3 minute read
Do guests take a shine to your accommodation?
By Sarah Davison, Industry Reporter
When it comes to first impressions, cleanliness is an essential component. And having a sparkling clean floor can be just the ticket to getting guests to take a shine to your accommodation.
Regardless of how often you mop and vacuum your floors, high-traffic areas are bound to look a litt le worse for wear. Especially in an accommodation sett ing with luggage constantly rolling across the floor!
And a clean floor is not just for aesthetics, although often overlooked for other ‘high touch’ areas in COVID-19 prevention, ensuring your floor is thoroughly clean is essential in stopping the spread. And it’s not just COVID-19 that you need to be concerned about, with a 2022 study finding that floors are one of the most unhygienic areas in domestic sett ings. The study involved swabbing multiple areas of homes to see where germs are most commonly located. 100 percent of the floors swabbed tested positive for a bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbiologist Jonathan Hughes said the bacteria was commonly found in soil, water and plants and can cause infections.
“Bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and fecal streptococci end up on the floors of our homes mainly from the soles of our shoes,” he added. Not only do they provide an additional level of cleanliness, but floor scrubbers are also able to clean significantly more square footage per hour, helping to speed up the entire process. For staff, the added assistance of an industrial floor scrubber can make their job easier and save precious time. While floor scrubbers clean the floor, a polisher can help give your space a luxury feel. Polishers work to create a smooth surface with a glossy wet-look finish that is sure to catch the eye of your guests. If your accommodation’s floor is looking a litt le worse for wear, investing in a floor polisher could be just the ticket to reinvigorating the space.
To help you learn more about the current market for floor scrubbers and polishers, AccomNews spoke to Godfreys General Manager, Commercial, Daniel Pisaniello about the key considerations when looking to invest in a floor cleaning machine for your accommodation.
What are the latest trends in floor cleaning machines?
"Efficiency is the biggest driver for most people. They want to know that their new floor cleaning machine will deliver excellent results, in less time and for less money.
"As a result, there is a huge focus on efficiency and environmental features. Things like eco-modes that reduce energy consumption, intelligent automatic flow systems that control and optimise the distribution of cleaning solution and stopstart systems that mean when you come to a halt, so does the flow of water and solution.
"These features reduce cost and wastage and help you get more from your cleaning operations.
"In terms of scrubbers and polishers for the accommodation sector, there is a big focus on noise levels. Guests are looking to relax and enjoy their stay, and a noisy scrubber is a sure-fire way to disrupt that. So, finding a powerful cleaner that is quiet is hugely important."
But with a wide availability of diff erent styles, it can be overwhelming to choose the right type of floor polisher that suits the needs of a property.
What are some of the tips and tricks for choosing the right equipment?
"Get a really good idea of your space and environment. This includes not only the basics like what floor types you are cleaning and how many square metres, but also more specific environmental factors.
"Do you need your cleaner to be quiet and not disturb hotel guests or are noise levels not a concern? What about the risks of things like wet floors and power cables? Are you cleaning wideopen halls or having to reach into tight and difficult spaces?
"Diff erent machines cater to diff erent-sized spaces, and a variety of environments. So, the better understanding you have of your space, the more you can narrow down your options and purchase the machine you need."
What are some key features to consider when replacing or upgrading equipment?
"Look at what your biggest issues are, and then what features can best address those. Most machines off er pages and pages of features, but by knowing what problems you want to address you can better see which features address those particular concerns. cleaning anywhere, anytime
"A good place to start is by figuring out how many square metres the machine is suited for, but other important considerations are things like noise levels and energy consumption, and whether there is an eco-mode that can reduce these further.
"Thoroughly cleaning right to the walls and corners is also essential, so look at things like the scrubbing width and whether there are side brushes designed to get right to the edges. "Additionally look for features that improve manoeuvrability, like the turning diameter and the size and design of the machine."
Compact, manoeuvrable, and quiet.
The Innova range from Comac features easy-to-use ride-on floor scrubbers designed for large-scale cleaning jobs that require manoeuvrability in even the most congested areas. While offering a high level of clean at the quietest of noise levels