2010-2011 Yearbook

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2330 Cypress Bowl Lane West Vancouver British Columbia V7S 3H9 604 922 3223 www.mulgrave.com Published in Canada Printed in the USA



Through thick and thin, good times and bad, all the memories we've made, all the parties we've had, I’ll always remember you, my twenty eleven grad.

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Try to pronounce my name. Just try it. te t





Laura Blair Mulgrave has taught me about myself and about the person who I hope to become. To the teachers, thank you so much for everything you have done. You have become a second family to me and I honestly can say I wouldn't have been able to make it through this year without all your support. To LC, AW, SC, KC, Ml, SC, JR, MK. You guys have been

there through everything and I wish the best for all of you. Bobby, I love your socks, the palmtrees, the sandy beaches, the curly fries, zinc, apple cider, kangaroo, Houston, Texas, barrel, jellyfish, G.A.R.G. Calvin Klein. Remember to have some fun. “life is like a box of chocolates.... So pig out”

Hannah Borland I will always carry the relationships and life experiences over my years at Mulgrave with so many amazing friends close to my heart you have shaped my future and shown me the type of person I want to be, that you know I can be. Learn to not regret the past by living in the present and aspiring for the future. Some choices we live not only


once but a thousand times over, remembering them for the rest of our lives. So let us, when we look back, remember the gts of our closely knit grad class and be able to live in those moments again and again, (hug) I love you guys Byeeee (in love) xoxoxo

I see it all as a treasure hunt: words, beauty, wisdom, stories, youth, music, eternity... The rest is just glitter; What I will remember the most from high school Is the constant laughter. Because^^/ithout humour life is borinc^without love, life is hopeless. Without courage, life is hard. So thank you to the people thatkept me

■J Sharmaine Brar Thes# past two years at Mulgrave have gone by so fast and I’ve^enjoyed every rrpment that I’ve spent here. My teacherfe have been amazing and helped me through even the most difficult times which is why I want to thank them for being there. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank all of the amazing people that I am t able to c^ll my friends. I

wouldn’t have been able to make it through these two crazy years in IB without you. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” -Confucius

Cameron Brooks They tell me that life is short. So, it is a good thing to take some time to stop and smell the roses. Just don’t stop and smell a rose that a bee is getting nectar from. That could be painful.

Fiona Brough When I was two, I told my parents "I have two plans, but I don't know what they are so you'll have to guess." That at least hasn't changed in 15 years.

Shannon Caron A general 'THANK YOU to everyone. All the teachers as well as tfte ftfends who were always there. My Partner in Crime, BFFL and BFNMW (aka The AWESOME Fourrrrsome), K&M and the 8 girls, and the guys. You all made this one of fhè bést experiences of my life. Life is shaped by the friends we I

chose and I know I have the best ones. There are too many inside jokes to list but the thought of them will always make me smile. I will miss the Feast of Champions & SHIRTS OFF O’CLOCK!!!!!! We survived IB (together) and now have time to do SO MANY ACTIVITIES!!

Siobhan Carr “The sum of the,square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh joy! Rapture! I got a brain! How can I ever thank you enough?” -Scarecrow, The Wizard of Oz

know and more, but special thanks to all my friends and family for always being there to support and love me along the way.I love you all.

Thahk you Mulgrave for teaching me everything I need to

Louise Chong I love my Mulgs family and my real family so much! Teachers, friends, mom, dad, and the legend - Matt. I love my grad class so much and I wish you all the best in life. The great memories: PPDs, BJs, monopoly times, iced capps, SO o'clock (thanks S!), grad sleepout, bat cave, weekly grad

gossip, Costa Rica, Swaziland, all-nighters, and everything else I have forgotten! I Love my partner in crime, key 3, awesome fourrrrsome, and ten girlies. To future Mulgrave grads: Have fun and study hard. You WILL survive.

Kyra Crookbain Thanks for everything! In particular to the SEALSTER 5000, Mr de Beer and Ms.Collins who were victims to frequent drop bys. As well, to my wonderful famjam and frandz you guys rock.. .and of course to Magoo I love you always! “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Stay Golden Mulgrave


Kieran Cullen We’ve finally graduated! It’s been a long time coming I will always remember the great times with the Awesome Foursome, the B.S’s, S.O O’clocks, LGABs and No Regrets. Many ¡m o^iant life lessons have been iRW ed and great experiences had and I thank my terrific family, friends and teachers for helping Ijnrough

them all. I wish the best to my fellow grads and I know wherever you’re headed it’s going to be great. Through good times and bad times, I wish you all the best of luck! Keep flying high!

Julian Deggan I’m la d that high school, childhood and youth are over now. wJien I hear Dilly Dally or Depeche Mode I’ll think of these times. But I’m excited for the years to come, I know they’ll be more exciting than anything so fa r - I’m stoked for university and for being a naive 20 year old, and also for a happy midlife crisis. I hope that one day I am

very rich and own lots of things and properties; I want to collect cars and houses. It scares me that I have nothing planned out. I’ll really miss everyone and all the fun times, keep in touch!! Julian


Nicholas Dempsey We made it! 12 long years have finally come to an end. To all the teachers and coaches who have taught me over the years I cannot possibly thank-you enough for everything you have done. Grad ’11, thanks for all the great friendships and amazing memories from my first day at the NSWC back in ’99, to our grad ball and

everything in-between. I wish you all the best wherever your life takes you. Keep in touch and see you at the reunion!

Ethan Gaudry-Gardner The slower we move the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become. Conversely, the absolute absence of burden causes man to be lighter than air, to soar into

heights, take leave of the earth and his earthly being, and become only half real, his movements as free as they are insignificant. What then shall we choose? Weight or lightness? Metaphors are dangerous. Metaphors are not to be trifled with.


2008-2011 were the best years Mulgrave ever had, because I was here?. Yoli're welcome. # I'll always remember the bro • *seshes, epic nights, terrible mornings, and great times we •»** had as GRAD 2011! Ilf *1




Every minute of every day, Don't get caught in a memory, 'Cause life won't wait for you" Ozzy Osbourne To Peter (meow): Fear Of The Dark. Our reunion shall be LEGENwait for it...

"Every second you throw away,

Best of luck to all the 2011 graduates!

Elham Hassantash We met every deadline, submitted every project and realized that sleeping is a waste of time. Let’s get our IB Diplomas and never do this again! (I’m being serious, NEVER Again!).

worth going”. So, thanks Grad 2011 for helping me get there! Good Luck! :)

In all seriousness, throughout the past couple of years I learned that “there are no shortcuts to a place

Winnie Huang Grad 2011 I’ll miss you all!! Thanks to my family, friends, and teachers for all your support!<3 Ms.Morgan- I’m not in English SL; Mr.DeBeer-l’m not Glara; Mr.Lawson-it’s A wall not THE wall; Mrs.Willard-Thanks for everything! TTFN!;SW+HZ+RL-Scaring shui mu...BBQ!REE-BELL...hirle LAO GONGIHZ xiao san stay away;JPshark fin soup have you finally 8

found a person who knows a person who hasn’t left?:P Chu gui le!!;GR-E-so-phag-us!;SS-have fun with your perfect rare specimen;CJ-stop towering over me with your handsomeness; MJK-nut You’ll get your Porsche!;MX-you’ll find a girl that will propose to you! “The hardest part is what to leave behind...It's time to let go!” Winnie-the-Pooh

Madison Inman Thinking back 8 years, to when I first frolicked down these halls in my strange new uniform- little did I know I would exchange to Australia, outreach to Swaziland and have some of the best memories and fr ie n d ^ f my life. Thank you teachers^TOJm and dad, friends (especially Ky) and Dax for getting me here, you

Swaziland ngiyakutsandza (I Love you). There is much more I could say, but I have to go take an PPHD. Sala kahle (good bye). Hakunamatata my friends.

w firfi tru ly th p h fis t

Conrad James 13 ytars ago I first entered Mulgrave. Over this time I’ve seen thp school grow almost as fast as me and J have so many memories attached to this school. I have truly enjoyed my years here and the friends I made, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

To my GRADS: it’s time to show the world who we are! To my bro’s: thanks for the bro sesh’s and making my senior years what it was. To the nights I can’t remember, I’m sure they were fun. Let’s make our time in this world count - no regrets.

Daniel Jang All I do is Win! Win! Win! No matter what! - Dashing Shocker/ The hottest Asian under the sun

Bobby Jelveh ‘You know what?! Lion tastes good! Lets go get some more lion!’ We’ve developed a system: to establish a beachhead to aggressively hunt you and your family. And we will come for you and your, your pride, your children.” “How you gonna do that?” “We will construct a series of breathing apparatus with kelp! We will be able to track certain

amounts of oxygen. It’s not gonna be days at a time. An hour? Hour 45? No problem! That’ll give us enough time to figure out where you live, go back to the sea, get more oxygen, and then stalk you. You just lost in your own game. You’re outdone and outmanned........... Did that go the way you thought it was gonna go? .....NOPE.” -The Other Guys

Woo Jin Jeong from grade 10 to until now. Thanks a lot. Also all my dear teachers, I would like to thank you for your tremendous support along the way.

“Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountairf is wnat makes the view from the top so afxhilarating.” Denis Waitley After 2 years of strenuous and ♦ I painful work, we “winners” are ♦*» finally graduating from IB 1 piroçfam Grad 2011, it has been wonderful experience for me

Charlotte Julian I When I first arrived at Mulgrave in Grade 7 , 1really wasn’t happy about missing my grade 7 graduation at my old school. But now, after five years of being at Mulgrave, I realize thgt all the amazing people I have met, the great friendships I have made, and the incredible trips I have gone on are totally worth not

* 1

having that grad, even if I did have to struggle through IB! Surprisingly, I think I will miss you, Mulgrave. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”Forrest Gump.

Jiny Kim lU

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Never thought I would be in grade 12, but here I am! I’m not really ready to move on, but I guess I will have to. I don’t think I will ever be ready, but I know that I will always have to move on. I have no clue what is going to happen, but one thing I know is that I will live a life and I will be nostalgic when I look back. I

High school life? I would rather get back to my life rather than writing about it. There are times to be serious. But some people are too serious. Don’t try too hard in life. Just live it. Advice for everyone: "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" IB Is about going global and what


hope all of you will too. Thanks to you guys, teachers, and my dear family! Hope to see you again someday, somewhere if possible

we are doing is: going global! We going global now! Hey! ALL I DO IS WIN WIN WIN NO MATTER WHAT!

The last few years at this school have always been felt sopiewhat hazy and passive, somewhat like a drfeam. Siting in class after class, listening to lecture after lecture, the sounds of endless conversation has always put me in a composed and tranquil state. Like many of my dreams, they are always calm, peaceful

and enlightening. I hope to preserve these dreams through hazy visions, hazy memories that are forever reminiscent.. .so please don’t wake me up =3

Juliette Levine In three short years at Mulgrave I feel like we’ve become one big family. I can’t imagine what it will be like to not drive to school every morning and see all of your lovely... sleep deprived... faces. With all of this talk of the future everyone seems to think 'Are we ready for the future?’ but really, we need to be thinking 'Is the future ready for US?’ I know after

surviving the IB we will conquer any challenge we tackle and I can’t wait to hear about all the wonderful things you will all accomplish.

Rita Liao Don’t feel nervous because your opinion differs from others. Don’t feel humiliated about your unusual learning habits. Teachers harass you just because they think you are unique. Look at the others. Are they that different from you? Their eyes are full of hopes, just like yours. ’Carpecarpecarpe

diem’ Hear it? It is the legacy of your lives. Seize the day, Grad 2011. Make your lives extraordinary!


Nicole Linaksita "life is too short to wake uP in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat yoU Right, forget aboftt the ones who don't# and believe that , everything haPpens for a * , reason, if you get a chance, •takeit. if it changes your LifE, let it. nobody said that it'd be

easy; they just promised it'd be worth it." - anonymous it's been a Fantastic joUrney, guys. thaNks for tHe memories and hope your future goes weLI. - colE


Jack MacPhail I think that the only words that can describe this year come from Mr. Terry Hoitz “I’m like a peacock you gotta let me fly!!!”

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Tirajeh Mazaheri “Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.” Orrin Hatch As I graduate and move on to the next step in my life, I will never forget all of the memories I have made with my graduating class. Mulgrave has opened up many doors for all of us and together we have achieved everything In our


grasp. I always like to think ‘if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door’, and that’s exactly what we have all learned to do. Let’s show the world what were made of!

Victoria Ong This is where we replace the ending with a beginning. Here’s to the rest of our lives!”


Looking back, I realized that I Viave spent some of the best and worst days of my life at this school, at the end of the,day, ils still hard to say gtfodbye. MX, WH, HZ, R L SW, I wanna say I'm gonna miss you guys a lot but I realized that you guys are probably jiist gonna laugh and say that I must be joking so I'll just leave ft at thatJ CJames dynamic duo still got business to handle, handshake u later in the NBA. piggy: <3 Any yearbook write-up wouldn’t be complete without a couple of


encouraging quotes by famous or not so famous people, so here you go"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." - Thomas Jefferson “We choose to go to the moon (take IB). We choose to go to the moon (take IB) in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” J.F Kennedy “Stay hungry, Stay foolish” Steve Jobs


Glara Rhee A girl who was not able to keep herself awake beyond 8 pm learned to stay up until she saw the sunrise. A girl who couldn’t even sing the Alphabet Song wrote 4000 words of an history extended essay. A girl

who doesn’t even have a kindergarten or elementary graduation certificate is now getting an IB diploma. I guess IB is a joke after all, and the jokes on us?

Julia Rinaldi "Now comes the mystery" -H. Beecher Graduating is like death. We are passing into another phase of our lives and there lies our next mystery. I might not have a plan in the world but that’s what makes life fun.

I cant wait to make my own way in the world and hope that I will have half the support that I had here. Thank you for putting up with my singing, running and all around craziness. Do what you want, Bye. 13

* m i t í Long live the walls we crashed through. All the kingdom lights shined jifet f d me and you I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made" * And bring on all the pretenders One day we will be remembered. -Taylor Swift * Thisfls dedicated to everyone who made such an impact on •

Soraiya Salemohamed


“And will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed! (98 and 3/4 t percent guaranteed!)* KID YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS! So... » be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Alenh O'Shea you're off fo Great Places! » I



Spencer Shields Being schooled at Mulgrave was much like writing this statement: I always found myself coming up a little short.

Gracie Smid The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.» - Unknown With the crew., made it through. Enjoyed the laughs you all brought


me, and have some memories that will last a life time. If any of you are ever in Mexico call me up! :D gracias and hasta la vista amigos

Nathan Stedman I have an intense need to explore this universe theoretically and literally, and I feel like I am on the cusp of arriving at the point in life where I start to do that. For that I am IBtemely excited, and am happy to say that Mulgrave has prepared me well for my

journey, and has made the anticipation of that freedom so much greater. I will of course look back fondly on my time here, with my bros, not with sadness, but with deep nostalgia. All I can say is that I hope you’re not lactose intolerant

Hana Turner High School. Some people describe this time as the “best time of tyour life” and others do just about anything to forget it. Personally, I put myself somewhere in between the good and the bad times. The memory of my first day of Grade 8 at a new school, and then grade 9 when I’m actually

looking forward to returning after summer break. Then there are the times where you begin to notice your flaws and the flaws in those around you. I’d say out of all the experiences these are the worst. Be true to yourself no matter what! All the best in the future grads of 2011.

Julika Volkmann “I had a dream I was eating a giant marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow was gone.” May you all achieve your dreams.

Thank you to my teachers, parents and friends for making this year the best.

Theresa Volkmann Here, I rose to the biggest challenges of my life. Thank you to all the people that have taught me something over the past 18 years! I hope everyone in my class is their own definition of successful. 15

Shirley Wang Good job everyone! I m not going to lie and say “I’ll miss you all so much." Well, maybe just a little*.. Contact me when you become successful, and I know you all will be, because you’re all

55 of your emails bringing me news of your success. After all, we survived IB, didn’t we? Continue being awesome, because life is too short to not be totally awesome all of the time.

INN o i’ + ^*4 t il awesome- So I m not worried. I’ll be waiting for all

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Max Wimmer fl § *4 Ü 1

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“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” - Maya Angelou -

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Good luck in everything you do, and I hope to see you all soon. - Max



IT Amanda Woida These last two years have been unforgettable and the memories we now have will forever be remembered. I’d like to thank everyone at Mulgrave from the supportive teachers to all of my amazing friends. Our grad cardigans were boss, and so was not having to tuck our shirts in. Ms. Morgan’s candy made the day and so did new

Mei Jia Xiong


episodes of Glee. We’ve got a situation. Stay rowdy Mulgrave and remember IB a nerd today, IB your boss tomorrow. You must be the change you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi

Kei Yamamoto It has been one long ride; starting here since grade three, who would have thought that nine years later I would still be here. As time passed, I gradually expanded outwards regardless of the schools location or status. W fw ie r it is a pretentious private school on a mountain, or a local public school I believe it matters not.

I My hat is off to you. The school,^he students, the coaches and teachers alike for giving me the experiences, good or bad to shape me into who I am today. » For the team: Most will fight for life. But we * must also fight for the game. For fighting for the game is Ê

It all comes down to how one makes connections through communications. To my fellow grads, you all did great and were an extraordinary class to be with. It’s finally over. We are free. Fly away now- Fly away now- Fly a'

what will separate the legends from the mediocre. That is the mentality I, and we should strive for. We live and yearn for respect and legacy. Have you left yours?


Han Zhang We went all the way from the bottom to the top, Grads!! Now head into another stage and start from the bottom again, we are going to love it!!! “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” - Ashley Smith

dSuper The grads most reminiscent of Barbie and Ken Amanda & Bobby


The most flirtacious grad • Kieran

The grad most likely to be famous - Aazan

The biggest klutz - Julia

The greatest class clowns Peter & DJ

The most athletic Madi & Norika

The grad who spent the most time sleeping in class - Kei

The grad most likely to rule the world - Andrew

The grad most likely to become a Mulgrave teacher Hana T

The most inseparable grads never seen apart Madi & Kyra

The most artistic - Nicole

The grad most likely to be a billionaire - Nathan

Tw as a balmy summer evening when, dressed to the nine’s, the Grad class of 2011 gathered together for their last hurrah. The girl’s were glamorous in dresses and heels, the boy’s dapper in suits and (bow)ties. Our outfits (and shoes) may have been put in some peril during the hike to the bus, but nonetheless we carried on, determined to enjoy every moment. The Fairmont hosted our official celebration, with fine food, good music, and many a photo to be had. Heartfelt thanks to our peers, our parents, and our teachers were offered. Our class certainly put our own stamp on the event with toasts involving gorgons, and some of our grads took to the stage for a personalized rendition of Don’t Stop Believin’. It goes on and on and on, but for now the Grad Ball has wrapped up one fantastic





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vSf_\ MM

W l 1]

Grade deven

Omar Aguilar Medina

Abdul Ahmadi

Amir Ahmadi Vafa

Armaan Ali

Dina Arafeh

Medya Ashrafi

Eric Bleim

Tenal Bourchier

M.C. de Beer

Bradan Decicco

Brenna Dowling

Jessie Evans

Luke Allard

Yang Ge

Sam Griffiths

Paige Guscott

Mana Habibian

Owen Hann

Adam Hart

Charlie Hart

Dominique Hart

Jeffrey He

Tony Henderson

John Hu

Michaela Hughes

Ali Hussain

Elina Kalamkarova

Katrina Kernaghan

Rebecca Lambert


r a








Lily Liu

Sara Mahmoudi

Kendall McIntyre

Kelsey McLean

Nisia Minicucci

Nicole Moller

Ali Movasaghi

Abrisham Noghrekar

Brian Oh

William Ounjian

Ben Ressideh

Dustin Riley

Alexander Sadler

Nadir Surani

SaĂ­na Taghi Ganji

Andrew Tallos

Angle Travlos

Yongdong Wang

Kyle White

Chris Wilson

Ylmeng Xu

Oscar Tweet

The Grade ITs ventured to Vancouver Island for camp. It was four days of integrated activities with a twist!

"We came home tired but thoroughly enjoyed the trip. It was great to see the provincial capital from a different point of view.."

Yongdong Wang

GRADE 11 GAMP The Grade 11 trip to Victoria was quite different from our regular camp; it took the form of a field trip which connected a variety of subjects. We stayed at the beautiful Shawinigan Lake, and we took a number of day trips to nearby destinations including Sidney and Downtown Victoria. We visited the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre, the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, as well as downtown Victoria for filming with Super 8 Cameras. Each evening, we spent time playing group activities which helped us to bond as a grade. For a Theory of Knowledge connection we got into small groups and were given the task of developing a unique planet with its own language and customs. We presented our ideas in a variety of ways, with no two groups even coming close to being similar. All in all, we are certain that everyone would say they had a fantastic time! Graham Brown and Brenna Dowling


"At camp we learned about sustainability. At the aquarium we looked at animals and learned how they live."

"We were cleaning up the ivy for the plants. The ivy covers the other plants to kill them. So we pulled them to let the other plants live."

MC de Beer

Graham Brown


Grade Ten

Ameeqa AN

Kimia Bahadorani

Mark Bakhet

Florence Belanger Jones

Margaret Berton

Ellie Beveridge

Cara Blair

Teela Brooks

Justin Chan

Adam Chandani

Jason Chang

David Chen

Yi Chu Dai

Nicholas Durrans

Alexandra Earner Goult

Emily Fedusiak

Gloria Feng

Leo Franco Crespo

Christopher French

Christian Frost

Spencer G air

Louis Kim

M elissa Godin

Oliver Kirkwood

Chris G ollner

Andrew G raystone

Niko Keshtkar

Yuta Kikuchl

Feiyi Kuai

Alexander Lee

Nicolas Isla

Charlotte Lee

Grade Ten

Stephanie Porter

Hannah Rose Radford

Emma Rahemtulla

Alia Ridley

Toby Roper

Honor Rozee

Ji Min Seung

Emily Sewell

Jasmine Somani

Amir Tavakolizadeh

Josef Thompson

Tori Timmons

Maddy Turner

Ian Widdows

Yannis Willi

Devon Yip

Will Yoon

Lauren Young

Tina Zhang

We asked ourselves, how could we have been to Whistler so many times and have not really experienced the great outdoors. This camp opened our eyes.

GRADE 10 CAMP For Grade 10 camp this year, we went on a threeday hike in the Whistler Alpine area. Packing in and out all of our belongings was a challenge, but in the end we all made it out alive. We were lucky with the weather, as it only rained at night and we had beautiful days for hiking. Being in the woods has its challenges; unfortunately there were no outhouses and we had to dig a hole...memories. We also had to get all of our water from the nearby stream. It was beautiful camping with sky high mountains surrounding us every which way. Even though camp was not a 'walk in the park', it was great to do it with our friends because they helped us throughout the trip. We loved spending time bonding in smaller groups and everyone in the group came closer together. Learning outside of school was interesting and the teachers managed to tie in relevant homework assignments in science and socials! In the end we had a great time and lots of fun. We wish next year’s Grade 10 luck in the last real camping trip!


Please Note: I tripped on the the tent string shortly after this picture was taken.

Yuta Kikutchi


It was the most memorable camp experience ever.

Pushing our boundaries everyday, it was an experience that brought us closer together as a group.

The sight was amazing and I remember the feeling of accomplishment.

Chris French

Honor Rozee

Alia Ridley

Grade Nine

Matthew Abrary

Nicky Allen

Justin An

Michael Arnold

Michael Arnould

Kelvin Au

Tyler Benson

Sierra Bharmal

Josephine Bird

Benjamin Boddez

Bronwyn Carere

Sophie Chappell

Celine Chen

Crystal Cheng

Ruby Choi

David Cross

Tasha Fischer

Rose Gallo

Noah Guld

Jam es Guscott

Marcus Hann

Sukhmun Hare

Samiya Hassan

Anna Hetherington

Connor Hughes

Ashleigh Kearns

Sean Kim

Isabelle Kirkwood

Abigail Korbin

Sabrina Lalani

Grade Nine

Annika Lee

Daniel Lee

Mitchell Madill

Nika Maghsoud

Carlos Martin


Hayley McIntyre

Morgan McIntyre

Aaron McKenzie

Jasmine Meikle

Micah Smith

Justin Smyth

Connor Stanton

Alex Stedman

Megan Steffens

Indian Arm is only a few minutes from downtown, but it felt like a million miles from civilisation!

We kept on smiling even though we were cold and wet and needed a bath!

Justin An

GRADE 9 CAMP Grade 9 went on the most amazing excursion deep into the forests of Indian Arm. We learned the tips and tricks of kayaking and were soaked and freezing at first, but near the end, we were laughing and had mastered kayaking. We had to learn how to setup a tarp (we didn’t sleep in tents!) That was more fun that we realised. Our camp was for three fun-filled days and two nights. Luckily, the weather was stunning all day, but at night it was pouring with rain. It was a good thing that our tarps stood up to the elements! We travelled to Granite Falls where we spent the day swimming and relaxing. Another highlight was kayaking over to Twin Islands. We learned all about camping, how to get on well with each other and how to survive in the outdoors. What an exhilarating camp!


We were so lucky to have beautiful sunny days to kayak along the Arm.

There were times when it just seemed like too much effort, but we kept going.

The scenery was just stunning. You can imagine how it would have looked hundreds of years ago to the first Europeans canoeing up Indian Arm.

Josie Bird

Ben Boddez

David Cross

Our lovely girls didn't mind being out of the city. They bravely slept out under the stars, not complaining...much.

Smiling happily, Tasha, Hailey, Anna, Heather and Annika enjoying the outdoors.

We Learned to paddle like pros! Here we are gliding past the old powerhouse.


Grade CĂ­ght


Andrew Ablett

Andy Aguilar Medina

Saman Ahmadi Vafa

Zoe Anderson

Claire Attridge

David Bai

Tera Baik

Dara Barrow-Precious

Samantha Bottrill

Tiare Brea

Carmen Canteli

Christina Catliff

Sunny Choi

Lewis Croke

Benny Jean Cytrynbaum

Adrian Dean

Emma Eamer-Goult

Kevin Fabian

Matreya Fedor

Lauren Forster

Femando Franco Crespo

Andrew French

Ryan Gray

Sarah Halldorson

Cameron Henderson

Haram Jang

Jamilla Janmohamed

Helen Jeong

Angela Joannou

Eric Jung

Richard Jung

Rory Lambert

Yunnya Lee

Jerico Lumanlan

Freya Ma

Daniela Martin

Simon McEvoy

John Mitchell

Liam Mitchell

Stephanie Mounzer


Grade Qght

Sarah Mytton

Victoria O'Brien

Mitchell Oswald

William Pullen

Jena Roper

Hirmand Saffari

Omar Salemohamed

Abbey Sewell


Sandra Thies

Mitchell Thompson

Kelcy Timmons

Jolee Tung

Ilya Van Nleuwenhuyse

Gereon Wahle

Sarah Walker

Kitty Wang

Lucy Willis

Nicholas Wimmer Manderson

Trevor Withers

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Ji Na You

Maggie Zheng

Oscar Zimmerman

Even though it was surprising, and not what we're used to, we had so much fun at camp.

We were inspired to produce some natural art with flat rocks.

-Freya Ma

GRADE 8 CAMP We Grade 8's set out to Garibaldi Provincial Park. After one week of preparation, we hiked for a couple hours to our destination. It was just excrutiating! Relief set in when we arrived at our camp site. Our camping experience included, but was not limited to: rainy weather, cooking our own food, hiking through dense forest, messy hair, not showering for three days, beautiful scenery and lifelong memories. The reactions varied among the campers, but all of us experienced a great time. We made stronger bonds with our besties and we got on well with everyone else. It was a tough and demanding camp so watch out Grade 7's! You need to have some extreme plans for September 2011! 48

The river was amazing. It was such an awesome time because on a sunny day we created inuksuit. It was great.

It didn't matter where you were on the mountain, the view was amazing. The mountain reflected perfectly on the icy cold water.

When we got to camp, everyone was so exhausted because of the 2 hour hike up to the camp site. I felt better after hearing that the expert hiking group had to do a 5 hour hike!

-Carmen Canteli

-Kelcy Timmons

-Sarah Halldorson

The mountain was just breathtaking. In the morning it was very peaceful and quiet. We would sit on the logs that sat in the water and watch the sun rise.

The Lake Angela, Claire, Richard, Luciie, Mr. Wilson, Sarah, Rory, Tiare and Ryan are enjoying the view.

The Tent Jerico, Luciie, Matreya, and Tiare talking in the tent.

K T & SH

Grade ÂŤleven

Jordan Beck

Jessica Beddis

Emma Berton

Georgia Boddez

Laura Gollner

Chelsea Henry

Zach Ingram

Anniqa Karmali

Rebecca Kendrick

Jonathan Kim

Michael Kim

Tiffany Koo

Angela Kwak

Jacob Laรงasse

Khylam Lalani

Soraiya Lalani

Milla Larjava

Brandon Lee

Emme Lee

Grade âeven

Emma Neill-Klein

Sarah Orsmond

Vivian Ounjian

Angela Pai

Shelly Park

Hannah Rahim

Gregory Read

Nadia Rodrigues

Jenna Sherrington

Jordan Somani

Carl Steffens

Karl Lukas Steiniger

Merina Uhrle

McKade Wang

Sydney White

Danielle Wierenga

Madeline Williams

Bill Yuan

Jeff Zhou



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At camp Artaban, we had to sleep under tarps that we set up, but nevertheless we got soaked.

The handshakes we gave each other at Artaban are ones that we will always remember.

Emma Berton

GRADE I GAMP The Grade 7’s enjoyed a three-day trip to the Camp Artaban on Gambier Island. The weather alternated between sun and rain which was not too bad when we were in the cabins, but it was pretty awful when we were under the tarps! I enjoyed the amazing scenery and the delicious meals. Some of the Grade 7’s described their experience there as: “Interesting”, “fun”, “totally unforgettable” and “AMAZING”. We learned some valuable survival skills and had great time.

Phillip Martin


Good friends are made only in very special places

The camp fought alot of survival skills and we learned by trial and some errors.

At the beach looking at things and also trying to find some types of marine life.

Erin Longo

Genevive Sherington

Although we had a lot of rain we managed to have great fun and really appreciated our homes and families!

Making great friends at camp was amazing! Zoe - Rae Dixon Camp was amazin It was an experience of a lifetime. One of my favourite parts was playing manhunt late at night. We also got to set up our own tents and enjoy a night of nature. It’s nice to take a break from all of the electronics that we have at home and have fun with just a tarp, some string, tape and friends to enjoy it with. Jordan Somani 7R 55

Grade <§ix

Zoé Ablett

Martin Abrary

Maya Alfreds

Nicolas Beaulieu

Flavie Belanger-Jones

Liana Biasucci

Isabella Bosrock

Alexander Brun

Michael Calder

Matthew Cho

Sydney Copp

Siri Coupland

Michaela Cox

James Croke

Aurora Cummings

Emma Dean

Jack Decooman

Emilie Desabráis

Kezia Devathasan

James Ferguson

Tina Fu

Will Fuller

Emma Godin

Rafael Gonzalez

Liam Gray

Aria Guld

Sydney Hague

Daisy Harris

Jordan Henderson

Jacob Hiom

Kevin Hu

Tushya Iyer

Zakir Jamal

Jenissa Janmohamed

Louis Keleher

Aramis Khorchidian

Mina Khoshnevis

Lucky Kim

Madeleine Kirkwood


Grade âix t


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Shayan Lakhani

Hank Liu

Parinaz Mahmoudi

Kiyaana Manji

William McEvoy

Thomas McIntyre

Jacob McKenzie

Ranna Mehr

Katherine O'Brien

Hannah Palacios

Tegan Peterson

Jackson Pike

Adam Rahemtulla

Michael Rockandel

Ben Scott

Shanil Verjee

Ray Tan

Joshua White

Anika W alker

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Dina Yaghoubi

Ji Soo You

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Samuel W ilkinson

Camp was an exciting opportunity that nobody in Grade 6 would want to miss. Loon Lake - here we come!

"I really badly wanted to jump into the water and I did. It was COLD."

Parinaz Mahmoudi

GRADE 6 CAMP I woke up early in the morning, sprinted to the kitchen, ate breakfast and did my daily business: eating, brushing my teeth and cleaning up. I was eager to get out the door and get to camp. On the first day we got split into groups that we would be doing our activities with. There was so much to do: low ropes, high ropes, orienteering, canoeing and raft building. On day 2 my highlight was Survivor. We all got together on the dining hall sundeck and played a big games altogether. Pinnacle Pursuits were the group that planned our activities and taught us how to use the equipment. They were really amazing. The next day I woke up to see an unclouded sunlit sky and I knew it was going to be another great day. I was still excited even though it was 7 o’ clock in the morning and I was already wiped-out! Everybody was rushing around and getting packed up when I remembered that it was the last day of camp and we were going home today. My camp experience was a flabbergasting, mindboggling, and incredible experience to all of us. Mina Khoshnevis, 6Y 60

"Camp changed my life by meeting new people and exploring the outdoors"

"The low ropes were awesome... until I fell."

"The lake was freezing but jumping into it was fun!" Ranna Mehr

"Ranna and Hannah plus wet equals accidently on purpose. Madeline Kirkwood

Zoe Ablett

Hannah Palacios


Grade five

Una Bach

Tessa Barrow Precious

Matthew Chasmar

Ahjin Cho

Laura Fabian

Timmy Frewin

Grayson Beck

Aiden Carere

Jacky Chang

Isaac Hole

Kevin Hu

Sparsh Jain

Nelli Larjava

So Yi Lee

Joshua Levy

Samantha Levy

Sharon Liu

Trevor Longo

Isabella Manderson

Liam March

Charles Martin

Sarah Mejia

Claudia Menziuso

Rachel Menziuso

Amir Ali Mir Pourian

Lauren Mounzer

Grade Five

Miguel Ransanz

Aydin Rezazadeh

Arveen Shokravi

Sofia Sullivan

John Christophe Taghavi

Kealin Sacre

Jae Hyun Seung

Armรณn Shokravi

Caitlyn Southey

Veronica Steek

David Sui

Carsen Teasdale

Emma Thomas



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Camp was a blast and nothing was going to stop us from enjoying the great outdoors!

GRADE 5 CAMP The Grade 5’s went to Sea to Sky Outdoor School: Sept. 27th - Sept. 29th. “We got to go on a ferry and then canoed our way to camp. We got to go hiking on trails and we put banana slugs on our faces. For short hikes, we got to go to beaches and found lots of crabs under rocks. Every morning, a mariachi band came in and woke us up. Some morning activities were low ropes, polar dipping and 'Mission Improbable'. I went to Mission Improbable, but I can’t say anything because it was top secret. There were also clans! I was in the Loon Clan. On one of the nights, after dinner, everybody went to a house and we got to play a game. They would ask us questions, and every time we got it right, they flipped a letter down and the letters were scrambled and we had to guess what the word was. The answer in the end was ‘I can help’. The Loon Clan won! When we got to go to the ferry terminal to leave, we thanked the leaders. 66

Samantha Levy

"It was awesome except for the time it was raining"

-Arveen Shokravi

"A wonderful, lively experience for all of us"

"It was a great time hiking and canoeing"

-Miguel Ransanz

-Armón Shokravi

The Grade 5's spent a lot of time singing their hearts out with camp songs. We learn about the environment and each other.

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Everybody at camp had a great time and made new friends.


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Here's the whole group, cooperating and having fun at camp!

S L & PM 67

Grade four

Justin Abrary

Raiyana Alibhai

Ava Aminbakhsh

Cole Beaulieu

Nathan Bidder

Sebastian Hadden

Alyssa Hague

Natalie Hanna

CalĂ­ais Harrison

Maggie Haugom

Mollie Haugom

Rhianna Hiom

Andrew Horner

Lillian Huang

Adam Jamal

Grace Jung

Aleem Karmali

Imraan Karmali

Matthew Katz

Natasha Kearns

Grade four


Jenna Mamdani

Celina Manji

Andrew March

Alisha Muljiani

Sebastian Paisley

Reagan Pownall

Sayeed Mavani

Meridy Meikle

Dale Roseman

Ingrid White

Ji Sang You

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The Grade 4's had a really wonderful experience during the beach cleanup. They were working with some of the bigger kids in the Middle School.They had fun while doing their share to help the environment. We talked to some of the Grade 4 students and this is what they thought of the Beach Cleanup: Ethan said: "I enjoyed cleaning and making the beach look great again." Juliana said: "I had fun helping the environment, but it'sa shame that we have to do this. People should pick up their own garbage." Celina said: "I loved being in nature and having fun at the same time." Emma said: "I loved participating." Max said: "I enjoyed looking for all of the trash at the beach and getting rid of it." Way to go for helping the community!

Grade 4 went to Sea to Sky Camp. It was their first ’real’ Mulgrave School camp and they had so much fun!

The 'Solitude Spots' were really good times to sit and think or you could write in your log book.

Raiyana Alibhai

GRADE 4 GAMP Welcome to Sea to Sky by Jocelyn Desabráis I have heard the tale of Sea to Sky, Where the water is frigid and the falcons fly high, Where the bugs creep and crawl and the chipmunks call, Welcome to Sea to Sky I will get on the ferry as I am told, And when I arrive I’m sure I’ll be cold, So I follow Wings through the forest trail, And on that trail I’ll find a snail. Welcome to Sea to Sky


Camp wasn’t all about fun activities, we learned lessons too! I learned to work together when we went canoeing because when we all paddled at different times we went nowhere, but when we paddled together, we went a lot faster.

Juliana B osrock

My favourite part of Grade 4 camp was polar dipping in the morning! It was something new and exciting.” A lisha Muljiani

The food was so good! I never usually have hot chocolate in the mornings, so it was a great treat!” M aggie Haugom

Going polar dipping was so cold when you jumped in, and so salty! It was only a little bit of my whole experience, like eating one sprinkle on my ice cream! Jen n a M am dani 73

Grade Three

Sarah Berton

Kevin Calder

Braxton Calkins

Kayley Chang

Nicole Cheah

Connor Chittock

May Cho

Will Collister

Cleo Cox

Julia Cross

Blake Curry

Steele Curry

Gia Da Roza

Azad Dharamsi

Nikki Ebrahimi-Siaghi

Benjamin Kendrick

Markus Marosits

Lindsay llkay

Catherine Jiang

Claire Joyce

Sahra Kassim-Lakha

ZoĂŤ Kortje

Rosie Li

Raiden Louie

Niki Mahmoudi

Branden Modrovic

Harry Philpotts

Grade Three

Mikhail Talib

Kristjana Walker

Connor Walsh

Luna Wang

Tal Williams-Wood

Augustin Wright

Lily Yan

Christie Yang

Audrey Yoshino

For a first taste of camp, the Grade 3's had a wonderful time sleeping over at the school.

Early Saturday morning, straight after breakfast, we went for a hike up the mountain. What a great way to start the day!

David Polevoy

GRADE 3 CAMP Have you ever had an excellent sleepover camp? Well, I have. There were a lot of great activities at our Grade 3 camp, but I am going to tell you about my three favourite activities. Well, my favourite activity was the Grade 3 Talent Show because some people sang songs, some played songs, some did comedy acts and some did sport talents, like I did. Branden, Deepak and I were a group. We were the ninth group to be on. The Grade 3 Talent Show was amazing! My second favourite activity was when Ms. Mitchell read a story. While she was reading, we got to drink hot chocolate and got to eat cookies. That was also an amazing event. My third favourite activity was playing in the gym in the morning. At first we were playing chain tag. Then we got to do whatever we wanted. I played hockey. The people on my team were Augustin, Will, Deepak, and Catherine. My opponents were Harry, Jayden, ConnorW. and Mikhail. I’m not sure what the score was but the game was great! The camp was really great. Markus Marosits 78

We had great food! It was lasagne and garlic bread for dinner with ice cream for dessert.

We had different arts and crafts to do. I tie-dyed my shirt.

I was in the talent show doing magic tricks, it was lots of fun!

Nikki Mahmoudi

Campbell Southey


Grade Two

Evan Alfreds

Alexandra Bosrock

Jaden Bourchier

Jed Decooman

Melissa Foster

Jilllan Franks

Amin Gulamani

Ewan Hadden

Khayali Dhanji

Lucy Lepoidevin

Eli Lippman

Victoria Lu

Aly Mamdani

Isaac Manji

Sascha McEvoy

Ellie Mitchell

Jolene Morabito

Taka Nohdomi

Gabriella Novak

Ellie Park

Sahra Rajanl

Alyza Samji

Kaden Sayani

Miles Sullivan

Grade One

Inaya Alibhai

Mackenzie Copp

Daniel Aminbakhsh

Flashed Arafeh

Alex Bai

Kate Birch

Tristan Campeau

Ethan Chang

Ryan Cheah

Kai Cho

Giulia Cox

Garrett Dai

Mikkah Damji

Bela Desai

Finn Grathwol

Max McCarter

Khirad Hassam

Kamran Hemani

Ziyan Hemani

Divya Hooja

Jamil Lalani

Matthew Lede

Nevin Louie

Madelyn Marchant

Olesya Menshykova

Kiyaan Merall

Veronica Morabito

Ahna Noormohamed

Grade One

Cole Roppel

Tudor Rosu

Mira Saba

Shaiya Sayani

Mark Short

Ali Talib



Eoin White

Grace-Lily Wray

Vivian Ye

Chantal Yoshino

Selina Zhu

Sophy Zhu


Kameel Ahamed

Milad Ahmadi-NIri

Olivia Awde

Madeline Bellamy

Luke Chittock

Talulla Cox

ZoĂŠ Da Roza

Aman Dhillon

Amrita Dhillon

Victor Gaastra

Steven Gabier

Matthew Gollner

Karina Gulamani

Ella Harvey

Jerome Lippman

George Luo

Raya Mamdani

Lukas Marosits

Brandon Matich

Lialah Mavani

Quinn McKay

Kenda Murray

Milan Novak

Annabella Nowtash

Annabelle Onrot

Nikolai Rubin

Mercedes Sanei

Emily Southey

Owen Sullivan

Ashley Wong


0arly beaming Centre - 4>year olds

Zehtab Abtin

Payton Adelaar

Jackson Armstrong

Adrian Bach

Kiana Bagherpour

Shaya Behmard

Reagan Burgmann

Jada Chang

Gabrielle Coglon

Natasha Croke

Mitchell Dai

Ava Danael

Andrew Du

Jakob Franks

Terry Hao

Sara Janmohamed

Alina Jarvis

Ethan Ko

Kennedy Kopke

Charlotte MacnuttLawson

Ava Martin

Nazpendar Meibodl

Qyle Merali

Zia Merali

Pasha Mourachov

Malcolm Murray

Aria Rajwani

Shavi Ramdhani

Cameron Roseman

Jenna Rowland

Carly Learning Centre - 3 year olds

Ali Dhanani

Kala Hakimzadeh

Nikki Hakimzadeh

Noah Blakney

Kayden Bolduc

Samuel Calder

Elena Clay

liaan Ebrahim

Simonne Figueroa

Daniel Ghane-Bassiri

Hannah Guest

Charles Harland

Thomas Holwill

Aspen Hopper

Reine Huang

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Larisa Jin

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____________ _ y Vincent Jarvis

Omar Jamal

Alexandra Hui


i V

Zara Birand Fasano


Alara Ataman


Gavin Li

fis &


Luis Lara Alvarez

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Coco Manderson


» |fO

Tyson Matich

Jadyn Mitham

Erin Moore

Jake Myring

U fe . Amanda Niu

m ^

Jayden Noormohamed

Babak Nowtash

Barra Roulston

Kiersa Shariff

Teagan Vodrey

Joy Wang

Adam Wong

Atria Zehtab

Jacob Shull

Aydan Vlrani


The first year of Mulgrave's

Early learning Centre


In September 2010 Mulgrave's Early Learning Centre opened its doors fully' enrolled. Now, after only a few months, we have with a thriving early years programme, over eighty students, eight full-time teachers and a healthy waiting list. This year we had half day a and full day programme for three and four year old students. Already adopting the inquiry approach of PYP, each ELC student had days filled with exploration, discovery learning and questions. Mulgrave's four strands of academics, arts, sports and citizenship were every bit as alive in the ELC. The enriched curriculum with specialist Mandarin and French teachers; trips to the 'big school' for Library and PE; playing musical instruments and singing at Christmas, the Grace Assembly and Spring Concert; and their local community outreach work to the North Shore Harvest, all testify to the hight quality work the students enjoyed. Led by Principal, Lesley Tetiker, our ELC teachers - Sara Sarantopoulos, Nicola Steiniger, Amy Beaubien, Joanna Adam, Catherine Frewin, Morag Harris, Elise van Draanen, Barbara Hunt were welcomed into the Mulgrave community and should be congratulated for a great ELC beginning.

f f While we try to teach our children all f f

about life, our children teach us what life is all about. Maria Montessori


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Mulgrave âtaff

Stella Ablett

Joanna Adam

Rhonda Altman

Lian Anson

Linda Ash

Elizabeth Ayre

Kim Bai

Amy Beaubien

Christine Bridge

Clayre Brough

Alanna Cadwallader

Wendy Campbell

Melanie Cannon

Claire Carbone

Christine Carrillo

Jonathan Cawkell

Betty Chapin

Hazel Chee

Erika Drexl

Rob Eakin

Karen Fairall

Nicola Ferguson

Suzanne Finlayson

John Flanagan

Catherine Frewin

Michael Frewin

Marisa Fuscaldo

James Gardiner

Christine Giesbrecht

Sunita Gill

Graham Gilley

Flelen Gleeson

Tamara Gris

Jean Flan

Lee Flardy

Morag Harris

Shirley Hawkins

Jane Heward

Jan Hrdina

Barbara Hunt

Kent Jamieson

Alnoor Janmohamed

Sean Juteau

Richard Keleher

Ben Kwan


M u lg rw âtaff


Luke Lawson

Nicole Lebrun

Claude Leduc

David Lo

Tina Logan

David Lopez

Leo Lopez

Michael Lopez

Hayley Lott

Claire Lynch

Janet Martin

Jessica May

Sophie May

Alexandra McIntyre

Claude McLean

Alison McTavish

Fred Meewes

Murray Miller

Karyn Mitchell

Melissa Moore

Michael Moore

Marlena Morgan

Farhad Najafi

Kristy Newton

Mary O Byrne

Lynn Orsmond

Margot Paris

Shirley Perry

Heather Pez

Karen Pinchin

Glen Pope

Cecile Poulin

Mark Pulfer

Lorraine Radford

Natasha Rathbone

Jessica Richmond

Gareth Ronald Jones

Sara Sarantopoulos

Ashley Schmidt

Ole Sealey

Emma Shaw

Donna Sheh

Libby Soper

Mark Steffens

Nicola Steiniger

Zsu Zsu Straub

Doug Super

Lesley Tetiker


Melanie Thomas

Gerry Thomson

Pippa Thomson

Shauna Ullman

Elise Van Draanen

Ferdinand Van Zyl

Monique Vodrey

Kelly Vokey

Angela Walsh

Diana Wang

Tania Wei


Mulgrave âtaff


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Gracia 7 Soys Basketball The team established a direction early in the season and moved the ball better than any other team. Our wonderful team attitude and strategies worked this year, as we went undefeated during the regular play season, but in the championship game, we could not hold out for victory. We demonstrated to the other schools that we played with great collective Titan “Blue” spirit. We all enjoyed the growth of our individual and team skills as equals. Finishing with the Silver Medal in the ISEA B Division was a thrill. These players should continue to have success in the years to come as they work on their skills and fitness. Let’s see how far they can go !

Grade 7 Girls Basketball Our team had a very successful season. They lost only one regular season game and won the silver medal at the ISEA Championships in February. Their performance highlighted that our girls have the discipline, attitude, work ethic, leadership, sportsmanship, and ability to be a very strong and talented team. They are a very special group of studentathletes with the drive and desire necessary to be successful in the highly competitive world of high school hoops. Look for big things from this group in the years to come. Go Titans Go!!!

Bantam Boys Basketball “This year, the Bantam Boys Basketball team developed essential skills that we know will continue to grow in the years to come. We grew together as a team and were able to learn from each other through difficult losses and our lone triumphant victory. The Coaching Staff knows that when we leave the school, we’ll be passing the torch to a group of talented athletes who will be prepared to carry the load of Senior Basketball.”

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Bantam Girls Basketball


The girls had an impressive season this year, going undefeated in league play. Losing a heartbreaker semi-final game to Sutherland, the Lady Titans finished 3rd in the North Shore Div1 League. During the Independent Championships, the Lady Titans out matched their opponents Collingwood and Saint Johns and were defeated 54-40 by the home team York House Tigers. Finishing 3rd in the ISA’s was a season highlight for the players and coaches. The work ethic, hard work, and determination of all the players contributed to the teams overall success. Next season the Lady Titans are looking to build on the foundation that has already been built to further their success on the court.

Junior Boys Basketball This year’s Junior Boys Team was very successful and each player developed a significant amount as the season went on. Although we narrowly missed moving on in the playoffs the boys fought as hard as they could and worked like they had all season; as if each game was their last. The two trips to Vancouver Island and the Sunshine coast were great highlights and although we at times fell on the court we rarely fell on the ice. Congratulations gentleman on a hardworking and very fun season.

Junior Girls Basketball The Junior girls basketball season started off with two games before the December break. The girls started with a win in our first game against Bodwell and went on to face many challenging teams ending the season with a record of 1-4. These girls were hardworking and determined and showed great improvement throughout the season. Our team was diverse and all players brought their own personal strengths to the team. Unfortunately the season ended without the chance to take part in playoff games. All players worked hard to expand their skill sets and they have great potential to take their skills further next year. Great season girls!

d^nior Boys Basketball It was another strong building year for the Senior Boys basketball team. The core of the team was in grade 11 and had the burden of shouldering the responsibilities that fell to last year’s seniors. The players responded admirably and the team showed constant improvement throughout the season. Unfortunately, injuries to key players kept us from achieving our ultimate goal of making provincials. However, the future of the Titans looks bright as there will be 9 seniors and some very strong young players competing for minutes next year.

Grade 7 Volleyball The Grade 7 Girls Volleyball Team and players entered the gym at the beginning of the season shy, quiet and unsure of their abilities. However, the girls proved to be a force to be reckoned with by spiking off their season at Collingwood School by going undefeated against Collingwood School and Meadowridge School. The girls supported each other and worked hard consistently throughout the season and were always eager to learn more and help each other out. The team remained undefeated all season until their last game. They finished strong, being able to execute far more complex transitions and formations than the other teams. It turned out to be an amazing season. GO TITANS GO!

Juvenile Girls Volleyball We played in nine NSSSAA league games and two tournaments. In league play, we weren’t as successful as we had hoped to be due to illness and injury. Nonetheless, we had fun, learned many new skills, and realised that we can compete with any team on the North Shore when we believe in ourselves and play with conviction. On the other hand, we had a great deal of success coming in 5th place at the Junior Girls Highroad AcademyTournamentandin6th place at the Junior Girls ISAA Championships. Next year, we look to continue our success and development as we will all return to play together again at the junior level. GO TITANS GO!!!

Bantam Girls Volleyballl The Bantam Girls Volleyball team had a tremendous season placing 4th at the ISA Championships. During league play, the Lady Titans finished with an overall record of 4-4 and headed into the semi-finals of playoffs. The squad was lost in a tiebreaker to head into the semi-finals of playoffs to West Van High 2 sets to 1. The season included a tremendous amount of skill development, sportsmanship, and tenacity which led to outstanding execution on the court. The Lady Titans are geared up for next year’s Juvenile season and are ready to elevate their level of play! r /^

Juvenile ©oys Volleyball As Mulgrave’s first ever boys team, the guys proved that they belonged in our North Shore league. A season packed full of serving, spiking, passing, and push-ups led the boys to the brink of a playoff win only to lose a very close 3rd set. Throughout the season the team took huge strides towards greatness and with hard work and dedication in the future, they will be successful. Thanks for the season and all of your hard work gentleman.


Junior Girls Volleyball The Junior Girls Volleyball Team may have started off the year labeled as the development team; however, they hit off their season with a bang at a tournament hosted by Carver Christian School. They managed to dig, spike, serve and block their way through the day and came out Tier II Champions. The girls developed into stronger players with a true love and respect for the game of volleyball. The girls consistently supported each other, worked hard and showed a powerful reliance throughout the season. They finished the season strong, being able to execute a far more consistent level of play. It was an amazing season. GO TITANS GO!

Gracia 6/7 Rugby The Grade 7 rugby team had a very good season this year. At the start of training we were joined by seven players who were new to rugby including three girls. We played a series of tournaments and although we could not match the power of some of the bigger schools we gave a good account of ourselves in every game and finally finished 4th in the ISABC championship. While all of our players showed skill and commitment, the following students received end of year awards: Most Improved Maddy Williams, Best Forward Carl Steffans, Best Back Elias Ergas, All - heart: Victor Feng. Coaches Wray and Sealey

Junior Girls Volleyball Our Senior Girls Volleyball Team travelled to San Diego to compete in the Monte Vista "Monarchs" 6th Annual Varsity Invitational tournament. Mulgrave was the only team without a single Grade 12 student-athlete on its roster. They placed 7th out of 10 teams and gained a wealth of experience. The team continued their league play on Tuesday, October 12th when they travelled to the Sunshine Coast to play Elphinstone and Chatelech. They finished the season by capturing the bronze medal at the Zone Championships. Their future looks bright as they are a young team returning all 11 players next year.

Juvenile Soys Rugby The future of Mulgrave’s rugby looks promising with this talented, committed and athletic group of boys. The Juvenile rugby team had a very good season. Many of the boys have been playing together since grade 5, and this exposure to the game at such an early age is paying dividends to our success. Although we are quite often outsized by other North Shore teams, our team speed, work ethic and skill make us very competitive. I look forward to watching this group continue to develop, compete and battle.



senior Boys Rugby There was a considerable amount of anticipation and excitement around the Senior Boys rugby team this year. After successfully earning a spot in the AA tier 1 division, we focused on making the Provincials for the first time in Mulgrave History. The squad was committed and ready for the challenge. Captain, Norika Yue displayed a tireless work ethic and fearless attitude that set the bar for his teammates. As the season progressed, we had some fantastic wins, notably beating St. Georges, but also suffered some frustrating losses. In that final game, Mulgrave battled, competed and sacrificed, but unfortunately it was not our day. Albeit a disappointing loss, in the big picture, it was a very successful season and we look to grow and learn from these experiences.

Senior Tennis The senior tennis team had rollercoaster season. The team fought hard and really spurred each other on to do their best. With hard work, they managed to earn the final spot at zones, winning against Rockridge in a tiebreak, but unfortunately losing to St. Thomas Moore for the final spot to Provincials. The team is already looking forward to next year and regaining their spot at Provincials. Congratulations to Armaan (MVP), MC (All Heart), Hossein (Most improved) with an honourable mention to Bobby, Nicholas, Elham and our amazing fighting spirit from Madi and Shannon! Congratulations!

Junior Tennis Junior Tennis had a successful 2011 season, with four wins and four losses. The team beat out Sentinel Blue, Seycove, Rockridge, Argyle and West Vancouver to take fourth place in the North Shore League. Ourjunior tennis team was made up of talented mix of players from grade 7 through grade 10. Alexander Lee was nominated the team Most Valuable Player, while Nicolas Isla was the teams All-Heart Player and Florence Belanger-Jones was the team's Most Improved Player.

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Junior and l^nior Badminton It was another great season at Mulgrave for the Badminton Team. The Senior team played hard all season with a mix of veterans and new faces. The team was able to finish with a number of satisfying wins. The Junior team started off the year with great success and coasted through the first half of the year with relative ease. A hard fought victory against Sentinel left us to battle out with West Vancouver for top spot in the league. We had a rematch against West Vancouver in the final. The team prevailed, bringing home the second banner in the past 3 years.

Cross Country Perfect weather was a feature of the 2010 Cross Country season. Races were held in great conditions, with no rain and very little mud on any of the courses. This made for quick races and enjoyable competition. Our team, comprised of runners from Grades 7 to 12, practiced at school, in local country parks and at each race venue. Emma N-K. from Grade 7 was our first athlete home in the Zones girls’ race. Similarly, Bantam Boys Simon M., Sandy W. and Brent C. were three of our top five in the boys’ race. The future looks bright!

Senior Boys lo eeer In Mulgrave’s first year back in Senior Soccer competition, the Titans made an impressive run to the final. After going undefeated in league play, Mulgrave advanced to the finals by beating Southpointe 5-1 on Tuesday, Oct. 26th 2010 and then King David in the semi-finals 2-0 on Friday, Oct. 29th 2010. The final match was held later that day against Meadowridge on their home field. In front of a huge partisan crowd, Mulgrave came back from a 2-0 deficit to tie the game 2-2 and take the game into penalty kicks. Choosing to kick second, our boys did not miss any of their penalty kicks and in the end won with the penalty kick tally 4-3.

Coif Team From the end of March to May 2011, the golf team played against teams from Chatelech, Don Ross, Windsor, Seycove and St. Thomas Aquinas. The season culminated with the qualifying tornament at Langara Golf Course. Mulgrave golfers played admirably and proved that golf is far from being "a good walk ruined" !

Upper School Swim Team The Swim Team participated in the Lower Mainland Zone Qualifying Meet on Oct. 23rd at UBC. Our swimmers swam well and we finished third overall! We also had 10 swimmers qualify forthe Provincial Championships in Nanaimo and the results were: 5th Place - Kei Yamamoto (100m IM) 6th Place - Kei Yamamoto, Nick Dempsey, Tyler Benson, Connor Hughes (4x100m freestyle relay) 10th Place-Jolee Tung (100m IM) 13th Place - Kelvin Au, Megan Steffens, Sandra Thies, Nick Dempsey (4x50m freestyle relay) 13th Place - Sarah Mytton, Jake Larson, Jolee Tung, Kelvin Au (4x50m IM relay) 16th Place - Connor Hughes (100m freestyle)



Track and field 1have been running for Mulgrave at High School Track meets for 2 years now and have loved every minute of it. This year, as well as last year, I placed in the top 3 at the North Shore Track and Field Championships in both the 100m and 200m sprints. I qualified for AAA Provincials and competed with incredible runners. I began training with a coach at the West Van Track Club because I was passionate about running. I never thought that I would have achieved everything I have so far but I know it is all thanks to my coach. He pushes me harder than any coach I have ever had. Angie Travlos

senior Girls Basketball Our Lady Titans had an extremely successful 2010-2011 season. Highlights of the season included winning the ISAA Championships, the Lower Mainland Zone Championships, the West Point Grey Academy tournament (two years in a row now), and placing sixth at the Provincial Championships in Sparwood. In addition, we had two players selected as North Shore All-stars. Sadly, we say goodbye to TJ, Laura, and Victoria who are off to university in September. We will miss them! Next year, though, promises to be just as exciting and successful of a season as we return six players with a great deal of commitment, heart, skill, and an extremely strong work ethic. They are all all-stars in mv eves. Go Titans Go!!!

Junior cMiool Basketball Most of you think it’s easy to sign up for basketball; you put your name down, hand the form in to Ms. Altman and BOOM! You’re on the basketball team! Well, for me, it was a bit harder than that. You see, I had to juggle Cypress Service and Basketball because the after-school days were both on Monday. Someway, somehow, a few other girls and I managed just fine. Once that organisational issue was cleared up, basketball season was so fun that it felt like it flew by. I was devastated to see it end, but the chocolaty goodness of the end-of-the-season cake eased my sadness for a little while! Before I depress you with my sad story, let me explain about the fun we had in basketball season. Honestly, the team felt like having twelve sisters. We had so much fun together! We won together. We lost together. We were always together. Although we would obviously rather win together than lose together! Our coaches, Ms. Straub and Mr. Workman, were very proud of us and all that we had accomplished. In fact, Ms. Straub told us that our team was the only team that didn’t lose a game in the Play-Day! Congratulations girls! I think that between the practices and the gym training, we worked very hard. I had so much fun in the season, I don’t think I could ever be that excited and happy about anything ever again. I have to say, the saddest part of the season was when one of our treasured teammates, Ah Jin Cho, had to leave us for Korea. I will really miss her. I guess the bottom line is that basketball season was an unforgettable part of 2011 ! by Lauren Mounzer 5D

6-7 Rugby Rugby this year was great. We played some great games and beat our rivals St. Georges. This was a big accomplishment for us. We learned how to spread the field, pass the ball more and play better defense. We appreciated our coaches and our Grade 8 mentors for teaching us how to work together as a team. We believe that we are really prepared for next year, especially for the contested scrums and line outs. Overall, this season was very exciting and as a team, we learned a lot about ourselves and rugby. by William Me Evoy, Liam Gray, Michael Calder, Nicolas Beaulieu, and Sam Wilkinson

Junior li>ehool âoce^r This year, we enjoyed playing soccer for the Mulgrave Thunderbolts. Our team did not do as well as we would have hoped, but we played with great sportsmanship and had a great time. Our team was competitive and we played with a lot of team spirit. We had a ton of fun this year, especially on the ISEA play day. We played a lot of games where we won and lost some against our rival teams. We scored many goals and saved our best game for that day. We had a great time and wish we could play another year for the Junior School. Congratulations to all players! by Ray Tan and Will McEvoy



Junior dchool Swimming

Junior School Volleyball

Junior School Track and field Many sports go on every term at Mulgrave School, but term three is when Track and Field begins. It is not just one sport, but many sports all in one. The field events are long jump, high jump and shot putt. The track events are 60-meter sprint, 100-meter sprint, 200 meters, 400 meters, 600 meters and 800 meters. If you are tall, short or medium sized there is something for you! Track and Field goes way back to the very first Olympics in Greece and we are still doing the same events today! On the day of the Track Meet we all met very early at Mulgrave School and were looking forward to a full day of friendly competition. When we arrived at UBC, we saw the huge red track and people setting up for the big day. We were one of the first schools to arrive and warm up on the track. As the competitions started, we either went to our starting positions, or sat down to cheer on our fellow teammates. The day was full of fun, sun and friendly competition. At the end of the day, we were congratulated by coaches and friends for our accomplishments. As we drove back to Mulgrave School, we were all proud of our performance. I just can’t wait for track and field next year! by Alyssa Shull

Pumpkin Run Cross Country Triathlon



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Grade 6 masks

Nevin Louie


Grade 1

Emma Godin

Grade 6

Jenna Ladak

Grade 2

Mark Short

Grade 1

Camden Tay

Grade 1

Jaden Shull

Grade 3

Gabi Novak

Grade 2

Raiden Louie

Grade 3

JP |¡


já Æ ' ÆF

Grade 4

Selina Zhu



Audrey Yoshino

Grade 3

Aman Dhillon

Grade 1



Isabelle Kirkwood

Grade 9


Celine Chen

Nika Maghsoud

Grade 9

Grade 9


Grade 8

Sunny Choi

Grade 8

Tiare Brea

Grade 8

Jena Roper

Grade 8

Angela Kwak & Angela Bi Helen Jeong

Sarah Halldorson

Kelcy Timmons

Grade 7

Amy Xing

Grade 9

Carol Wu

Grade 9

Grade 8

Grade 8

Grade 8

Maggie Zhang

Grade 8

Katherine Yan

Grade 9

Hannah Rahim

Grade 7

Page designed by: Meg Coleman

Rita Liao

Grade 12

Grayson O'Brien & Leo Franco Crespo

Hannah Borland Charlotte Lee

Grade 10

Grade 12

Grade 10

Macki Wallster

Soraiya Salemohomed Grade 12

Grade 10

Gloria Feng

Grade 10 Gloria Feng

Grade 12

Grade 10

Emily Sewell

Grade 10

Cybeiiile The Musical

As members of the audience we had an amazing time experiencing the musical ‘Cyberlife’. We thought it was hilarious and extremely entertaining. The characters really came to life on the stage and the script was creative and was very well written. Actually, it was written especially for Mulgrave! ‘Cyberlife’ is a musical about a group of high school students, each with tough problems. They come across a website called ‘Cyberlife’ which allows them to be whoever they want to be online, while keeping their real identities completely anonymous. One of the characters, who signed onto ‘Cyberlife’, was a short nerd who dreamt of becoming a singer, but was too afraid to share his songs in public. On ‘Cyberlife’ he became a tall, popular singer. The main problem was that the kids couldn’t be friends in real life because of the cliques at school (Nerds, Gangsters, Cool Chicks). As more and more kids signed on, everything got better, until a hacker by the name of Cole revealed the true identity of everyone in the cyber world. In the end, they learnt what a true friendship is. We thought the acting, singing, and choreography were all phenomenal and would give the play 5 stars! By: Shanil Verjee and Ranna Mehr

film Highlights Zoom Film Festival

had another successful year. 85 teams competed in the 11th Zoom this year from all over the province, i Mulgrave hosted a packed house for the awards night on December I 6th. 76 Mulgrave students from grade 7-12 participated this year creating 14 films. Of these fourteen, ten films were nominated a n d H | three films acknowledged during the Awards presentation. GradeÂŽ 9/10 films Imaginary and Deadline tied for third best Junior Screen play and Grade 11 film Arcadia won third best editing. Nick Pallone won the Brendan Archibald Passionate Filmmaker Award for his | work as screenwriter, actor and sound design on Arcadia.


CBC and The Vancouver Sun TAG (Teens against Violence) Competition, three Mulgrave students (Nick Pallone, In the

Sean Bromley & George Collister) were chosen as top ten finalists for the CBC and Vancouver Sun TAG competition. Students were invited to CBC studios for a screening of their Public Service

This same film went on to win second place at the BC Student| Film Festival.

Bars and Frames - April 18th The first Mulgrave film and Music night was very well attended and got rave reviews. Organized by Grade 11 students Luke Allard and George Collister this evening celebrated the best films and musical talent of the year. Offering a variety of film genre (Public Service Announcements, silent films, experimental, Drama...) students had the opportunity to both explain their work and screen it for parents and friends. Both the Jazz Band and Concert Band played a number of well-polished pieces, leaving guests hoping for more. In addition, guests were welcomed by student performances by Aazan Habib on guitar, members of the string quartet and the soon famous duo Sam Griffiths (vocals) and Kevin Catliff (piano).

BCStudent FilmFestival - Eight students went to the BC Student Film Festival hosted by Powell River in May, 2011. Students participated in workshops for cinematography, stunts, scriptwriting and editing. They were also able to screen films from around the province in a number of genre’s. Chris Wilson was awarded “Best Extreme Sports Film” for his film Get Out There. The students have had a successful year entering Film Festivals and are eager to compete again next year. 131


women to go to space

On November 5th 2010, the Grade 8's researched a notable person from history By Fernando Crespo Night of the Notables showed the hard work of all the Grade 8’s. It appeared to be a “Market Place of Notables.” Vistors walked around the “market” meeting singers like, John Lennon, peace makers like Gandhi and activists like Nellie McClung and Heriot Tubman. Visitors entered the theatre and saw it transformed into a museum. The space was divided into three sections: Communicators, Inquirers, and Risk Takers. The Grade 8 students really excelled and were a sight to behold in their fantastic costumes and intercative displays. It was a great night that showcased the creativity and innovative abilitiers of Mulgrave's Grade 8 students. All students were dressed in character

The opening performence was fun

Danielle and Angela show off their creative costumes.

Mitch shows his muscles while Jerico looks ready to run!


Junior School Music In November, the G4-6 choristers teamed up with Juno Award winner, Norman Foote, for a programme of light-hearted songs and comedy routines. The process was an excellent exercise in programme-building, learning melodies and back-up vocals for a seasoned performer who had everyone in stitches at times. In April, the G4-5 ensemble donned costumes to present excerpts from Tom Sawyer, the Musical, while the G6 troupe entertained their audiences as knights and damsels in Joust! The format consisted of choristers on risers, with special spoken and singing parts in front, and Mr. McLean as director. The performances were well received by both student and adult audiences. In May, the G4-5 Choir travelled to Langley for the Kiwanis Fraser Valley Festival. A ranking of gold was awarded to the ensemble as a result of their highly polished performance and excellent responsiveness during the ensuing clinic!

1st Prize Winner “House Spirit”

Anna Hetherington Grade 9 - 3.13 pm

fl f)ay in the Is ife of Muterave April^Tst 2011

2nd Prize Winner “Vision for Japan”

Marcus Hann Grade 9 - 9.37am

3rd Prize Winner “Colourful Solutions”

Jasmine Meilke Grade 9 - 12.09pm

4th Prize Winner “Rolling”

Madison Inman Grade 12 - 3.28pm

6a§tgrn ü§fï Grade 6 This year, 18 Grade 6 students visited the Eastern USA from 11 - 20th March 2011. We had an exciting and unique opportunity to visit some of America’s most famous monuments and attractions. Some of the highlights from the trip included visiting the Smithsonian Museum of Anthropology, Harvard University, the Washington Zoo, an Amish farm, and the White House. We also went to see the Wizards vs. the L.A. Clippers basketball game in Washington; visited the place where Martin Luther King gave his famous speeches; visited the Hershey Chocolate Factory; and saw Billy Elliot in New York. Led by the ever patient Ms Mitchell and Ms Bridge, this trip gave us the opportunity to gain more responsibility and become more independent. This also gave us the chance to get to know each other better and bond as a group. From Washington to Boston, this year’s trip was both fun and inspiring. If you are considering this trip for next year - do it! We had a really terrific time and will remember the sights and sounds of the Easter USA for many years to come. James Ferguson



China G ra d e


It was just a normal three weeks of summer for most people - hanging out with friends, enjoying the sunshine and going on Facebook, but, for some lucky Grade 8's, we had the time of our lives in China! Accompanied by Sweet Dumpling Sealey and Empress Chee, our small group of eleven students: Angela, Sarah M, Liam, Jerico, Benny Jean, John, Gereon, Simon, Andy, Victoria and me, set off for China on June 18th 2011. When we arrived, we were surprised by the heat and humidity of Beijing, as well as the population! Over the next several days we had Mandarin classes in the morning and visited great historic monuments such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Tianjin was a highlight as we met up with kids at the SOS village and took them to a local amusement park. We learned that many of them had never been outside the SOS village! Then, we went to Xi’an, where we saw the Terracotta Warriors; Shanghai, which looked liked a 1980s take on the future; and Guilin, where we saw the rural part of China as we cruised along the scenic Li River on a four hour boat trip. Finally, we spent our last three days in Hong Kong, two of which were spent at the beach! After we soaked up the last bit of China sunshine, we were treated to a magnificent dining experience at Nobu, rated the best restaurant in the world! It was an amazing eight-course meal, generously donated by an anonymous sponsor (a big, big thank you!), and an even better way to end our China adventure. As we headed back to Vancouver, we all took a piece of China with us, and our experience there was one that we will never forget. Jolee

6a§tgrr> Canada Grade 9 This year the Grade 9's had the opportunity to go on the Eastern Canada trip. This trip was based on a lot of the things that we were already learning in our daily classes. However, the experiences that we were able to take part in strengthened our knowledge, particularly in French and Social Studies. One of the most popular activities on this trip was dogsledding. It was an extremely exhilarating experience and the most interesting part about it was that each of the dogs had a different personality. Most of the students became immediately attached to these dogs, and began to name them based on their personalities. Another highlight was “Chez Danyâ€? , which is a traditional sugar shack located in a countryside setting in Quebec. Here we were treated to a traditional French-Canadian meal - which included lots and lots maple syrup. One of the greatest parts about lunch at the sugar shack was the music and dancing. In the middle of the restaurant was a man who was playing traditional songs, as well as more modern songs. This resulted in many of the Grade 9 students spreading themselves across the restaurant, dancing intensely to songs like the Macarena. Some of the other highlights on this trip were skating on the Rideau Canal, going to Carnival, touring McGill University, visiting the Wendat village and school, and going to the Montreal Canadians vs New York Rangers hockey game. We were also able to visit some national attractions such as the center block of Parliament, The National Art Gallery, and The National War Museum. We would definitely recommend this trip to future Grade 9's as the experiences and memories were unforgettable and it is a great opportunity to explore your home country of Canada. This trip left each and every one of us with a new sense of Canadian pride and helped us solve the questionWhat does it mean to be Canadian?


Costa ‘Rica Grade; Í0 In the middle of March, fifteen Grade 10 students and Ms. Anson and Mr. Pulfer bundled off to Costa Rica for the annual service and ecology global outreach trip. The students arrived at the airport at 5:00 am bleary eyed, but excited. After a 12 hour odyssey via Phoenix we arrived in sunny Costa Rica or so we thought... Unfortunately, the first week was marked by rain and after the winter we have had in Vancouver we were not amused. However, joyful spirits won the day and we had a memorable experience nonetheless. The highlight was, as always, the service portion of the trip. We returned to Pacayas High School in Turrialba, the school that we had visited last year, and were welcomed with open arms. The students became fast friends after only the first day and hung out as if they had known each other for years. Language barrier? What language barrier? Where there’s a will there’s a way and the students found many creative ways to communicate and get to know one another. On leaving day there were many tears, many photos and much, much laughter. It was an experience that the students will never forget. So, what service did we actually do on the trip? At Pacayas we started the process of building them a new gymnasium. The students sanded and painted giant beams that were to be used as the main structural support for the roof. As a result, paint got everywhere, even clothes that had not been used during this portion of the service trip seemed to get paint on them! After Pacayas we visited two small one-room schools in the remotest areas of the region. These schools were in need of supplies and so we ensured that by the time we left the schools were completely set up with everything that they needed. In addition, at one of the schools we spent two days building a washroom. At the end of the two days Margaret declared that she had found her calling and that it was to be a tiler! The rest of the trip was spent visiting various ecologically significant parts of the country. Our host organization, CATIE, is the premier institute for the study of ecology in Central America. As a result, they knew exactly where to go to give students an amazing ecological experience. The most common refrain of this part of the trip was “Monkey!” as Ms. Anson would spot yet another of the tree jumpers. We arrived back in Vancouver after yet another long trip tired but happy, having had one of the best experiences of our lives.

Swaziland_______ Grad¡¿ \ 1 & 12 For two and a half weeks during the summer break, sixteen students headed out to Swaziland and South Africa with Mr. de Beer and Mr. Leduc. Everybody had high hopes and great expectations for the trip, but no one could have imagined the amazing trip that we were going to have. After beginning the trip at Soweto, The Apartheid Museum and Lesedi Cultural Village as a cultural and historical introduction, we started our work with the SOS Children’s Village in Mbabane, Swaziland. There we had the opportunity to work with, and become more familiar with, the people and children of Swaziland as we taught at schools and volunteered in communities. Amazement and admiration were echoed by every member of the group as we witnessed the resilience and good nature of the Swazi people, despite their suffering in a cold winter and time of poor economic development. As painful as it was to move on and say goodbye to the children at the SOS Children’s Village, we then proceeded to another experience that also would resonate with us. We volunteered at Daktari Wildlife Orphanage and Bush School and were able to immerse ourselves into the beautiful nature of South Africa. From teaching children in Swaziland to building a causeway at Daktari to seeing four of the Big Five at Kruger National Park and Tshukudu Game Lodge, the entire experience in Swaziland and South Africa was one that we will never forget. Tsamayang ka Kgotso (go in peace), Swazi crew 2011 ! MC de Beer

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Waterford Kam hlaba United World College of¿piCSeriWVfricJ

Mission and Vision Statements 'Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life' By inspiring excellence—the continuous pursuit of personal best— in education and life, Mulgrave strives to equip lifelong learners to thrive in a culturally diverse and interdependent world and to embrace, with passion and confidence, their responsibility always to do their best to support others and to make a difference by serving their communities, both locally and in the world at large.

Core Characteristics In terms of Mulgrave's essential character as a school, the strategic fundamentals are that we should continue for the next five years to be a non-denominational, co-educational, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, three classes per grade, independent, university preparatory, International Baccalaureate, day school for families that live on the North Shore of Vancouver.

Values Statement At Mulgrave we believe: • Individual values are based on personal integrity and acting with respect towards others. • Our sense of community and friendship is founded on humility, empathy, commitment and inclusion.

• Lifelong learning is built upon curiosity, creativity and innovative thinking. • A global perspective and environ­ mental and social responsibility are central to becoming true world citizens.

• All members of our community strive for balance and understand that achieving one's personal best should be enjoyable.

M ulgrave 2 0 2 0 - Strategic Plan A t


G lance

Mulgrave 2020 Executive Summary In the next five years it is our intention, while being true to our school's mission, vision, values and traditions, to build on our success, and to develop Mulgrave from being a very good school to a great school.

are developed further across the PreKindergarten to Grade 12 continuum. We will further enhance our Chinese language provision and develop our Global Outreach Programme with more links to schools overseas.

Keeping our three strong academic IB programmes at the heart of our school curriculum, we are going to ensure that learning and the curriculum are more personalised to the individual student and that within the students' curricula, they develop the modern skills and qualities that they will need to thrive in the future. We will strengthen the three other strands (arts, athletics and service) of education at Mulgrave especially through community partnerships and ensure that our Outdoor Education and other general co-curricular programmes

We will improve our communications as a school and engage all our stakeholders in consultation about how we develop further. We will strengthen our sense of community with all stakeholders in all divisions of the school and will further develop our alumni association, especially as we look forward to our 20th anniversary in 2013. We will aim to acquire land around the school to protect our environment and enhance our facilities to improve the education programmes for the students. This will require a significant fundraising effort and we will look to develop our

advancement activities further to achieve this and to support bursaries. We will further review how we support, develop and remunerate our staff so that we can recruit and retain the best people and support them so that they can continue to inspire our children. These priorities and initiatives have come from combining the hopes and aspirations of our parents and students and the educational vision provided by the leadership team and the staff at the school. The Board is committed to this agenda and looks forward to steering Mulgrave to new levels of excellence over the coming years.

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Welcome Back Barbszeu£

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It was a beautiful sunny day for this year's Welcome Back BBQ. Our brand new head, Mr. Wray got stuck in by flipping delicious hamburgers on the grill. There was also cotton candy made by our very own Mulgrave student volunteers. The first event of the 2010 -11 year was a huge success. We all had a great time and, as always, it was a great family experience. One new activity was The Gauntlet' where you are supposed to run across a bouncy castle while people throw giant leather balls at you! Also, there was the school favourite: the dunk tank. As usual, it claimed many victims, dragging them into its soggy depths with a perfect strike. Among other activities were the Blow Up Slide, the Vancouver Police dog show and face painting done by a whole group of face painters this year, but they were hard at work all afternoon. All in all, it was a lovely afternoon and a great start to the year.


West Vancouver Community Parade Sun, fun and community spirit were the highlights of the West Vancouver Community Parade on Saturday 4th June 2011. Our magnificent “Sandcastle” Float, featured the Grade 6 Jazz Band and was accompanied by Mulgrave’s costumed parade team of well over 125 Mulgrave students and 60 parents. Ms Mitchell, a gorgeous Mermaid and Mr Wray as Poseidon himself led the way.

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Our coordinator Brenda Rajani and her team did an amazing job of creating the float and costumes. It was a great turn out Mulgravians who supported and participated in the







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In black and white finery, the M ulgrave com m unity enjoyed an evening of fine dining and m usic at the Fairm ont Pacific Rim on May 14th 2011.

Although the theme of the 2011 Spring Gala was "Black and White", it was a night filled with colour and sparkle. The Mulgrave Gala is an annual fundraising event and this year the aim was to raise financial support for two specific areas: campus development and outdoor education. Donors had generously given an array of tantalising auction items to tempt bidders and the live auction was, at times, quite frantic! Our 'Wish List1was well supported and the "Select" items, created by the students, were a great crowd pleaser. The success of the evening is due to the months of dedicated work by many people in the Mulgrave community. Thanks must go to the MVP as a whole and specifically, the Gala Chair, Liana Cox

*Tb© books ar© so n©at! Tb©u) ar© vj©nj) good t o read. Our libran^ is spe cia l because i t has -Junior books and Senior boohs.*


- A n n a b e lle O O

'Thank u)ou t o Ms. "Brough, Ms. Chapin and all th© vjolunteers fo r a w onderful u je a rl' -Ma+th©w Cho CGr.(b^>

'Books, Books, Books! \*)hat is th e re n o t t o loue? X a rth is its o'oJn little tre a s u re troue... And X c a n a c tu a lly g e t ujork don© b©r©.’ Gina Stu)lianide5 C G r.T )






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Youth Shelter Backpack Drive Once again, our annual Youth Shelter Drive, facilitated by the Grade 10-11 Service Action Council (SAC) and supported by the G6 leadership team, was a great success, packing a full cube van with clothing and of other necessities destined for the North Shore Youth Safe House and Covenant House. The goods were delivered on Thursday and Friday last week by student leaders in the Junior, Middle and Senior School. This year, some student leaders had the opportunity to go to both the Safe House and Covenant House. We were fortunate enough to talk to the outreach workers at these two places, and I think we all learned a lot about the kinds of challenges youth in crisis face. We are always told that we should appreciate how fortunate we are for the families and lives we have. I think going to these “houses” made us realise just how easy our lives really are in comparison to those who do not have the support and care we do at home and school. Being told how difficult people’s lives are and seeing it firsthand are two very different things. Every year, students from Mulgrave bring in their used clothes and put them in a box in their classroom. Seeing where our donations go, and making connection to the workers at the shelters, made us all realise that even small gestures, like donating that hoodie you no longer need, really can help make a difference in someone else’s life. Student reporter Melissa G G10

Kids' Help Phone Penny Drive In October 2010, the Service Action Council (SAC) and Middle School Leadership Team (MLT) joined forces to collect pennies (and silver) to support youth in crisis through the national support network Kids Help Phone (www.kidshelpphone.ca), providing the immediate help and hope that young people need and deserve 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. After two weeks of collecting and several weeks of rolling coins, our student leaders are proud to announce that over $1400 in change was raised. A special thank you is in order to our student organisers, Jessie E. G11, Melissa G. G10 and Danielle W. G7, and to the Wierenga family for their on­ going support for the Drive.

Write for Rights

Mulgrave students, along with tens of thousands of Amnesty supporters across Canada and in more than 50 countries around the world, wrote letters to mark Human Rights Days, December 10th.

Rebuild Japan Following the tragic earthquake and tsunami of Friday 11th March 2011, Mulgrave was focused on supporting aid organisations. Senior students spent hours folding cranes to raise money. The final talley of cranes was In the thousands. Some Junior School students decided to organise a concert and asked a few friends :rom their music schools to participate. At :he concert, the students were honoured with a visit from the Consul for Cultural Affairs of Japan, Mr. Tetsuya Isono. "I have attended some benefit concerts for Japan, out this one was the most Impressive. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the young musicians and all of you who attended the event," said Mr. Isono.

Pink Day

Rose Gallo, Celine Chen, Crystal Cheng, Meg Coleman, Gina Stylindes, Ms. Roy and Ms. McTavish set off from Gabriola Island for three days and two nights of kayaking in the Southern Gulf Islands. They stayed at Blackberry Point on Valdez Island and at Pirates Cove on De Courcy Island. The group were lucky to have had beautiful weather and some of the most memorable experiences

included exploring the cliffs of Valdez Island, hiking around De Courcy Island and they all partook in “Feats of Courage” .




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Archepelago area of North-East Vancouver Island. The group arrived to Telegraph Cove on June 22 spending theirfirst night in this location.

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A hardy group of eight students (MJ Mayo, Mr. Olynyk, Connor Stanton, Justin Symth, Connor Hughes, David Cross, Mitch Maddill, Oliver Kirkwood) and Mr. Olynyk set off to explore the Whistler backcountry on skis during this three-day, two-night ski tour expedition. The group experienced very cold conditions, but despite the temperature, their spirits were high and they had an amazing time skiing. 163


US SPIRIT WEEK 2011 : SUPPORTING THE RIG Mulgrave’s 10th annual Upper School Spirit Week campaign was right before the Spring Break from Monday, March 7th to Friday, March 11th, 2011. This year supported Right To Play (www.righttoplay.com), a prominent international humanitarian and development organisation which uses the transformative power of sport and play to build essential skills in children, thereby driving social change in communities affected by war, poverty and disease. Right To Play creates a safe place for children to learn and fosters the hope that is essential for children to envision and realise a better future. The focus of Spirit Week was to generate understanding and action surrounding the importance of play, in all its diverse cultural forms, and to highlight the critical role of play in education, health and peace. There was a sports equipment drive, foyer displays, a creative writing contest, House play stations, a special assembly and guest speaker, a Playathon, a Right To Play lunch, a “ Mulgrave’s Got Talent” show, a non-uniform Jersey Day, a Grade 7 Party and a concession which sold our popular Spirit Week 2011 shirts and bake sale items. The Spirit Week this year raised over $2500 for this worthy cause.

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Grade 7 - 1 2 towards Grade 7 Awards Science 7Jordan Beck Instrumental Music 7 Zoe-Rae Dixon Physical Education 7 Alexander Eastman Mathematics 7 June Hwan (Jonathan) Kim Design Technology 7 Tae Heon (Brandon) Lee Visual Art 7 Sarah Orsmond French 7 Hannah Rahim Social Studies 7 Gregory Read Mandarin 7 Nadia Rodrigues Theatre Arts 7Jordan Somani English 7 Sydney White Latin 7 Madeline Williams Grade 8 Awards Latin 8 Andrew Ablett French 8 Zoe Anderson Science 8 Claire Attridge Mandarin 8 Ji Yoon (Tera) Baik English 8 Samantha Bottrill Physical Education 8 Christina Catliff Creative Writing 8 Benny Jean Cytrynbaum Visual Art 8 Sung Wook (Eric) Jung Theatre Arts 8 Hirmand Saffari Design Technology 8 Schon Tan Social Studies 8 Tin Yan (Jolee) Tung Mathematics 8 Ji Na You Instrumental Music 8 Oscar Zimmerman Grade 9 Awards French 9 Celine Chen Instrumental Music 9 Ruby Choi Mandarin 9 Margaret Coleman Mathematics 9 Cole Coupland Science 9 Brent Coutts Social Studies 9 David Cross A.C.E. 9 Ammar Karmali Latin 9 Abigail Korbin English 9 Carlos Martin Visual Art 9 Jasmine Meikle Design Technology 9 Katrina Ross-Ghali Physical Education 9 Seyedyahya (Yahya) Sahiholnasab Theatre Arts 9 Micah Smith Grade 10 Awards A.C.E. 10 Ameeqa Ali Physical Education 10 Florence Belanger-Jones English 10 Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge Science 10 Shek Hin (Justin) Chan Mathematics 11 Xiao Han (David) Chen Theatre Arts 10 Alexandra Eamer-Goult Social Studies 10 Leonardo Franco Crespo Mathematics 10 Ha Yan (Hayan) Jang Instrumental Music 10 Joo Whan (Louis) Kim Film Studies 10 Alexander Lee French 10 Noojan Mazaheri Visual Art 10 Stephanie Porter Mandarin 10 Bo Lin (Tina) Zhang Grade 11 Awards IB Biology 11 Armaan Ali IB English 11 Luke A IB Geography 11 Tenal Bourchier IB Film 11 Sean Bromley IB Visual Arts 11 Alexandra Crone IB Chemistry 11 Marthinus (MC) de Beer IB French 11 Jessica Evans IB Mathematics 11 Yang Ge IB Economics 11 Sam Griffiths IB Theory of Knowledge 11 Owen Hann IB Physics 11 Jun Feng (Jeffrey) He IB Spanish 11 Nisia Minicucci IB Theatre Arts 11 Nicole Moller IB History 11 Joshua Sherrington IB Mandarin 11 Yi Meng (Sabrina) Xu

Grade 12 Awards IB Film 12 Peter Arnould IB English 12 Hannah Borland IB Theatre Arts 12 Shannon Caron IB Spanish 12 Louise Chong IB Theory of Knowledge 12 Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner IB Economics 12 Madison Inman Extended Essay Bobby Jelveh IB Chemistry 12 Woo Jin Jeong IB Mathematics 12 Min Jae (Arthur) Kim IB Visual Arts 12 Cheng Ying (Rita) Liao IB Geography 12 Nicole Linaksita IB History 12 Andrew Moffatt IB French 12 Theresa Volkmann IB Mandarin 12 Shi Yin (Shirley) Wang IB Biology 12 Amanda Woida IB Physics 12 Han Zhang


Music Awards Middle School Vocal Ensemble Jung Woo (Justin) An Senior School Vocal Ensemble Hannah-Rose Radford Jazz Band Nicholas Dempsey Mathematics Contest Certificates GRADE 7 American Mathematics Contest June Hwan (Jonathan) Kim Canadian National Math League Contest June Hwan (Jonathan) Kim Gauss Contest (Perfect Score) June Hwan (Jonathan) Kim GRADE 8 Canadian National Math League Contest Ji Yoon (Tera) Baik American Mathematics Contest (Perfect Score) Hee Jin (Helen) Jeong Canadian National Math League Contest Ji Na You Gauss Contest (Perfect Score) - Ji Na You GRADE 9 Pascal Contest - Carlos Martin GRADE 10 Cayley Contest (Perfect Score) Xiao Han (David) Chen American Mathematics Contest Joo Whan (Louis) Kim GRADE 11 Fermat Contest - Yang Ge American Mathematics Contest - Yang Ge BC Secondary School Math Contest - Yang Ge Euclid Contest - Yang Ge GRADE 12 American Mathematics Contest - Seung Wook (Francis) Han Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge - Seung Wook (Francis) Han Euclid Contest - Seung Wook (Francis) Han Regional Science Fair Awards Greater Vancouver Science Fair David Laugharne Award - Cayla Kaufman Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC Award - Cayla Kaufman Michael Smith Science Challenge at UBC Certificate of Excellence for placing in top 25% Shek Hin (Justin) Chan Certificate of Excellence for placing in top 25% Xiao Han (David) Chen Certificate of Excellence for placing in top 25% Nicolas Isla Luttmann Certificate of Excellence for placing in top 25% Ha Yan (Hayan) Jang Latin Contest Certificates Certificate of Merit - Zoe Anderson Certificate of Merit - Emma Eamer-Goult Certificate of Merit - Cameron Henderson Certificate of Merit - Abigail Korbin Certificate of Merit - Sarah Mytton Certificate of Merit - Nicholas Wimmer-Manderson Outstanding Achievment - Samantha Bottrill Outstanding Achievment - Jamilla Janmohamed Outstanding Achievment - Sarah Walker Cum Laude - Katherine Yan Magna Cum Laude - Crystal Cheng Magna Cum Laude - Cayla Kaufman Magna Cum Laude - Mitchell (MJ) Mayo Magna Cum Laude - Matthew Zwimpfer Maxima Cum Laude - Ruby Choi Maxima Cum Laude - Cole Coupland Maxima Cum Laude - Carlos Martin Summa Cum Laude - Benjamin Boddez Duke Of Edinburgh's Award Silver Award Fei Yi Kuai Jake Larson Ga Eun (Glara) Rhee The Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award The Gold Award is the highest achievement in the programme and involves a minimum of 12 months engaged in skill-building, service, adventure, physical recreation, and a residential project. Nicholas Dempsey Erick Leung Kieran Cullen

Service Pins BRONZE awarded to students who have been involved in a variety of school-based volunteer activities and demonstrated exceptional initiative, compassion, commitment and responsibility. GRADE 7 Elizabeth (Betsie) de Beer Chelsea Henry Rebecca Kendrick Emme Lee Erin Longo Natalie Marshall Nadia Rodrigues Carl Steffens GRADE 8 Claire Attridge Dara Barrow-Precious Samantha Bottrill Benny Jean Cytrynbaum Andrew French Angela Joannou John Mitchell Tin Yan (Jolee) Tung Etienne (Ilya) Van Nieuwenhuyse GRADE 9 Nicholas Allen Emma (Josie) Bird Sophia Chappell Margaret (Meg) Coleman Heather Corbett Cole Coupland Tasha Fischer Samiya Hassan Dax Inman Ammar Karmali Sabrina Lalani Annika Lee Hayley McIntyre Morgan McIntyre Megan Moffatt Aleem Muljiani Gina Stylianides Katherine Yan Matthew Zwimpfer GRADE 10 Mark Bakhet Shek Hin (Justin) Chan Nicholas Durrans Spencer Gair Nicolas Isla Luttmann Grayson O'Brien Stephanie Porter Hannah-Rose Radford Tori Timmons Kathryn White Yannis Willi GRADE 11 Luke Allard Eric Bleim Sean Bromley Graham Brown Kevin Catliff George Collister Marthinus (MC) de Beer Yang Ge Sam Griffiths Mana Habibian Jun Feng (Jeffrey) He John Hu Elina Kalamkarova Katrina Kernaghan Nisia Minicucci William Ounjian Alexander Sadler Yi Meng (Sabrina) Xu GRADE 12 Peter Arnould Laura Bla Kieran Cullen Julian Deggan Conrad James Jun-Hyek (Daniel) Jang Bobby Jelveh Min Jae (Arthur) Kim Cheng Ying (Rita) Liao Tirajeh Mazaheri Andrew Moffatt Ga Eun (Glara) Rhee Julia Rinaldi Hana Turner Norika Yue

SILVER awarded to students who have been involved in a variety of community-based volunteer activities and through their independent actions demonstrated exceptional initiative, compassion commitment, and responsibility. GRADE 7 Anniqa Karmali Soraiya Lalani Sarah Orsmond Jordan Somani Danielle Wierenga GRADE 8 Zoe Anderson Jamilla Janmohamed Sandra Thies GRADE 9 Justin An Celine Chen Crystal Cheng David Cross Noah Guld Anna Hetherington Anisha Navaratnam Sayedyahya (Yahya) Sahiholnasab Megan Steffens Kairuo (Carol) Wu GRADE10 Ameeqa Ali Florence Belanger-Jones Margaret Berton Xiao Han (David) Chen Melissa Godin Noojan Mazaheri Ya Hsuan (Debbie) Pai Seon Young (Eunice) Park Emma Rahemtulla Jasmine Somani Natasha Virani GRADE 11 Armaan Ali Hussain Ali Graham Brown Alexandra Crone Brenna Dowling Jessica (Jessie) Evans Charles (Charlie) Hart Michaela Hughes Jake Larson Weizhen Li Cheryl Linaksita Claudia Linaksita Nicole Moller Seyedhossein (Hossein) Sahiholnasab Kate Shepard Nadir Surani AngĂŠlique Travlos GRADE 12 Sharmaine Brar Shannon Caron Louise Chong Kyra Crookbain Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner Elham Hassantas Winnie Huang Charlotte Julian Juliette Levine Nicole Linaksita John (Jack) MacPhail Soraiya Salemohamed Spencer Shields Edward (Nathan) Stedman Shi Yin (Shirley) Wang Amanda Woida GOLD Mulgrave Gold Service Award is the highest honour we bestow in recognition of Service Leadership at Mulgrave. The recipient or recipients of this award are already involved in service well beyond our Bronze and Silver levels. They demonstrate service learning achievements and initiative, an altruistic spirit and the essential qualities of compassion, commitment, responsibility, independence, advocacy, and above all, leadership. GRADE 12 Fiona Brough Nicholas Dempsey Madison Inman

NTERNATIONAL SERVICE International Service Pins are presented to students who participated in a humanitarian or sustainable development project in the spirit of making a difference in the world. This initiative must focus on Global Outreach and take place internationally or locally with global connections. The service is fulfilled through a residential component, exemplary behaviour, a spirit of generosity and compassion. GRADE 10 Florence Belanger-Jones Margaret Berton Nicolas Isla Luttmann Ya Hsuan (Debbie) Pai GRADE 12 Shannon Caron Louise Chong Kyra Crookbain Madison Inman Edward (Nathan) Stedman

EFFORT AWARD Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands.

Mularave Middle School Mathematics Award Awarded for consistent excellence in Mathematics donated by Dr Turner Seung Woo (Michael) Ji

7Mc - Zoe-Rae Dixon 7M - Elizabeth (Betsie) de Beer 7R - Hannah Rahim 8C - Jamilla Janmohamed 8E - Schon Tan 8J - Sung Wook (Eric) Jung 9C - Ammar Karmali 9J - Crystal Cheng 9W - Cole Coupland 10C - Josef Thompson 10D - Margaret Berton 10H - Mackenzie Wallster Gr 11 - Hussain Ali Gr 11 - Graham Brown Gr 11 - Kelsey McLean Gr 11 - Nicole Moller Gr 11 - Kate Shepard Gr 12 - Hannah Borland Gr 12 - Hee Jin (Jiny) Kim Gr 12 - Hana Turner Gr 12 - Amanda Woida

Mularave Senior School Mathematics Award Awarded for excellence in Mathematics - donated by the Pirani family Seung Wook (Francis) Han Mularave Middle School Science Award Awarded to the student exhibiting the spirit of science and discovery - donated by the Demers/Palyga family Cayla Kaufman

The Lighthouse Park Preservation Society Book Award Awarded to a graduating student who has an interest in natural history and has demonstrated engagement with the natural world. Spencer Shields The Moller Sustainability Award Presented to the students who have demonstrated dedicated and active leadership in conservation and sustainability. Grants of $250 each will be donated to the cause/ conservation charity as selected by the award winners. - donated by the Moller family David Cross

Mulgrave Senior School Science Award Awarded to the student exhibiting the spirit of science and discovery - donated by the Ablett family Woo Jin Jeong

Carolyn Cross Business Scholarship The Carolyn Cross Business Scholarship is awarded to the graduating student who has demonstrated a consistent passion and interest BC Innovation Council Science Achievement Award in business and who has been accepted into a university business or pre-business programme Awarded to the top grade 12 Science student in for the 2011-2012 academic year Mulgrave. Students need to be enrolled in at least two GLOBAL CITIZEN AWARD sciences in order to be considered. Madison Inman Ga Eun (Glara) Rhee The Global Citizen Pin is presented to students who have not only participated in a ‘‘global out-reaching Upper School House Cud Trophy - Churchill project,” but have continued in a self-directed The Rising Star Award SPIRIT AWARD manner to incorporate the spirit of humanitarianism, This award is for excellent participation and Mulgrave Middle School Boy’s Athletic Award Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and sustainability and global awareness into their daily achievement in one or more areas of the Middle This is awarded to the male student who life in school and beyond. School Music programme inspires and who is positive and inclusive. The displays leadership, sportsmanship and all Dong Wook (Sean) Kim manifestation of these qualities may vary depending around athleticism in the Middle School. GRADE 11 on the age of the student. For example, the older the Connor Hughes Armaan Ali student, the more the leadership component should be The Mularave Star Trophy Marthinius (MC) de Beer Awarded for excellent participation and achievement in demonstrated. The Bruno Straub Award Jake Larson one or more areas of the Senior School Music Awarded to the female student who displays Weizhen Li 7Mc - Nadia Rodrigues leadership, sportsmanship and all around programme - donated by the Thomas family Seyedhossein (Hossein) Sahiholnasab 7M - Madeline Williams Alyssa Rodrigues athleticism in the Middle School - donated by 7R - Jordan Somani Ms. Straub GRADE 12 8C - Gu No (Richard) Jung The Bard Award Christina Catliff 8E - Liam Mitchell Louise Chong For excellence in theatrical performance 8J - Zoe Anderson Nicholas Dempsey Annahis Basmadjian Mularave Senior Boy’s Athletic Award Elham Hassantash 9C - Anisha Navaratnam Awarded to the Senior male student who 9J - Justin Smyth Winnie Huang The Filmmaker of the Year Award displays leadership, sportsmanship and all Madison Inman 9W - Sophia Chappell Awarded to the student filmmaker who has around athleticism - donated by the Houghton 10C - Ya Hsuan (Debbie) Pai Min Jae (Arthur) Kim family demonstrated passion for films as a medium and who John (Jack) MacPhail 10D - Lauren Young uses film to inspire and to serve others. Kevin Catliff Tirajeh Mazaheri 10H - Hannah-Rose Radford George Collister Gr 11 - Gordon (Tony) Henderson Soraiya Salemohamed Mulgrave Senior Girl’s Athletic Award Edward (Nathan) Stedman Gr 11 - Katrina Kernaghan The Downey Award This is awarded to the Senior female student Gr 11 - Jake Larson For excellence in visual arts in the Middle School who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all Gr 11 - Weizhen Li West Vancouver Youth Appreciation Awards Bronwyn Carere around athleticism. In recognition of outstanding contribution to our Gr 11 - Claudia Linaksita Nisia Minicucci Gr 12 - Shannon Caron community. The Senior School Art Award Gr 12 - Madison Inman For excellence in visual arts in the Senior School The Governor General's Academic Medal GRADE 10 Gr 12 - Soraiya Salemohamed Shi Yin (Shirley) Wang This medal is awarded to the Grade 12 student Ameeqa Ali Gr 12 - Norika Yue who achieves the highest average on their Middle School Public Speaking Award Official Transcript of Grades as issued by the GRADE 11 Middle School Creative Writing Award This award is presented to a student in Grades 7-9 Ministry of Education. Armaan Ali This award is presented to a student in Grades 7-9 who has excelled in public speaking. Juliette Levine Charles (Charlie) Hart who has excelled in external competitive writing Daniel Moffatt Seyedhossein (Hossein) Sahiholnasab contests. The Alexander Edward Priest Memorial Cup Andrew French Senior School Public Speaking Award For the student who exemplifies the love of GRADE 12 For achieving the highest overall standing in learning Elham Hassantash Caroline Stevenson Brown Memorial Award competitive public speaking. Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner & Andrew Juliette Levine Awarded for excellence in creative writing in the Senior Juliette Levine Moffatt John (Jack) MacPhail School - donated by the Neill family Fiona Brough Senior School Debating Award Chairman’s Award - Middle School MULGRAVE AWARD For achieving the highest overall standing in Awarded in recognition of a student who Awarded to students who have scored highly in Middle School French Award competitive debating. demonstrates excellence in citizenship, each of the attributes associated with the award. M"En route aux étoiles" - donated by Derek & Carlotta Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner & Andrew Moffatt academics, the arts and athletics in the Middle anners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, G-enerosity, Lee School - donated by the Robertson family R-espect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and E-xcellence Cayla Kaufman University of Toronto National Book Award Matthew Zwimpfer This is awarded in recognition of exceptional abilities, 7Mc - Bishr Alimohamed, Sarah Orsmond The Madame Lo & Family French Legacy Award both personal and academic, in the eyes of the school Chairman’s Award - Senior School 7M - Alexander (Alex) Eastman, Anniqa Karmali "J’apprends le Français par coeur” and the University of Toronto Awarded in recognition of a student who 7R - Ahmed Dharamsi, Chelsea Henry Tirajeh Mazaheri Louise Chong demonstrates excellence in citizenship, 8C - Emma Eamer-Goult, Fernando Franco Crespo academics, the arts and athletics in the Senior 8E - Cameron Henderson, Tin Yan (Jolee) Tung British Properties Scholarship Middle School Leadership Award School - donated by the Robertson family 8J - Angela Joannou, Jerico Lumanlan Awarded to a Grade 12 student or students who have, Presented to the Middle School student who has made Nicholas Dempsey 9C - Jasmine Meikle, Seyedyahya (Yahya) through their personal commitment and effort, made a exceptional contributions to leadership at Mulgrave. Sahiholnasab significant contribution to the Mu¡grave and/or wider These contributions may be in community, athletics, 9J - Dong Wook (Sean) Kim, Megan Moffatt community (donated by the British Properties Area arts or any combination therein - donated by the 9W - Connor Hughes, Ashleigh Kearns Homeowners' Association) Shepard family 10C - Nicholas Durrans, Natasha Virani Charlotte Julian & John (Jack) MacPhail Noah Guld 10D - Alexander Lee, Emma Rahemtulla 10H - Ameeqa Ali, Melissa Godin Madat Ali Pirani Memorial Cup Senior School Leadership Award Gr 11 - Armaan Ali, Marthinus (MC) de Beer Awarded for excellence in Social Studies in the Middle Presented to the senior student who has made Gr 11 - Jessica Evans, Sam Griffiths School exceptional contributions to leadership at Mulgrave. Gr 11 - Charles Hart, Michaela Hughes Carlos Martin These contributions can be in community, athletics, Gr 11 - Seyedhossein (Hossein) Sahiholnasab, arts or any combination therein. - donated by the Angélique Travlos Senior School Social Studies Award 2005/2006 Head Students Shae de Jaray & Rebecca Gr 12 - Louise Chong, Kieran Cullen Awarded to the Senior School student who Cynader Gr 12 - Conrad James, Juliette Levine demonstrates excellence in Social Studies - donated Kieran Cullen & Norika Yue Gr 12 - Cheng Ying (Rita) Liao, Tirajeh Mazaheri by the Salemohamed family Peter Arnould The Global Leadership Award Presented to the student who has demonstrated The Funston Award exemplary leadership in global service and citizenship Awarded for excellence in English in the Middle in humanitarianism and/or sustainable development School. donated by the Walakoff family Rose Gallo Elham Hassantash English Inspiration Award Awarded to the Senior School student who demonstrates excellence in English Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner & Andrew Moffatt

The Bruce M. Hicks Public Service Award "Equality Through Action". Presented to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Yi Wen (Winnie) Huang


Junior School fl wards P.E. Awards Grade 4, 5 and 6 Awarded to students who showed commitment and pride in their school, through effort and participation in three or more MuIgrave ISEA competitions and play days during the 2010-2011 season. GRADE 4 Raiyana Alibhai Nicole Lee Katerina Koenig Jenna Mamdani GRADE 5 Timmy Frewin Nelli Larjava T revor Longo Charles Martin Claudia Menziuso Catie Mytton Sam Peters Laura Fabian Samantha Levy Rachel Menziuso Alex Park Kealin Sacre Caltlyn Southey David Sul Joanna Joannou Lauren Joyce Joshua Levy Amir Mlrpourlan Alyssa Shull Sofia Sullivan John Taghavi Alex Wortman Kayla-lman Talib GRADE 6 William Fuller Michaela Cox Emma G Kevin Hu Ji Soo You Joshua Whi

Michael Rockandel Zakir Jamal Jamie Croke James Ferguson Louis Keleher Aramis Khorchidian Shayan Lakhani Jacob McKenzie Hannah Palacios Ben Scott Sam Wilkinson Rachael Withers

Coooer Dins - Grade 5 and 6 students Tessa Barrow-Precious Laura Fabian Angela Kim Joshua Levy Sharon Liu Caitlyn Southey Alexander Yoshino Kevin Hu Tushya Iyer Adam Rahemtulla Joshua White

P.E. Awards Grade 6 Awarded to students who showed Silver Dins - Grade 6 students commitment and pride in their school, A silver pin is awarded to students in through effort and participation in four Gr6 who are receiving the music pin for or more Mulgrave ISEA competitions the SECOND YEAR in a row. and play days during the 2010-2011 season. Maya Alfreds GRADE 6 Matthew Cho Martin Abrary Jamie Croke Liam Gray James Ferguson Flavie Belanger-Jones Lucky Kim Michael Calder Shayan Lakhani Jack DeCooman Hank Liu Jordan Henderson Sian Shin Madeleine Kirkwood William McEvoy Service Award Jackson Pike In the Junior School, service pins and Ray Tan certificates are awarded to students Anika Walker from Grades 3 to 6 who commit to a full Kiyaana Manji year of service in either Kid’s Care Emilie Desabráis Club, Cypress Service or Grade 6 Leadership, having attended at least Music Awards 70% of the meetings. During weekly JUNIOR SCHOOL “MUSIC PIN” service club meetings, these students Awarded to Grade 5 and Grade 6 demonstrate principled and responsible students who have demonstrated a attitudes and behaviour that help to year-long commitment to both the bring about positive action vocal and instrumental performance strands of the music programme, Copper Service through their co-curricular work, Copper service pins and certificates beyond the comprehensive classroom are awarded for one full year of service. music course. They have participated in both co-curricular Choir and Band for Natasha Kearns all three school terms and have May Cho performed in the major school concerts Sarah Berton for the year. Braxton Calkins Nicole Cheah

Claire Joyce Sahra Kassim-Lakha Branden Modrovic Mikhail Talib Steele Curry Azad Dharamsi Clara Gonzalez Raiden Louie Cleo Cox Blake Curry Tara Mehr Nicky Ebrahimi-Siaghi Christie Yang Su-Ann Ho Kaden Gulamani Mark Horner Catherine Jiang Kristjana Walker Connor Walsh Kala McKay Campbell Southe Raiyana Alibhai Madeleine Campeau Calíais Harrison Natalie Hanna Lillian Huang Juliana Bosrock Katerina Koenig Sayeed Mavani Nicole Lee Jessica Felcan Meridy Meikle Matthew Katz Matthew Chasmar Aiden Clark-Scott Sarah Mej Armón Shokravi Arveen Shokravi Tessa Barrow-Precious Zakir Jamal Flavie Belanger-Jones Isabella Bosrock Michael Calder Matthew Cho Sydney Copp Jack DeCooman Kezia Devathasan James Ferguson Will Fuller Emma Godin

Rafael Gonzalez Liam Gray Sydney Hague Kevin Hu Aramis Khorchidian Madeline Kirkwood Parinaz Mahmoudi Kiyaana Manji William McEvoy Jacob McKenzie Ranna Mehr Jackson Pike Will Steinberg Joshua White Sam Wilkinson Bronze Service Bronze service pins and certificates are awarded for two full years o f service. Ava Aminbakhsh Andrew Horner Cecile Dai Jocelyn Desabráis Jenna Mamdani Grace Jung Celina Manji Alisha Muljiani Alex Park Alyssa Shull Sofia Sullivan Siri Coupland Tina Fu Aria Guld Michaela Cox James Croke Jordan Henderson Hannah Palacios Shanil Verjee

Silver Service Silver sen/ice pins and certificates are awarded for three full years of sen/ice. Laura Fabian Lauren Mounzer Caitlyn Southey Kayla-lman Talib Zoe Ablett Sian Shin Maya Alfreds Tusha Iyer Jenissa Janmohamed Adam Rahemtulla Michael Rockandel Natasha Somani Sara Somani Gold Service Gold sen/ice pins and certificates are awarded to those students who have committed to four full years of sen/ice in the Junior School. Emma Dean Shayan Lakhani Katherine O'Brien Anika Walker

Spirit Award Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. GRADE 3 3C - Sahra Kassim-Lakha 3N -Zoe Kortje 3U -Luna Wang

GRADE 4 4J - Natasha Kearns 4S -Ingrid White 4T - Alisha Muljiani GRADE 5 5C - Kayla Talib 5D - Laura Fabian 5W -Alyssa Shull GRADE 6 6F - Aria Guld 6RJ - Michael Calder 6Y - Kiyaana Manji Effort Award Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or sen/ice, or a combination of those strands. GRADE 3 3C - Kayley Chang 3N - Augustin Wright 3U -Robert Gable GRADE 4 4J - David Kim 4S - Andrew Horner 4T - Rhianna Hiom GRADE 5 5C - Armón Shokravi 5D -Samantha Levy 5W - Joshua Levy GRADE 6 6F -Adam Rahemtulla 6RJ - Sian Shin 6Y -Mina Khoshnevis MULGRAVE Award This prize is awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. M-anners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, G-enerosity, R-espect, A-ttitude, \/-erve, and E-xceitence. GRADE 3 3C - Julia Cross, Azad Dharamsi 3N - Clara Gonzalez, May Cho 3U -Connor Chittock, Audrey Yoshino GRADE 4 4J - Matthew Katz, Celina Manji 4S - Raiyana Alibhai, Lillian Huang 4T - Natalie Hanna, Aleem Karmali GRADE 5 5C -Catie Mytton, Andrew Zheng 5D - Lauren Mounzer, Jamie Cross, 5W - So Yi Lee, Joanna Joannou GRADE 6 6F - Zoe Ablett, Kevin Hu 6RJ - Siri Coupland, Kezia Devathasan 6 Y - Tegan Peterson, Sam Wilkinson

Trophies The Madat E. Jamal Award Awarded to the student who has displayed outstanding aesthetic awareness & creativity in the visual arts

Mina Khoshnevis The Koenig Family Award For fine arts & performance

Matthew Cho Violet Witty Memorial Award For perseverance

Emma Godin Everett Allan Larose Memorial Award for Positiveness Awarded to the student who most exemplifies a positive attitude towards self, fellow students & faculty

Amy Guinan-Browne Dvnapro Cud Presented by Dynapro for creative endeavours in science. Awarded to the student who expresses a real interest in inquiry as it relates to scientific topics and the experimental process

Joshua White George Woods Plate Awarded for spirit & enthusiasm - put your heart into everything you do

Flavie Belanger-Jones Stanley Ross Mitchell Memorial Award For excellent participation & achievement in school music activities

Cusbert Scholarship Cusbert Scholars are students who: Demonstrate the IB Learner Profile; have an even temper; are positive, hard-working, respectful and wellintentioned; are able to learn from mistakes; are wonderful rote models for other students; are inclusive of others and never intentionally mean; are respectful and demonstrative of the school rules and standards; are able to ignore peer pressure to do what is right; are supported by parents who are respectful towards faculty and staff and openly supportive of the school's philosophy and operation

Michael Calder Female Athletic Award For the female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all­ round athleticism

Flavie Belanger-Jones Jordan Henderson Male Athletic Award For the mate student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all­ round athleticism

Shayan Lakhani House Cup

Curie Chairman’s Cup In annual recognition of a student who exemplifies the combined attributes of citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics

Jordan Henderson

Joshua White Public Speaking Award For excellence in public speaking

James Ferguson runners up

Rachel Withers, Zakir Jamal Alexander Edward Priest Memorial Trophy For a Love of Learning

Daisy Harris Andrew Lambert Award for Positive Action This award recognises the student who best demonstrates positive action, in sen/ice for the betterment of our environment or the people of our world. The student must demonstrate independence, risk-taking as well as an open-minded and caring demeanour.

Sian Shin Mulorave School Sustainability Award For Passion in Environmental Leadership - Awarded to students who have demonstrated dedicated and active leadership in conservation and sustainability. This is a new award which has been sponsored by the Moller Family. Grants of $250 each will be donated to the cause/ conservation charity as selected by the award winners.

Alyssa Hague


' T o e Ablott, M argaret "Ber-ton, Liana "Biasucci, Xsabella "Bosrock, Carqen Canteli, Christina Catliff, Hazel Ch©e, M atthew Cho, MGg Colaqan, Alexandra Crone, “Emmo D ean, Picola Terguson, Tem ando Tranco Crespo, Sujdneu) Ha g<J©, Sarah Halldorson, M¡0a Khoshnevjis, ^uta Kihachi, Lucku) Kím, Madeleine Kirk'ojood, SaMantha Leuu), tfank Lia, Treu>a Ma,“ Parinaz MahMoadi, Kiujaana Manji, “Phillip Martin, "hanna MGhri tfannah “ Palacios, "Eunice “ Park, Steph anie “Porter, Adaq T^ah©Mtulla, H°nor Tiozee, Slan Sh¡n, Lsatasha Soqani, S a ra SoMani, \l)ill Steinberg, Keloj) TiMMons, Shanil V erjee, Dina ^aghoubi, -Jisoo ^ou Thanks go to th e yearb oo k club fo r their hard vxjork and dedication- The production o f this yearb oo k is truluj a t e a q e f f o r t th a t depends on a large group o f organisers, p h o tograp h ers, 'oJriters, a rtis ts and p ro o f-re a d e rs. All o f u)Our help and su p p o rtisg re a tlu ) a p p re c ia te d . kiicolaTerguson August 1s t 2 0 1 l


Abduljawad, Yousuf 50 Ablett, Andrew 44 Ablett, Stella 94 Ablett, Zoe 56 Abrary, Justin 68 Abrary, Martin 56 Abrary, Matthew 38 Abtin, Zehtab 88 Adam, Joanna 94 Adelaar, Payton 88 Aguilar Medina, Andy 44 Aguilar Medina, Omar 26 Ahamed, Kameel 86 Ahmadi Nlri, Milad 86 Ahmadl Vafa, Amir 26 Ahmadi Vafa, Saman 44 Ahmadi, Abdul 26 Alfreds, Evan 80 Alfreds, Maya 56 Ali, Ameeqa 32 Ali, Armaan 26 Alibhai, Inaya 82 Alibhai, Raiyana 68 Allmohamed, Blshr50 Allard, Luke 26 Allen, John 50 Allen, Nicky 38 Altman, Rhonda 94 Aminbakhsh, Ava 68 Amlnbakhsh, Daniel 82 An, Justin 38 Anderson, Zoe 44 Andrews, Christopher 50 Anson, Lian 94 Arafeh, Dina 26 Arafeh, Jude 50 Arafeh, Rashed 82 Armstrong, Jackson 88 Arnold, Michael 38 Arnould, Michael 4, 38 Arnould, Peter 4 Ash, Linda 94 Ashrafi, Medya 26 Ataman, Alara 90 Attridge, Claire 44 Au, Kelvin 38 Awde, Olivia 86 Ayre, Elizabeth 94

Basmadjian, Annahis 4, 129 Beaubien, Amy 94 Beaulieu, Cole 68 Beaulieu, Nicolas 56 Beck, Grayson 62 Beck, Jordan 50 Beddis, Jessica 50 Behmard, Shaya 88 Belanger Jones, Flavie 56 Belanger Jones, Florence 32 Bellamy, Madeline 86 Benson, Tyler 38 Berton, Emma 50 Berton, Margaret 32 Berton, Sarah 74 Beveridge, Ellie 32, 37 Bharmal, Sierra 38 Biasucci, Liana 56 Bidder, Nathan 68 Birand Fasano, Zara 90 Birch, Jack 68 Birch, Kate 82 Bird, Josephine 38 Blair, Cara 32 Blair, Laura 4 Blakney, Noah 90 Bleim, Eric 26 Boddez, Benjamin 38 Boddez, Georgia 50 Bolduc, Kayden 90 Borland, Hannah 4 Borovinskaya, Ksenia 5 Bosrock, Alexandra 80 Bosrock, Isabella 56 Bosrock, Juliana 68 Bottrill, Samantha 44 Bourchier, Bryson 50 Bourchier, Jaden 80 Bourchier, Tenal 26 Brar, Sharmaine 5 Brea, Tiare 44 Bridge, Christine 94 Bromley, Sean 26 Brooks, Cameron 5 Brooks, Teela 32 Brough, Clayre 94 Brough, Fiona 5 Brown, Graham 26 Brun, Alexander 56 Burgmann, Reagan 88



Bach, Adrian 88 3ach, Una 62 3agherpour, Kiana 88 3ahadorani, Kimia 32 3ai, Alex 82 Bai, David 44 3ai, Kim 94 3aik, Tera 44 Bakhet, Mark 32 Barrow Precious, Dara 44 Barrow Precious, Tessa 62

Cadwallader, Alanna 94 Cai, Brandon 82 Calder, Kevin 74 Calder, Michael 56 Calder, Samuel 90 Calkins, Braxton 74 Campbell, Wendy 94 Campeau, Madeleine 68 Campeau, Tristan 82 Cannon, Melanie 94 Canteli, Carmen 44


Carbone, Claire 94,110 Carere, Aiden 62 Carere, Bronwyn 38 Caron, Shannon 6 Carr, Siobhan 6 Carrillo, Christine 94 Catliff, Christina 44 Catliff, Kevin 26 Cawkell, Jonathan 94 Chan, Christopher 26 Chan, Justin 32 Chandani, Adam 32 Chang, Ethan 82 Chang, Jacky 62 Chang,Jada 88 Chang, Jason 32, 37 Chang, Kayley 74 Chapin, Betty 94 Chappell, Sophie 38, 128 Chasmar, Matthew 62 Cheah, Nicole 74 Cheah, Ryan 82 Chee, Hazel 94, 110 Chen, Celine 38 Chen, David 32 Chen, Linda 68 Chen, Michael 68 Cheng, Crystal 38 Cheng, Maggie 68 Chittock, Connor 74 Chittock, Luke 86 Chiu, Christina 94 Cho, Ahjin 62 Cho, Kai 82 Cho, Matthew 56 Cho, May 74 Cho, Quinn 68 Choi, Ruby 38 Choi, Sunny 44 Chong, Louise 6 Chow, Kelly 94 Christian, Fraser 38, 129 Clark, Kathryn 94 Clarke Scott, Aidan 62 Clay, Elena 90 Coglon, Gabrielle 88 Coleman, Meg 38 Collins, Megan 94 Collister, George 26 Collister, Will 74 Constantineau, Jade 94 Copp, Mackenzie 82 Copp, Sydney 56 Coppin, Kris 50 Corbett, Heather 38 Costain, Alison 94 Coupland, Cole 38 Coupland, Siri 56 Coutts, Brent 38 Cox, Cleo 74 Cox, Giulia 82 Cox, Joel 50 Cox, Michaela 56 Cox, Talulla 86

Creber, Monique 94 Croke, James 56 Croke, Lewis 44 Croke, Natasha 88 Crone, Alexandra 26 Crone, Anna 50 Crookbain, Kyra 6 Cross, David 39 Cross, Jamie 62 Cross, Julia 74 Cullen, Kieran 7 Cummings, Aurora 56 Curry, Blake 74 Curry, Steele 74 Cusbert, Greg 94 Cytrynbaum, Benny Jean 44

0 Da Roza, Gia 74 Da Roza, Zoe 86 Dai, Cecile 68 Dai, Garrett 82 Dai, Mitchell 88 Dai, Yi Chu 32 Damji, Mikkah 82 Danaei, Ava 88 Danaei, Nima 68 De Beer, Betsie 50 De Beer, Eddie 94 De Beer, M.C. 26 Dean, Adrian 44 Dean, Emma 56 Decicco, Bradan 26 Decooman, Jack 56 Decooman, Jed 80 Deggan, Julian 7 Dempsey, Nicholas 7 Desabrรกis, Emilie 56 Desabrรกis, Jocelyn 68 Desai, Bela 82 Devathasan, Kezia 56 Dhanani, Ali 90 Dhanji, Kaysan 82 Dhanji, Khayali 80 Dharamsi, Ahmed 50, 129 Dharamsi, Azad 74 Dhillon, Aman 86 Dhillon, Amrita 86 Digiacinto, Nicole 94 Dixon, Hannah 62 Dixon, Zoe Rae 50 Dong, Lily 90 Donnelly, Carla 94 Douglas, Alisa 94 Dowling, Brenna 26, 128, 129 Drexl, Erika 95 Du, Andrew 88 Du, Kevin 82 Durrans, Matthew 50 Durrans, Nicholas 32 173

e Eakin, Rob 95 Earner Goult, Alexandra 32 Earner Goult, Emma 44 Eastman, Alex 50 Eastman, Emma 68 Ebrahim, liaan 90 Ebrahimi Siaghi, Nikki 74 Elyzen, Max 68 Ergas, Elias 50 Ergas, Sasha 68 Evans, Jessie 26 Evini, Niki 82 Ezzati, Grace 82

F Fabian, Kevin 44 Fabian, Laura 62, 66 Fairall, Karen 95 Fedor, Matreya 44 Fedusiak, Emily 32 Felcan, Jeffrey 82 Felcan, Jessica 68 Feng, Gloria 32 Feng, Victor 50 Ferguson, James 56 Ferguson, Nicola 95 Figueroa, Simonne 90 Finlayson, Suzanne 95 Fischer, Tasha 39 Flanagan, John 95 Forster, Lauren 44 Foster, Melissa 80 Franco Crespo, Fernando 45 Franco Crespo, Leo 32 Franks, Jakob 88 Franks, Jeremy 74 Franks, Jillian 80 French, Andrew 45 French, Christopher 32, 37 Frewin, Catherine 95 Frewin, Michael 95 Frewin, Timmy 62 Frost, Christian 32 Fu, Tina 57 Fuller, Will 57 Fuscaldo, Marisa 95

6 Gaastra, Andrew 68 Gaastra, Victor 86 Gable, Madeleine 86 Gable, Robert 74 Gabier, Steven 86 Gair, Spencer 33 Gallo, Rose 39 Gardiner, James 95 Gaudry Gardner, Ethan 7 Ge, Yang 26 Ghane-Bassiri, Daniel 90 Giesbrecht, Christine 95

Gill, Sunita 95 Gilley, Graham 95 Gleeson, Helen 95 Godin, Emma 57 Godin, Melissa 33 Gollner, Chris 33 Gollner, Laura 51 Gollner, Matthew 86 Gonzalez, Clara 74 Gonzalez, Rafael 57 Grathwol, Finn 83 Gray, Liam 57 Gray, Ryan 45 Graystone, Andrew 33, 36, 37 Griffiths, Sam 27 Gris, Tamara 95 Guest, Hannah 90 Guinan Browne, Amy 57 Gulamani, Amin 80 Gulamani, Kaden 74 Gulamani, Karina 86 Guld, Aria 57 Guld, Noah 39 Guscott, James 39 Guscott, Paige 27

Henderson, Jordan 57 Henderson, Tony 27 Henry, Chelsea 51 Hetherington, Anna 39 Heward, Jane 95 Hiom, Jacob 57 Hiom, Rhianna 69 Ho, Su Ann 74 Hole, Isaac 62 Holwill, Thomas 90 Hooja, Divya 83 Hopper, Aspen 90 Horner, Andrew 69 Horner, Mark 75 Hrdina, Jan 95 Hu,John 27 Hu, Kevin 57, 62 Huang, Lillian 69 Huang, Reine 90 Huang, Winnie 8 Hughes, Connor 39 Hughes, Michaela 27 Hui, Alexandra 90 Hunt, Barbara 95 Hussain, Ali 27



Habib, Aazan 8 Habibian, Mana 27 Hadden, Ewan 80 Hadden, Sebastian 69 Hague, Alyssa 69 Hague, Sydney 57 Hakimzadeh, Kala 90 Hakimzadeh, Nikki 90 Halldorson, Sarah 45 Han, Francis 8 Han,Jean 95 Hann, Marcus 39 Hann, Owen 27 Hanna, Natalie 69 Hao, Terry 88 Hardy, Lee 95 Hare, Sukhmun 39 Harland, Charles 90 Harris, Daisy 57 Harris, Morag 95 Harrison, CalĂ­ais 69 Hart, Adam 27 Hart, Charlie 27 Hart, Dominique 27 Harvey, Benedict 80 Harvey, Ella 86 Hassam, Khirad 83 Hassan, Samiya 39 Hassantash, Elham 8 Haugom, Maggie 69 Haugom, Mollie 69 Hawkins, Shirley 95 He, Jeffrey 27 Hemani, Kamran 83 Hemani, Ziyan 83 Henderson, Cameron 45

llkay, Lindsay 75 Ingram, Zach 51 Inman, Dax 39 Inman, Madi 9 Inman, Madison 9 Isla, Nicolas 33 Iyer, Tushya 57

J Jain, Sparsh 62 Jain, Yash 80 Jamal, Adam 69 Jamal, Omar 90 Jamal, Zakir 57 James, Conrad 9 Jamieson, Kent 95 Jang, Daniel 9 Jang, Haram 45 Jang, Hayan 33 Janmohamed, Alnoor 95 Janmohamed, Jamilla 45 Janmohamed, Jenissa 57 Janmohamed, Sara 88 Jarvis, Alina 88 Jarvis, Vincent 90 Jelveh, Bobby 9 Jeong, Carl 33 Jeong, Helen 45 Jeong, Woo Jin 10 Ji, Michael 39 Jiang, Catherine 75 Jin, Larisa 90 Jin, Teresa 86 Joannou, Angela 45 Joannou, Joanna 62 Johnson, Samantha 95

Johnston, Rachel 39 Jolley, Patricia 95 Jones, Martin 95 Joyce, Claire 75 Joyce, Lauren 62 Julian, Charlotte 10 Jung, Eric 45 Jung, Grace 69 Jung, Michelle 62 Jung, Richard 45 Juteau, Sean 95

K Kalamkarova, Elina 27 Karmali, Aleem 69, 128 Karmali, Ammar 39 Karmali, Anniqa 51 Karmali, Imraan 69 Kassim Lakha, Sahra 75 Katz, Matthew 69 Kaufman, Ari 62 Kaufman, Cayla 39 Kearns, Ashleigh 39 Kearns, Natasha 69 Kearns, Ryan 80 Keleher, Louis 57 Keleher, Richard 95 Kendrick, Benjamin 75 Kendrick, Rebecca 51 Kernaghan, Katrina 27 Keshtkar, Niko 33 Khorchidian, Aramis 57 Khorchidian, Arka 80 Khoshnevis, Mina 57 Kikuchi, Yuta 33 Kikutchi, Yuta 36 Kim, Angela 62 Kim, Arthur 11 Kim, David 69 Kim, Gian 83 Kim, Jimmy 33 Kim, Jonathan 51 Kim, Louis 33 Kim, Lucky 57 Kim, Michael 51 Kim, Sean 39 Kirkwood Fraser, Roslyn 86 Kirkwood, Hamish 80 Kirkwood, Isabelle 39 Kirkwood, Madeleine 57 Kirkwood, Oliver 33 Ko, Ethan 88 Koenig, Isabella 86 Koenig, Katerina 69 Koo, Tiffany 51 Kopke, Kai 80 Kopke, Kennedy 88 Korbin, Abigail 39 Kortje, Zoe 75 Kuai, Feiyi 33 Kwak, Angela 51 Kwan, Ben 95

Id Laรงasse, Jacob 51 Ladak, Jenna 80 Lakhani, Shayan 58 Lalani, Jamil 83 Lalani, Khylam 51 Lalani, Sabrina 39 Lalani, Soraiya 51 Lambert, Rebecca 27 Lambert, Rory 45 Lara Alvarez, Luis 90 Larjava, Milla 51 Larjava, Nelli 63 Larson, Jake 27, 129 Lawson, Luke 96 Lawton, Tianna 80 Layton, Erika 80 Lebrun, Nicole 96 Lede, Matthew 83 Leduc, Claude 96 Lee, Adelyn 80 Lee, Alexander 33 Lee, Annika 40 Lee, Ava 86 Lee, Brandon 51 Lee, Charlotte 33 Lee, Daniel 40 Lee, Emme 51 Lee, Kevin 27 Lee, Nicole 69 Lee, So Yi 63 Lee, Yunnya 45 Lepoidevin, Alex 80 Lepoidevin, Lucy 81 Leung, Erick 11 Levine, Juliette 11 Levy, Joshua 63 Levy, Samantha 63 Li, Alex 51 Li, Daisy 86 Li, Gavin 90 Li, Rosie 75 Li, Weiyun 51 Li, Weizhen 27 Liao, Rita 11 Linaksita, Cheryl 27 Linaksita, Claudia 27, 129 Linaksita, Nicole 12 Lippman, Eli 81 Lippman, Ethan 69 Lippman, Jerome 87 Liu, Hank 58 Liu, Lily 28 Liu, Sharon 63 Lo, David 96 Logan, Tina 96 Longo, Erin 51 Longo, Trevor 63 Lopez, David 96 Lopez, Leo 96 Lopez, Michael 96 Lott, Hay ley 96 Louie, Nevin 83

Louie, Raiden 75 Lu, Victoria 81 Lumanlan, Jerico 45 Luo, George 87 Luo, Peter 69 Luo, Tommy 33 Lynch, Claire 96

M Ma, Freya 45 Macnutt-Lawson, Charlotte 88 Macphail, Jack 12 Madill, Mitchell 40 Maghsoud, Aryan 33 Maghsoud, Nika 40 Mahmoudi, Niki 75 Mahmoudi, Parinaz 58 Mahmoudi, Sara 28 Mamdani, Aly 81 Mamdani, Jenna 70 Mamdani, Raya 87 Manderson, Coco 90 Manderson, Isabella 63 Manji, Celina 70 Manji, Isaac 81 Manji, Kiyaana 58 March, Andrew 70 March, Liam 63 Marchant, Madelyn 83 Marosits, Lukas 87 Marosits, Markus 75 Marshall, Natalie 51 Martin, Ava 88 Martin, Carlos 40 Martin, Charles 63 Martin, Daniela 45 Martin, Janet 96 Martin, Phillip 51 Matich, Brandon 87 Matich, Tyson 90 Mavani, Lialah 87 Mavani, Sayeed 70 May, Jessica 96 May, Sophie 96 Mayo, Mj 40 MAZAHERI, Noojan 33, 35 Mazaheri, Tirajeh 12 McCarter, Max 83 McEvoy, Sascha 81 McEvoy, Simon 45 McEvoy, William 58 McIntyre, Alexandra 96 McIntyre, Hayley 40 McIntyre, Kendall 28, 128 McIntyre, Morgan 40 McIntyre, Thomas 58 McKay, Kala 75 McKay, Quinn 87 McKenzie, Aaron 40 McKenzie, Jacob 58 McLean, Claude 96 McLean, Kelsey 28 McTavish, Alison 96

Meakings, Jonathan 33 Meewes, Fred 96 Mehr, Ranna 58 Mehr, Tara 75 Meibodi, Nazpendar 88 Meikle, Jasmine 40 Meikle, Meridy 70 Mejia, Sarah 63 Menshykov, Stanislav 40 Menshykova, Olesya 83 Menziuso, Claudia 63 Menziuso, Rachel 63 Merali, Kiyaan 83 Merali, Qyle 88 Merali, Zia 88 Miller, Murray 96 Minicucci, Nisia 28 Mir Pourian, Amir Ali 63 Mitchell, Ellie 81 Mitchell, John 45 Mitchell, Karyn 96 Mitchell, Liam 45 Mithani, Jadyn 90 Modrovic, Branden 75 Moffatt, Andrew 12 Moffatt, Daniel 40 Moffatt, Megan 40 Moller, Nicole 28 Moore, Erin 90 Moore, Melissa 96 Moore, Michael 37, 96 Morabito, Jolene 81 Morabito, Veronica 83 Morgan, Marlena 96 Mounzer, Lauren 63 Mounzer, Stephanie 45 Mourachov, Pasha 88 Movasaghi, Ali 28 Movasaghi, Helia 40 Muljiani, Aleem 40 Muljiani, Alisha 70 Murray, Kenda 87 Murray, Malcolm 88 Myring, Jake 90 Mytton, Catie 63 Mytton, Sarah 46

M Najafi, Farhad 96 Navaratnam, Anisha 40 Neill Klein, Emma 52 Newton, Kristy 96 Niu, Amanda 90 Noghrekar, Abrisham 28 Nohdomi, Taka 81 Noormohamed, Ahna 83 Noormohamed, Jayden 91 Novak, Gabriella 81 Novak, Milan 87 Nowtash, Annabella 87 Nowtash, Babak 91

0 O'Brien, Grayson 33, 37 O'Brien, Katherine 58 O'Brien, Victoria 46 O'Byrne, Mary 96 Oh, Brian 28 Onrot, Annabelle 87 Orsmond, Lynn 96 Orsmond, Sarah 52 Oswald, Mitchell 46 Ounjian, Vivian 52 Ounjian, William 28

P Pai, Angela 52 Pai, Debbie 34 Paisley, Sebastian 70 Palacios, Hannah 58 Pallone, Nick 28 Paris, Margot 96 Park, Alex 63 Park, Ellie 81 Park, Eunice 34 Park, Shelly 52 Peng,Jesse 13 Peng, Peter 63 Perry, Shirley 96 Peters, Sam 63 Peterson, Tegan 58 Pez, Heather 96 Philpotts, Hannah 63 Philpotts, Harry 75 Pike,Jackson 58 Pike, James 40 Pinchin, Karen 96 Piskova, Stacy 75 Polevoy, Daniella 63 Polevoy, David 75 Pope, Glen 97 Porter, Stephanie 34 Poulin, Cecile 97 Pownall, Peyton 83 Pownall, Reagan 70 Pulfer, Mark 97 Pullen, William 46

Q Qin, Felix 83

ft Radford, Hannah Rose 34, 129 Radford, Lorraine 97 Rahbar, Admis 28 Rahemtulla, Adam 58 Rahemtulla, Emma 34 Rahim, Hannah 52 Rajani, Cole 70 Rajani, Sahra 81 Rajwani, Aria 88 Ramdhani, Pranav 83

Ramdhani, Shavi 88 Ramesh, Deepak 75 Ramesh, Deepesh 83 Ransanz, Miguel 64 Ransanz, Paula 83 Rathbone, Natasha 97 Read, Gregory 52 Ressideh, Ben 28 Rezazadeh, Aydin 64 Rhee, Glara 13 Richmond, Jessica 97 Ridley, Alia 34 Riley, Dustin 28 Rinaldi, Julia 13 Rockandel, Michael 58 Rodrigues, Alyssa 14, 129 Rodrigues, Nadia 52 Ronald-Jones, Gareth 97 Roper, Jena 46 Roper, Toby 34 Roppel, Cole 84 Roseman, Cameron 88 Roseman, Dale 70 Ross Ghali, Katrina 40 Ross Ghali, Keaton 70 Rosu, Tudor 84 Roulston, Barra 91 Rowland, Jenna 88 Rozee, Honor 34, 37 Rubin, Nikolai 87 <ยง> Saba, Mira 84 Sacre, Kealin 64 Sadler, Alexander 28 Saffari, Hirmand 46 Sahiholnasab, Hossein 28 Sahiholnasab, Yahya 40 Salamat, John 28 Salemohamed, Omar 46 Salemohamed, Soraiya 14 Samji, Alyza 81 Sanei, Mercedes 87 Sarantopoulos, Sara 97 Sayani, Kaden 81 Sayani, Shaiya 84 Schmidt, Ashley 97 Scott, Ben 58 Scott, Ronan 89 Scott, Sam 70 Sealey, Ole 97 Seung,Jae Hyun 64 Seung, Ji Min 34 Sewell, Abbey 46 Sewell, Emily 34 Sewell, Ryan 70 Shafiei Radghomi, Pouya 28 Shariff, Kiersa 91 Shariff, Zoya 89 Shaw, Emma 97 Sheh, Donna 97 Sheldon, Thomas 70 Shepard, Kate 28

Sherrington, Ailsa 40 Sherrington, Jenna 52 Sherrington, Joshua 28 Shields, Spencer 14 Shin, Sian 58 Shokravi, Armรณn 64 Shokravi, Arveen 64 Short, Mark 84 Shull, Alyssa 64 Shull, Jacob 91 Shull, Jayden 75 Smid, Gracie 14 Smith, Micah 41 Smyth, Justin 41 Sobotkova, Maria 58 Somani, Jasmine 34, 37 Somani, Jordan 52 Somani, Natasha 58 Somani, Sara 58 Soper, Libby 97 Southey, Caitlyn 64, 67 Southey, Campbell 75 Southey, Emily 87 Stanton, Connor 41 Steek, Veronica 64 Stedman, Alex 41 Stedman, Nathan 15 Steffens, Carl 52 Steffens, Mark 97 Steffens, Megan 41 Steinberg, Will 58 Steiniger, Karl Lukas 52 Steiniger, Nicola 97 Straub, Zsu Zsu 97 Stylianides, Gina 41 Sui, David 64 Sullivan, Miles 81 Sullivan, Owen 87 Sullivan, Sofia 64 Super, Doug 97 Surani, Nadir 29

T Taghavi, John Christophe 64 Taghi Ganji, Saina 29 Talib, Ali 84 Talib, Jenna 89 Talib, Kaiden 84 Talib, Kayla 64 Talib, Mikhail 76 Tallos, Andrew 29 Tallos, Emma 41 Tan, Emily 81 Tan, Ray 59 Tan, Schon 46 Taslicay, Ege 89 Tavakolizadeh, Amir 34 Tay, Cayden 84 Teasdale, Carsen 64 Tetiker, Lesley 97 Tetiker, Nihat 97 Thies, Sandra 46 Thomas, Chloe 81

Thomas, Emma 64 Thomas, Melanie 97 Thompson, Josef 34 Thompson, Mitchell 46 Thomson, Gerry 97 Thomson, Pippa 97 Timmons, Kelcy 46 Timmons, Tori 34, 37, 128 Travlos, Angie 29 Tung, Jolee 46 Turner, Hana 15 Turner, Maddy 34, 37 Tweet, Oscar 29

a Uhrle, Merina 52 Ullman, Shauna 97

V Van Der Werff, Ella 89 Van Draanen, Elise 97 Van Nieuwenhuyse, Ilya 46 Van Zyl, Ferdinand 97 Verjee, Shanil 59 Virani, Aydan 91 Virani, Natasha 34, 37 Vodrey, Monique 97 Vodrey, Teagan 91 Vokey, Kelly 97 Volkmann, Julika 15 Volkmann, Theresa 15

w Wahle, Constantin 34 Wahle, Gereon 46 Walker, Anika 59 Walker, Kristjana 76 Walker, Sarah 46 Wallster, Mackenzie 34 Walsh, Angela 97 Walsh, Connor 76 Wang, Diana 97 Wang, Jasmine 89 Wang, Jeffrey 64 Wang, Joy 91 Wang, Kitty 46 Wang, Luna 76 Wang, McKade 52 Wang, Shirley 16 Wang, Simon 70 Wang, William 41 Wang, Yongdong 29 Wei, Tania 97 White, Alex 89 White, Eoin 84 White, Ingrid 70 White, Joshua 59 White, Kathryn 34, 129 White, Kyle 29, 129 White, Sydney 52 Widdows, Ian 34 Wiebach, Joanna 98

Wierenga, Danielle 52 Wilkinson, Samuel 59 Willard, Isobel 98 Willi, Yannis 35 Williams Wood, Tal 76 Williams, Madeline 52 Willis, Lucy 46 Wilson, Antony 98 Wilson, Ava 89 Wilson, Chris 29 Wilson, Sandy 41 Wilson, Valerie 98 Wimmer Manderson, Nicholas 46 Wimmer, Max 16 Withers, Rachael 59 Withers, Trevor 46 Woida, Amanda 16 Wong, Adam 91 Wong, Ashley 87 Workman, Rory 98 Wortman, Alex 64 Wozny, Brooke 98 Wray, Grace Lily 84 Wray, Jack 81 Wray, John 98 Wright, Augustin 76 Wu, Carol 41 Wu, Jessica 89

X Xing, Amy 41 Xiong, Mei Jia 16 Xu,Jenny 81 Xu, Wendy 89 Xu, Yimeng 29

y Yaghoubi, Dina 59 Yaghoubi, Hanna 89 Yakachuk, Christine 98 Yamamoto, Kei 17 Yan, Katherine 41 Yan, Lily 76 Yang, Christie 76 Ye, Sophie 81 Ye, Vivian 84 Yip, Devon 35 Yip, Rosa 98 Yoon, Will 35, 36 Yoshino, Alexander 64 Yoshino, Audrey 76 Yoshino, Chantal 84 You, Ji Na 47 You, Ji Sang 70 You, Sue 59 Young, Lauren 35,37 Yuan, Bill 52 Yue, Norika 17

z Zehtab, Atria 91

Toby Canham /G etty Images fo r Extra

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Brian Kersey/Getty Imac

Alcorn/Bloomberg via Getty Images CFL Photo/ Walter Tychnowicz

AP Photo/Houston Chronicle, Karen Warren

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Mike Stobe/Getty Images for NewYork Red Bull AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick

M errick M orton/O Colum bia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

ïlgufil The federal government takes steps to prevent bullying In schools and communities. To make information accessible, a steering committee develops Bullyinglnfo.org.

The Canadian Press/Steve Rennie

soldiers have lost their lives in military activities in Afghanistan. The combat mission Is set to end in 2011 with a new focus in a non-combat role delivering humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people.

Canada Hosts G8/G20 Summit Leaders gathered for the G8 Summit in Huntsville, ON on June 25th then joined other world leaders for the G20 summit in Toronto. More than 400 people were arrested as violence erupted as protesters marched through downtown. The cost of hosting the G8 and G20 summits reached $1.1 billion.

The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick


NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images Families comfort each other at the site of the Afghanistan Memorial Monument following its unveiling ceremony on Canadian Forces Base Petawawa in Ontario.

The U.S. government is compromised when Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks website publishes sensitive diplomatic cables discussing Pakistan, North Korea, Iran and China.

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

O ^ e Oil Spill The BP ‘Deepwater Horizon’ explosion releases more than 700 million litres of crude in the Gulf of Mexico.

AP Photo/Office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, File

After a nearly fatal gunshot wound, Representative Gabrielle Giffords continues her difficult recovery.

The Canadian Press/Jeff McIntosh

Not long after North Korean leader Kim Jong II fires at the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, he names his youngest son as his successor. AP Photo/US Coast Guard, File

Sidney Crosby Named Maclean's Newsmaker of the Year Maclean’s names Sidney Crosby Newsmaker of the Year. The gold medal final against the United States at the 2010 Winter Olympics became the mostwatched television broadcast in Canadian history with an average of 16.6 million Canadians tuning in. The 23 year old from Cole Harbour, N.S., is the captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Canada Gves Back to Haiti

Harvard educated Nenshi is elected as Calgary's new Mayor on Tuesday, October 19, 2010. Nenshi, 38, Is believed to be the first Muslim mayor of a major Canadian city.

The Canadian Federal Government announces that It will provide a $93 million dollar assistance package to Haiti in 2011. The country continues to struggle a year after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck on January 12, 2010, killing 300,000 Haitians and leaving 1.4 million homeless.

Brian Kersey/Getty Image

The world celebrates as 33 miners from Chile’s San Jose Copper-Gold mine are safely rescued after spending two months trapped 700 meters underground.

Bedbugs were almost wiped out after the Second World War, but are creeping back into Canadian homes, hotels and public venues at a rapid rate.

© PAPhotos Limited

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrive in Canada for their 22nd official royal visit on June 28,2010. The Queen and Prince Philip visited five Canadian cities over nine days. The tour included visits to Halifax, Winnipeg, Ottawa. Toronto and Waterloo. The Queen made her first trip to Canada In 1951 when she was still a princess.

Colonel Russell Williams, former commander of Canadian Forces Base Trenton, ON, pleaded guilty to 88 charges Including tw o counts of first-degree murder for the deaths of Jessica Lloyd, 27 and Cpl. MarieFrance Comeau, 38. Williams faces an automatic sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole for at least 25 years.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images


Recondiation Commission Ceremony The first Truth and Reconciliation Commission ceremony was held In Winnipeg at The Forks national historical site from June 16-19, 2010 where former students, their families and dignitaries including former Governor General Michaëlle Jean participated in healing ceremonies. Approximately 150,000 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children were placed in over 130 residential schools across Canada from the 1870s until the last school closed in 1996.

Canada's New Governor General

Airports across North America Implement full body scanners to screen airline passengers for possible weapons and explosives.

The Canadian Press/Chris Young

David Johnston, a highly regarded academic from Ontario is sworn in as Canada's 28th Governor General on Friday, October 1,2010. Johnston succeeds former Governor General Michaëlle Jean.

After emerging from bankruptcy, General Motors Is profitable again. The company raised $20.1 billion in the largest global initial public offering (IPO) in North American history.

Sean Galiup/Getty Images

After protests in favour of democracy peaked in the streets of Cairo, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek steps down.

Samir Hussein/Wirelmage

Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton announce their engagement in November 2010. They plan to marry In 2011.

The Canadian Press

Lululemon Athletica issued a Canada-wide recall for some of its popular reusable shopping bags over concerns they may contain lead. Lululemon reported the bags are considered safe to use, but may potentially be of concern in regards to proper disposal after use. Customers were urged to return flawed bags to Lululemon stores to enable the retailer to properly dispose of them.

BRINK ERESH WATER A N O A S MUCH WATER AS [W U CAN. W A T ER .FIU 5 H ES UNWANTED T O X IF R ! FROM TOUR B O Ö Y A W KEEPS TOUR BRAIN SHARP. T he p u rs u it o f h a p p in e s s is th e s o u rc e o f alt unhappiness.


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you. NASA’s Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite finds water in a polar crater on the moon. There is far more water than scientists expected.

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Fruit Fly


TOMS Shoes, which donates one pair to a child in need for every pair sold, becomes a philanthropic fashion phenomenon.

AP Photo/lndiana University, Kevin Cook

O Electric Car

A Nielsen survey reports that thirty-one percent of pre-teens ranked the Apple iPad as the m ost-wished-for holiday gift in 2010.

Nissan introduces the Leaf, an electric car. According to the official EPA sticker, the car achieves the equivalent of 43 kilometers per liter.

A new element, discovered in 1996, finally receives its official name: Copernicum. It is named in honour of Copernicus, the Renaissance mathematician and astronomer.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images


Volcano in Iceland Erupts On April 14th, 2010 a volcano erupted in southern Iceland shooting ash and molten lava into the air forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people. The volcanic ash shut down airports across central and northern Europe. The International Air Transport Association said the volcano disruption cost the industry at least $200 million a day.

New life Form NASA-funded astrobiology researchers discover a new life form, a bacterium that can use the toxic chemical arsenic as fuel for growing and rebuilding itself.

AP Photo/Brynjar Gauti

Researchers using fruit flies to study human obesity have found that obese flies have many of the same problems as obese people, including high cholesterol and difficulty regulating insulin.

w AP Photo NASA/JPL-CaltechAJniversity of Maryland


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Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images Wind turbines become more prevalent. The emergence of “wind farms" signals the beginning of what could be a wind energy boom.

NASA's EPOXI Mission shows amazing images of comet Hartley 2, 23 million miles away from Earth, in November 2010.

AP Photo/Zina Deretsky, National Science Foundation

The NBA and WNBA promote Vaccines for Teens, an awareness campaign designed to educate teens and parents about the importance of vaccinations. Allen and Violet Large, an elderly couple from Lower Truro, Nova Scotia gave away an estimated 98% of their $11.2 million lottery win. The couple, who have been married for 36 years, shared their winnings with family, but the lion’s share was hand-delivered to charities and other organizations.

An 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile shifts our planet’s axis by about three inches and shortens the Earth day by 1.26 millionths of a second.

The Canadian Press/Jonathan Hayward

The Canadian Press/Halifax Chronicle Herald - Michael Gorman NBAEvia Getty Images Toby Canham/Getty Images for Extra

Canada's employment kicked off 2011 by churning out about 4.5 times more new jobs than expected, the most since April 2010. While countries around the world struggle to maintain, Canadian employers continue to experience steady job growth across multiple industries with customer service as the top growth area. No more searching your car for quarters! Cities from coast to coast are installing solar-powered, WIFI-enabled parking meters that can accept credit cards.

Northern Manitoba's polar bear population Is rapidly declining according to researchers from the University of Alberta. The Western Hudson Bay subpopulation, estimated at 935 animals In 2004, Is expected to decline over the next 25 years to the point where there may not be enough bears to sustain a breeding population. Due to climate change, the Hudson Bay will soon reach a tipping point where 20 to 30 per cent of Manitoba's polar bears will begin dying off each year. Manitoba declared polar bears a threatened species in 2008.

AP Photo/Kyoto University via Kyodo News

The black kokanee, a species of freshwater salmon thought to be extinct for 70 years, is found living in a lake near Japan’s Mount Fuji.

Actress and singer Selena Gomez, age 18, serves as the spokesperson for UNICEF's trick-or-treat campaign. She is the organization’s youngest goodwill ambassador AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Jonathan Hayward

Spain defeats The Netherlands to win the 2010 FIFA World Cup Championship trophy in South Africa. Canadian connections: Héctor Vergara, a 43-year-old assistant referee from Winnipeg was Canada’s sole on-field representative at the World Cup. Also, Pickseed Canada provided two varieties of grass used in seeding 13 giant stadiums across South Africa.

The Canadian press/Shaney Komulainen

Quarterback Aaron Rodgers leads the Green Bay Packers to a 31 -25 Super Bowl victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Alouettes Win 98th Grey Cup

Legendary NHL coach Pat Burns passed away on November 19,2010 at the age of 58 in Sherbrooke, QC after a long battle with cancer.

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The Montreal Alouettes beat the Saskatchewan Roughriders 21 -18 at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton to win the 98th Grey Cup. The Alouettes are the first team to win back-to-back titles since the Toronto Argonauts in 1996 and 1997.

CFL Photo/ Walter Tychnowicz

Mikael Kingsbury, gold medalist Alexandre Bilodeau, silver medalist Chloe Dufour-Lapointe and gold medalist Jennifer Heil at the freestyle skiing world championships on Feb. 5, 2011 in Park City, Utah.

Former Laker great Magic Johnson and Kobe Bryant celebrate the LA Lakers’ NBA Finals Game 7 win against the Boston Celtics.

Team Alberta wins 2010 Tim Hortons Brier Alberta's Kevin Koe, Blake MacDonald, Carter Rycroft and Nolan Thiessen won their first Tim Hortons Brier, 6-5 in an extra end, against the previously undefeated Glenn Howard team of Ontario. The San Francisco Giants capture the Commissioner’s Trophy by defeating the Texas Rangers 3 to 1 in Game 5 of the World Series.

The Canadian Press/Jacques Boissinot

Laval Rouge et Or win the CIS Vanier Cup with a 29-2 victory over the Calgary Dinos to claim their sixth Vanier Cup in the last 12 years.

Tony Hawk welcomes Olympic gold medalist snowboarder Shaun White to his second annual Stand Up for Skateparks benefit in Las Vegas, Nevada.

jonathan Byrd's Hole-in-one Golfer Jonathan Byrd wins his fourth PGA Tour victory with a hole-in-one on the fourth playoff hole in the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open.

The Chicago Blackhawks win their first Stanley Cup since 1961. In Game 6, they defeat the Philadelphia Flyers 4 to 3 in overtime.

The Canadian Press/Winnipeg Free Press - Boris Minkevich LeBron James announces via live ESPN special that he is leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers to join the Miami Heat. Fans and commentators condemn the move.

Steve Dykes/Getty Images

Michelle Wle of the United States, won the CN LPGA Canadian Women's Open 2010 at Winnipeg’s St. Charles Country Club. Wie won with a score o f -12.


Fédérer Ties Sampras Record

Roger Federer catches up to Pete Sampras’ record of 64 singles tournament wins by winning the Stockholm Open in Sweden's Royal Tennis Hall.

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Sports Illustrated presents its 2010 Sportsman of the Year award to New Orleans Saints quarterback, and Super Bowl MVP, Drew Brees.

The Associated Press names Lindsey Vonn, the Olympic gold medalist skier, as its 2010 Female Athlete of the Year.

Jimmie Johnson drives his #48 Lowe’s i Chevrolet to his fifth straight NASCAR Sprint Cup championship at Homestead-Miami Speedway.

iThejCanadiân Prëss/Frank Gunn]

Sad Day for Team Canada Team Canada loses 5-3 to Team Russia in the Gold medal game at the World Junior Hockey Championships in Buffalo, New York on January 5th, 2011.

Chris Trotman/Getty Images for NASCAR

The Hockey Hall of Fame opened its doors to women for the first time by Inducting Canadian Angela James and American Camml Granato. The women were recognized alongside former NHLer Dino Ciccarelli and builder Jim Devellano. The late Daryl (Doc) Seaman, one of the founders of the Calgary Flames, was also admitted.

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Kevin Mazur/TCA2010/W irelm age

Katy Perry’s headline­ grabbing wedding to Russell Brand and her controversial Sesame S treet appearance overshadow the release of her | new album, Teenage Dream.

Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Imagt

“ Na Na Na,” by My Chemical Romance, is a popular punk anthem. It’s included in the Rocktober track pack for G uitar Hero: W arriors o f Rock.

The Canadian Press/Robert V

Michael Kovac/Wirelmage

Arcade Fire's Grammy Win






K'man's Wavin’ Flog A star-studded, remixed version of K’naan’s universal track Wavin’ Flag raised more than $1 million for victims of the Haitian earthquake. Drake, Justin Bieber, Kardinal Offishall, Nelly Furtado and Nikki Yanofsky were among the 57 Canadian artists who joined K’naan on the charity single.

Jackie Evancho, the 10-yearold soprano who came to fame on A m erica's G ot Talent, releases a bestselling holiday CD/DVD titled O H oly N ight.

Indie rock band, Arcade Fire, from Montreal, QC wins Album of The Year at the 2011 Grammy’s beating out Eminem and Lady Antebellum, both of whom won awards earlier in the evening.

Bobby Ray Simmons, also known as B.o.B., sees his second single, “Airplanes,” soar to the top of the charts in the U.S. and the U.K.

Travie McCoy

rigitté Engl/Redferns



Travie McCoy, of Gym Class Heroes, releases his first solo album. The lead single, “ Billionaire,” goes double platinum and tops the U.S. and U.K. charts.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Sw ift’s Speak N ow is the first release by a female artist since Britney Spears to sell more than 1 million copies in its first week.

Miranda Lambert receives a record-breaking nine CMA nominations. She wins three trophies, Including Album of the Year for Revolution and Female Vocalist of the Year.

Mike Coppola/FilmMagic

Country supergroup Lady Antebellum took home five Grammy awards, including Song of the Year and Record of the Year.

Brad Paisley takes home the Country Music - Favourite Male Artist award from the American Music Awards and the CMA Entertainer of the Year Award. M onty Brinton/CBS via G etty Images

Steve Granitz/Wirelmage

Katherine Bomboy/ABC via Getty Images

Eminem didn’t crack a smile when he expressed his gratitude for winning the Grammy for Rap Solo Performance.

Usher performs at the American Music Awards show and takes home the awards for Male Soul/ R&B artist and Favourite Soul/R&B album.

Jemal Countess/Getty Images

A surprise comeback gave Train the Grammy for Pop Performance by a Duo or Group for “ Hey Soul Sister.”

Brad Barket/PictureGroiip John Medina/Wirelmage Jason Merritt/Getty Images

24-year-old Canadian rapper, Aubrey Drake Graham played Jimmy Brooks on Oegrassi: The Next Generation for eight years before turning to music. Drake released ‘Room fo r Im provem ent’, online in 2006, attracting the notice of American rapper Lil Wayne. Drake has since collaborated with Jay-Z, Kanye West, Eminem, Mary J. Blige and Timbaland.

Justin Bieber is named Artist of the Year at the American Music Awards. At age 16, he is the youngest recipient of this top honour.

Ke$ha wins the Best New Act award at the MTV Europe Music Awards and ends the year with three songs on Billboard's Hot

100. Marc Serota/Getty Images

Everybody likes “ I Like It," the first release from Euphoria, Enrique Iglesias’s bilingual album. The song tops the charts in the U.S., Canada and Australia.

Bryan Bedder/Getiy Images

Carrie Underwood Sugarland wins the CMA Vocal Duo of the Year Award and releases “Stuck Like Glue,” the first single from their album, The Incredible Machine.

Carrie Underwood wows the American Music Awards. Her third studio album, Play On, garners the Country Music Favourite Album award.

Frank Micelotta/Getty Images

Lady Gaga took home tw o Grammy awards for Female Pop Vocal Performance and Pop Vocal Album. Mike Coppola/Getty Images

The Black Eyed Peas release a new album, The Beginning, and book an appearance at the halftime show of Super Bowl XLV.

■ Google CEO Eric Schmidt gives a talk about how Google TV will unite web surfing with channel surfing.

This is definitely not your father’s boom box. The latest MP3 technology combined with 1980s styling make this machine a must for modem parties.







Ramin Talaie/Bloomberg via Getty Images Suzanne Collins publishes M ockingjay, the third and final book in her popular science fiction series, The H unger Games trilogy.

Rod Band3 Featuring a new keyboard and 83 songs, Rock Band 3 is released worldwide. Its Pro mode mimics the experience of playing real instruments. Black Ops, the seventh installment in the C all o f Duty game series, sells a recordbreaking 7 million copies in the first 24 hours of its release. You don’t need a controller to play the newest technology games. The Xbox Kinect features a sensor that can read motion, faces and voices.

A new generation adopts the retro bean bag chair. This updated classic is ideal for watching television, playing games, reading and keeping up with social media.

In The Lost Hero, the sequel to his Percy Jackson & the Olym pians series, author Rick Riordan introduces three new characters: Jason, Piper and Leo.

A new, motion-sensing controller debuts for the PlaySta­ tion 3 console. The Move is a Bluetooth wireless wand. Players can use up to four at once.

Younger kids get their very own dance video game. Just Dance Kids challenges Wii players to master more than 40 dances led by real kids. Ralph O rlowski/Bloom berg via G etty Images





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Kevin Winter/Getty Images


Cake Boss Am erican Id o l announces that Jennifer Lopez and Aerosmith's Steven Tyler will join Randy Jackson to judge a new crop of aspiring singers for Season 10.

Members of the Valastro family, of Carlo’s Bake Shop in Hoboken, become popular reality television stars in Cake Boss on TLC.

Bob D'Amico/ABCvia Getty Images

The cast of Jersey Shore appears on Barbara W alters Presents: The 10 M ost Fascinating People o f 2010.

No O rdinary Fam ily is a hit ABC drama. After the Powell family survives a South American plane crash, they develop new superpowers — and new enemies.

Duffy-Marie Arnoult/Wirelmage

The Associated Press names Betty White, age 88, as its Entertainer of the Year. She poses for a calendar to raise money for animal charities.

Neil Jacobs/CBS via Getty Images Donna Svennevik/ABC via Getty Images

Toby Canham/Getty Images

Team Coco rejoices as Conan O'Brien returns to late night television. Conan uses Twitter and YouTube to announce the premiere of Conan on TBS.

O Life Imitates Gee Gleeks are being heard! The popularity of Glee prompts a resurgence of glee clubs in middle schools, high schools and colleges across the country.

Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer are back for another season o f mystery, intrigue and secrets on the ABC suspense drama, P retty L ittle Liars.

An iconic, 1960s crime drama returns with a cool, new cast. Hawaii F ive -0 chronicles the adventures of an elite police unit in paradise.


A call center for an American company is recently outsourced to India in the NBC comedy hit Outsourced.

M inute to Win It, starring Guy Fieri, returns to NBC for a second season of fast-paced challenges and cash awards of up to $1 million. Richard Harbaugh/ABC Family via Getty Images

lerrick Morton/©Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection in m e b o cia i N etw ork, Jesse Eisenberg stars as Facebook creator Mark

Shia LeBeouf stars as a young trader who tangles with Gordon Gekko, a disgraced financier played by Michael Douglas, in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

A case of mistaken identity spirals out of control when a suburban couple steals someone else’s restaurant reservation in the action comedy Date N ight.

©Buena Vista Pictures/cc

îtt Collection

What happens to toys once their owners go to college? In Toy S tory 3, Woody and Buzz Lightyear find new friends and face new challenges.

HowDo YouKnow

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty

Reese Witherspoon tries to decide between Paul Rudd and Owen Wilson in H ow Do You Know, a romantic comedy about a love triangle. secretariat, an acciaimea feature film, depicts the true story of a legendary racehorse, the 1973 winner of the Triple Crown of thoroughbred racing.

Wilson Webb/©Paramount Pictures/ Courtesy Everett Collection

True G rit, a mythic Western adventure story, earns 10 Academy Award nominations including Best Picture.

D a v id .lam p < i/(c )P ,n liim h ia P i r t iir p n /r n u r tP R v F v p r p tt C n l lp r t in n

O Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio is the world's to p ­ grossing movie star. His 2010 releases earn a combined $1.1 billion at the box office.

Loyal fans line up for midnight screenings of Harry P otter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. The movie makes $330 million during its first weekend.

Peter Mourrtain/©Columbia Pictures/ courtesy Everett Collection

Angelina Jolie is a woman of mystery and Johnny Depp is an ordinary tourist. Or is he? The plot thickens in The Tourist.


Amanda Seyfried stars as the title character in Red R iding H ood, a romantic horror tale about a medieval village terrorized by a werewolf. John Lam parski/Getty Images


©Paramount Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

ton Man 2

Teen superstar Justin Bieber hits the big screen with the biopic concert film Never Say Never.

Robert Downey, Jr. returns as the inventor-superhero Tony Stark in Iron Man 2, a long-awaited sequel featuring storylines adapted from Marvel Comics,

©Warner BrosyCourtesy Everett Collection Based on the true story of King George VI, The K ing’s Speech earns 12 Academy Award nominations.

LifeAs WeKnowIt An orphaned baby goddaughter inspires Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel to set their differences aside in Life As We Know It, a romantic comedy.

Paramount Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

When a cartoon super-villain defeats his nemesis, he loses his will to be evil. Will Ferrell lends his voice to the reluctant hero of Megamind.

tesy Everett Collection Douglas Curran/©Walt Disney Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection A runaway train is on a collision course with disaster, unless Denzel Washington and Chris Pine can save the day in the suspenseful thriller, Unstoppable.

Mysterious “ burglaries" in a family home turn out to be something far more sinister in Paranormal A ctivity 2, the prequel to a popular horror film.

Saeed Adyan¡/©Overture Films/Courtesy Everett Collection

After a mysterious toxin enters the water supply of an Iowa town, many residents go insane in The Crazies, a sci-fi horror flick.

Phil Bray/TM&©Fox-Walden. All rights reserved/courtesy Everett Collection

Chronicles o f Narnia: The Voyage o f the Dawn Treader is a 3D feature film adaptation of the third book in the C.S. Lewis fantasy series.

The sequel to a science-fiction thriller from 1982, Tron: Legacy follows the adventure of a young man who investigates his father’s mysterious disappearance. ©Paramount Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

mm Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images The boy-style plaid flannel shirt is a popular look for both guys and girls. Just add a pair of perfectly worn jeans.

Tim Umphrey/Getty Images

From popped collars to Top Siders, prep style endures. True Prep shows a new generation how it's done and what it means.

Dr. Dre’s Monster Beats are state-of-the-art headphones that make a strong, street-smart fashion statement. They look cool. And they sound even cooler.

Energy drinks are the beverage of choice among sleep-deprived students, despite concerns that they contain unhealthy levels of sugar and caffeine. Shiny, sparkly sequins become a major fashion trend when Zoe Kravitz and runway models are spotted wearing them on hats, dresses and tops.


There’s nothing olive drab about this trend. Military jackets are snappy, sleek and chic — a far cry from the oversized Army surplus look of yesteryear.

Dentists report that more and more teens are asking about teeth bleaching procedures, especially for photo-op occasions like graduation and other social events.


Get the look with a classic polo, distressed skinny jeans and leather belt with your favourite treads.

Now it’s a stuffed animal. And now it’s a pillow. Puffy, popular PlllowPets'" may be the snuggliest, softest trend of the year.

Self-expression is always in fashion and the right hat makes it easy to add panache (and hide a bad hair day). All you need is a cute fedora or a jaunty newsboy cap.


Beauty mavens agree: mineral makeup rocks. These sheer, lightweight, powdery formulas are the smart alternative to gooey, pore-clogging foundations.

Parents and foot doctors hate them but the flip-flop fad is a year-round phenomenon for guys and girls alike (except during snowstorms).

Vera Bradley Bags

Colourful, quilted Vera Bradley bags are the epitome of sorority sister style. Devotees mix and match Vera messenger bags, clutches, totes and wallets.

Go for an edgy, urban look in these American Rag Twill Skinny Cargos - perfectly paired with a belted Cowl neck sweater!

Long, flowing scarves become a year-round trend. This must-have accessory is the easiest way to add colour and interest to casual outfits.

Hippie style is hip once more. Tie-dyed effects on shirts and dresses appear on runways, beaches and boardwalks.


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The rugged, battle-tested G-Shock watch is the preferred timepiece of snowboarders, skateboarders, surfers and other extreme sports fans

Mark Gail/The Washington Post via Getty Images

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C Silly Bondz

Real Style Network™ Canada's Digital Fashion Magazine brings you the latest fashion trends, celebrity style and beauty news. Consumers can shop for their favourite looks right from the pages of the magazine and watch behind the scenes videos and more at realstylenetwork.com.

Bill Hogan/Chicago Tribune/MCTvia Getty Images

It s a toy. It s a slipper. It’s a fun fashion trend. Sock monkey slippers are popular in college dorms and at slumber parties.

The bandz are banned! Some schools decide that Silly Bandz — the popular silicone rubber bracelets — are too distracting for the classroom.

The mountaineer look comes to the metropolis, as high-performance outdoor apparel makes a comfortable, cold-weather fashion statement.

Long, statement necklaces are trend-right. Gossip girls look luxe with Tiffany-style trinkets. Layered, chunky, vintage baubles create an alt-rock, art school vibe.

Boots go to great lengths. Over-the-knee styles are seen everywhere from runways to red carpets. Trendsetters wear them with short skirts or slim leggings. Everybody needs an afternoon snack but nobody has time for milk and cookies. The newest granola bars deliver easy energy between lunch and practice.

■Hma n David Paul Moms/Bloomberg via Getty Images

k M. Brown/Getty Images

Oprah Winfrey takes on dangerous distracted driving with her No Phone Zone campaign, where celebrities and civilians pledge not to phone o r text while driving.

'« No Phone

Zone Pledge


© Hanna Barbera/Courtesy: Everett Collection

The Flintstones celebrate a milestone as the modern Stone Age family turns 50 on September 30, 2010. A special Google Doodle marks the occasion.

The BP oil spill was the top topic of 2010, according to Yahoo! Here are the year’s top 10 search terms: 1. BP Oil Spill 2. World Cup 3. Miley Cyrus 4. Kim Kardashian 5. Lady Gaga 6. iPhone 7. Megan Fox 8. Justin Bieber 9. American Idol 10. Britney Spears

SAMYEH/AFP/Getty Images

WiMA> j

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High-speed broadband devices are on the verge of multi-channel high-definition TV broadcasting thanks to emerging WiMAX 4G technology that improves nage and data capabilities.

Smartphones become faster, cheaper and more addictive than ever for everyone who loves to text, surf and maybe even talk once in a while.

Flat Screens Consumers are snapping up great deals on flat screen TVs as prices continue to drop and supply begins to outpace demand.

PRNewsFotoA/IZlO, Inc. Bruce Bennett/Getty Images



Redbox kiosks serve | as conveniently located vending machines for DVDs and video games. Just pick a flick and swipe your credit card. Justin Sulli

You can buy anything from puppies to Pontiacs on Facebook’s Marketplace app, which rivals Craigslist as the classified section of the social media generation.

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3 Disgruntled passengers fight over space in the overhead bins as most airlines institute baggage fees ranging from $15 to $25 per bag per flight.

Old media acknowledges the power of new media when TIME names Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as its Person of the Year for 2010.

facebook ($)

Facebook Kelps you connect and shar the people in your life.

This 16-page World Beat section

SSJJL, ISprinted on SFI certified stock. ©2010Jostens, Inc. SZ8 CAN

Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via G etty Images


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