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On Saturday March, 18th 2023, at the MAAC District Staff Meeting, Mu Lambda and Beta Chapters were awarded the Charles H Wesley Brotherhood Award! Therefore, we will be representing the MAAC at the Eastern Region Convention next month in Hampton VA. Special thanks to Bro. James Harmon and Bro. Ryan Hall (Beta Chapter President) for their work in leading the charge!
Congratulations goes to Iota Upsilon Lambda (IUL) for being awarded Alumni Chapter for the Year and Dr. Bro Anton Bizzell for his Alumni Brother of the Year Award.
Although, we were not awarded Alumni Chapter/Brother of the Year, our presentations were top notch and we realized some takeaways that will benefit Mu Lambda’s future planning/ programming.
I want to thank all Brothers involved on the Awards committee; however, special thanks goes to Brothers Mikael LaRoche, Jeffrey Taylor, and Samuel Armstrong. Your time and commitment are applauded and appreciated. Thank you.
Bro. Joseph Gibbs, Member at Large