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Table I.1: Examples of Available Supply-Side Data on Financial Inclusion
3.1 Supply-Side Data
Table I.1 presents a non-exhaustive list of surveys focusing on the supply side of financial services, aggregated mainly by multilateral institutions. Most of the data reported in these surveys comes from central banks and other supervisory bodies that collect data from financial institutions.
Table I.1: Examples of Available Supply-Side Data on Financial Inclusion
Survey name Data providers Africa coverage Focus CGAP Financial Access report Regulators and financial institutions, compiles other World Bank data Most African countries Savings and credit, regulation, physical outreach, SMEs
World Bank Development Indicators - Financial Sector Regulators and financial institutions, compiles other World Bank data Most African countries Health of financial sector and macroeconomic indicators
African Development Bank/ Making Finance Work for Africa partnership World Bank Financial Development and Structure Database IMF Financial Access Survey Regulators and Financial institutions
Regulators and Financial institutions
Regulators and Financial institutions
IMF International Financial Statistics
IMF Financial Stability Indicators World Bank Payment Systems Survey Deposit taking institutions, microfinance institutions, insurance providers, and other financial service providers Regulators and commercial banks Regulators Most African countries Regulatory frameworks and financial system structure
Most African countries Size, efficiency, and stability of banks, nonbanks, capital markets Most African countries Availability of banking services and distribution of physical outlets Most African countries Macroeconomic indicators, consumer prices, exports and imports, GDP, reserves, and more
Most African countries Market development and stability of financial systems
18 African countries (as of 2010) Legal and regulatory frameworks, supervision payment systems development, remittances and transfers
MIX Market

GSMA Mobile Development Intelligence Microfinance organizations 14 African countries (as of 2011)
Number of microfinance borrowers, loan balances, and deposits Mobile network providers 53 African countries Mobile connections and coverage, mobile money, mobile health data
Source: Authors’ compilation from various datasets.