Smart Build Review

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Local Search

Google - 65.9% market share of all search in US !

Google Things to look for on Google Places h8p://

Claimed profile Completed company info

Picture or logo from the owner. Descrip>on

At least 5 pictures from the owner.

Google Things to look for on Google Places h8p://

NOT claimed No site link

No hrs of opera>on No descrip>on

Not the owners picture

No pictures from the owner Google – 65.9% market share of all search in US Business has Google Places profile Profile has been claimed by owner and includes all key data Profile has been customized with content, photos, logo, etc… Profile is pulling recent reviews

Local Search

Bing – 15.1% market share of all search in US

Bing Things to look for on Bing Local h8p://

Owner logo/photo

Hours City, Payments Categories

Business info & site link

Full Descrip>on

Pictures from the owner

Bing – 15.1% market share of all search in US

Business has Bing profile Profile has been claimed by owner and includes all key data Profile has been customized with content, photos, logo, widgets, etc… Profile is pulling recent reviews

Bing Things to look for on Bing Local h8p://

No Owner logo/photo Hours City, No Payments Categories

No Descrip>on

Business info & site link No Pictures

Claim here

Bing – 15.1% market share of all search in US

Business has Bing profile Profile has been claimed by owner and includes all key data Profile has been customized with content, photos, logo, widgets, etc… Profile is pulling recent reviews

Local Search

Yahoo – 14.1% market share of all search in US !

Yahoo Things to look for on Yahoo Local h8p://

Business info & site link

Business picture/logo

Hours, categories, brands, products & services Yahoo – 14.1% market share of all search in US Business has Yahoo Local profile Profile has been claimed by owner and includes all key data Profile has been customized with content, photos, logo, widgets, etc… Profile is pulling recent reviews

Yahoo Things to look for on Yahoo Local h8p://

Business info & site link

Hours, categories, menu, Payment descrip>on

No business Picture/logo

Yahoo – 14.1% market share of all search in US Business has Yahoo Local profile Profile has been claimed by owner and includes all key data Profile has been customized with content, photos, logo, widgets, etc… Profile is pulling recent reviews

Social Media Profiles

Facebook – Largest social network with over 850 million people. !

Custom URL


Cover Photo & logo profile picture Proper business page with like bu8on and message func>on Basic business informa>on – see next slide for about sec>on

Ac>vely pos>ng

Custom apps


Completed Basic Info Business address, phone & web links

About us descrip>on Payment

Social Media Profiles

Twitter – over 100 million users, popular tool to stay engaged w/customers !


Business name, descrip>on, web links

Customized with key informa>on and logo

Page is growing a following

Page is ac>vely twee>ng

Customized background

Using hashtags #

Social Media Profiles

Linkedin – popular B2B social network with great tools for any business !

Linkedin See next slide Customized with logo & descrip>on

Growing a following


Company info


Customized product spotlight


Recommenda>ons Blog updates

Social Media Profiles

Google+ – new social network, growing fast, power of google !

Google+ Make a Google+ Customized with logo or photo

Customized row of pictures

Completed profile Address info on map


Customized with logo or photo

Completed about sec>on

Web links and contact info

Media Sharing Channels

Youtube – video sharing network, and second largest search site !

Youtube Make a Youtube

Customized with background logo or photo

Custom channel Owners videos

Media Sharing Channels

Pinterest – popular network for creaHng and sharing content !


Customized with logo/info

Growing a following Mul>ple boards have been created

Media Sharing Channels

Flickr – photos are the most popular shared content, great tool for business !


Business page custom logo/ flickr name

Different sets of pictures

Title, descrip>on & tags in each picture

Media Sharing Channels

Issuu – unique tool to share catalogs, menus, por^olios !


Business page custom logo/ web links

Recently uploaded Content >tled & tagged for search

Stats & engagement

Location & Review Profiles

Foursquare – 15 million strong, with over 1 million “check-­‐ins” every day !


Check-­‐in special Business page with contact info, web links & descrip>on

Owner uploaded photos

Profile claimed


No check-­‐in special. Business page with contact info, No web links & No descrip>on

User uploaded photos

Profile claimed

Profile NOT claimed

Location & Review Profiles

Yelp – powerful review and “check-­‐in” site which should not be ignored !


Business page with address, contact info, web link & menu

Very complete informa>on

Claimed profile


Custom logo or photos.


Business page with address, contact info & No web links Incomplete informa>on

Not claimed

No reviews

No custom logo or photos.

Location & Review Profiles

Citysearch – local guide with profiles and reviews that feed to search !


Business page with address, contact info & social links, maps and direc>ons

Custom logo or photo

Category and payments completed

Reviews Owner uploaded photos


Business page with address, contact info & no social links

No custom logo or photo

Profile not claimed Not completed No reviews

Location & Review Profiles

Mapquest – 1 in 5 people use this service to get direcHons to local businesses !


Business page

Contact info and site link

Completed profile

Custom logo or photo

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.