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Black Professionals in International
Black Professionals in International Affairs
Brother Byron L. Williams, Mu Lambda Fall 2017, Was invited by Black Professionals in International Affairs, a charitable, non-profit membership association founded in 1989 by international educator Barbara C. Patterson and associates to increase the involvement of African Americans and other people of African heritage in international affairs, had an opportunity to speak on Instagram Live as part of their #BPIAChats series. Williams spoke on “Finding Your Niche” by expounding on topics ranging from figuring out adding value to a situation no matter your professional expertise, how to continue learning in your industry by using available resources such as LinkedIn Learning, the power in finding a mentor, and the strong need for more African Americans to be present and supported in foreign policy, especially as it pertains to Eastern Europe where we are not readily seen but where opportunity is great. Please see his chat by following the link below: https://www.linkedin. com/posts/byronlwilliams_black-ininternational-affairs-on-instagram-activity6658072055579316225--ZSW Williams works to constantly create awareness in our community about international opportunities to work and serve because he wholeheartedly believes, like Bro. Ambassador Horace. G. Dawson, we can truly make a significant impact by understanding and shaping how our nation engages the rest of our global partners through policy, trade, and education. Shout out to Bro. Deandre Uwakonye, Rho Phi Lambda of South Africa, Spring 2017, for also being a #BPIAchats guest speaker. Brother Byron L. Williams