Annual Report 2018-2019

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2018 –2019


Contents Message from the Head of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Message from the Board Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mission, Vision, and Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Who We Are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Strategic Plan Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Our Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Our Divisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Curriculum and Academic Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

GEx & International-Mindedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

University Acceptances and Programmes of Study . . . . . . 16

Mulgrave Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Mulgrave School Alumni Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

MPower and the West Wing Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Creative and Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Thank You, Mulgrave! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Governance and Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Outdoor Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

25 Years of Inspiring Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Global Citizenship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1

Letter from Our Head of School Dear Parents, Students, Colleagues, Alumni, and Members of the wider Mulgrave Community, Celebrating a milestone always brings forth feelings of nostalgia and optimism as we look back at shared memories and anticipate the incredible future that lies before us. Mulgrave’s 25th Anniversary was no exception. The 2018—19 school year brought continuous pride, wonder, and gratitude for the growth and accomplishments of our students, faculty and staff, and our community. Layered on top were the many punctuating moments that will undoubtedly make the highlight reel when we celebrate our 50th anniversary! We began the year with an inspiring visit from Julie Ann Wrigley, philanthropist and businesswoman, who shared her passion for sustainability with our students and challenged them to come together to address the issues our society will face. In December, we officially opened our new West Wing and welcomed about 800 of our closest friends for a lively 25th anniversary and alumni homecoming celebration. Our year rounded out with the completion of our MPower fundraising John Wray

campaign, and the graduation success of another cohort of exemplary Grade 12 students. While we have attempted to reflect many more of these highlights in this annual report, it is impossible to capture them all. Nor can we ever fully manifest the energy and spirit that makes us Mulgrave. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy this document as a review of our year.

Head of School

Over the next 25 years, I have confidence that we will continue to build upon the legacy of our first quarter-century. We will ever-evolve to ensure we provide our students with the inspiration that will compel them to be lifelong learners, to push their own boundaries, and to humbly, yet passionately, steward the causes that they feel strongly about. We have an incredible community here at Mulgrave. It is with the energy of our advocates, the commitment of our faculty and staff, the dedication of our parents, and of course the pursuit of personal best of our students, that we are able to collectively inspire a love of lifelong learning.


Letter from Our Board Chair Dear Friends and Members of the Mulgrave Community, As I reflect on what was our milestone 25th year, I am filled with gratitude for being on this journey with all of you. As John so succinctly outlined, this past year included a remarkable number of achievements, and it is thanks to our unique Mulgrave community that we have so much to celebrate. Every day, members of our community continue to contribute to our collective strength. Our students give their best to develop and to serve others; our teachers, life-long learners themselves, evolve their practice to meet changing needs; and our parents, as always, give their full support to make our school and our education better. I would like to especially thank our volunteers for the work they do to maintain such a warm and inclusive environment. Led by our MVP, our parents continue to give selflessly of their time and skills to improve our school. As a result of these ongoing contributions and efforts, we are well-positioned to be agile and adapt our educational provision to remain relevant and provide a forward-thinking education. Our organisation is underpinned by a strong foundation and, as a Board, we have the privilege Harry Wierenga

of standing on the shoulders of those who have come before us. We have a fiduciary duty to responsibly oversee the school’s finances, and it was fitting that in our silver anniversary, we paid off the loan the school has carried since it moved to this site. With this resultant increase in operational flexibility, we are now able to finance the construction of our Athletics and Performing Arts Centre. This is a remarkable achievement for a school of our age.

Chair of Mulgrave’s Board of Directors

As we continue to evolve, we know we must regularly reflect on the challenges and demands that our children will face when they embark on their post-Mulgrave experiences in the next few years or even the next few decades. While we will maintain the momentum we’ve built in our current strategic plan, we must also think about Mulgrave’s future development, and we will consult all of our stakeholders as we begin to plan the next phase of our strategy. I know that both John and the members of the Board look forward to your involvement in this process. We have come a very long way in 25 short years, and with your support, engagement, encouragement, and thoughtfulness, we will continue along the path of a leading international school, ‘Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life’. 3

Mission, Vision, and Values MEETING OUR MISSION The Mulgrave report to the community celebrates our achievements and demonstrates how we meet our mission through the education we provide. This annual publication is distributed to current parents, alumni, alumni families, staff, and local community leaders. This 2018—19 school year report contains only a small selection of our collective achievements. We hope you enjoy reading it and welcome your feedback. OUR MISSION AND VISION — Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life By inspiring excellence – the continuous pursuit of personal best – in education and life, Mulgrave strives to equip lifelong learners to thrive in a culturally diverse and interdependent world and to embrace, with passion and confidence, their responsibility always to do their best to support others and to make a difference by serving their communities, both locally and in the world at large. OUR VALUES At Mulgrave we believe: • Individual values are based on personal integrity and acting with respect towards others. • Our sense of community and friendship is founded on humility, empathy, commitment, and inclusion. • Lifelong learning is built upon curiosity, creativity, and innovative thinking. • A global perspective and environmental and social responsibility are central to becoming true world citizens. • All members of our community strive for balance and understand that striving for one’s personal best should be enjoyable. 4

Who We Are


Mulgrave is a gender-inclusive, secular International Baccalaureate (IB) World School predominantly serving the North Shore of Vancouver. As an independent day school with a reputation for providing a broad, holistic education and for academic excellence, we offer the IB curriculum from preschool through Grade 12 in a spectacular West Vancouver setting. • Primary Years Programme (PK to Grade 5) • Middle Years Programme (Grades 6 to 10) • Diploma Programme (Grades 11 and 12) Academic, athletic, artistic, outdoor education, and service & leadership opportunities are all components of our enriching core programme. Student balance and well-being is a central focus, and giving back and making a difference through both local and international projects are integral elements of the Mulgrave experience.

• Highly skilled, committed teachers provide our students with exceptional individual care • Low student-to-teacher ratios allow for personalised, highquality teaching and learning • A broad, holistic education focusses on the development of the whole child • The IB Programme not only nurtures modern skills and knowledge but ensures that students can acquire conceptual understanding and high-level analytical skills • The best developmental progression of learning provides students with the essential skills and personal qualities for happiness and success in life • A rich array of co-curricular opportunities feed students’ passions and pique their interests • A close-knit community with a shared purpose provides our children with the best possible learning environment • Beautiful, well-appointed facilities actively support student achievement • Our commitment to innovation and leading educational practices inspires students to reach their personal best 5

Strategic Plan Update The strategic plan Mulgrave 2020: Making Mulgrave Everything We Can Be was approved by the Mulgrave Board of Directors in May 2016. It established ambitious goals to further develop our already outstanding education programme.

In March 2019, we shared a progress update with our community, which is available on our website. It includes: • The positive impact of our new West Wing facilities for both students and faculty, and the ensuing renovations of Junior School classroom spaces. • An explanation of plans for the Athletics and Performing Arts Centre, as well as the funding model. The Board of Directors has made a strategic decision to underwrite the expansion with a long-term bank loan. In May 2019, the school paid off the original loan for the school, which was taken out in 2001. By paying this new loan back at the same rate, there will be no impact on current fees nor on our operating budget. • An update on university acceptances, celebrating a record number of ‘Early Decision’ acceptances to competitive universities in the UK, Canada, and the US. Most importantly, these acceptances reflect our students’ best fit and first choice. • The strength of admissions applications and our continually low attrition rate. We ended the year with only 3.7% attrition and more than 850 applications for the 2019-2020 school year.

We aim to make our education more: • Personalised (learning, curriculum, and support) so that all students can achieve their potential academically and ultimately access a range of university options • Enriched with 21st century skills so that students can further systematically develop these key life skills for the future that will differentiate them from other academic high flyers • Applied to authentic real world contexts so that students are able to apply their skills in authentic contexts and further develop an understanding of concepts and ideas in a real world setting • Extended through enhanced co-curricular provision so that students can pursue their interests and passions, further develop their skills, establish lifelong interests and commitments • International so that students can live and work happily and successfully in a range of cultures and countries...

to prepare our children to lead fulfilled, successful and meaningful lives in the rapidly changing, international world mid-21st century. 6

• The evolution of our leadership team to include a new Deputy Head of School — Lindsey Berns, Assistant Head of School, Innovation and Enrichment — Martin Jones, and Assistant Head of School, Development — Elizabeth Calderon.

In the third year of our strategic plan, we have also made significant progress on a number of educational development initiatives:

Whole School Level • Further refined student feedback to help students reach the next level in their learning • Continued to develop our students as global citizens and improve their intercultural skills • Further developed our focus on social and emotional learning and thinking skills in all divisions In the Early Learning Centre • Moved into the new Early Years Centre and ensured that this space operates effectively • Continued to embed the PYP inquiry-based curriculum • Improved the teaching of Mandarin Chinese in the Early Years In the Junior School • Renovated new specialist spaces for art, music, design, science, and languages for JS classes • Relocated G4-6 as an Upper Junior School space on the second floor • Introduced teacher Grade Lead positions to ensure more consistent learning within grades In the Middle School • Continued to enhance student input to improve school life • Worked on the more sophisticated use of assessment data to enhance learning • Further developed our students’ digital literacy skills through their academic subjects In the Senior School • Recruited a fourth university counsellor to start in the 2019–20 school year to further enhance our university provision • Introduced a new elective-based and semestered curriculum in Grade 10 • Continued to refine our use of assessment data to plan appropriate student support As we approach the end of the timeline for our current Strategic Plan, we will engage our community to help us shape the next phase of our school’s ongoing development and evolution. Watch for communication on opportunities to share your thoughts and vision for the future of Mulgrave. 7

Our Community The Mulgrave community is known for its unity and tireless efforts to make our school the best it can be. Shared values and a common purpose strengthen our ties as we collectively strive to provide our children with an exceptional, holistic education that will not only prepare them for their next steps but that will also encourage them to become happy, deeply satisfied individuals and responsible, contributing citizens.

FACULTY AND STAFF There is no doubt that it is the quality of teaching and learning, and care and support, that underpins any student’s success at school, and Mulgrave is blessed with an outstanding teaching faculty. They are dedicated and skilled IB teaching professionals who are passionate about education and who work daily to improve their craft. They care deeply for the well-being of their students and place a strong emphasis on developing positive relationships in order to facilitate personal and academic growth. 8




Our students are all unique individuals on different points of their educational and developmental journeys, with trajectories that will take them off in a myriad of directions. Through personalised guidance, care, and support, we delight in their progress as they find their passions, become lifelong learners, and grow into their roles as stewards of a changing world. Our students continually inspire us, and we are grateful to them for the many gifts and talents they generously share with our school, local, and global communities.

Parents are essential to the success of our school as key partners in the execution of our common goals. With their invaluable support and input, we strive collaboratively to help our students reach their true potential. Whether involved as event organisers for our many community-building events, as the magicians behind our theatre productions, or as reading and art helpers in the classrooms, our parents share our mission to inspire excellence in education and life. We so appreciate their consistent participation and support.

The Mulgrave Volunteer Parents Association’s (MVP) primary goal is to sustain our school’s sense of community and foster a broadbased spirit of participation. The MVP is comprised of passionate, dedicated individuals who radiate warmth and inclusivity, and they make our school a better place. They rally dedicated volunteers for key roles in the school such as class reps, and library and cafeteria volunteers, and are the force behind our lively community events. We are incredibly grateful to them for their generous donation of time and energy year upon year.


Our Divisions EARLY YEARS (PK3, PK4, AND KINDERGARTEN) • IB Primary Years Programme • Math specialist to support pedagogy across grades (PYP) for the Early Years is an and provide mentorship outstanding preparation for to teachers formal schooling • Inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning • Highly trained and experienced teachers and associates • 1:8 teacher to child ratio in PK classrooms, plus an associate teacher for PK3 and one for PK4 • Two fully certified teachers in K classrooms • Focus on developing socialisation and basic learning skills in a play- and inquirybased environment


• Guest speakers and/or termly field trips to support learning and development • Social events for parents and students which enrich the EY community • A new purpose-built facility for our PK Programme, and age-appropriate learning and play spaces for our K students • Specialist teachers for Physical and Health Education (PHE) and Performing Arts

• Introduction to Mandarin Chinese (PK and K) and French (K) via specialist teachers • After school clubs for PK4 and Kindergarten students

JUNIOR SCHOOL (GRADES 1–6) • IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) as the core academic programme in G1–5 • G6 follows the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum to ease the transition into Middle School • Highly trained and nurturing teachers – small class sizes • Two fully certified teachers in all G1-3 classrooms • Teacher associates in G4–6 and in specialist classes • Specialist teachers for Physical and Health Education (PHE), Music and additional languages (French and Mandarin) • Director of Teaching & Learning and curriculum coordinators to enhance student learning • Math specialist to support pedagogy across grades and provide mentorship to teachers • Dual-stream Mandarin programme: native and non-native speakers

• Engaging and dynamic learning environment • Inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning • Focus on developing a wide range of 21st-century skills • Technology Integrationist & Design Coordinator to support and expand learning opportunities • iPad use in G2–6 classes to provide technology enhanced learning • Extensive co-curricular programme, both before and after school 11


• Range of personalised course offerings through the Learning Enrichment and Personalisation (LEAP) elective programme

• All students develop MYPassport, a summative digital portfolio, which supports the intentional focus and growth in areas beyond academics (leadership, intercultural skills, self-management, creativity, action, and service)

• Strong pastoral care and mentoring through a 1-to-1 multi-grade advisory programme

• Use of live-time feedback to help students develop a deeper understanding of their learning

• Life Skills course that teaches a range of metacognitive skills, including a strong focus on social-emotional learning, as well as practical skills, such as budgeting

• Well-rounded education with a focus on personal growth

• IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) as the core academic programme


• Bring your own device (BYOD) technology integration with a focus on developing digital literacy and citizenship skills

• Comprehensive offering of co-curricular activities to support growth, development, and exposure in arts, athletics, leadership, outdoor education, and service • Global Experiential (GEx) Learning Programme in which students expand their educational experiences, further develop their real-world and intercultural skills, and engage in meaningful and high impact service learning • Extensive opportunities for all students to develop their leadership potential

SENIOR SCHOOL (GRADES 10–12) • IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) in G10 • IB Diploma Programme (DP) or enriched pathways (IB/ Provincial) in G11 and 12 • Outstanding preparation for university and beyond • Focus on developing critical thinking, research, social, communication, and selfmanagement skills, alongside diploma course content • IB Core requirement to engage in global issues, interdisciplinary learning, and committed social service • Advisory-based pastoral structure to help build independence and offer 1-to-1 support

• Comprehensive leadership opportunities in a variety of contexts (academics, creative arts, athletics, and service) • Extensive array of extracurricular activities, focussed on the personalisation of learning experiences and coled by students and teachers • Emphasis on Academics, Arts, Athletics, and Service, enhanced by an outstanding Outdoor Education programme • Graduates earn a prestigious double qualification — the IB Diploma (or IB Course Certificates) and BC Dogwood Diploma

• Innovative Character Education course aimed at developing life skills beyond a classroom environment • Enrichment programme of lectures, distinguished speakers, and interdisciplinary expeditions/trips • Personal university counselling services and regular visits from university admissions representatives from around the world 13

Curriculum and Academic Performance Mulgrave offers the International Baccalaureate programme to all students. With the IB’s emphasis on the Learner Profile, international context, forward-looking approach, and academic rigour, we believe it is the best education available today to help prepare our students for tomorrow. It is through an IB education that we can equip our students to become true global citizens and develop the skills and qualities they need to thrive in their future lives.


The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.



Students will attend university in

Students will attend university in the





Students will attend university


Students will take a


ACHIEVEMENT RESULTS • Fourteen students graduated from our Enriched Pathway programme with the BC Dogwood Certificate and a variety of IB Diploma Course certificates.

• 69 students presented as Diploma candidates and wrote the full range of IB examinations in May 2019. Ninety-six percent of our diploma candidates achieved the full IB Diploma.

• 54.2% of IB Diploma students scored over 35 points



















20 10


• Average IB Diploma score of 34.8 points, well exceeding the worldwide average of 29.8 • Average IB subject score of 5.5, well exceeding the worldwide average of 4.76 % OF STUDENTS SCORING 35+


Our results for 2018–2019 are strong overall and continue a trend of high performance in key areas. A brief overview of examination results is provided.

• The average score exceeded the worldwide average in 89% (34/38) of the IB subjects taught at Mulgrave (31/34 in 2018) • Thirteen students (18.9%) achieved a Bilingual IB Diploma in French (1) and Chinese (12)

54.2% % of our students scoring over 35+

34.8 Mulgrave’s average score

29.8 World wide average score

0 2014







University Acceptances and Programmes of Study Our Grad Class of 2019 is comprised of uniquely talented individuals. Their passion for learning, the arts, sport, and service to others inspires the entire Mulgrave community. They are leaders and collaborators who know how to effect positive change, and they are poised to extend their influence into the wider world they are about to traverse. We celebrate their many accomplishments, including their astounding $2 million in scholarship awards, and are pleased to announce their acceptances from the following universities:





• Acadia University • Brock University • Bishop’s University • Carleton University • Capilano University • Dalhousie University • Emily Carr University of Art + Design • McGill University • McMaster University • Queen’s University • Ryerson University • Saint Mary’s University • Simon Fraser University • St. Francis Xavier University • University of Alberta • University of British Columbia • University of Calgary • University of New Brunswick • University of Ottawa • University of the Fraser Valley • University of Saskatchewan • University of Toronto • University of Victoria • University of Windsor • University of Waterloo • Vancouver Film School • Western University • Wilfrid Laurier University • York University

• Adelphi University • AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts • Babson College • Boston University • Carnegie Mellon University • Chapman University • Columbia University • Emory University • Georgia Institute of Technology • Gonzaga University • Ithaca College • Johns Hopkins University • Maryland Institute College of Art • New York University • Northeastern University • Otis College of Art and Design • Princeton University • Purdue University • Santa Clara University • School of the Art Institute of Chicago • School of Visual Arts • Stanford University • University of California – Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara • University of Chicago • University of Colorado at Boulder • University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign • University of Oregon • University of San Diego • University of Southern California • University of Washington • Wellesley College

• Durham University • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology • Hull – York Medical School • Imperial College London • King’s College London • Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology • London School of Economics • NYU – Abu Dhabi, Liberal Studies in Florence, Shanghai • Peking University • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland • School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London • Sciences Po • Tsinghua University • University College Cork • University College Dublin • University College London • University of Birmingham • University of Bristol • University of Cambridge • University of Derby • University of East Anglia • University of Edinburgh • University of Essex • University of Exeter • University of Glasgow • University of Hong Kong • University of Leeds • University of Manchester • University of Oxford • University of St. Andrews • University of Sussex • University of Warwick

Number of students

What makes a university ‘the one’? This is the question many high school students grapple with as they consider where to apply. Ultimately, it’s all about finding the right fit. Find out more about how our students find a path that’s right for them by visiting:  16




Social Sciences/ 113 Liberal Arts Business


Fine Arts


Engineering 31 Medicine


Specialty 55 Programmes*

* Screen Acting, Film, Architecture, Educational Studies, Nursing, Media, Kinesiology, Information and Technoculture



CANADA 218 (62%)



GAP year 10 (3%)

87 (25%)

34 (10%)

Mulgrave School Alumni Association Community is the heart and soul of Mulgrave. From admissions to graduation, we foster relationships with families and students who come from all over the world, providing our alumni with a thriving network both locally and internationally. Having cultivated strong bonds throughout their time at our school, parents, alumni, and students are able to tap into this network for guidance and mentorship.

With an Alumni Association formed in 2012 and an Alumni Advisory Board appointed in 2017, a dedicated group of graduates are working to provide a supportive framework to ensure that we create meaningful experiences for our alumni to connect and engage with the school, their peers, alumni families, and staff. In December 2018, we welcomed back alumni students, families, and teachers from various eras of our 25 year history. Our anniversary celebrations provided the perfect venue for impromptu reunions, story-telling, and walks down memory lane.

▲ Board Chair Harry Wierenga and his wife along with their daughters...all three graduated from Mulgrave.

HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE • Mulgrave’s Class of 2008 10-year reunion • The 8th annual Alumni Basketball Game, held in conjunction with our 25th Anniversary Celebration • The annual Alumni Summer Kickoff held at Mulgrave, featuring a rugby game between current students and faculty against our alum

• The publication of our fifth edition of Cypress Magazine, Mulgrave’s annual alumni magazine • Increased social media presence and engagement: @mulgravealum on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter


Creative and Performing Arts at Mulgrave Every child needs to find their voice; our work in the Arts helps every student thrive. In world class facilities and supported by expert staff, Mulgrave students are encouraged to take risks, experiment, and think in embodied, tactile ways across the full range of artistic forms. They can move on to specialise and excel in a range of fields (creative and academic), or they may choose to celebrate their creativity beyond the classroom in a more free-form way. We cannot possibly capture such awesome creative energy in just two pages, but here is a snapshot of what our amazing students have been up to:

2018-2019 HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: • Hosting Canada’s first International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) Festival for students in G3–6 • A Diploma Arts Exhibition showcasing the two-year culmination of creative work by our senior Film, Music, Theatre, and Visual Art students • In-house workshops on filmmaking, animation, art, music, dance, and theatre by a variety of guest instructors from around the globe • K-12 Visual Art Exhibition with the principle of design: Movement


MUSIC • Master Orff teacher Doug Goodkin visited from San Francisco to inspire students and teachers alike! • Chamber Choir sang for a cause, May’s Place, at Yule Duel in Gastown

FILM • Hosted Zoom Film Festival where one of our Junior teams won a number of awards

• From Pre-K to G12, all classroom music, performing arts classes, and co-curricular ensembles took the stage at Mulgrave and beyond in many concerts throughout the year

• MS filmmakers won 1st and 2nd place in the Worksafe BC PSA competition • Students won for their Comedy at BCSFF (BC Student Film Festival)

• 60 Middle School band and choir musicians joyfully took part in Whistler’s Cantando Festival

DESIGN • New design facilities opened, giving students the space to freely explore their ideas across the breadth of design technologies, from traditional hand tools and modelling to computer-aided design, including additive manufacturing as well as drones, robotics and coding



• Visual Arts moved into new spaces, created an art library, and with student collaboration, has created areas for ceramics, textiles, photography, painting, framing, and display

• A thought-provoking Senior School production of Tannahill’s Concord Floral

• Enlightening workshops led by renowned Commedia Dell’ Arte performer Susan Bertoia

• The Middle School’s hilarious, creative production of Chase’s Harvey

• The Missing Element, Grade 6’s self-penned music, theatre, and dance showcase

• Hosted Tsema Igharas for a four-week ‘Artist in Residence’ programme • Senior Visual Art students were featured in the annual Ferry Building Show • Middle School Art Showcase 19

Titans Athletics Mulgrave offers a rich variety of athletic opportunities that enable our student-athletes in G3—12 to flourish in a number of individual and team sports. Through competition in the North Shore Secondary School Athletics Association (NSSSAA), the Greater Vancouver Independent Schools Athletic Association (GVISAA), the Independent Schools Athletic Association (ISAA), and the Independent Schools Elementary Association (ISEA), our coaches support our student-athletes as they strive for athletic excellence and personal best. Strong emphasis is also placed on our core values of character, commitment, communication, confidence, and heart.

2018–2019 UPPER SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS North Shore Secondary Schools Athletic Association — NSSSAA Playoff Qualifiers • Varsity Girls Volleyball • Juvenile Girls Volleyball • Varsity Girls Basketball • Varsity Boys Basketball • Juvenile Boys Basketball • Varsity Badminton • Jr. Varsity Badminton Independent Schools Athletic Association — ISAA Results • Varsity Boys Basketball — Silver Medal • Junior Boys Basketball — Bronze Medal • Grade 7 Girls Basketball — Silver Medal • Grade 7 Girls Volleyball — Silver Medal


Provincial Championships

NSSSAA All-Stars

• Varsity Cross Country — Charlotte Armstrong — Joshua Chow — Marla Rinck • JV Cross Country — Pablo Durnin — Kate Birch — Gabi Novak • Varsity Swimming — Team Relay — Individual & Team Relay (Nick Hilkewich, Madi Renner, Vanessa Tung) • Track & Field — Lauren Bowlby, Emma Linsley, Kate Birch, Mia Ruse, Christiana Wurm, Matthew Gollner, Milan Novak, Mees Tjallingii, Jerome Lippman, Isabelle Reidjik, Madi Renner

• Celina Manji — Sr Girls AA Basketball • Behbod Panahandeh — Sr Boys AA Basketball • Isaac Manji — Sr Boys AA Basketball • Mackenzie Cyr — Sr Boys AA Soccer • Jose Vergani — Sr Boys AA Soccer Individual Accomplishments • Nick Hilkewich — Athletic scholarship to Simon Fraser University for swimming

2018–2019 JUNIOR SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS Our Junior School students participated in the following sports events in the ISEA (Independent Schools Elementary Athletic Association) league: Fall Season • G3–6 Cross-Country Running • G5 and 6 Girls Volleyball • G5 and 6 Boys Soccer Winter Season • G3–6 Swimming • G5 and 6 Girls Basketball • G5 and 6 Boys Basketball Spring Season • G5-6 Boys Rugby • G5 Girls Soccer • G6 Girls Soccer

Over two and a half decades, our supportive Mulgrave community has raised more than $300,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.


Outdoor Education Mulgrave offers a vibrant Outdoor Education programme that engages all K-12 students in experiences outside of the classroom in support of student balance and well-being. We value the opportunity for students to make links between outdoor education and their classroom learning experiences. For this reason, we offer activities throughout the year to engage in these ‘experiential’ learning opportunities. Through multi-sensory learning in nature-based contexts, Mulgrave’s Outdoor Education programme builds resilience, along with an appreciation for our surroundings and the skills to actively participate in, and advocate for, our remarkable local region.

FALL CAMPS Starting with an overnight ‘camp’ at the school for Grade 3, the programme is designed to take students through a progression of physical and mental challenges that are authentic and age appropriate. The ability to face and overcome such challenges helps build self-esteem by demonstrating to participants that they can thrive in a variety of physical and social environments. • G3: Camp Mulgrave • G4: Camp Elphinstone, Sunshine Coast • G5: Camp Fircom, Gambier Island • G7: Camp Fircom, Gambier Island • G8 Camp Experience Options: Marriot Basin — Backpacking Squamish — Mountain Biking Squamish — Rock Climbing Sechelt Inlet — Kayaking Alouette Lake — Canoeing Squamish — Day Hiking


• G9 Camp Experience Options: Garibaldi Provincial Park — Backpacking Squamish — Mountain Biking Skaha — Rock Climbing Gulf Islands — Kayaking Pitt Lake — Canoeing Manning Park — Day Hiking • G10 Fall Retreat at Camp Squeah • G10 Winter Camp at Manning Park • G11 Fall Retreat at Camp Latona



Time spent in nature has been shown to be hugely beneficial for our social-emotional well-being. With this in mind, Get-Out trips are designed to provide Senior School students with opportunities to spend time with their peers in our local environment. Scheduled to minimise impact on academics, and with minimal pre-trip requirements, the sole purpose of these trips is to help get our students outside to unplug and engage with nature, themselves, and their peers. Trips are offered throughout, and tailored to, the seasons of the academic year.

As part of the Middle School LEAP elective programme, Summit 1 & 2 strive to provide students with the opportunity to develop a broad understanding of outdoor skills and knowledge. Over a two-year progression, students advance from basic skills and experiences through to the application of more advanced skills and knowledge in an expedition environment.

• Fall Expedition: Lindeman Lake — Backpacking • Spring Expedition: Indian Arm — Kayaking

DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S AWARD Founded in 1956 by Prince Philip, this worldwide programme of distinction allows youths to develop a sense of responsibility to themselves and to their community. Mulgrave Upper School students actively participate in adventurous journeys at all three award levels each year. These trips are planned, organised, and implemented by the students and change each school year based on student interest.

Summit 1 • Activities: hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, snowshoeing, skiing, mountain biking, kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, orienteering • Year-end Expedition: Indian Arm — Kayaking Summit 2 • Activities: expedition skill development, trail building, wilderness first aid, avalanche awareness, kayaking, kayak rescue skills, rock climbing, winter camping skills • Fall Expedition: Elfin Lakes - Backpacking • Winter Expedition: Manning Park - Winter Camping • Spring Expedition: Gulf Islands - Kayaking

Adventurous Journeys completed this year: • Bronze: Gulf Islands — Kayaking • Silver: Pitt Lake — Canoeing • Gold: Broughton Archipelago — Kayaking


Global Citizenship Global citizenship is a core tenet of the IB Programme and is embedded in Mulgrave’s ethos. Our intent is for students to better understand their place in our world and the opportunities they have to contribute and make change, be that close to home or in the far reaches of our world. While students in our Junior School, and even Early Years, will embrace a cause or pursue a passion related to service, most of our structured programming takes place in our Upper School. Our students are increasingly learning about, understanding, and embracing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This framework encourages them to tackle global issues by using their student voice and taking action. As an IB school with internationalmindedness at the forefront and a mission to inspire excellence, these global goals are a natural connection point and catalyst for engagement in the most pressing issues to face our world today. To bring these goals to life and engage our students in exploration of citizenship and leadership, we use real-world experiences, coupled with the structures of Passport and CAS.

G7—12 PASSPORT: Experience — Engage — Evolve The Passport programme provides students with opportunities to engage in a range of applied and enriched learning, leadership, and intercultural experiences outside the classroom. Through their work, students are encouraged to explore critical 21st century skills, designed to prepare them to lead fulfilled, successful, and meaningful lives.

DP CAS CAPSTONE: Creativity, Activity, Service & More At the heart of Mulgrave’s service and leadership initiatives is the CAS Capstone programme, an integral part of the IB Diploma Programme curriculum and component of the Mulgrave Passport. It inspires students to engage in local and global creative pursuits, citizenship and student voice, physical activity and wellness, and service learning and volunteerism.


Over the two years of the Diploma Programme, Grade 11 and 12 students take on a personalised, authentic service learning project, develop an ongoing personal health and wellness plan, and embark on a global-local community engagement initiative. It is truly a culmination of their Mulgrave and IB social impact learning experience. The CAS Capstone incorporates our commitment to getting students out into the real world where they can explore different personal and professional interests and extend their graduation portfolio for university applications and work placements.

COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Below is a list of some of the local and global partnership organisations with whom we are involved: • WE Charity and Me to We • BC Children's Hospital • Backpack Buddies from the Community First Foundation • Books for Me! • Jordan’s Principal • Cinderella Project • Project 360 • Downtown Eastside Women’s Shelter • JUMP! Foundation • Canadian Red Cross • Hives for Humanity • Binners’ Project

• Kids Help Phone • Project Backpack: Directions Youth Services Centre • Tanzania Safe House • Insight Global Education • Esther’s Echo • North Shore Harvest Project • Heart and Stroke Foundation • Terry Fox Foundation • West Vancouver Streamkeepers • World Partnership Walk: Aga Khan Foundation

LEADERSHIP Leadership encompasses a broad spectrum of student engagement across the arts, athletics, student voice, service, outdoor education, school clubs, community volunteerism, and other school partnerships. This year, our students focussed on a number of topics that were inspiring to them. Our teams also took on topics related to mental health and wellness, inclusivity, global engagement, and intercultural understanding. The following captures the breadth of student leadership teams in the school:







• Junior School Leadership Team

Based on a proposal from our 2017—18 Student Prefects, we introduced a Grade 12 Student Board model in the 2018—19 school year. Board members, as well as the Co-Chairs, are elected by their peers, faculty, and staff. The following are members of our 2018—19 Student Board: 1. Ali Mecklai 2. Andrew Horner 3. Anna Edmonds 4. Celina Manji 5. Ethan Lippman (Co-Chair) 6. Henry Spencer 7. Ingrid White (Co-Chair) 8. Irene Zhang 9. Liliana Belluk-Orlikow 10. Sam Ye

• Middle School Ambassadors


• Middle and Senior Service Action Councils (SAC)

Antony Wilson, Upper School Teacher and Head of Global Engagement & Service Learning, was named a finalist for a 2019 BC Premier’s Award for Excellence in Education in the Social Equity and Diversity category. Antony and the programmes he has developed have had a lifelong impact on many Mulgrave students, some of whom have gone on to pursue careers in the areas of service and social entrepreneurship.

• Mulgrave Middle and Senior Student Voice





• Arts Council • Athletics Council • House Leadership Team • Global Nomads • Mulgrave Emergency Response Team (MERT) • HeadsUp: Mental Health and Wellness Team

 Antony Wilson, finalist for BC Premier's Award


GEx Global Experiential Learning Expeditions: “Educate. Engage. Change.” At the heart of the Global Experiential Learning Programme (GEx) is the goal to develop opportunities for youth to explore, embrace, and embody the ethos of what it means to be a global citizen today, outside the walls of the classroom, within a structured real-world experiential learning and leadership programme. A ‘global-local citizen’ is someone who:

• is aware of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen

• respects and values diversity • appreciates intercultural and Indigenous worldviews • supports the dignity and rights of others • has an understanding of how the world works • participates in their communities at a range of levels, from the local to the global

• is willing to act to make the world a more equitable, just, and sustainable place

• takes responsibility for their actions To be effective global citizens, young people need to have opportunities to get engaged, make connections, collaborate with others, and learn to change their world. Our GEx programme is a requirement for all students in Grades 8 and 9. A service learning ‘week without walls’ takes place in May and the programme also includes critical pre- and postexperience leadership and learning modules. Grade 7 students also embark on a GEx Engage week of experiential learning at


school focussed on social entrepreneurship, design thinking, and global citizenship. New in 2018-19, was the addition of a required programme for Grades 10 and 11 students, as well as an optional expedition for Grade 12. Mulgrave’s GEx programming is supported through our partnerships with Me to We, Insight Global Education, Educational Excursions, The JUMP! Foundation, World Challenge, PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, and several local organisations involved in service and social good on Vancouver’s Eastside. In 2019, students engaged in global and local experiential learning in the following areas: • Iceland • Yukon Tanzania • • Vancouver Island • Ecuador • Vancouver ROOTS • Costa Rica • Vancouver Downtown Eastside (DTES) Thailand •

INTERNATIONAL-MINDEDNESS Core to Mulgrave’s ethos is a desire for our students to become true global citizens; to acquire the personal and social intercultural competencies and dispositions that will allow them to thrive and be happy wherever in the world they find themselves. Students engage in learning opportunities, within the curriculum and beyond, that broaden their horizons and expose them to culture and language in other parts of Canada and globally. Indigenous Education In keeping with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s 94 Calls to Action, curricular and experiential learning allows students the opportunity to further engage with the First People’s Principles, fostering a positive and empathetic relationship with our Indigenous communities in Canada. Teachers are attending PD opportunities, reviewing Indigenous presence in the school, fostering external partnerships and relationships, exploring and building educator resources, and bettering the representation and role of Indigenous knowledge keepers and local communities at Mulgrave.

Service Learning and Cultural Experiences Through the global-local GEx expeditions, our students experience life outside of their immediate community and learn important lessons about ‘our own backyard’ and the socioeconomic and geopolitical factors that affect our world. Exchange trips to France and Shanghai are also offered in our Middle School, giving participating students the chance to immerse themselves in the language and culture they have been studying. The opportunity to apply their learning in an authentic context brings their classroom experiences to life. Grade 6 students also embark on a week-long trip to Eastern Canada to explore history and experience the great cities of Montreal, Quebec City, and Ottawa. This trip not only serves as the basis for learning throughout the year, but also instills a greater degree of independence and responsibility. Language Learning Speaking more than one language enables students to form cross-cultural bonds by facilitating empathy and better communication. With this in mind, Mulgrave has designed a comprehensive language programme with specialist teachers in French, Mandarin, and Spanish. In addition, Junior School students have the opportunity to study Farsi through our Co-Curricular Programme.

Community Celebrations Mulgrave's sense of community and friendship is founded on empathy, inclusion, and humility. Our values are rooted in an understanding of our own and Indigenous cultures, a global perspective, and a commitment to social responsibility. Through events like Norouz and Navroz, and Lunar New Year celebrations, global lunches, as well as exhibits and performances focussed on art and music from around the world, our community comes together throughout the year to learn and celebrate together.



June 30, 2019

Assets Cash and short term investments

$ 16,100,831

Account receivables


Prepaid expenses


Property and equipment Total Assets

68,670,468 $ 86,460,928

Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

$ 3,383,894

Deferred revenue


Bonds payable


Family deposits


30,983,420 Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets


55,477,508 $ 86,460,928


June 30, 2019




Revenues Tuition and fees Grants

$ 24,347,971 2,859,917

Fundraising and donations




33,179,658 Expenses Amortization Interest on long term debt








* (including PK3 January start)

NUMBER OF STAFF BY DIVISION (As of September 2018)

$ 1,968,585 137,249

Other operating expenses


Salaries and benefits


Unrealised change in swap liability


















(Middle/Senior School)

Excess of Revenue over Expense


Net Assets, Beginning of Year 48,611,085 Net Assets, End of Year

STUDENT RESIDENCE (As of September 2018)

$ 55,477,508










MPower & the West Wing Extension

Read more in our Donor Impact Report ( Us/Publications).

On December 20, 2018, at our 25th Anniversary Celebration, we officially opened our new 90,000 square foot West Wing extension. Already, we are seeing the positive impact of these custom-built learning and play spaces on our students and teachers. Our preschool students settled into their new classrooms, shared areas, and outdoor spaces right after our winter break. Our youngest learners now have dedicated places to nap, as well as washrooms that are right-sized to promote their independence. Bright and airy classrooms, and a large common area enable learning and inquiry through play and interaction with peers. Upstairs, our Middle and Senior School students are enjoying expanded, well-equipped studios for visual arts and design. Students in Grades 7-9 are also making the most of brand new classrooms and a lounge area with expansive views and breakout spaces for quiet study and group work. At the very top of our West Wing is a new playground, already well-loved by our younger grades. The spaces that were vacated by the moves into the West Wing underwent renovations throughout the remainder of the school year and into the summer. Our Junior School students are now benefiting from a multitude of specialist spaces including a science lab, language classrooms, art room, and more. From tricycle tracks to virtual reality, our students are able to explore in new and expansive ways; their education further personalised to what interests them and fuels their passions.

We are MPowered! Our generous community came together once again to make our West Wing expansion and related classroom renovations possible. Twelve million thank yous to our parents, students, faculty and staff, Board members, alumni, and other friends of Mulgrave!


Thank you, Mulgrave!


Our 2018—19 fiscal year brought incredible support from our community for our MPower Campaign, which funded the West Wing extension and associated renovations in our Junior School. As a result of the generosity of our community, our students and faculty are now thriving in our new spaces. In the 2019–2020 school year, we are excited to turn our attention to the launch of Momentum, our Annual Fund.

Tony Allard (Chair)

As an independent school, Mulgrave has always relied on the generosity of our community to ensure that we are able to deliver transformative educational experiences to our students. Every single gift is meaningful and significant to us. Thank you all for investing in our future and for empowering Mulgrave students to become global citizens and leaders.

Dave Lede

In the following pages, we express deep gratitude to those who have made donations to Mulgrave during the period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.


Bjorn Moller (Vice Chair) Brenda Blue Michael Cytrynbaum Tom McIntyre


Charles & Eve Chang

William & Julie DeCooman*

Morgan Gough & Shaojun Chen

Adil & Zarina Ahamed

Marwan & Sadeem Chatila

Mandeep Dhaliwal & Koml Kandola

Jason Gray & Vessa Samson

Neel Ahuja & Theresa Shum

Chun Che & Chan Hon Goh

Surjit & Mukhdeep Dhillon

Shafiq & Fatima Gulamani

Ghaleb & Khitam Alghouti

Xin (Humberto) Chen & Rong (Adriana) Li

Loretta DiGiacinto*

Fulong Guo & Zitong Wang

Rhonda Altman*

Xinguo & Jian Qiu (Cindy) Chen

Kenneth & Jennifer Dixon

Hongwei Guo & Xiunan Li

Mehrtash Amini & Azadeh Khakbiz

Ya Jun Chen & Mei (May) Ji

Tracey Dixon*

Morag Harris*

Carolyn Anderson & Paul Gross

Kang Chen & Dongmei Zhao

Carla Donnelly*

JoAndrea Hoegg

Brian & Joie Anyon

Xu Chen & Hong Guo

Richard & Sandra Durrans

Jo Lynne Hoegg

Jin Ling Bai*

Ge Chen & Zhe Zou Louise Chen*

Shahriar Ebrahimi-Siaghi & Parivash Meschi

Dennis Hoesgen & Melina Heidari

Mikhail & Aleksandra Baiman Liang (Eric) Bao & Jun (Aysha) Zhao

Adam Chodkiewicz & Dewi Schrader

Amir Bateni & Nazanin Fasihi

Alex Chunn & Naomi Denning

John & Sharon Bidder

Jeff & Michelle Clay

Michael & Suzanne Birch

Korean Community

Natassja By*

David Crerar & Julia Lawn

Jesse and Elizabeth Calderon*

Jason Cutbill*

Fabricio CantĂş & Aline Drivet

Ling Jun Dai & Yue (Yolanda) Jin

Ron & Wendy Carere

Ellen D'Atri

Lie Fang & Weilu (Ada) Yang Rod & Sandra Fergusson Michael & Catherine Frewin* Jennifer Galli* George Gao & Leanne Li Li Qiang Gao Javid Ghahremani & Sara Yasini Norma Gibson Anthony & Stacey Gollner

Frank & Katherine Hoogendoorn Judith Horner Yi Ping Hu & Yong Fen (Jenny) Zheng Ender & Eleana Ilkay Adrian Jauk* Martin Jones & Megan Nilsen* Libby Jopson* Aly & Zenitta Kassim-Lakha Hooman Keyhan & Elnaz Goganivash



Jelena & Russell Kling

Yu Peng Li & Ning Zhang

German Marin & Ira Vergani*

Dazong Pan & Jing (Maggie) Ning

Alex & Sherry Klopfer

Han Li & Simeng Wang

Marko & Jelena Markovic

Feng Pan & Yan (Carrie) Liu

William Ko & Lillian Wong

Shi Cheng Lian & Wen Jia Ma

Darren McDonald & Chiara Tabet

Walter Pecora & Bernice Chan

Daniel Ko & Cecilia Wong

Hans Lin & Chunwei Li

Craig & Victoria McMillan

Tao Peng & Xin (Cathy) Zhang

Jun Mo Koo & Yunjoo Lee

Steven & Chi Lippman

Kelly Ho

Nadine & Chris Pettman*

Jianjun Kou & Yu Wang

Ning (Richard) Liu & Ling (Lily) Chen

Bill Meikle & Susan Albert

Langbao Qiu & Jun (Grace) Yao

Key Young Kwon

Dong Sheng Liu & Juan Liu

Ran Meng & Jing (Stephanie) Liu

Chao (Charles) Qu & Xiaoya (Ashley) Jin

Rosemary Lai*

Wei (David) Liu & Lili Hao

Lu Meng & Helen Wong

Yang Qu & Shu Wang

Fazila Lakhani

Cybele Lo*

Ding Han & Ruili Yang

Irfhan & Brenda Rajani

Luke Lawson & Jane Macnutt

Garret & Judy Louie

Bob Michieli & Debra Sider

Alnoor & Zahra Ramji

Richard & Chiemi Layton

Allan & Yoko Lu

Serguei Mourachov & Oksana Leontieva

Jian Sheng Ren & Rong Huang

Graham & Angela Lee

Scott Lu & Hong (Helen) Yang

Jim Myers

George & Penny Retsos

Ian Lee*

Derrick Ma & Celine Chen

Shameer Noormohamed & Gopi Chande

Kamaal & Saira Samji

Julie Lefeaux*

Michelle Mah*

Michael Olynyk*

Nicholas Sautin & Lindsey Berns*

Brian Lei & Lucia Zhao

Hao (Steven) Mi & Meng (Amanda) Zhao

Richard & Anita Orazietti

Oleksiy Shevchenko & Katerina Mitt

Xiaoxuan Li & Xuqing Yang

George Mak & Wen-Lyn Ho

Lynn Orsmond*

Andrew Shih & Vicky Huang

Richard Li & Joyce Liu

Samir & Sheena Manji

Al Karim & Josephine Somji

Cheng Wang & Wen Qiu

Yong Ai Yang & Gui Xia (Angie) Wang

Alexandra Stingaciu*

Yanqing (John) & Li (Lydia) Wang

Miao Yang & Yan Ren

Zsu Zsu Straub*

Zewu Wang & Zhilan Zhou

Baosong Yang & Mijiao Cao

Dongying Su & Su Chang

Weilong Wang & Yingtao (Stella) Liu

Guoping Yang & Rita Li

Malik & Shahzma Talib

Xu (Leo) Wang & Jingjing Li

Yun Ye & Jin Lu

Scott Thomson & Caitlin Dunne

Edison & Amy Washington

Rosa Yip*

Ira Thomson*

Paul Wettlaufer & Erin Lynn

Hua Hui (Steven) Yu & Xin (Tracy) Wang

Shunli Tian & Hua Liang

Derek White & Anita Arndt

Hui (Kelly) Zeng & Hongtao He

Daniel Tsen & Mabel Kwan

John & Gillian Wray*

Xiaolin Zhang & Sha Pei

In addition, we would like to thank our many donors who prefer to remain anonymous

Hip-Ming (Herbert) Tung & Sau-Hung (Sandy) Kwong

HengJun Wu & BingQin (Rita) Jiang

Bin Zhang & Jing Yang


JianLiang Wu & HanXiao Wang

Zhongnan & She Zhang

Qiang Wu & Huimin (Joy) Chen

Yang Zhang & Zhenyu Yan

Sarah Wu*

Dongge Zhang & Hua (Pauline) Yang

Yi Wei Xuan & Tianyan Xu

Tong Zhang & Danyang Yang

Ming (Stephen) Xue & Mei (May) Shen

Bohong Zhang & Shan Zhong

Joaquin Villegas Tovar & Mishel Miranda Avalos

Christine Yakachuk*

Zhengping & Yu Zhang

ShengCheng (Richard) Wang & Kun (Annie) Zhang

Min Yan

Guoxu (Shawn) Zhang

Quan (Dennis) Yang & Antonia Chau

Kevin & Caroline Tyson Barend van der Vorm & Claudia Vijverberg Hamidreza Vaziri Kashani & Sarira Molaie

Liang Jian (Leon) Zhao & Yin (May) Yim Xiaoxiu (Candy) Zou Gang Zhou & Asty Yuanyuan Ma Ruhua Zhu & Min Jin Emily Zuidema*

FOUNDATIONS AND CORPORATIONS British Pacific Properties Limited Vancouver eFasteners Tools & Supply Ltd.

Every effort has been made to ensure the names listed above are accurate. These names reflect all who have made donations to Mulgrave, received during the period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. If we made an error or omission please accept our apologies and notify the Advancement Office. Thank you!


Governance and Leadership BOARD OF DIRECTORS


The Board of Directors is entrusted to operate and run the school on behalf of the Mulgrave Independent School Society. The Society is a not-for-profit registered charity. There are fourteen parent or alumni-parent members of the Board, and we thank them for their selfless service and for the work they do to support the school.

The Mulgrave Advisory Board was created to discuss with and advise the Head of School and the Mulgrave Board of Directors on the following: • Mulgrave’s broad educational provision and philosophy • International innovations and trends in PK–12 education • Mulgrave in the British Columbian education system

The Mulgrave Board as of September 2018: • Harry Wierenga, Chair • Michael Birch • Gopi Chande, Vice Chair • Charles Chang • Katherine Hoogendoorn, • Helen Joannou Secretary • William Ko • Richard Cheah, Treasurer • John Pao

• Jihad Saba • Helaine Shepard • Navida Suleman • Malik Talib • Shannon Vrsnik

In February 2019, as a pilot, the Board welcomed two student representatives: Arden Zhang and Kaden Gulamani. Amy Yu also joined the Advancement Committee. All three students were in Grade 11 when selected via application process and interviews and will serve until the AGM in November.

BOARD COMMITTEES Our committees are comprised of Board members, staff, students, and parents, and they serve in the following areas: Advancement, Finance, Building & Grounds, Nominations, Executive, Audit, and Governance.


Members in 2018—19 include: Tony Allard Andrew Arida Lindsey Berns Jesse Calderon Brad Carter Jamie Caton Gopi Chande Claire Cupples Paul Dangerfield Shae de Jaray Pam Goldsmith Jones Silvia Heinrich Chan Hon Goh George Iwama

Martin Jones Simon Lesieur Ethan Lippman Gordon MacIntyre Samir Manji Kathy McLaughlin Marianne McTavish Nabila Pirani Helaine Shepard Samantha Tsuruda Shannon Vrsnik Ingrid White Harry Wierenga John Wray

25 Years of Inspiring Excellence As our school song states, we’ve come from “Simple beginnings, building on each day...Mulgrave’s the place where dreams come true.” In our 25th year, we had many opportunities to reflect on those early days, as well as on the community spirit and dedication that has brought us to where we are today. We are relatively young in the context of Canadian independent schools. As John Wray acknowledged early in the year: “Some of our peer schools have already celebrated 100+ years of existence. Our youth, however, has not ever been a limiting factor, and we have quickly established ourselves as a leading independent and international school both locally and beyond.”

portable in a church parking lot to the North Shore Winter Club, through IB accreditation, school trips, performances and athletic pursuits, celebrations and struggles, and into the space and programming that we offer today. We invite you to browse Our History on our website in the About Us section. It’s an important part of who we are as a school and a community, for it is our past that provides us with such a solid foundation for our future.

On December 20th, we commemorated our silver anniversary with a grand reunion of Mulgravians. We reminisced and reconnected over photos and videos of yesteryear, meandering through a timeline that took us from a


THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF VANCOUVER 2330 Cypress Bowl Lane West Vancouver, BC Canada V7S 3H9 Tel: 604 922 3223








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