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Wellness Committee Message from the DC NPHC

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Message from the DC NPHC

Meeting Date: May 26, 2020 Location: Zoom Meeting Attendees: 15 of the 16 Chapters represented 46 people on the Zoom call


*Review of new changes to the DCNPHC By-laws

• 23 Amendment changes in all • 1st change and discussion dealt w/Timely Dues payment. Due by the 2nd Tuesday of Sept. 2020 or pay a 10% late compounded monthly • If dues is not paid for 2 months, chapter would no longer be recognized at the meetings? • Suggestions - not to compound the late fees monthly and to add a reactivation fee for the chapter to be financial with DC NPHC • Need to come up with language for a re-activation fee for dues not paid within a counsel year - Reactivation fee will be $25 fees • Went through each change to get consensus on the recommended changes • Discussed 1st VP Roll • Corresponding Secretary • Treasurer • Member At-Large • Immediate Past President • Parliamentarian • Chaplin • Special Call Meetings • Electronic Meetings - Virtually • Quorum • Executive Board Meeting • Standing Committee • Undergrad Relations • Memorials and Amenities • Budget & Finance • Changes moved and accepted - All Adopted and will be affective July 1st w/the new Administration • All finalized Amendment changes will be sent out to all chapters

Review of current nominations and took nominations from the floor

Below is a list of all nominees to be voted on at the beginning of the June 2020 meeting • Pres - Valerie Robinson (Zeta Phi Beta) and Tara

Wells (Sigma Gamma Rho) • VP - Marvin Burton (Phi Beta Sigma) • 2nd VP - Unique Williams (Alpha Kappa Alpha) and

Arlene King-Berry (Alpha Kappa Alpha) • Rec. Sec - Juanita Morris (Sigma Gamma Rho • Corresponding Sec - Kellee Jamerson (Sigma Gamma

Rho) • Financial Sec. - Shannel Swinton • Treasurer - Lisa Thompson (Zeta Phi Beta) • Member-AT-Large - Zillah Jackson Wesley (Alpha

Kappa Alpha) and Morgan Johnson Massey (Zeta Phi

Beta) • Audit Committee - JR Smith (Phi Beta Sigma)

Ballots will go to all 15 Presidents - Emailed out on June 15th and due back by June 21st

• Only contested positions will be om the ballot. • Winners will be announced at the June meeting

Next Meeting - June 23, 2020 - will also be via Zoom Meeting

Brother Derrick Butts NPHC Committee Chair

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