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glassware Glass gets a starring role in the perfect presentation of high quality flowers, branches, fruit or decorative materials. Vases, trays, bell-jars, bottles and stock jars and as beautiful as they are practical.

edelman 219

147735 bottle omra

147739 a3 bottle yvette

147736 bottle omra

147740 a3 bottle yvette

h24d7 yellow min. quantity 6

h24d7 dark brown min. quantity 6

220 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

h8d7 yellow min. quantity 24

h8d7 dark brown min. quantity 24

147743 a3 bottle simone

h12d14 yellow min. quantity 18

147744 a3 bottle simone

h12d14 dark brown min. quantity 18


146426 a3 bottle yvette

147748 a3 bottle simone

147737 bottle omra

147741 a3 bottle yvette

147745 a3 bottle simone

147738 bottle omra

147742 a3 bottle yvette

147746 a3 bottle simone

h24d7 transparent min. quantity 6

h8d7 transparent min. quantity 24

h12d14 transparent min. quantity 18


147734 bottle omra




h24d7 green min. quantity 6

h8d7 white min. quantity 24

h8d7 green min. quantity 24

h12d14 white min. quantity 18

floral decorations

h24d7 white min. quantity 6

h12d14 green min. quantity 18

edelman 221

147713 bottle diego

h42d27 transparent min. quantity 3

147714 bottle diego

h56d40 transparent min. quantity 2

147715 bottle diego

147716 bottle diego

147717 bottle diego

147718 bottle diego

h42d27 white min. quantity 3

h42d27 green min. quantity 3

222 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

h56d40 white min. quantity 2

h56d40 green min. quantity 2


147971 bottle diego

147972 bottle diego

147973 bottle diego

h42d27 yellow min. quantity 3

h56d40 yellow min. quantity 2


147970 bottle diego


h56d40 dark brown min. quantity 2


h42d27 dark brown min. quantity 3

floral decorations edelman 223

147977 bottle kyara

h46d38 grey min. quantity 2

147978 bottle kyara

h60d28 grey min. quantity 2

147979 bottle kyara

h100d20 grey min. quantity 2

224 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

147081 bottle kyara

h46d38 blue min. quantity 2

147082 bottle kyara

h46d38 light purple min. quantity 2

147084 bottle kyara

147085 bottle kyara

147087 bottle kyara

147088 bottle kyara

h60d28 blue min. quantity 2

h100d20 blue min. quantity 2

h60d28 light purple min. quantity 2

h100d20 light purple min. quantity 2


h46d38 transparent min. quantity 2

147769 bottle kyara

147974 bottle kyara

147770 bottle kyara

147975 bottle kyara

147771 bottle kyara

147976 bottle kyara

h46d38 yellow min. quantity 2

h46d38 dark brown min. quantity 2


147080 bottle kyara


h60d28 transparent min. quantity 2

h60d28 yellow min. quantity 2

h60d28 dark brown min. quantity 2


147083 bottle kyara

floral decorations

147086 bottle kyara

h100d20 transparent min. quantity 2

h100d20 yellow min. quantity 2

h100d20 dark brown min. quantity 2

edelman 225

147652 bottle guan

147772 bottle guan

147653 bottle guan

147773 bottle guan

h26d21 yellow min. quantity 6

h40d15 yellow min. quantity 4

h44d35 yellow min. quantity 2

h75d25 yellow min. quantity 2

GUAN Sus ta inable products a re more popula r than ever an d Guan va ses fit tha t tren d perfectly. Beautifully han dmade of recycled gla ss, n ot on e is iden tica l to the other.

226 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection


147650 bottle guan

147461 bottle guan

147651 bottle guan

147462 bottle guan

147660 bottle guan

147659 bottle guan

147661 bottle guan

147658 bottle guan

h26d21 transparent min. quantity 6

h44d35 transparent min. quantity 2


h45d35 grey min. quantity 2


h26d21 grey min. quantity 6

h75d25 transparent min. quantity 2


h40d15 transparent min. quantity 4

floral decorations

h40d15 grey min. quantity 4

h75d25 grey min. quantity 2

edelman 227

228 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection


147654 bottle guan

147774 bottle guan

147655 bottle guan

147775 bottle guan

147656 bottle guan

147793 bottle guan

147657 bottle guan

147794 bottle guan

h26d21 blue min. quantity 6

h44d35 blue min. quantity 2


h44d35 light purple min. quantity 2


h26d21 light purple min. quantity 6

h75d25 blue min. quantity 2


h40d15 blue min. quantity 4

floral decorations

h40d15 light purple min. quantity 4

h75d25 light purple min. quantity 2

edelman 229

144400 cover fedde

h30.5d13.5 transparent min. quantity 12

147534 cover fedde

h41d17.5 transparent min. quantity 8

146856 deco glass monaco

h23d23 transparent min. quantity 6

GIFT PACKAGING Items in gift boxes make great presents, are easy to store and perfect for shelfplanning. To have these items in your store really makes your business stand out. 146857 deco glass monaco

h34.5d23 transparent min. quantity 6

230 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection


146524 pot simba

146525 pot simba

146526 pot simba

146527 pot simba

146528 vase simba

146529 vase simba

146532 pot simba bubble

146533 pot simba bubble

146534 pot simba bubble

146536 vase simba bubble

146537 vase simba bubble

h32d19.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h19.5d19.5 transparent min. quantity 6


h23.5d23.5 transparent min. quantity 3

h16.5d16.5 transparent min. quantity 6


h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h35d22.5 transparent min. quantity 3


146535 pot simba bubble

h23.5d23.5 transparent min. quantity 3

h16.5d16.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h32d19.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h19.5d19.5 transparent min. quantity 6

floral decorations

h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h35d22.5 transparent min. quantity 3

edelman 231

146859 vase monaco

146860 vase monaco

146861 vase monaco

146538 a2 cover sylvie

146539 a2 cover sylvie

146543 deco glass fruty

h23d23 transparent min. quantity 8

h16d12.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h34.5d23 transparent min. quantity 6

h25d10 transparent min. quantity 12

h45d23 transparent min. quantity 6

h20d19.5 transparent min. quantity 4

146544 deco glass fruty

h27.5d18 transparent min. quantity 4

147535 cover fedde

h36d23.5 transparent min. quantity 4

232 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection


147023 cover diny

146661 cover diny

h28.5d20 transparent min. quantity 4


h22.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6


Items in gift boxes make great presents, are easy to store and perfect for shelfplanning. To have these items in your store really makes your business stand out.


146867 hurricane light minou

146868 hurricane light minou

146872 bowl boly

146873 bowl boly

h15d16.5 transparent min. quantity 12

h34d24 transparent min. quantity 4

h18d19.5 transparent min. quantity 8

floral decorations

h26d19 transparent min. quantity 8

146874 bowl boly

h21d24 transparent min. quantity 8

edelman 233

146545 storagepot vienne

h30d18 transparent min. quantity 8

146546 storagepot vienne

h20d21 transparent min. quantity 9

147790 storagepot vienne

h35d21 transparent min. quantity 3

147791 storagepot vienne

h40d23 transparent min. quantity 4

147792 storagepot vienne

h44d25 transparent min. quantity 2

234 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection


146065 cylinder cilla

146066 cylinder cilla

146067 cylinder cilla

146068 cylinder cilla

147525 vase roza

147526 vase roza

147527 vase roza

147528 vase roza

147529 vase roza

h50d15 transparent min. quantity 6

h30d15 transparent min. quantity 6

h22d19 transparent min. quantity 6

h40d15 transparent min. quantity 6

h28d19 transparent min. quantity 6


146064 cylinder cilla

h25d13 transparent min. quantity 12


146063 cylinder cilla


h20d24 transparent min. quantity 3

h14d17 transparent min. quantity 6

h17d21 transparent min. quantity 6

floral decorations

h10d13 transparent min. quantity 12

h23d28 transparent min. quantity 2

edelman 235

146500 pot markus

146501 pot markus

146502 pot markus

146503 pot markus

146504 vase markus

146505 vase markus

146515 pot finn

146516 pot finn

146517 pot finn

146518 bowl finn

146519 bowl finn

h12d14 transparent min. quantity 6

h20d23.5 transparent min. quantity 2

h20d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h17d23.5 transparent min. quantity 6

236 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

h14d16 transparent min. quantity 4

h19d16 transparent min. quantity 4

h23.5d17 transparent min. quantity 6

h12d30 transparent min. quantity 2

h16.5d19 transparent min. quantity 4

h23d19 transparent min. quantity 2

h26.5d19 transparent min. quantity 6


146050 vase vince

047592 vase vince

h19d19 transparent min. quantity 8

047593 vase vince

h24d24 transparent min. quantity 6


h15d15 transparent min. quantity 8


146051 vase vince

h29d29 transparent min. quantity 4


146052 vase vince

047594 vase vince

h35d22 transparent min. quantity 6

047595 vase vince

h45d25 transparent min. quantity 4

floral decorations

h37d37 transparent min. quantity 2

047596 vase vince

h55d28 transparent min. quantity 3

edelman 237

146305 hurricane light lucia

h20.5d14 transparent min. quantity 6

146308 hurricane light lucia

h20.5d14 transparent min. quantity 6

146309 hurricane light lucia

h27d19 transparent min. quantity 4

146310 hurricane light lucia

h35d26 transparent min. quantity 2

238 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

146306 hurricane light lucia

h27d19 transparent min. quantity 4

146307 hurricane light lucia

h35d26 transparent min. quantity 2


147273 pot lyona

147278 pot lyona

147274 vase lyona

147275 vase lyona

146962 vase kathi

146963 vase kathi

146964 vase kathi

147550 vase bambus

147551 vase bambus

h19.5d23.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h13.5d16 transparent min. quantity 12

h19d16 transparent min. quantity 6

h16d19 transparent min. quantity 8

h22.5d19 transparent min. quantity 4


147272 pot lyona

h12d14 transparent min. quantity 12


147271 pot lyona


h50d17 transparent min. quantity 8

h25d22.5 transparent min. quantity 4

h32d27.5 transparent min. quantity 3

floral decorations

h20d18 transparent min. quantity 4

h70d19 transparent min. quantity 6

edelman 239

047603 pot kres

047604 pot kres

047605 vase kres

047606 vase kres

h19d21 transparent min. quantity 8

047602 pot kres

h21d23 transparent min. quantity 4


047601 pot kres

h15.5d17.5 transparent min. quantity 8


047600 pot kres




h30d23.5 transparent min. quantity 4

h30d33 transparent min. quantity 2

floral decorations

h26.5d29.5 transparent min. quantity 2

h35d28 transparent min. quantity 2

edelman 241

047680 vase tigo

h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

047683 vase tigo

h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

146010 vase tigo

h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

146083 vase tigo

h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6


Wide collection of va ses an d tra ys. Han dmade. In gift box.

242 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

047684 vase tigo

h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6


047695 vase tigo

146012 vase tigo

h25d19 transparent min. quantity 6

h25d19 transparent min. quantity 6

h25d19 transparent min. quantity 6


047694 vase tigo

h25d19 transparent min. quantity 6


047692 vase tigo


146085 vase tigo


floral decorations

h25d19 transparent min. quantity 6

Items in gift boxes make great presents, are easy to store and perfect for shelfplanning. To have these items in your store really makes your business stand out.

edelman 243

047686 vase tigo

047689 vase tigo

146011 vase tigo

146084 vase tigo

146088 bowl tigo

146086 bowl tigo

h29d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h29d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h13d26 transparent min. quantity 6

244 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

h29d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

047690 vase tigo

h29d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h29d14.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h13d26 transparent min. quantity 6

146087 bowl tigo

h13d26 transparent min. quantity 6


048087 a2 vase tigo

h25d19 transparent min. quantity 36


048089 a2 vase tigo


h14.5d14.5 transparent min. quantity 66

147253 a4 hurricane light tigo PDQ

h25d19 transparent min. quantity 36


048088 a2 vase tigo

147021 a3 pot laria

h14.5d13.5 transparent min. quantity 144


048360 a5 pot orchid

h15d13.5 transparent min. quantity 144

floral decorations

h29d14.5 transparent min. quantity 60

Items in gift boxes make great presents, are easy to store and perfect for shelfplanning. To have these items in your store really makes your business stand out.

edelman 245

124937 waxholder yentl

h10d6.3 white min. quantity 16

124938 waxholder yentl

124939 waxholder yentl

124940 waxholder yentl

124941 waxholder yentl

124942 waxholder yentl

124943 waxholder yentl

124944 waxholder yentl

124945 waxholder yentl

h21.5d8 white min. quantity 12

h10d6.3 black min. quantity 16

h10d6.3 red min. quantity 16

246 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

h26d8 white min. quantity 12

h21.5d8 black min. quantity 12

h21.5d8 red min. quantity 12

h26d8 black min. quantity 12

h26d8 red min. quantity 12


147938 cylinder sasja

147939 cylinder sasja

147940 cylinder sasja

147941 cylinder sasja

h20d13 black min. quantity 6

h20d13 grey min. quantity 6

h20d13 light pink min. quantity 6

h20d13 red min. quantity 6

h20d13 lime min. quantity 6


147937 cylinder sasja

h20d13 white min. quantity 6


147936 cylinder sasja


147931 vase sasja

147932 vase sasja

147933 vase sasja

147934 vase sasja

147935 vase sasja

h14d17 white min. quantity 6

h14d17 black min. quantity 6

h14d17 grey min. quantity 6

h14d17 light pink min. quantity 6

h14d17 red min. quantity 6

floral decorations

147930 vase sasja

h14d17 lime min. quantity 6

edelman 247

149047 square britt

149048 square britt

149049 square britt

149050 square britt

149051 square britt

047635 square britt

047636 square britt

047637 square britt

147508 bowl britt

147509 bowl britt

l8w8h8 transparent min. quantity 24

l14w14h14 transparent min. quantity 16

l20w20h20 transparent min. quantity 4

l25w25h7 transparent min. quantity 6

248 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

l10w10h10 transparent min. quantity 16

l16w16h16 transparent min. quantity 6

l25w25h25 transparent min. quantity 2

l30w30h8 transparent min. quantity 3

l12w12h12 transparent min. quantity 12

l18w18h18 transparent min. quantity 4


047644 vase britt

047645 square britt

047643 vase britt

047646 vase britt

l20w16h14 transparent min. quantity 4

l14w14h42 transparent min. quantity 2

l30w10h20 transparent min. quantity 2

l10w20h30 transparent min. quantity 2

l30w20h20 transparent min. quantity 2


047640 vase britt

l14w14h35 transparent min. quantity 4


047639 vase britt


047654 vase dalio

147500 bowl dalio

h10d28 transparent min. quantity 6

047655 vase dalio

h70d20 transparent min. quantity 2

047656 vase dalio

h90d20 transparent min. quantity 2

floral decorations

h50d20 transparent min. quantity 2

147501 bowl dalio

h11d39 transparent min. quantity 2

edelman 249

149005 vase zita

h10d10 transparent min. quantity 24

149006 vase zita

149007 vase zita

149008 vase zita

149009 vase zita

h12.5d12.5 transparent min. quantity 12

h15d15 transparent min. quantity 12


Va ses, tra ys an d s tock ja rs with lids. Elegan t an d useful.

h20d20 transparent min. quantity 4

115010 bowl zita

h6d15 transparent min. quantity 12

115011 bowl zita

h8d20 transparent min. quantity 4

250 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

h25d25 transparent min. quantity 4


115005 storagepot zita

115004 storagepot zita

124183 storagepot zita

124184 storagepot zita

017989 cover amelie glass

017988 cover amelie glass

017987 cover amelie glass

017992 cover amelie glass with tray

017991 cover amelie glass with tray

017990 cover amelie glass with tray

115006 storagepot zita

h42d23 transparent min. quantity 4


h22d13 transparent min. quantity 12

h30d16.5 transparent min. quantity 4


h29d23 transparent min. quantity 4

h28d13 transparent min. quantity 6


h16.5d15 transparent min. quantity 8

h27d18.5 transparent min. quantity 6

h22d21.5 transparent min. quantity 4

h35d24.5 transparent min. quantity 4

floral decorations

h19d13 transparent min. quantity 12

h31d30 transparent min. quantity 2

edelman 251

252 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection


124360 cover wesley

124361 cover wesley

124362 cover wesley

124363 cover wesley

124364 cover wesley

124365 cover wesley


h36d18 transparent min. quantity 6

h19d13 transparent min. quantity 12


h19d13 transparent min. quantity 12

h36d18 transparent min. quantity 6


h39d22 transparent min. quantity 4

floral decorations

h39d22 transparent min. quantity 4


124366 cover wesley

h31d23 transparent min. quantity 4

124367 cover wesley

h31d23 transparent min. quantity 4

Items in gift boxes make great presents, are easy to store and perfect for shelfplanning. To have these items in your store really makes your business stand out.

edelman 253

224076 bottle faber

224070 bottle faber

224082 bottle faber

224077 bottle faber

224071 bottle faber

224083 bottle faber

224078 bottle faber

224072 bottle faber

224084 bottle faber

224079 bottle faber

224073 bottle faber

224085 bottle faber

h8.5d5 grey min. quantity 36

h13d7 grey min. quantity 24

h16d8.5 grey min. quantity 12

h21d10.5 grey min. quantity 8

254 essentials 2014 the essence of your collection

h8.5d5 ochre min. quantity 36

h13d7 ochre min. quantity 24

h16d8.5 ochre min. quantity 12

h21d10.5 ochre min. quantity 8

h8.5d5 brown min. quantity 36

h13d7 brown min. quantity 24

h16d8.5 brown min. quantity 12

h21d10.5 brown min. quantity 8


124517 bottle faber

h13d7 transparent min. quantity 24


124518 bottle faber


h8.5d5 transparent min. quantity 36


124519 bottle faber

floral decorations

h16d8.5 transparent min. quantity 12

124520 bottle faber

h21d10.5 transparent min. quantity 8

edelman 255

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