3 minute read


Who or what inspired you to join Alpha Phi Alpha?

When you think back to your initial days of joining the fraternity, what is the word or phrase you would use to best describe the Mu Lambda chapter?


Who is or was your greatest inspiration in the chapter?

When the next edition of the Mu Lambda chapter’s history is written-what will your page say of your legacy or presence in the chapter?


Q1. I was inspired by the hard working and charismatic brothers I met at Howard. There were not many of them on campus, but they were busy, and influential. One, in particular Desmond Dunham, took me under his wing and was super kind and helpful to me.

Q2. Mu Lambda was intimidating. The brothers were much older. It was very business oriented, and it was hard to find a voice, eventhough all my sponsors and recommenders came through the chapter. In retrospect that is a lot less a reflection on Mu Lambda than how I viewed the world. I had to learn to slow things down and find a lane that would allow me to contribute.

Q3 It is definitely Leroy Lowery. He is measured and has a great demeanor. He is always smiling and is the definition of a Brother’s brother!

Q4 I cannot answer that. I think bros, my friends and colleagues are responsible for making those assertions. My job is just to work and do my part. I do not get caught up or preoccupied with who feels what way, or who will say what?

I will like to thank Bro. Desmond Williams for taking the time to respond to these questions. and invite all Mu Lambda initiated Brothers to take a stab at these reflective questions and submit their four answers to the Torch. I look forward to hearing more responses from the brotherhood.

- Bro. M. LaRoche Editor

Federal Donations To Mu Lambda

Brothers, it is that time of year when we begin to think in the spirit of giving and giving thanks. In that spirit, the Mu Lambda Foundation participates in two key funding programs through which federal and District of Columbia employees can share the gift of the giving.

The Combined Federal Campaign - CFC (https://www.opm.gov/combined-federal-campaign) is a resource that allows U.S. government employees to make regular payroll deductions in support of the Mu Lambda Foundation and its charitable and community service programs.

The DC One Fund (https://os.dc.gov/page/dc-one-fund-each-one-give-one) provides an opportunity for employees of the District of Columbia to do the same. All donations through these funds are tax deductible and deducted from your paycheck regularly. What could be an easier or better way to support the programs you care about?

As open season begins for 2023, you may plan your weekly, biweekly, or monthly contributions to the Mu Lambda Foundation by contributing to charity number 66770 in the CFC, and number 9556 in the DC One Fund.

Let’s make 2023 the best year yet for supporting youth and abused women in the DC area. Thank you for your continued support.

Bro. Kent Benjamin

The Mu Lambda Foundation meetings are bi-monthly on the third Thursday of the month.

Next meeting is Thursday, March 10, 2022

Greeting Brothers,

The 2019-2022 fraternal year was dedicated to rediscovering our brotherhood. We serve the community, but we have been neglecting our bond of brotherhood.

Since Tuesday, April 21, 2020, Mu Lambda has hosted the Mu Lambda Literary Society, every week at 7:00 pm. The Mu Lambda Literary Society is a Mu Lambda initiative, where we come together as brothers and discuss the two volume Alpha history book over a period of months. It was facilitated by a different brother each week. Brothers participated via Zoom.

We started with volume 1, chapter 1 of the twenty second printing of the history book and conclude with volume 2, chapter 8. There are twenty chapters in volume 1 and eight chapters in volume 2.

It was totally voluntary. You were not required to purchase the new history book. Brother Robert L. Harris, Jr. our National Historian and author of Volume II has participated in the sessions, and all sessions are chaired by our own Bro. Ryle Bell.

Volume I Lesson

Chapter I The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha

Chapter II The Period of Consolidation

Chapter III The First Steps in Expansion

Chapter IV Local and National Strivings

Chapter V Permanent Foundations

Chapter VI Expansion and Internal Development

Chapter VII The Leaven of Self-Examination

Chapter VIII The War Interlude

Chapter IX A Definite Program

Chapter X The Crowning Years

Chapter XI Advancement in Spite of the Depression

Chapter XII The Widening Social Program

Chapter XIII Education and War

Chapter XIV A Militant Liberalism

Chapter XV The Concept of Progress

Chapter XVI The Golden Anniversary

Chapter XVII Shaping the Future on the Basis of the Past

Chapter XVIII The Continuing Challenge

Chapter XIX New Goals for Old

Chapter XX Social Purpose and Social Action

Volume II Lesson

Chapter I Back to Basics

Chapter II Achieving Tomorrow: An Agenda for the 80’s Chapter III Strengthening Internal Capacity for Greater Service

Chapter IV Facing Our Future with a Future

Chapter V The Alpha Renaissance: Rekindling the Spirit of Leadership and Community Service

Chapter VI Vision 2000: The Light of a New Day

Chapter VII Alpha Attitude: A Forward Step… Into the Future

Chapter VIII A Solid Foundation for the New Era of Alpha

Fraternally, John Wilson,


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Mu Lambda Chapter


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