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The ‘D’ in DEIJ stands for diversity. Diversity can be defined as the labelling of the range and spectrum of the vastness of identities that are inherited or self-identified. Diversity can also be understood as the multitude of thoughts, backgrounds, and experiences that inform our understanding of collective identities. At Mulgrave, this can be seen beyond age, race, gender, religion, family structure and more.
Equity is crucial as it addresses the individualistic, systemic, and collective needs of groups and their unique experiences. Equity emphasises access to resources and community that help us evaluate our positions in systems and structures, ensuring fairness and consideration of the unique set of needs of each division and student. Achieving equity requires understanding how we interact with the world differently based on our identities and how some of those identities might intersect to compound marginalisation.
Inclusion centres on belonging and safety for all members of our community: students, family members, faculty, staff, and those beyond our school. Inclusion enables us to prioritise the needs of our children and understand how they feel heard, seen, and safe, both academically and in terms of their social, cultural, physical, and psychological wellbeing. By prioritising all of these factors, we emphasise the importance of taking a holistic and well-rounded approach to ensure that everyone is welcome and well-cared for within our school community.
Justice can be defined as taking action to advocate for what is right. While the traditional definition is about fairness and impartiality, a deeper understanding involves restorative practices that consider the impact of our actions on ourselves and others, incorporate community care and healing, and acknowledge the harm and consequences of certain actions.