38 minute read


MULS is run by an executive of 38 people, as per our Constitution

Elections are held each year, providing all law students with the opportunity to nominate themselves for a position and elect the MULS Board.


The Executive consists of two groups :

The Board, which comprises of:

• The President,

• The Secretary,

• The Treasurer and;

• Eight Portfolio Directors

The Executive Council, which comprises of:

• The above Board, and

• 27 Executive Officers


Executive Officer (Administration)



Director (Education) Director (Publications) Director (Marketing) Director (Career Engagement)

Executive Officer (Campus Experience)

Executive Officer (Editor)

Executive Officer ('The Brief' Editor-In-Chief)

Director (Social Justice)

Executive Officer (Advocacy)

Executive Officer (Publicity) x 2

Executive Officer (IT)

Executive Officer (Corporate Careers) x2

Executive Officer (Public Interest Careers)

Executive Officer (Sponsorship)

Director (Events) Director (Competitions) Director (JD and Postgraduate)

Executive Officer (Socials) x2

Executive Officer (Foundations) x2

Executive Officer (Community Outreach) Executive Officer (Sport) Executive Officer (Advocacy) x2

Executive Officer (Professional Skills) x2

Executive Officer (Externals) x2

Executive Officer (Advocacy)

Executive Officer (Careers)

Executive Officer (Engagement)

The Board is responsible for making primary decisions regarding MULS, with each Director working closely with their respective team of Executive Officers in their portfolio.

In the next few pages, you will be introduced to the portfolios, provided with information on many of the opportunities offered, and introduced to our talented and committed Executive Council for 2023.


After several years of online learning, MULS will utilise 2023 as an opportunity to explore new avenues of providing enriching opportunities to appropriately respond to current trends in Macquarie cohort demographics. MULS, as a robust law student representative body with a committed Executive Council, will implement foundational change for future years to continue developing to ensure the direction of MULS sustains a holistically well-rounded student focus approach.


My name is Brendan Piech, and I am in my fifth year studying for a Bachelor of Laws and the 2023 MULS President. 2023 marks the third year of MULS Executive Council involvement, holding office as Secretary in 2022 and Executive Officer (Competitions Advocacy) in 2021. Whilst I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Macquarie University and in MULS, I look forward to graduating and pursuing a career in criminal law.

Underneath my oversight is all portfolios and undertakings of MULS and associated bodies. I am accountable to all stakeholders, Society members, and the Macquarie Law School, alongside upholding an internal and external facing representative role for the Society. The direction of MULS activities and management of affairs fall within my portfolio.


TAMIKA MANSELL administration@muls.org

I encourage you all to get involved and not to overthink things! Find your passion and make your mark because it's never too early to have a go….

Hi! I’m Tamika Mansell and I am in my third year of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Media and Communications. As the MULS Secretary for 2023, I will be looking after the administrative behind-the-scenes work that helps keep MULS running and able to deliver a range of events, competitions, publications, student support and more. I always have time for students and I encourage you all to reach out if you have any questions about MULS; I’m always up for a chat!

Keep an eye on our MULS socials pages for news about what’s coming up and don’t forget to look out for The Brief — a must read for all law students! I encourage you all to get involved and not to overthink things! Find your passion and make your mark because it's never too early to have a go….write that article, sign up for that subcommittee, enter that competition, go to that party and make those connections because that’s how law school becomes fun and your peers become your friends. Have a great year everyone!

I recommend seeking out a mentor, whether that is a senior law student, recent graduate, or otherwise. University is a different ball game from high school, with new challenges and opportunities to maximise. Guidance from one who has walked a similar pathway before you is invaluable in gaining insight and direction to incorporate into your approach to undertaking studies at Macquarie University.


First-Year Law Camp! A prominent difference between High School and University is that social opportunities become a pursuit of your own accord, and I recommend, at minimum, seeking involvement in the social aspects of the Society. First-Year Law Camp provides an excellent opportunity to meet your peers and develop lasting relationships.



BRENDAN PIECH president@muls.org administrationofficer@muls.org

Get involved as much as you can during your time at Macquarie University!

Hi everyone! My name is Peter Turner and I am in my second year studying a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Social Justice. As the Administration Executive Officer, I assist the Secretary with completing administrative tasks to ensure that MULS runs smoothly.

One of the best tips I have for students is to get involved in as much as you can during your time at Macquarie University. Through MULS and many other societies, many opportunities arise for you to get involved in extracurricular activities. For example, in my first year I attended the First Year Law Camp, many Ubar events, and I also did the Foundations of Law Moot which was a great experience! It is a great way to meet people and also give you a break from study as well!

All first years should definitely look forward to both the First Year Law camp and also the Foundations of Law Moot. The camp is a great way to meet new people and have so much fun! The camp for me was definitely one of my highlights of the year. It also gives you the opportunity to get to know the MULS executive and board members. Second, the Foundations Moot is a great way for you to kick start your mooting journey with MULS.


Simone Alexander


Hi everyone, my name is Simone Alexander and I am the Competitions Director for 2023! I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Law and Media. My role as director entails overseeing the smooth operation of all the internal and external competitions. These include the Junior Client Interview in the first semester and the Foundations of Law moot in the second semester, a must for any first-year student.

As a keen competitor myself, my goal for 2023 is to make competitions the highlight of your university experience. I am incredibly excited to present new opportunities for junior students to connect with more experienced competitors through events such as the competitions exhibition, where students will experience live demonstrations and have an opportunity to speak directly with past competitors. First years can also enjoy the tailored workshops that will run in the second semester that aim to build research and oral advocacy skills — so grab onto that competitive spirit and get keen for a year jam-packed with exciting opportunities!

As cliche as it sounds, your degree is what you make of it so whether it be socialising by joining MULS or sharpening your professional skills by competing, make the best out of your time at uni.

As cliche as it sounds, your degree is what you make of it, so whether it be socialising by joining MULS or sharpening your professional skills by competing, make the best out of your time at uni. Get keen, get involved, and most importantly don’t forget to have fun!


Emma Horgan Patricia Motahari

foundationcomps@muls.org novicecomp@muls.org

Involve yourself in every opportunity possible and fully take hold of uni life.

Hello everyone! My name is Emma, I am in my second-year of a Bachelor of Arts (Criminology) and a Bachelor of Laws. I am the Executive Officer of Foundations Competitions. I am looking forward to meeting many of you through Mooting! Throughout my role I am responsible for organising the Foundation Moot and assisting others in their own moots.

My tip would be to involve yourself in every opportunity possible and fully take hold of Uni life. Whether that be competitions such as mooting or seeking academic assistance when you are struggling. It is also essential to develop an effective study technique — find what works best for you!

Every first year student should try to get involved with the Foundations of Law Moot. This moot allows first-year students who do not have experience with mooting to learn. I did Foundations last year and I absolutely loved it! hope to see many of you there. It is a great competition to network, meet new students, learn how to write written submissions and present your arguments orally.

My quick study tip is to have a big planner to organise all your classes, events and deadlines.

Hi everyone! My name is Patricia Motahari and I am in my third year studying a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Psychology. I am the 2023 Executive Officer for Foundation Competitions. My responsibilities this year will be running both the Novice and International Humanitarian Law Moot competitions.

My quick study tip is to have a big planner to organise all your classes, events and deadlines. Having a big planner that I can see right in front of me every day has saved me from missing important dates and kept me organised.

The MULS event that you should look forward to is the Novice Moot. Anyone above their second year that has had no prior experience in mooting and wants to see what it's like can compete in this moot. It's a great way to get involved in the law society but also a very beneficial experience as you can ask our judges questions about mooting and their experiences. In turn, you get a small insight into what it's like to speak like a barrister or research like a solicitor.


Samuel Suhardi


Hi everyone! I'm Samuel and I am currently in my third year of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Psychology (Honours). I am one of the Executive Officers for Advocacy within the Competitions Portfolio for 2023.

One quick tip I would provide to all first years is that the best study spots here would have to be the Art Precinct (located at 25 Wally's Walk), Central Courtyard and the Computer Science Building.

All first years should look forward to the upcoming Competitions this year, especially the moots!


Sujal Chadha


Having good interpersonal relationships goes a long way in finding things you might like, that is why I recommend joining societies that align with your interests.

Hello all! My name is Sujal Chadha and I am the Executive Officer for Professional Skills. I am currently in my third year of Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Psychology. Stepping into the Professional Skills Role means that I will be in charge of running the Client Interviews competitions participating in which would allow you to learn how to lawyer effectively by speaking with people and developing client relations. I will also be responsible for Paper Presentation competitions which would help in improving your research and presentation skills.

Having good interpersonal relationships goes a long way in finding things you might like, that is why I recommend joining societies that align with your interests and interacting with people in those societies as well as going to events hosted by either MULS or other societies to network with other people.

I think—if I can be biased—Client interview and Negotiation competitions are a good pathway to enter MULS and develop skills as a lawyer as well as network and meet with new people. Both of these competitions are essential for a lawyer and participating in these would allow you to build client rapport skills as well as learning how to navigate hostile or stressful situations.

CAITLIN GREAVES compsadvocacy@muls.org

Explore the law databases available through the Subject and Research Guides at Macquarie Library!

Hi! My name is Caitlin and I am one of the Executive Officers for Competitions (Advocacy) 2023. I am in my third year of a Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies.

My quick tip for any law student is to explore the law databases available through the Subject and Research Guides at Macquarie Library! There are databases with legal commentary, cases, legislation, encyclopaedias and even dictionaries. These resources are particularly helpful to students interested in mooting and for those hefty research essays. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the law librarians how to use these databases correctly!

First years should look forward to the different competitions hosted by MULS throughout the year. Competitions are a fun way to become involved in university life, get competitive, meet new friends, and develop professional skills that are useful in any career. There are also many different types of competitions to choose from, so you can be sure that you will find one that interests you!

Zachary Haynes


Get involved as much as possible socially. Talk to people in your classes, set up study groups and build connections.

Hello everyone! My name is Zac and I am currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Psychology. I am one of the Executive Officers for Professional Skills for 2023.

One tip I would give to first years is to get involved as much as possible socially. Talk to people in your classes, set up study groups and build connections. You'll most likely be around these people for the rest of your degree, so it helps to know a wide range of people.

In my opinion, the Law Ball is a great event to look forward to. It's a great opportunity to meet other people and have fun with all your friends. It is usually held once a year but this is the best time to socialise, dance and chat with other law students outside of a classroom!




externalcomps@muls.org externalcomps1@muls.org

Get involved in everything uni has to offer and say yes to every opportunity.

Hi everyone! My name is Heidi and I am entering my third year of Bachelor of Laws with a Bachelor of Security Studies. This year I am lucky to be representing MULS as Executive Officer for External Advocacy, that means I'm in charge of overseeing the intervarsity and external competitions that you may wish to compete in!

One important tip I would give to students is to remember to take a break. Academic burnout was my biggest challenge during the first year and I was constantly tired and overwhelmed. Even if it's only a two minute walk around your room, it'll refresh your mind and is so important!

One event I would recommend for students is to participate in the Foundations of Law Moot, occurring during the second semester. This is a great introductory moot to make your first steps into the world of law competitions. The skills I developed from this moot have been instrumental not only in further competitions but during class discussions during tutorials and applying for legal internship roles.

Hi! My name is Caroline and I am the Executive Officer for External Professional Skills. I am currently in my fourth year studying a Bachelor of Laws and Commerce majoring in Cyber Security Governance. My role involves organising external professional skills and intervarsity competitions with other universities such as the MULS x SULS ADR Competition and Margaret Cunneen Witness Examination Competition.

One quick tip I would give to students is to get involved in everything uni has to offer and say yes to every opportunity. This could be joining different societies, events and competitions, etc. It is a great way to make new friends, memories and immerse yourself in uni life.

All first years should look forward to the MULS Competitions! This experience allows you to develop key skills for working in a professional legal environment, gain insight into practising areas, make new friends, and build your network.

Foundations of Law Moot

The Foundations of Law Moot is an introductory moot competition exclusively for First Year students to provide an opportunity to get a taste of mooting. Competitors will be tested in applying their knowledge from the Foundations of Law Unit, such as statutory interpretation and legal reasoning. The competition involves aspects of written and oral advocacy and teams can be between 2-4 people.

Junior Client Interview

The Junior Client Interview Competition is an opportunity to practise the interviewing skills introduced in Law, Lawyers and Society. The competition involves conducting a short interview based on an unknown scenario, requiring students to use active listening skills and identify key legal issues whilst upholding ethical and legal obligations. The competition requires no substantial legal knowledge and teams of two can enter.

International Women’s Day Program

After last year after great success, we are excited to continue in this tradition focusing on the 2023 theme of #EmbracingEquity. This initiative is centred on bringing together prominent female lawyers and leaders in their respective fields to share their journeys and challenges with MULS female and non-binary members. Throughout this event, we are focused on providing value to our female members by intertwining topical discussion on how to become the best advocate for yourself with practical workshops focusing on personal brand-building and interview skills.





careers@muls.org publicinterestcareers@muls.org

The law is an ever-changing and imperfect beast. Remember that not only when you submit essays, but when you watch/ read the news, when you go to work, or whenever you make a judgement on something.

Hi! I’m Kristy, the Director of Career Engagement, studying a Bachelor of Laws and Commerce. I am responsible for facilitating careers-related events, and sponsorship for the society. My goal for the portfolio this year is to reach a wider variety of students beyond penultimate and graduate level. I intend to do this by reshaping previous events to cater moreso to students from earlier stages of their LLB where possible.

You should all look forward to the Legal Careers Pathway Panel which will be hosted in Semester Two. I recognise that it’s difficult for students in their early years of their degree to have any idea what they want to do after graduating (and that’s completely fine, don’t feel pressured to have it all figured out). The idea of this event is to inform students about various avenues within the legal field that you may not have previously known, and it’s a good opportunity for new students to learn about the industry.


1. Remember that university is a learning experience, so keep an open mind because you will probably be surprised with what you do and don’t enjoy.

2. Run your own race. The time you spend stressing by comparing yourself to other students is time that could be spent doing literally anything else.

3. IMPORTANT! A lecturer once said that 'those with law degrees hold a privileged place in society, irrespective of whether they practice.' I didn’t realise how true this statement was until I got a bit older. The law is an ever-changing and imperfect beast. Remember that not only when you submit essays, but when you watch/read the news, when you go to work, or whenever you make a judgement on something. We are very lucky to be in a position to learn about the frameworks that govern our lives, and we shouldn’t forget this privilege (even when you’ll have to pull the inevitable caffeinefuelled all-nighter to complete your AGLC-4 referencing. Warning you about that now).

Essay over. Enjoy your first year of law school!

Hi, my name is Taniya and I am in my fourth year, studying a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours). As the Public Interest Executive Officer, I am responsible for organising all public interest career seminars and events.

A quick tip I would give to students is to make the most of the opportunities that come your way! Make sure you also balance your study life and have some time to hang out with friends and take care of yourself!

All students should look forward to the Careers Fair! It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the variety of job opportunities available in the legal sector. It’s also an amazing way to create networks with people in the industry or with students who are interested in the same field.



Find your go-to study place on campus as soon as possible!

Hi everyone! My name is Isaac. I am in my Fourth Year of Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) and Bachelor of Laws and I am the Sponsorship Executive Officer for 2023. I am responsible for assisting MULS in developing relationships with different sponsors from across the legal sector while also researching alternate industries relevant to all law students.

One quick tip I would give to students is to find your go-to study space on campus as soon as possible. For me, the library is too crowded with people from the public that it can be very difficult to find a desk to sit at on most days. Definitely take advantage of the different places to study around uni such as MUSE or Central Courtyard since they are usually only visited by other Macquarie students.

All First Year Students should definitely look forward to the Clerkship Fair as that is a wonderful opportunity to get an in-depth understanding of the industry early in your degree by hearing from lawyers and graduates of different areas of law. It also gives you a chance to meet new people and build your network.


Connor Chandler Jordan Lau


I recommend trying to get a great group of friends as quickly as you can!

Hello and welcome to your journey in law! My name is Connor Chandler and I am a second year Law and Commerce (Economics) student. This year, I serve as one of the Executive Officers for Corporate Careers.

Going to university for the first time can be quite daunting. To help, I recommend trying to get a great group of close friends as quickly as you can! You may be wondering, how do I do that? Well, here are some tips! Get involved as much as you can. Go to first year law camp, say hi to new people (not just the ones you are already friends with), invite new people to grab a drink with you and try things out of your comfort level (eg. Law Revue — a comedy show made by your fellow law students. It's funny, I promise!).

As mentioned before, I think Law Revue is a great event all first-years can look forward to. Come join the cast and have a blast with other law students. The best thing is that the cast do it for fun and it is nothing serious. Just a bunch of people having fun with most shows selling out! If its not your thing, come and watch still (you'll be sure to laugh)!


Ensure that in your first year you are actively pursuing different university opportunities, particularly those in the field of law.

Hi everyone, my name is Jordan and I am in my second year of a Bachelor of Arts (International Relations) and Bachelor of Laws degree.

As a Corporate Careers Executive Officer, I am tasked with assisting the Career Engagement Director in facilitating careerrelated events for law students, establishing and reinforcing strong connections between MULS and the Australian law firms that support us.

Ensure that in your first year you are actively pursuing different university opportunities, particularly those in the field of law. First year is all about figuring out where you want to take your career and how you would like to conduct your university experience and the best way to do that is to become exposed to different facets of law and university life.

Career Engagement Career Panels

MULS will be running a number of events this year, with each event focusing on different types of career options in the legal sector. Students will get an opportunity to learn from the experiences and expertise of legal professionals speaking at these events. This is great for first-year students who are unsure on what type of career they want to pursue.

Our 2023 events will include:

• Options in the Law Careers Fair

• Legal Careers Pathways Panel

• Options in Law Careers Fair

• Clerkship Presentations

Clerkship Fair

The Clerkship Fair is a staple event of MULS and the Career Engagement Portfolio. It is an excellent opportunity to meet and connect with HR representatives from law firms in the lead-up to clerkship applications. Students are provided a direct insight into the application process and given opportunities to ask firm representatives questions.


FARRAH MIKHAIL education@muls.org

Try to get good at time management if you have not already.

Hi, my name is Farrah and I am excited to be serving as the Director of Education for MULS in 2023! I am in my fourth year studying Law and Commerce majoring in Economics, and involvement in MULS through events and competitions has been one of the most enriching experiences. This year, I envision introducing events and initiatives that will benefit your wellbeing and mental health to balance out the law school university experience, which can sometimes be intense! I am also looking forward to bringing you unique insights into the legal field through topical discussions with experienced professionals in our very own podcast, Justified!

Transitioning into university study and life is often challenging but rewarding. It's always a lot more fun if you go to social events, join clubs and generally put yourself out there and try new things. My other piece of advice is to try to get good at time management if you have not already. I struggled a lot in my first year but found that taking time each week to plan my time meant that I could pursue a lot more and be a lot less stressed.

An event you should not miss out on is the First Year Afternoon Tea — this is an amazing opportunity to meet other first years and have some fun!

If you have any questions about MULS or Law School, feel free to reach out. We will also have two first year representatives helping you transition into university.



At Uni, what you put in is what you get out.

Hey everyone! My name is Anastasia and I am in my secondyear of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce. I am the Campus Experience Executive Officer for 2023, meaning I'm your go to for anything to do with campus life and getting the most out of your law degree!

A quick tip I would give to students is to get involved as much as possible. At Uni, what you put in is what you get out. MULS gives so many wonderful opportunities to not only be social, but also to enhance your skills as a future lawyer through competitions and workshops.

One event all first years should look forward to is the First Year Afternoon Tea, as this is the perfect time to meet your cohort, especially since it is so early on in the year! It's a time to eat, drink, play games and make some friends before Law Camp. If you want to get involved from the comfort of your own room, then I suggest tuning in to our Justified Podcast on Spotify, which hosts all sorts of experts in the field☺

First Year Afternoon Tea


This is a chance to meet fellow first year students, MULS executives and to find out about key events coming up for you as a first-year student.

LexisNexis Legal Workshops

These workshops introduce students to key research databases, teaching them key strategies to help begin their research.

AGLC4 Workshop


MULS will be running an AGLC4 Workshop, introducing you to the Australian legal referencing system. This is an excellent opportunity to get a kick start to your legal writing journey, as you will be using the AGLC4 throughout your entire degree.


Attend as many PAL sessions as possible throughout the semester, if and when they are offered, rather than procrastinating on your studies until the last minute.

Hi everyone and welcome to your first year of Law School!

My name is Alice and I am in my fourth year of a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Medical Science, majoring in Anatomy and Physiology. I am responsible for running the behind the scenes of the MULS social calendar to ensure all of our events are safe and inclusive so that all you have to worry about is having fun and forming new connections! Throughout the year, the Events portfolio offers both social and sporting events to provide a much-needed respite from your academic commitments, enabling you to keep a healthy study-life balance and perform at your best.

My objective for the Events Portfolio this year is to reduce the overall number of events so that we can concentrate our efforts on improving the quality and scale of each of the events that are run. Our social events frequently sell out within minutes, (if not seconds!). I look forward to taking this high level of demand into account when planning our events in 2023 to enhance member accessibility and minimise the number of individuals who miss out.

My quick tip for first-year students is to attend as many PAL sessions as possible throughout the semester, if and when they are offered, rather than procrastinating on their studies until the last minute. I previously was a chronic crammer, but I've discovered

(the hard way) that learning material gradually over the course of the semester is a better use of my time and produces better results with half the stress. These peer-assisted study sessions provide a safe environment outside of formal tutorials to consolidate course content with your peers free from judgement or pressure. PAL sessions are a great way to make friends, form study groups, and maintain accountability throughout your degree.

Unbiasedly... all events in the MULS calendar should not be missed, particularly the flagship event for you guys being First Year Law Camp which is run in the first semester of this year. You can anticipate an amazing weekend away with your incoming cohort as this event is specifically designed for your cohort and designed by individuals who were formerly in your position as first-year campers themselves. This is an excellent opportunity to venture outside of your comfort zone and form meaningful connections with your peers that will serve you beyond your legal education.

Other important social events to look out for this year are the Start of Semester Drinks, Law Cruise, Sports Gala Day, and Law Ball. We routinely promote these events on our social media profiles on Instagram and Facebook, so be sure to follow us there for additional information closer to the date.

I look forward to meeting each of you at our social events run throughout the year, particularly First Year Law Camp!


MADISON MCGRATH sports@muls.org

MULS is a great way for law students to meet new people and experience all of the opportunities that are available to students.

Hi! My name is Madison and I am a third year student studying a Bachelor of Security Studies with a Bachelor of Laws. This year I have the privilege of being Executive Officer (Sports), which involves the organisation of social sport for MULS members as well as the running of sports gala days throughout the year.

A quick tip that I would give to you guys is to get involved in as much as possible at uni! MULS is a great way for law students to meet new people and experience all of the opportunities that are available to students. Put yourself out there and try new things!

Get involved in sport through MULS! Such an amazing way to meet new people in your cohort and across other year levels in a relaxed and fun environment! Look out for the Sports Gala Day in Semester One — a great way to get involved!


socials@muls.org socials@muls.org

Become best friends with your calendar — due dates can come up very quickly so in the beginning of the semester put every key date into your preferred calendar to familiarise yourself with when your busy periods are.

Hi! My name is Olivia and I am in my third year of a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce. In 2023, I will serve as one of the Social Executives and am responsible for helping plan and executing different law society events.

A tip for university would be to become best friends with your calendar. It sounds basic but due dates can come up very quickly so in the beginning of the semester put every key date into your preferred calendar to familiarise yourself with when your busy periods are. This will help you manage your time and figure out when to begin preparing for assessments.

All first-years should be very excited for the First Year Law Camp. This is an exciting weekend to get to know your fellow first year law students as well as some MULS executives. We've got some exciting things planned and you'll make friends that'll last you through law school.

A tip I would give to students is to get involved in competitions!

Hi everyone! My name is Jasmine and I am one of the Socials Executive Officers for 2023. I am currently in my fourth year of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting). I, along with the other Social Executive Officer, am responsible for organising the social events for the year, such as the upcoming First Year Law Camp and Start of Semester Drinks!

A tip I would give to students is to get involved in competitions! Mooting, for example, will improve your ability to research effectively and build confidence in public speaking. Regardless of if you decide to pursue law, these skills will assist in almost all career paths.

First-year students should definitely look forward to Law Cruise! This event has always been a major one on the MULS calendar. This event offers a great night of fun and lasting friendships!

First Year Law Camp

Put down your textbooks and start your degree with a bang with a weekend of themed parties, outdoor activities, ridiculous challenges and all-around shenanigans. Meet your new best friends, kickstart your law school social life and experience a party you won’t forget.

Start of Semester Drinks


Kick off the semester with a lit night of drinks, dance and DJs. Enjoy a stress-free evening with exclusive access to venues in the CBD!

MULS Sports Gala Day

Take a break from study and grab your sneakers for a day of friendly competition on the field! Teams are available for netball and touch footy.

Law Cruise

Stop cruising through the semester and come cruise along Sydney Harbour to a live DJ, enjoying food and free-flowing drinks, followed by an afterparty!

Law Ball

Send off the year in a night of style with unparalleled harbour views at the most highly anticipated, sell-out MULS event!



marketing@muls.org itofficer@muls.org

Make friends who can support you through your law school journey and can lift you up when you need that extra motivation. Remember that we are all going through a similar experience so don’t be afraid to reach out and make those connections.

Hey! My name is Elena, and I am the MULS Director of Marketing for 2023. I am in my third year at Macquarie studying a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce.

The Marketing Portfolio connects the MULS community through various social media platforms. We additionally run different initiatives which you should all be excited to see! Be sure to visit our O-Week stall to sign up and become a MULS member and receive a free merchandise bag!

Looking ahead to 2023, the Marketing Portfolio is exploring various ways to expand our social media presence and make a more engaging experience for our incoming students and members. Keep an eye out for our emerging new platform Tiktok for some relatable Macquarie law student content!

My quick tip for starting first year is to enjoy the moment and take advantage of all the opportunities university life brings. Planning your next steps and career path can be quite daunting, so take the time to get involved but also appreciate the university experience. Make friends who can support you through your law school journey and can lift you up when you need that extra motivation. Remember that we are all going through a similar experience so don’t be afraid to reach out and make those connections. A great way to meet more friends is through engaging in many of the opportunities and social events presented by MULS.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and sign up to our fortnightly newsletter to hear all the latest updates regarding social events and all other important information. We will be posting information soon regarding dates to keep note of and links to access ticketing. First Year Law Camp is right around the corner and tickets will sell out fast so don’t miss out!

Study groups help to ensure you are on the same track as other classmates and is an important way to make useful connections in classes.

Hello First Years, Welcome to Law School! My name is Rheanna and I am an Executive Officer (IT) for Marketing. I am in my fourth year studying a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts (Social Policy and Political Economy). I will be in charge of maintaining and managing the society's website and technology.

A quick tip that I would have found useful in my first year is the importance of study groups, which helps to ensure you are on the same track as other classmates and is an important way to make useful connections in classes.

The one event that all first years should look forward to is the Law ball, it's a great night to be able to dress up and make lots of new friends!

Tiana Shahid Artin Ebadi Mehr

publicity@muls.org publicity@muls.org DISCLAIMER: The MULS Merch pictured was made for 2022 and may not be available this year. Want to rep some of our merch?

Take advantage of the events held by MULS... Whether you attend social events or competitions, it’s a great way to put yourself out there and meet new people, which will most likely help with the transition into uni.

My name is Tiana Shahid and I’m in my second year of university, studying a Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Commerce. I am one of the Executive Officers for publicity within MULS.

One quick tip I’d give to students is to take advantage of the events held by MULS. Whether you attend social events or competitions, it’s a great way to put yourself out there and meet new people, which will most likely help with the transition into uni.

One MULS event that all first years should look forward to, is the First Year Law Camp. It’s an amazing opportunity to socialise with people who also study your degree, within an entertaining environment.

Try to stay up to date with the work!

Hey! My name is Artin and I am one of the Executive Officers for Publicity. I'm a second year student studying a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce.

A quick tip I would give to new students is to try and stay up to date with the work, otherwise trying to catch up when assessments are approaching can be overwhelming.

*The MULS Merch pictured was made for 2022 and may not be available this year. Be sure to stay tuned for the 2023 drop!

MULS Merchandise

polar white legally pink

Make sure you visit our O-Week stall to get your handson some MULS pens, post-it notes and hand sanitizer! Hate

• MULS Hoodies

• MULS Crew Neck Sweaters

Bucket hats

• Caps

• Laptop Stickers

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for all the latest MULS news, events, competitions, opportunities and experiences.

Macquarie University Law Society https://www.muls.org




Hi guys! My name is Mikaela. I am in my Fourth Year of Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) and Bachelor of Laws and I am the Director of Publications for 2023. I am responsible for directing, coordinating and supervising the operations of the Publications such as The Brief and the Guides released this year (including the one you are reading now!). My vision for Publications in 2023 is to provide all-around guidance to students in their personal and professional development. As such, I plan to expand the guides to reflect the diverse representations of student experience, assisting students in creating their own path.

One quick tip I would give to students is get into the habit of a study routine. Study routines are not always a ‘one size fits all’, however, I strongly encourage every student to personalise your study routine to what works best for you (no matter how ‘unusual’ it seems). For me, when I needed to be in the ‘zone’, I would listen to Lo-fi music,



editor @muls.org

Welcome to Macquarie Law School! My name is Josh, a penultimate student of a double degree in Laws and Commerce. I am the Executive Officer (Editor) of the MULS Publications Portfolio (2023). My primary role is to coordinate, write, and edit our Portfolio's various Law Publications, such as the First Year Law Guide, Competitions Guide, and Clerkship Guide put on a ‘Study with Me’ Video on (KharmaMedic ‘Study with Me’ videos are my personal favourite!) playing in the back-ground, a cup of coffee and fruits to snack on. Be open to trying various studying routines (changing your setting, listening to music, the time of day you study etc) to find what is effective for you!

A quick tip I would provide to first year students is to establish and maintain consistent study routines and habits without compromising your work/life balance and social life. Try to actively participate in your classes. I find the Arts building outdoor area to be a good study space!

All first years should look forward to any moot or skills competition organised by MULS! These are great opportunities to enhance your skills, confidence and professional careers. The social events are also great to attend!

All First Year Students should definitely look forward to the Guides and The Brief coming out this year! Guides such as the Competitions Guide, Clerkship Guide, Alternative Careers Guide and Wellbeing Guide will help students create their own path of Law School. Contributing to The Brief is also a great way to get involved and to admire the work of other students. These Publications provide a point where students can not only access what we release, but also encourage students to produce their own or contribute in some other way.



Hey everyone! I'm Brad, a fourth year Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts student majoring in creative writing. I'm the editor-in-chief for The Brief and manage the Brief student subcommittee. The Brief is a publication featuring student articles covering law, policy and the Australian law student experience. As editor-in-chief, I'm obliged to stress the importance of writing as simply as possible. Law is complicated and expressing legal concepts should be as clear as possible to make it easier for the marker to read. Remember these tips: shorter, simpler sentences; try not to cram more than one or two ideas into a single sentence; active voice; and read your writing aloud before you submit. If you can explain it to your grandparents, you can explain it to anyone.

Definitely get involved with the 2023 Brief Subcommittee! No article writing experience is required and we're always looking for keen contributors to offer their insight into the law either online or in print. Other than that, I recommend first years to get involved with the Foundations Moot. Mooting is a whole other world from law in the classroom and the Foundies Moot is an excellent way to test the waters!

Competitions Guide


The Competitions Guide is an initiative that provides various competition manuals, including personal insights from previous competitors and judges. Inside you will find information about how each competition is run, in addition to advice on how to succeed and further improve.

Clerkship Guide


The Clerkship Guide provides excellent insight into law clerkships and the clerkship process that law firms undertake. It contains tips and information from law students and lawyers with previous clerkship experience.

Alternative Careers Guide

Welbeing Guide

Introduced in 2019, the Wellbeing Guide focuses on the mental health of law students. This Guide will cover very common, yet unspoken, issues that students may face in law school, working towards overcoming the stigma that comes with mental health. It is the aim of this Guide that we not only open this conversation, but we continue it.

A new addition for 2023 Publications is the ‘Alternative Careers Guide’. As students begin to understand that the law is a diverse, versatile and interdisciplinary field, they may feel uncertain whether adhering to a ‘traditional pathway’ (i.e. becoming a lawyer) is the right choice for them. To accommodate this common concern, this Guide will inform students of different careers they could venture into with their law degree.

The Brief


The Brief is the MULS flagship publication, covering topical issues from law to politics to economics, as well as more light-hearted content on the Australian law student experience. It issues three printed editions a year and regularly updates an online edition.

Students can be involved in any of three capacities: online edition contributor, print edition contributor, and print-edition sub-editor. This is a rewarding opportunity to publish critical and diverse pieces on topical legal issues, and we encourage students from all years of their law degree to apply.

Students can contribute as a writer or a sub-editor. Look out for Facebook posts from MULS on Expressions of Interest.





Do not underestimate the power you have for change.

Hey! I’m Ellen and I’m the Social Justice Director for 2023. I have a strong passion for social justice stemming from contempt for inquality, discrimination, and poverty. MULS enables me to employ this passion for tangible change, especially through pre-existing connections with the Aboriginal Legal Service, Diverse Women in Law, pro-bono practices and many other organisations. I’m also privileged to facilitate MULS charitable initiatives, wherein members are granted opportunities to assist the wider global community.



Hi Guys! My name is Tiana, and I am in my Final Year of a Bachelor of Arts (International Law and Global Governance) and Bachelor of Laws. I am the Executive Officer for the Social Justice (Advocacy) portfolio, which is responsible for engaging with students about social justice issues. Exposing them to a variety of issues in the broader global and domestic community, and encouraging them to get involved and develop skills that will facilitate equality, diversity and inclusion.

One tip I would give to students starting university is to develop some good study habits. Planning and staying organised is an extremely important habit to establish. Get into the habit of planning and writing down things as soon as you know the dates! I am old school. I find what works best for me is to have a good old planner that I can brain dump all the assessments, key dates and events into which allows me to stay on top of due dates while still being able to plan some time for myself. If you plan forwards you can work backwards. Balance is key!

All first years should look forward to the Social Justice Speaker nights. If you are interested in Environmental Law or Human Rights Law, keep an eye out! These events are a great opportunity to expand your understanding of key challenges.

The 2023 vision for the Social Justice portfolio utilises the core principles of social justice to promote social inclusion. We acknowledge the need to promote equity, access, and participation within the society and amongst its members. We also acknowledge that as law students in Australia we are in a privileged position with the opportunity to give back to the community where we can. This year we also wish to educate members on careers that are alternative to the traditionally corporate and commercial routes, allowing students to couple their passion for social justice with the workplace.

My advice for first year students is not to underestimate the power that they have for change. No matter how big or small the resources are at your disposal, you should be encouraged to make an impact wherever you can.

Events you should not miss:

1. Environmental Law Panel sponsored by DLA Piper

2. Excursion to a Pro Bono law practice

3. An event combined with Diverse Women in Law

4. MULS 40 Hour Famine!


SARAH DAWSON communityoutreach@muls.org

Planning and staying organised is an extremely important habit to establish.

Hello!! My name is Sarah and I am in my fifth year of a Bachelor of International Studies (Spanish and Latin American Studies) and a Bachelor of Laws. This year I am an Executive Officer (Community Outreach) in the Social Justice Portfolio of MULS.

I think my biggest tip for new students would be to work on creating a balance between your academic life and your social life. For example, you could schedule your time so that you are studying for at least three hours from Monday to Friday but do not study on the weekend. This was really important for me to do while I was on exchange in Switzerland because I still wanted to maintain my grades and explore Europe with the new friends that I made (speaking of, I highly recommend going on an exchange if you can!).

I think that all first years should follow our social media pages for the Social Justice Portfolio! On these accounts we will keep you all updated with the latest news in social justice in Australia and worldwide. We will also use these pages to inform you of the events we have planned.

Social Justice Instagram

The Social Justice instagram page is @socialjustice.muls. This Instagram account will have helpful social justice tips, news updates on social justice developments, and give the dates for upcoming events.


A new initiative in the Social Justice Portfolio, the intention of ‘Docuseries’ is to interview lawyers from different social justice backgrounds and make videos regarding the work that they do. This is not an individual event, but is an educational initiative the Social Justice Portfolio is running to demonstrate

Speaker Nights

Social Justice holds a Speaker Night every semester exploring a topical social justice issue and its relationship with the law. It fosters a forum for meaningful discussion and debate as the panel commonly features leading advocates and international speakers.

Speaker Nights that will be held this year are:

• Environmental Law Speaker Night in Semester 1

• Human Rights Speaker Panel in Semester 2


Welcome to the Juris Doctor and Postgraduate MULS portfolio. In 2021, MULS established the Juris Doctor and Postgraduate portfolio in recognition of our appreciation of the differing interests, commitments and preferences between the Macquarie University Undergraduate law cohort, from that of the Juris Doctor and Postgraduate cohort.

The Juris Doctor and Postgraduate portfolio continues to focus on deepening the relationship between the Law Society, Law School, and Juris Doctor and Postgraduate students to better understand and deliver events and initiatives that meet the interest and expectations of these cohorts.

Events Happening

Alongside events dedicated to targeting the interests and preferences of the Juris Doctor and Postgraduate cohorts, we encourage students outside the undergraduate cohorts to keep a close eye on all the events and initiatives MULS facilitates. You will have the opportunity to become involved in MULS Education, Career Engagement, Social Justice, Publications, Competitions, and Events-related initiatives and activities. Whether you are interested in meeting representatives from leading legal organisations or developing legal advocacy skills in a moot court, there are avenues to explore a diverse range of interests with MULS in 2023.




Hi everyone! My name is Jade. I am a Politics graduate, and Juris Doctor student at Macquarie about to enter my penultimate year. I am super excited to be the Director (JD/PG) for 2023, working to ensure MULS meets the needs and interests of Juris Doctor and Postgraduate students.

This year, I want to build on the progress made by the former JD/PG Director Aryana, deepening postgraduate involvement in MULS by increasing the visibility and accessibility of MULS events, as well as the number of postgraduate-aimed initiatives. With that being said, keep an eye out for welcome drinks to be hosted within the first couple of weeks of semester!

In 2023, MULS will look to run an educational careers-related workshop tailored toward Juris Doctor and Postgraduate students to ensure all Macquarie Law students have the opportunity to be informed about the diverse range of legal careers and pathways one can undertake, regardless of the course of studies being currently undertaken. Alongside education and careers, MULS will also look toward creating social opportunities for the Juris Doctor and Postgraduate cohorts to facilitate a healthy social element to enrich one’s academic experience.

The MULS Executive appreciates that the Juris Doctor and Postgraduate cohort's preferences and external commitments vary from that of the undergraduate cohorts. To that end, we encourage you to contact MULS via email or Facebook for support if you have any questions or concerns about becoming involved in a MULS event or initiative.

Joining Muls

To keep up to date with news and developments from MULS, follow the main MULS Facebook page, which can be accessed here. Alongside the main MULS Facebook page, you can also become involved in the MULS Juris Doctor and Postgraduate Facebook page to keep up to date and in contact with fellow students, which can be accessed here Be sure to sign up for your 2023 MULS Membership to keep up to date with all MULS news alongside the perks of membership.

I am especially committed to ensuring that postgraduates studying online are well-integrated into the MULS community, and don’t miss out on opportunities to participate. I will organise a Zoom welcome for those who can’t make the on-campus event (although of course everyone is welcome to join!)

I would encourage interested first years to participate in MULS competitions as soon as they can. Competitions are a great way to build your professional skills, network and confidence. MULS hosts a range of competitions throughout the year aimed at varying experience levels — so novice competitors need not be intimidated. Also look into what other opportunities are available to you as part of your degree, such as international exchange. Law exchange can be a little more complicated than other degrees, so it is good to be aware of the requirements early so that you can plan.


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