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Figure VIII.3: Distribution of Financial Inclusion-Related Projects Supported by DFIs in Africa, by Beneficiary Type
The interventions of DFIs to promote the financial inclusion agenda in Africa is explored in what follows through three different perspectives, namely at households, financial infrastructure and SMEs levels.
2.1. DFIs Support to Financial Inclusion for Households
DFIs usually have a holistic approach to financial inclusion which involves interventions to address supply and demand side constraints as well as inefficiencies in the enabling environment and financial infrastructure. The considered data show that implementation of financial inclusion projects for households goes beyond the microfinance sector to include mobile banking and payment systems as well as financial literacy and capacity building initiatives. Out of the 305 projects supported by DFIs, 120 projects were aimed at improving financial inclusion in a given country/region without specific targeting (Figure VIII.3). These mainly consisted of projects that provide funding and/or capacity building to MFIs or to projects seeking to: (i) implement diagnostic studies to understand constraints to financial inclusion; (ii) draft country strategies for financial inclusion and regulatory frameworks for microfinance and mobile financial services; (iii) develop mobile financial service deployments; (iv) strengthen the capacity of inclusive finance stakeholders; and (v) offer financial literacy programs. While these projects have a general scope, some of them mention women, youth, and entrepreneurs among targeted segments. Notably, the database shows growing DFIs support to mobile banking and
Figure VIII.3: Distribution of Financial Inclusion-Related Projects Supported by DFIs in Africa, by Beneficiary Type
Private sector/ SMEs Agriculture and rural finance
General/ Households
Source: Donor project database, MFW4A partnership. Note: Sample includes 292 projects.