Fall 2014 Alumni Spotlight Series Daniel Webbe

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alumni spotlight series fall 2014

Passion for


How one grad has taken his passion for sport and built a community of athletes by opening his own CrossFit affiliate.

Daniel Webbe


Throughout his years at Mulgrave School, Daniel Webbe, Class of 2007, was a stand-out athlete who was involved in many sports, including soccer and rugby. It was his skill and enthusiasm for golf, however, that became a pillar of strength for the Mulgrave Golf Team; it was no surprise to his coaches when Daniel was selected to play golf at the colligiate level in the USA. Since returning to Canada, Daniel has continued his love of sport and fitness by opening CrossFit Capilano, where he not only helps others reach their fitness goals, but also trains and competes in the sport of CrossFit himself. With a contagious enthusiasm for his work, Daniel shares his story as a part of the Fall 2014 Alumni Spotlight Series.

What motivated you to pursue your post-secondary education at the University of South Carolina? ? I was motivated to attend the University of South Carolina because it had always been a dream of mine to play golf at the collegiate level. Ultimately, I chose South Carolina because I was able to attend the Hank Haney International Golf Academy at the same time.

Did you have any mentors while in high school who helped you in choosing this path? My biggest mentor at Mulgrave was Todd Croft. Coach Croft understood how tough it was to balance athletics and academics and would always provide so much valuable advice. I cannot say enough about how helpful he was, and I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without his guidance.

Not much surprised me about CrossFit because I was able to draw on so many experiences from other sports. Playing an individual sport like golf was so valuable to me growing up because I knew my tournament results were a direct result of hard work. When competing by yourself, you feel a completely different type of pressure and accountability.

What is the biggest challenge you face working within the fitness industry? The biggest challenge is that the fitness industry is always changing and evolving. I always have to make sure my product is the best and that every client achieves the goals they set from day one. If I don’t, my business will fail.

What did you study at university? I began studying psychology because I was interested in pursuing a career in sports psychology. However, when I found CrossFit, I knew it was the path that I wanted to take.

How did your education help prepare you for starting your own business? Starting a business is so unique that I think you have to draw on all of your life experiences. I learned in school how important organisation is, and I learned in life how far hard work can take you.

Having grown up playing a variety of sports, what surprised you most about CrossFit?

What makes you love your job? I love my job because every morning when I go to work, I am able to have a positive impact on my athletes’ lives. There are very few careers in which you are able to have such a close interaction with your clients daily, and I am truly grateful for that.

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What is the biggest misconception people have about CrossFit? There is a big misconception that CrossFit is too tough. My clients range in age from 14-75 years old, and what drew me to CrossFit is how universally scalable it really is.

Do you compete in CrossFit? Yes, I compete and coach both at the national and international level. CrossFit has allowed me to open a business and continue competing in an athletic endeavour. You will not find anyone more competitive than me, and I find Crossfit to be a great outlet.

What advice would you give to students interested in starting their own business? Sacrifice or regret...You choose! Every morning my alarm sounds at 4:30am because I want to get a head start on other gyms and their owners. It is the little victories like this that drive me throughout the day and push me to be better. Every night I will make a checklist of things I did that day to better my business.Yes, I always make sacrifices, but I never go to bed with regrets. Those little victories keep me motivated, passionate, and I feel, aid in my success. The advice I would give to to the school community is to strive for excellence, not perfection. I have yet to meet anyone who is perfect, and I don’t think such a person exists. However, if you are constantly striving for excellence, you will be successful in any endeavour. Daniel Webbe, September 2014 As interviewed by Chloe Scott Know an amazing Mulgrave grad you would like to see featured? Contact alumni@mulgrave.com.

Interested in learning more about the sport of CrossFit and Daniel’s CrossFit affiliate, CrossFit Capilano? Please visit www.crossfitcapilano.com.

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