Open Your Eyes

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and see the OPEN YOUR truth EYES 60 Archive by Mullica Zudsiri

This archive is a collection of 60 things in which I found that makes my life incredibly blessed or different from someone else who, simply by chance, was not granted the same opportunities due to race, gender, or financial status. Whether it was simply access to a resource I often take for granted or the freedom to express myself how I choose and make decisions for myself, the information I found opened my eyes. I am now sharing this information with the hopes that it too will make you realize all the wonderful things that occur in your life and no matter how terrible you may think things are going, take time to realize just one thing that you have that you take for granted.

Put on those That’s better glasses isn’t it? now!

An American taking a five minute shower uses more water than a typical person in a developing country slum uses in a day.

An estimated 1.6 billion people have no access to electricity at all, while another 1 billion people have no electricity for most of the day.

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Forty-one million girls are denied education.

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An estimated 22 % of the global workforce, or 614.2 million workers, are working more than 48 hours per week.

The world makes enough food to feed everyone yet there are 925 million people who are undernourished.

One billion people lack access to health care systems.

At least 2.6 billion people around the planet have no access to a toilet. It means they have nothing — not a public toilet, not an outhouse, not even a bucket.

An estimated 100 million people are homeless worldwide.

Most African children who attend school have never owned a book of their own. In many classrooms, 10-20 students share one textbook.

In Niger, only 4 % of women have access to contraceptives.

In 2009 Iran banned women on television from wearing make-up.

68% Indian rural women can’t afford sanitary napkins

As of October 28 2009, in Indonesia there’s currently a ban on tight pants for women.

It is illegal for women to drive in Saudi Arabia.

Approximately 517 million people in developing

countries are visually impaired.

In Mauritania, where big is beautiful and stretch marks are sexy, young girls are brutally force-fed a diet of up to 16,000 calories a day.

Conditions from lack of proper footwear afflict more than 4 million people worldwide.

Burma is the worst country for bloggers with at least two now in prison.

Up until 1990, there was still legalization of segregation in South Africa and people still suffer from it today.

Myanmar has the worst religious intolerance.

The first reported case of“forced divorce� in Saudi Arabia in 2005.

Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to sign their names..

In Haiti, mud cookies cost about 5 cents a piece, are a bargain in comparison to food staples.

Africa n i n e Wom walk a i s A d an miles 7 . 3 t u abo ater. w t c e l l to co

Eight million children worldwide died before their fifth birthday in 2009.

1 out of 4 girls in Cameroon practice “breast flattening� by pressing hot stones to their chest.

Pokemon i s banned in Saudi Arabia bec ause it promote s Zionism an d involves ga mbling.

Women aged 15-19 give birth to about 17 million of the 131 million children a year.

There is currently no access to dental care whatsoever in the remote villages of the world.

In Saudi Ara bia it is illegal f or women to o pen independen t bank accou nts.

Gender Segregation is enforced in all aspects of Saudi life.

March 23, 2011, Syrian police launched a relentless assault on a neighborhood sheltering anti-government protesters.

In Russia, there is a list of 456 jobs which women are not allowed to do.

In some countries, such as in Chili, women still go to prison for having an illegal abortion.

The estimate for fully orphaned children (having no parental care at all) is placed at 18.52 million worldwide.

In 2009, about 225 million people were living with malaria and 781,000 died from the disease.

135 million girls are genitally mutilated 135 million girls are genitally mutilated

At least one out of every three women worldwide has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime.

In more than 20 developing nations, illiteracy rates amongst women exceed 70%.

The death toll in the 2011 Japanese natural disaster exceeded ten thousand people.

1 in 6 women have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.

278 million people have moderate to profound hearing loss in both ears.

Students in poorer African villages sometimes must travel up to 18 miles to the nearest school, most often by walking.

39 million are blind worldwide

8,000 people are kidnapped yearly

There are 57 million people living worldwide with Traumatic Brain Injury-related disability, which would equal the total population of Italy.

In Iran, it is illegal and punishable by death for women to sing in public.

It is estimated that there are about 27 million slaves around the world.

Globally, 2.4 billion people, most of them in developing countries, do not have access to improved sanitation.

In certain cultures such as parts of Asia and India, girls are most often aborted in favor for boys.

North Korea has no independent journalists and all radio and television receivers sold in the country are locked to government specified frequencies.

One in three women & girls in the developing world live on less that 2 dollars a day.

The Somalian Islamists’ beat women for wearing Somali traditional dress instead of the long, shapeless black robes favoured by the fighters.

r the rights fo g in t h g fi r e Aft ymen, r t n u o c ir e h t of all ied for ll a r t p y g E in women lity on a u q e r e d n e g their own en’s day m o W l a n io t a n Inter onted with fr n o c e b o t ly n o outing in h s n e m f o s d r hoa opposition.

In countries like Bangladesh,Chad, Guinea, Mali, and Niger more than 60% of women enter marriage or a union before the age of eighteen.

1 in 250 children is born with a significant facial disfigurement or genetics that will later lead to a significant disfigurement.

Somalia has a ban o n music on airwaves.

There are at least 650 million people with disabilities worldwide.

JUST DON’T You can take them off now. FORGET

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