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Inviting Parents to Join Mulgrave’s DEI Journey
In the introductory letters from John Wray and Craig Davis in this magazine, they discuss the role that our students have in making their community one that is safe and inclusive for all individuals, regardless of their identities. This is essential work, but it is not only our students who must shoulder the load. As parents, guardians, and supportive adults, we are also responsible for providing our children with spaces where they can engage in respectful dialogue and ask difficult questions.
To support them, we have to educate ourselves, examine our biases, and challenge ourselves to get uncomfortable.
We recognise that it is not always easy to find and access the resources you need, so we have endeavoured to provide you with opportunities to learn from our Mulgrave faculty, experts in their areas of responsibility.
In the past year, we ran multiple sessions that covered topics around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ), Indigenous Learning and Perspectives, and LGBTQ+ Inclusion at Mulgrave. These topics are not always easy to engage in, so we are grateful for those who participated and the curiosity and openmindedness that our guests brought with them.
We look forward to offering more opportunities for members of our community to come together in the coming year. Together, we can support our children in building a world where they and the people they love can live authentically, safe in the knowledge that they are cared for in a way that is equitable and just.
What I love most about Mulgrave is the passion our teachers share not only with the students, but with parents as well.
The passion for sharing knowledge was evident at the Indigenous Education parent session. Raquel Tiebert took the time to make sure we understood the background behind Truth and Reconciliation, resources for further investigation and encouraged questions and discussions in a safe, open environment.”

Azim Suleman, SS Parent
I attended the LGBTQ+ Parent Education session with Ms. Rebecca Brunswick-Werner. I was truly moved by this informative and educational session. Ms. BrunswickWerner discussed the topic of LGBTQ+ issues with sensitivity, openness, and care. I came away not only with some new information I didn’t know I needed on this topic but also with the overwhelming gratitude that my children attend a school that makes it a mission to have such an inclusive, safe and welcoming environment for its students, staff and parents.”
Erin Griffiths US Parent
The DEIJ parent education session by Cynthia Roberson was more engaging than anticipated. It helped all of us explore the different aspects of our identities through interactive exercises and come to new realisations about ourselves. It was light, fun, and thought-provoking.”
Hailey Lai EY parent