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Past Presidents The Presidents’ Message

The President’s Message

Greetings Brothers,


Springtime represents new beginnings with the blossom of new flowers, warmer weather and people re-energized. And hopefully the beginning of the end of the global pandemic where we can see the nation and the world blossom again, never forgetting the damage that has been wrought, but taking the steps toward smarter norms.

For us in Mu Lambda this spring brings to us new Brothers who will have completed IMDP.

As we welcome these new Brothers let’s all dedicate ourselves, (younger Brothers and not so young Brothers), to mentoring the new Brothers as they navigate their entry into Alpha Phi Alpha.

I truly believe we all have something to offer these new Brothers and in the process they to us. It would be kind of like that re-energizing that the springtime brings to all.

Brother John “Tony” Wilson, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

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