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The following is a sample nomination form for the MULS Elections. There is a blank copy of the form included on the following page.
Name: John Smith
Student Number:
12345678 Year of Law: 4 LLB (internal) Student Email Address: john.smith@students.mq.edu.au
Second Email Address (if relevant): johnsmith@sample.com
Contact Number 1: 1234 5678 Contact Number 2: 9337 6754
Name of Position being Nominated for: President
Candidate’s Statement of Intention (300 words maximum, to be included in MULS Elections Guide)
Given that I hold credentials as a psychiatrist, I hold skills as both a therapist and an analyst. I believe that these qualities allow me to gauge what students want from their law degrees and give it to them to the best of my ability.
I also hold professional experience as an actor, having received training by none other than Carl Weathers and auditioning for pivotal roles including Frightened Inmate Number 2 andas a back-up for the Blue Man Group. These experiences mean that I can wear the pants of other students, and understand their needs and wants from their law degree.
As a loving father and husband, I am sympathetic to the fact that some law students are juggling their studies with other obligations, and therefore want to do everything in my capacity to ensure that law students can maintain a work-lifebalance.
Details of Secondees (Must be Ordinary or Executive Members of MULS) Name of Secondee 1: Toby Wilkinson (3213212) Student Email Address: toby.wilkinson@students.mq.edu.au
Name of Secondee 2: Student Email Address: Hannah Williams (12312312) Hannah.williams@students.mq.edu.au
I have read and the contents of the MULS Elections Guide and understand that I am bound by the MULS Constitution and Election Appendix
(Print Name) Signed