating up again, and several residents in the target area showed up Monday to tell Mukilteo City Council they still want in. They spoke of two- and three-hour waits after calling 911 (for police service) and no one answering the nonemergency lines during the day. Vicki Derks said her home and several others were burglarized Dec. 28. Despite Sheriff ’s deputies having the suspect’s name, address, vehicle description and license plate number, and residents picking her out of a photo lineup, the woman was still not in custody weeks later, Derks said. The Sheriff ’s department did not respond to requests for comments by press time. All residents in the potential annexation area who spoke up were in favor, with the exception of Diane Navicky, who said her only concern is senior housing, specifically the manufactured home park she and 300 other seniors call home. The only Mukilteo resident who spoke, Charlie Pancerzewski, strongly opposed annexation and criticized councilmembers for canceling a scheduled advisory vote last fall. While current residents cannot



Beacon photo by Rebecca Carr

Nick Sherwood of BanCams.com (left) shows his group’s opposition to the city’s recently approved traffic cameras, while Tim Eyman explains what inspired his first city-level initiative.

May 26, 2010

ANNEXATION, from page 1


Mukilteo Beacon - 15

legally vote formally, the council had scheduled the informal advisory vote to run alongside the vote by unincorporated area residents. Snohomish County Fire District 1’s union, Local 1997, sued the city last year, saying the Boundary Review Board’s decision to approve annexation wasn’t fair since the voting panel included a former Mukilteo councilmember who had also voted in favor of annexation while on the council. The council canceled the advisory vote, reasoning that the feedback would be outdated by the time the formal poll of potential residents was back on the ballot. However, councilmembers clearly heard current residents’ frustration last year of so little effort being made to keep them in the loop, and said they plan to hold several open houses in coming months, reaching out to Mukilteo as enthusiastically as they did the target area’s residents. Residents in the target annexation area emphasized that FD1 provides quality EMS, but said the district’s union’s priority right now (in opposing annexation) is not public safety. “I have so much respect

for FD1; they saved my husband’s life, and our house,” Lori Home told the council. “But I don’t think their local (union local 1997) has my best interests, my children’s best interest at heart.” Ross Haddow was even harsher, saying the union’s opposition is “totally political.” “Frankly, the way they treated (Marine and city administrator Joe Hannan), they should get rid of the top people in the union,” he said. Local 1997 Vice President Thad Hovis said it would be difficult to comment specifically when no one from his union was present. “It’s nice to hear FD1’s services spoken highly of,” he said. “The reasons for IAFF Local 1997’s and FD1’s objection to Mukilteo’s last attempt at annexation were well documented.” Mukilteo has since ramped up both its police and fire service. While annexation may have been one catalyst, Marine said the higher service levels were in the plans all along and are here to stay regardless of annexation. This time around, proponents in the target area also spoke two phrases dear to many Mukilteans’ hearts – “controlling development” and “opposing passenger air service at Paine Field.” Home criticized the “wild

West” development practices in unincorporated county areas and advised the council to annex now, so it can control what happens. “If you don’t annex soon, the development won’t be attractive to your city once you do,” she said. Mark Fussell said he and his neighbors testified at Paine Field’s public hearing at Kamiak in the spring, and pointed to the sense of camaraderie between current and potential Mukilteo residents. “We all have a stake in this,” he said. “We shop in your businesses, share your roads, and the jets fly over my house just like everyone else’s.” Navicky, speaking on behalf of senior housing manufactured home complex Carriage Club Estates, vowed to oppose annexation rigor-

ously, unless and until Mukilteo City Council can make the same assurance the county did in protecting her home. Many residents are 80 and older, she said, and moving would be a hardship, if not impossible, both physically and financially. Last year the county created a zone for manufactured homes that requires owners of such properties to give tenants at least one year’s notice before having to relocate. Right now, the city’s hands are tied since the property isn’t yet in Mukilteo. However, councilmembers who spoke Monday support protecting the seniors as much as possible under the law – including proactively seeking a benevolent organization to purchase the property.











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Fast-moving blaze destroys home Chuck and Ruthie Lee managed to escape with their lives but not much else Monday when a fire raced through their home on the 900 block of 10th Street. The couple was eating lunch at about 1:30 p.m. when a smoke alarm alerted them to the blaze, which appeared to start in their garage.

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They ran out of the home as neighbors rushed over after seeing smoke billowing out of the garage. Mukilteo firefighters were on the scene within minutes, but by then the smoke had turned into a blazing inferno. Fire crews from Fire District 1, Lynnwood and Everett also helped in the effort. Mukilteo Fire Marshal

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Jim Thomas said Tuesday that investigators were still trying to determine the cause of the fire, and had not yet determined whether the home was a total loss. It appeared so to onlookers, but either way, the Lees sounded ready to rebuild. “Crying doesn’t help,” Chuck Lee said. “You’ve just got to get to work rebuilding.”

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- Mukilteo Beacon

August 4, 2010


Voters to decide EMS again, this time for good by


rebecca @ mukilteobeacon . com


Photo courtesy of Brett Johnson, USRowing

Kamiak grad Ashley Kroll, of Edmonds, and Felice Mueller, of Cleveland, race in a pair heat at the Under23 Rowing World Championships in Brest, Belarus on Saturday.

Kamiak grad wins gold in rowing in World Championships SARA BRUESTLE editor @ mukilteobeacon . com by


shley Kroll still gets goose bumps when she thinks of the gold medal she won in rowing at the Under-23 World Championships. Kroll, a 2006 Kamiak High School grad, won gold for the United States in the women’s pair with rowing partner Felice Mueller, from Cleveland, in the 2010 Under-23 Rowing World Championships on July 24 in Brest, Belarus. “It makes me emotional because it was a struggle,” she said. “For every minute in a race, we do about five and a half hours of training. There’s so much that you put into it for that seven or six min-

utes of racing.” With the victory, Kroll and Mueller beat Romania’s defending champions to be the first U.S. pair to win gold in the Under-23 World Championships – and set a new world record. Kroll and Mueller advanced to the finals on July 22 by placing first in their heat with a time of 7:22.56, the fastest time of any crew in the pair heats. The two trained at the USRowing Under-23 National Team camp for 10 weeks, starting June 1. They qualified for the World Championships at the end of June by winning a pair race at Mercer Lake in Princeton, N.J.

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GOLD, page 8

Battle relived over Paine Field Two iconic World War II fighter planes from the Flying Heritage Collection—the Supermarine Spitfire and the Hawker Hurricane —will return to the sky for a Summer Fly Day at Paine Field. The free event takes place from noon-1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 7, at the Flying Heritage Collection, Paine Field, 3407 109th Street SW, Everett. Free parking is available. The theme of the event is “Battle of Britain Day” since both historic aircraft played a pivotal role in the battle. The Spitfire has often been credited with winning the Battle of Britain, in spite of the fact that the much more numerous Hawker Hurricanes shouldered most of the burden. The basis of the Spitfire was adapted from a seaplane. Its distinctive elliptical wing design increased the fighter plane’s overall maneuverability and decreased drag. Pilots who flew it loved the airplane, calling it “a ballerina in flight.” Because of its simplicity and adaptability, the Hawker Hurricane would serve in every major theater of air warfare in WWII, and destroyed more enemy aircraft than any other fighter in the Battle of Britain. Fly Days are FREE to the public, but do not include admission to the Flying Heritage Collection. FHC admission prices are as follows: Adults $12, Seniors/Military: $10; Youths (6-15): $8; Children (5 and under) are free; Groups (15 or more) are $10 per person. For more information, go to the Flying Heritage Collection Web site at www.flyingheritage.com or call (877) FHC-3404

oter apathy, unusual timing and a cost-saving decision by the county converged to make this year’s EMS levy a challenging decision for the Mukilteo City Council. Facing a complicated situation, the council voted 6-1 to place the measure unchanged on the November ballot, should not enough voters approve it – or even send in their ballots – in August. Richard Emery was the lone ‘no’ vote, saying he prefers a six-year proposal over a permanent one regardless. Alternatively, the council could have decreased the amount, the longevity or both, or voted not to renew the levy at all. Learning from experience –it took three tries to pass the current levy – councilmembers hedged their bets and agreed earlier this year to place the issue on both the Aug. 17 primary ballot, and the Nov. 2 general ballot. Should it pass in August, there is time to remove it from November’s ballot without incurring those costs. Where it gets complicated is that the council must decide the parameters of November’s proposal – due to the county by Aug. 10 – before hearing the final results of the primary, which aren’t official until Aug. 17. One school of thought is, if the voters turn down August’s proposal of 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value, and its permanent status, it doesn’t make sense to ask the same question in November. The council majority, however, felt that the numbers are what they are, and those needs aren’t likely to change in the future. If the measure fails in August, it would more likely be due to not enough voters bothering to mail in their primary ballots than not enough actually supporting the levy, councilmembers reasoned. Complicating it even more is the county’s decision not to mail the voters’ pamphlet in August, instead providing it online only. (Voters will receive the usual hard copy by mail for November’s election.) Tony Tinsley said that revising the measure for the November ballot is essentially setting August’s proposal up for failure, since voters might simply hold out for a smaller package in the general election. “Because the ballots just came out, we’d be telling voters, ‘Hey, vote against this now and get a cheaper (proposal) in November,’” he said. Councilmember Jennifer Gregerson agreed with Tinsley’s point, but also said it might make more sense to repackage it should it have to go back in November. Since the financial needs aren’t likely to change, that compromise would likely be in the longevity, she said. Most councilmembers and Mayor Joe Marine are optimistic it won’t be an issue, however. Marine even braved correcting his “if ” to “when” in referring to August’s positive outcome. Resident Charlie Pancerzewski chided the council for what he calls misrepresenting the current levy amount. While the levy was approved at 35 cents, changes in property values have reduced it to its current 23 cents. The quarterly city newsletter implies the 35-rate voters passed originally is in effect, not the current rate, he said. “Looking at these numbers, we were some of the biggest skeptics going in,” said Kirk Galatas, president of Mukilteo Firefighters’ Local 3482. “But we believe (the current rate) is not going to be sustainable given decreased home values.” Firefighters don’t believe the city will ever get to the point where residents say they no longer need or want to fund EMS, he said. The union would like to see fire service have its own dedicated fund in the future along with EMS, Galatas told the council. Pancerzewki also criticized the proposed annual 5 percent hike in EMS payroll expenses, which he pointed out amounts to a 30-percent increase in six years. That number includes all personnel costs, not just salary, Galatas said, and is not guaranteed. The council also unanimously approved appointing Councilmember Gregerson and residents Sheila Countryman-Bean and David Zunkel to the committee that will write the pro argument for the November ballot, the same trio that wrote the August ballot’s pro argument. And in a bit of stress-saving foresight, city attorney Angela Belbeck recommended a motion – also unanimously approved – that authorizes Marine to withdraw the November measure should the levy pass in August, saving the city that related cost.

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