• Toute reproduction interdite • Crédits photos : Yvan Zedda, Benoit Stichelbault, F. Betermin, Th. Martinez • Armateurs Orma et plan : cabinet VPLP
contact presse france Caroline Muller 0033 6 83 00 83 83 caroline.muller@multionedesign.com
www.krys-oceanrace.com contact organisation : info@multionedesign.com
• Tous les logos et marques présents dans ce document sont déposés par MultiOneDesign S.A. et
Création :
contact presse International Sandra Mudronja 0041 79 445 87 92
2012-2014 dossier de presse
Avec la KRYS OCEAN RACE, la voile océanique entre dans une nouvelle ère, celle où l’homme reprend le pas sur la machine, celle où se conjuguent subtilement modernité et esthétique, performance technologique et éthique. Pour le lancement du circuit international MOD70 et la première confrontation des meilleurs skippers mondiaux, on ne pouvait rêver mieux qu’une transat qui conduira ces trimarans monotypes du XXIème siècle, de New York à Brest, sur un run océanique chargé de suspens et d’émotions. With the KRYS OCEAN RACE, oceanic sailing is entering a whole new era, an era where men and women override the machine, an era where modernity and aesthetics, technological performance and ethics are subtly combined. For the launch of the international MOD70 circuit and the first confrontation between the world’s best skippers, what could be better than a transatlantic race taking these 21st century one-design trimarans from New York to Brest (NW France), on an oceanic run positively brimming with suspense and emotion.
Les opticiens Krys, partenaires titre de la 1ère transat à bord des MOD70 Krys, l’enseigne majeure de KRYS GROUP, leader sur le marché de l’optique, sera le partenaire titre des deux premières éditions de la Krys Ocean Race en 2012 et 2014. Arnaud Ploix, directeur général de KRYS GROUP : « Nous avons choisi d’accompagner l’aventure des MOD70 et de parrainer la Krys Ocean Race car elle s’appuie sur des valeurs cohérentes avec celles de notre enseigne : technologie, esthétique et travail en équipe. La création de la Krys Ocean Race est aussi une aventure entrepreneuriale qui nous ressemble ». Krys, the KRYS GROUP’s major brand, leader on the eyewear market, will be the title partner for the first two editions of the Krys Ocean Race in 2012 and 2014. Arnaud Ploix, Managing Director of KRYS GROUP: “We’ve chosen to support the MOD70 adventure and patronise the Krys Ocean Race because it relies on values which are coherent with those of our brand: technology, aesthetics and teamwork. The creation of the Krys Ocean Race is also an entrepreneurial adventure which is reminiscent of ourselves”.
4 au 14 juillet
2012 New York B r e s t
New york
New York City, la cosmopolite
en plein Tonnerres de Brest
Plus de cent ans après la première traversée de l’Atlantique en course, remportée par Charlie Barr et son équipage à bord de la goélette Atlantic en 1905, le prestigieux Yacht Club newyorkais, le New York Yacht Club, ouvre, pour la première fois, ses portes à une épreuve engageant une flotte de multicoques océaniques. C’est donc aux pieds de la Statue de la Liberté que les six MOD70 en lice s’élanceront pour cette première KRYS Ocean Race ; tout un symbole !
New York More than a hundred years after the first race across the Atlantic, won by Charlie Barr and his crew aboard the schooner Atlantic back in 1905, the prestigious New York Yacht Club is opening its doors, for the very first time, to an event comprising a fleet of oceanic multihulls. As such, six competing MOD70s will set sail from the foot of the Statue of Liberty on this first edition of the Krys Ocean Race. Quite a symbol to say the least!
Quoi de mieux que de finir parmi 15.000 autres marins, après 2.950 milles au portant à travers l’Atlantique ! Imaginez six trimarans de 70 pieds résolument modernes au milieu de plus de 2.000 voiliers traditionnels qui seront réunis au sein de la métropole maritime brestoise, à l’occasion de la 6ème édition de la plus grande fête internationale de la mer… Avec plus de 100.000 spectateurs journaliers attendus à Brest, l’accueil, pour l’arrivée prévue mi-juillet, de cette première KRYS Ocean Race promet d’être festif et animé dans la plus pure tradition des gens de mer.
What better way to finish a race than to suddenly find yourself sharing a stretch of water with 15,000 other sailors, after more than 2,950 nautical miles sailing downwind across the Atlantic Ocean! Imagine six thoroughly modern 70 foot trimarans crossing tacks amidst over 2,000 traditional yachts gathered in the maritime metropolis of Brest, for the 6th edition of the largest international festival of the sea…With more than 100,000 spectators per day expected to flock to Brest, the reception for those completing this first KRYS Ocean Race, scheduled for mid-July, promises to be both festive and animated, thus echoing seafaring tradition at its finest.
atlantic ocean
4 au 14 juillet
2012 New York B r e s t
Il est une fois…
créateur de performance
2950 36 6 milles
À bord de multicoques en équipage, l’Atlantique rétrécit… 1866 James Gordon Bennet Henrietta • 1905 Charlie Barr Atlantic record impérial 12 jours 4 heures • 1980 Eric Tabarly Paul Ricard • 1981 Marc Pajot Elf Aquitaine sous la barre des dix jours • 1984 Patrick Morvan Jet Service • 1986 Loïc Caradec Royale • 1987 Philippe Poupon Fleury Michon VIII • 1990 Serge Madec Jet Services V • 2001 Steve Fosset Playstation • 2006 Bruno Peyron Orange II • 2007 Franck Cammas Groupama 3 en moins de cent heures • 2009 Pascal Bidégorry Banque Populaire V en moins de 4 jours • 2012 l’histoire se poursuit avec la KRYS OCEAN RA C E …
L’univers des marins est peuplé d’Hommes qui portent leurs rêves et qui se donnent les moyens de les réaliser. Grâce à leur volonté sans faille, à leur persévérance, ils sont les acteurs de belles histoires qu’ils nous content partiellement sur les pontons d’arrivée. Les yeux remplis d’embruns, ces marins hauturiers nous invitent à embarquer aux pays de leurs rêves ! 2.950 milles à armes égales, 36 conteurs d’aventures, 6 armateurs internationaux…
conteurs d’aventures
The sailing world is populated by Men and Women full of dreams who give their all to make them a reality. Thanks to their unfailing willpower and perseverance, they are the protagonists in some fine tales, which they divulge in part as they tie up to the pontoons on their return. Eyes full of sea spray, these offshore sailors invite us to embark on a journey to the land of their dreams! 2,950 nautical miles on equal terms, with 36 storytellers to recount the adventure and 6 boat owners.
À contrario de la série open qui permet tous les développements possibles, la limitation apportée au niveau technique par la jauge monotype permet un combat à armes égales dans lequel les marins font la différence. Le circuit MOD70 va ainsi permettre aux meilleurs équipages océaniques mondiaux de s’affronter en totale équité sportive. In contrast to the open series, which allows all manner of developments, the technical restrictions dictated by the one-design measurement enable competitors to do battle on equal terms, so it’s the sailors themselves who make the difference. The MOD70 circuit gathers together the world’s best skippers to head top-level international crews.
à armes égales sur la planète océan La KRYS OCEAN RACE est le premier événement officiel du nouveau circuit international des MOD70 : Multi One Championship 2012-2014. Le circuit MOD70 s’engage pour allier spectacle et performance, équité sportive, maîtrise des coûts, impact médiatique et développement durable. Point de ralliement itinérant sur tous les continents, ce nouveau circuit propose une plate-forme de communication unique. Le programme Multi One Design s’inscrit également dans une démarche éco-responsable aux côtés de la Fondation Multi One Attitude pour défendre une cause vitale pour l’homme : la préservation de l’eau sur la planète.
The KRYS OCEAN RACE is the first official event of the new International MOD70 Circuit : Multi One Championship 2012-2014. The MOD70 circuit is committed to combine entertainment and performance, sport equity, cost control, media impact and sustainable development. As a rallying call on every continent, this new circuit offers a unique platform for communication. The Multi One Design programme fulfils the aim of the Multi One Attitude Foundation to promote a vital cause for mankind : the preservation of water on our planet.
multi one championship Asie • Moyen Orient • Europe • Amérique du Nord • Amérique du Sud • Océanie Juil. 2012 & Août 2014
european tour
ocean world tour
Sept. 2012 & Juin 2013
Oct. 2013 à Avril 2014
run sur l’atlantique nord dans le sens des vents dominants
Brest Newport
New York
4 au 14 juillet 2012
More sport, More show, More media… History’s on the move… The first gathering of the MOD70 fleet, the KRYS MATCH is set to give us a foretaste of the sports meeting we’ll experience during the all new international MOD70 circuit, the Multi One Championship.This meeting of the key players competing in the KRYS OCEAN RACE in nine months’ time and the official launch of the circuit, on 7 July 2012, is the opportunity for us organisers to put the global nature of the project to the test.
KRYS MATCH, full-scale test
La Trinité-sur-Mer
Franck David, Executive Director of Multi One Design Ltd, clearly announces three target objectives: 1 - To produce top quality content for improved clarity and optimised development of our MOD70 circuit “It’s a fantastic opportunity our Title partner to the KRYS OCEAN RACE, The Krys Opticians, are offering us by bringing together the protagonists of a circuit, in the build-up to an event, especially as it will be in race configuration from the off. This opportunity provided by the KRYS MATCH event will enable us to create top quality audiovisual content (images, photo, audio…), which is essential for communicating about this new, international MOD70 class in a clear, effective manner. On the racecourse, we’ll share this first meeting with just 3 MOD70s and Gitana 11, though all the skippers competing in the KRYS OCEAN RACE 2012 will be on site to size up our ‘City Race’ format at close hand, as well as witness the whole event plan deployed by Multi One Design Ltd.”
2 – The validation of the race formats “Putting the pedal to the metal in the ‘Speed Matches’ and exploiting the potential of the crews during the coastal courses around the Baie de Quiberon, are great opportunities to demonstrate to all the potential of these one-design, ultra-sophisticated machines. Together with Jean Maurel, our race director, we’ve scheduled in three types of courses and each of them has its own unique features. During these KRYS MATCHES, we’re going to propose them to the skippers so that, together, we can validate these formats for the whole of the Multi One Championship circuit 2012-2014.” •The technical ‘RACE’ courses, with the start and finish 90° to the wind, on a reach. •The Speed Matches – 10 minute runs in duel configuration
•The treks – longer courses more reminiscent of a coastal course 3 – The audiovisual production: LIVE PRODUCTION and SAILING “In order to tell some fine stories and make our MOD70 circuit comprehensible, we believe in the power of images, audio and live production. Our City Races are an opportunity to bring to life the experience of sailing aboard an MOD70 for as many people as possible, so they feel as if they’re actually there. As such we’ve designed an onboard technological pack with a camera and audio sensors. The content broadcast from onboard will be further enriched via 3D tracking and virtual images. This live feed will be broadcast on the official website and within the race village, so as to enable guests to track the races in the very thick of the action.”
AMP VISUAL TV, at the heart of the project “Since its creation in 1986 in Les Sables d’Olonne, the AMP VISUAL TV group has specialised in televised broadcasts. Its passion and imagination has always been an integral part of its development. Our history is closely linked to the sea.
Our teams have always been careful to implement the latest technical innovations at the service of the major televised events. As such we’ve recorded all the greatest sailing races and we’ve really gained a solid reputation in the domain.
The MOD 70 circuit particularly lends itself to fabulous shoots. The AMP VISUAL TV Group is proud to be associated with this promising adventure. With Multi One Design Ltd, we’re going to develop and test the latest innovative technologies.”
“With Multi One Design Ltd, we’re going to develop and test the latest innovative technologies.” Gilles Sallé, CEO of the AMP VISUAL TV Group.
Four high-flying crews ready to get down to business. Race For Water, Veolia Environnement and Foncia – the first three 70 foot one-design trimarans to be launched – will take part in their “Exhibition Race” in the company of Gitana 11 – a 77 foot prototype trimaran, which the team of Edmond de Rothschild Group are making use of as they await the launch of their very own MOD70 No.04. mod70
Race For Water
Stève Ravussin (swi) Skipper - Helmsman François Morvan (fra) Tactician-navigator Yvan Ravussin (swi) Traveller-Mainsail trimmer Loic Forestier (swi) Bowman Jacques Guichard (fra) Sail trimmer Sébastien Audigane (fra) Sail trimmer Bernard Labro (fra) Pitman-winchman Alexandre Quiblier (swi) Winchman
Veolia Environnement
Roland Jourdain (fra) Skipper - Helmsman Philippe Legros (fra) Navigator Ryan Breymaier (usa) Bowman / Foredeck Christophe André (fra) Grinder / Pitman Fred Lemestre (FRA) Winchman Arnaud Jarlegan (FRa) Pitman trimmer J.C Mourniac (FRA) Tactician Gurvan Bontemps (FRA) Mid-bow
Michel Desjoyeaux (fra) Skipper - Helmsman Xavier Revil (fra) Mainsail tactics Manu Le Borgne (fra) Pitman Antoine Carraz (fra) Trimmer Alban Rossolin (fra) Foredeck Franck Citeau (fra) Trimmer Sidney Gavignet (fra) Winch Thierry Chabagny (fra) Navigator
7 7 f oot prototype trimaran
Groupe Edmond de Rothschild
Sébastien Josse (fra) Skipper - Helmsman J.B Levaillant (fra) Mainsail Trimmer Christophe Espagnon (fra) Tactician Thomas Rouxel (fra) Sail trimmer David Boileau (fra) Pitman Olivier Douillard (fra) Sail trimmer Antoine Koch (fra) Navigator Florent Chastel (fra) Bowman
Four teams at sea and two teams on shore! During the Krys Match, all the teams competing in the KRYS OCEAN RACE will be introduced to the public. The skipper of Oman Sail, Sidney Gavignet, has opted for an all-action role aboard Michel Desjoyeaux’ MOD70, while Yann Guichard, the skipper of Spindrift racing has opted to observe the race zone and the manœuvres performed by his future adversaries from an outside craft.
LA TRINITÉ-SUR-MER is playing host to the KRYS MATCH Nestled at the heart of the Baie de Quiberon, just a stone’s throw from the Golfe du Morbihan, La Trinité-sur-Mer is both a charming, authentic fishing village, typical of southern Brittany, and a peaceful seaside resort. A commercial port, a fishing port and a marina in turn, La Trinité-sur-Mer has always been at the centre of activities linked to the sea.
Yves Normand, Mayor of La Trinité-surMer: “La Trinité-sur-Mer is a showcase for yachting, as well as a number of boats which are emblematic of offshore racing. Having witnessed the creation and development of the first multihulls, today La Trinité-sur-Mer is still the port of registry for some of the finest references in sailing. The MOD70 are the perfect extension of the multihull legend and their stopover in La Trinité-sur-Mer will
be additional evidence of our ambition to remain one of the reference ports for offshore racing. This series promises to create a stir amongst the media and we’re honoured to be participating in this first event to christen the circuit. We intend to welcome the first 3 craft of the series with open arms, along with all the protagonists from the circuit. We welcome you to La Trinité-sur-Mer on 6, 7 and 8 October 2011!”
The Multi One Championship circuit is supporting the Multi One Attitude Foundation, which will be present during the KRYS MATCH. Within its own dedicated eco-designed
lodge, the Foundation will notably play host to the children from local schools, in order to raise awareness among the youngsters about the problems of preserving the planet’s water.
La Trinité-sur-Mer
The programme Thursday 6 October 13:00 to 17:00 : Races 17:00 to 18:00 : Speed Matches Friday 7 October 10:00 to 12:30 : Pro-Am (guests onboard) 14:00 to 17:00 : Race / Coastal race 17:00 to 18:00 : Speed Matches Saturday 8 October 10:00 to 12:30 : Pro-Am (guests onboard) 13:00 to 16:00 : Races 17:30 : Prize-giving ceremony
Krys opticians title partner to the 1st transatlantic race aboard MOD70s
Krys Ocean Race, an oceanic run across the North Atlantic
The New York Yacht Club plays host to the KRYS OCEAN RACE
Brest, a land of projects and a sea of adventure
The Multi One Attitude Foundation
Six sailing teams competing in an exceptional boat, the MOD70
Race for Water and Veolia Environnement
Foncia and Edmond de Rothschild Group
Spindrift racing and Oman Sail
the first event of the MOD70 circuit. It has to be said that since the start of the 20th century, very few recurrent crewed races have sailed this legendary eastbound course across the North Atlantic. Thanks to the willingness of a handful of men and partners, all anxious to take up with a thrilling maritime past once again, the KRYS OCEAN RACE, a crewed race aboard MOD70s, will set off on 7 July 2012 to open proceedings for the one-design trimaran circuit.
4 to 14 july
2012 New York B r e s t
Newport New York
In the wake of the first eastbound transatlantic races… The custom of Atlantic races and records goes back a long way. The result of a somewhat crazy gamble taken in 1866 by two owners during dinner at New York’s Union Club, the initial confrontation was played out between three American schooners, Vesta, Fleetwing and Henrietta. The reference time established by the crew of Henrietta back then was 13 days 21 hours and 55 minutes… However, it was necessary to wait until 1905 for the organisation of the first official race, the Kaiser Cup,
an initiative by Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany. On 18 May 1905, the starting canon echoed across the bay, releasing a disparate fleet of 11 English and American yachts into the Atlantic. Very soon, two craft were marking each other’s every move: ATLANTIC helmed by the Scottish-born, naturalised American and triple winner of the America’s Cup, Charlie Barr and HAMBURG, a schooner with a shorter waterline length, which was perfectly prepared and a vessel fitted out by the Kaiser himself. 12 days and 4 hours were enough
The KRYS OCEAN RACE by Marco Simeoni, President of Multi One Design S.A: “It’s now three years that we’ve been working intensely with Franck David and Stève Ravussin so that our circuit sees the light of day. With the launch of the first MOD, the KRYS OCEAN RACE constitutes both a success and the
start of the adventure. The various partners associated with this event Krys, our title partner, as well as the cities hosting the start and finish, the cosmopolitan New York, and Brest with the fabulous Tonnerres de Brest
maritime festival – all come together to provide some very promising elements in terms of notoriety and popular success for this first race, whose aim is to be a great event on the MOD70 circuit.”
for Charlie Barr and his crew to cross the finish line off Lizard Point. It took 75 years for the reference time to fall into the hands of a certain Eric Tabarly and his three crew. On 31 July 1980, Paul Ricard recorded the light of Lizard Point at 0°, which indicated a period of 10 days and 5 hours that had elapsed since setting out from Ambrose Light offshore of New York. Since that time, a number of crews and solo sailors, both during races and record attempts, have continued to try to improve on this performance along what has now become a celebrated course.
Krys opticians
title partner to the 1st transatlantic race aboard MOD70s Krys, the major brand of KRYS GROUP, leader of the eyewear market, will be the title partner for the first two editions of the Krys Ocean Race in 2012 and 2014. For the past 40 years, Krys’ opticians have relied on technical, ethical and aesthetic values to best serve their customers. It’s from these same values that the event has been created. The KRYS Match, in October 2011, the first chance to showcase the MOD70 in real conditions H o w e v e r, K r y s ’ i n v o l v e m e n t actually starts in 2011 because the KRYS Match will be held in October of this year. This will be the first time the series will be together as a fleet. The latter will be able to show what they’re made of during speed runs, as well as having the chance to size each other up and challenge themselves!
Arnaud Ploix, Managing Director of Krys Group: “Our involvement in this transatlantic race, which will sport our colours, is a genuine entrepreneurial adventure. Like Marco Simeoni at the head of MOD S.A, our opticians are all entrepreneurs. Since the creation of our brand back in 1966, we’ve opted for a cooperative statute where each person is a player, a decision maker and a manager. Furthermore, this emerging circuit is contested aboard one-design trimarans, which means that they are absolutely identical. As such a parallel can quickly be drawn with our shops. All the shops displaying our blue flag are also respectful of our charter, so all of them are very similar. As is the case with the crews on the MOD70s, what makes the difference is the men and women who are part of our brand.
The title partner goes for a four-year involvement: Krys is the title partner for the first two editions of the transatlantic KRYS OCEAN RACE.
Beyond all the common values we share with sailing in general, it’s also interesting to be present at the genesis of a project.
• In 2012, the transatlantic race will be eastbound, from New York to Brest • In 2014, the fleet will sail the same course in reverse: from Brest to New York
A new class and a new partner in the maritime universe, we naturally have some fine human stories to write together. We’re going to rely on these adventures to further unify our opticians and share the really thrilling, inspirational moments with our customers.”
“Though we want to associate the brand’s image with the values of sailing, a single operation would only have little significance. It takes time to establish a successful collaboration. We ourselves have everything to build around this project. Our involvement in the first two editions of the KRYS OCEAN RACE is the first concrete proof of a partnership which Krys is keen to be part of over the long term.”
A few elements relating to the Krys brand: • 3.27% growth in 2010 • 866 shops in 2009 • 110m2 average surface area per shop • 770,000 Euros of turnover per shop per year (ranks No.1 in cooperative eyeware groups) • 1st national brand to offer an original e-commerce solution to consumers, krys.com, relying on Krys’ network of sales outlets. The brand provides a service 24/7, guaranteeing the quality of the made-to-measure optical equipment thanks to a delivery made in the shop by an expert optician.
match 6 to 8 october
2 0 1 1 The KRYS brand: Set up in 1967, Krys is the group’s reference brand, a brand which boasts considerable notoriety among consumers. Professionalism, accessibility and beauty define its positioning on the market. Accessibility really means something at Krys: with over eight hundred and sixty six shops, the brand has a presence that extends right across France, the French overseas department, Belgium and Morocco. Indeed the Krys opticians are committed to helping eyeware customers in their decision making, advising them and providing them with very clear explanations about any equipment, which is suited to both their need and their budget, through a wide selection of products.
Contact details for Krys’ communications department: Véronique GEORGET Tel : 0033 6 70 60 13 32 Mail: veronique.georget@krys-group.com
an oceanic run across the North Atlantic
1 2,950 Course st
4 to 14 july
2012 New York B r e s t
miles on a direct route
Brest Newport
New York
Host city for the race start: New York, United States of America
Opening of the race village in the USA from 30 June to 7 July 2012 Race start date 7 July 2012
6 36 3 3
competing MOD70s
French teams
Overseas teams
Host city for the race finish brest, france
Opening of the race village in the thick of the Tonnerres de Brest Maritime Festival from 13 to 19 July 2012 Approximate finish date 13 July 2012
the New York Yacht Club plays host to the KRYS OCEAN RACE Opening of the race village from 30 June to 7 July 2012 Race start: 7 July 2012
New York by the Sea… Pace up and down the shores of Manhattan and you may well discover the small marina of North Cove and its wooden pontoons along which a dozen J24s are tied up alongside America 2, which in turn is moored next to two “Stars and Stripes”, Denis Conner’s legendary yachts… However, it’s at the very heart of Manhattan, just a few blocks from Central Park, at number 37 on 44th street, that you’ll find the New York Yacht Club, established in its fabulous Club House, founded back in 1844 by John C. Stevens and a few yachting enthusiast friends. In 1851, the 1st Commodore had the schooner America built to challenge English yachting in Cowes. America traversed the Atlantic and, sporting the NYYC flag, won the race organised by the Royal Yacht Squadron. In this way the New York Yacht Club headed home with the “100 Guinea Cup”, which went on to become the America’s Cup. The latter was the centre of activity
at the New York club, which was to victoriously defend it for 132 years, until the Australians won it from them in 1983. Today, the New York Yacht Club boasts over 3,000 members and still has every intention of continuing with its international role in top level competitive yachting. The New York Yacht Club accompanies the KRYS OCEAN RACE in 2012 and 2014: As such it’s THE club that organised the challenge with the America, which will host the start of the first edition of the KRYS OCEAN RACE in July 2011. The New York Yacht Club will be the first Yacht Club in the history of the fledgling MOD70 class. Over a hundred years after the first race across the Atlantic, which was won by Charlie Barr aboard the schooner Atlantic in 1905, the New York Yacht Club is continuing to organise major oceanic events by opening its doors to the MOD70s, the latest generation of trimarans, all of them alike. You
can wager that Ravussin, Jourdain, Desjoyeaux and Josse will have the same fierce determination, the same tenacity and the same competitive spirit as the Scot, Barr. The New York Yacht Club will also have a part to play in the The New York Yacht Club return match, will be the first Yacht which will be settled in 2014 Club in the history of the w h e n , a s a fledgling MOD70 class. club, it will play the role of finishing judge for the KRYS OCEAN RACE, which will be setting out from Brest for its second edition. Positioning itself for two editions to perpetuate the arrival of these superb machines and to share the human and technological adventure that these one-design, MOD70 trimarans represent, seemed like a natural thing to do for a club with such a prestigious maritime past. Contact at the New York Yacht Club :
communications@nyyc.org www.nyyc.org
a land of projects and a sea of adventure The legitimacy of Brest as a Mecca for ocean racing and maritime gatherings goes without saying. However, the finest pages are yet to be written, which is why the city of Brest jumped at the chance to get involved with Multi One Design for the 2012 and 2014 editions of the KRYS OCEAN RACE. Brest will host the race start in two years time and the race finish during this first edition in 2012. And what a finish…! Tonnerres de Brest 2012 (“Shiver Me Timbers” Maritime Festival):
800,000 people, 2,000 boats, 6 festival days… The fleet of MOD70s competing in the KRYS OCEAN RACE will complete their journey at the very start of the famous Brest maritime festival, whose 6th edition will begin on 13 July and conclude 6 days later. The Brest maritime festival will once again be a unique coming together of sailors and enthusiasts of the sea. The focus, more than ever before, is to organise a meeting which is authentic, lively, international, popular and anchored in maritime culture, whilst being resolutely geared towards the future, as sailors always are. From the dinghy to the imposing three-master, from the tug to the ocean liner, from the science universe to the arts world and from the ship’s boy to the old seadog, all the sailors meet up in the port and on the quays of Brest for a fabulous moment of sharing, discovery and exchange, in a festive context which is in line with the purest tradition of seafarers.
Interview with Jean-Claude LARDIC, assistant to the city hall of Brest and vice-chairman of Brest Evénements Nautiques: Why is it important for Brest to see the fleet of MOD70s rounding off their journey in July 2012 whilst the great international festival of the sea is in full swing? JCL : “Since 1992 and its first edition, the maritime festival of Brest has been constantly evolving (whilst retaining the soul and values that are synonymous with seafaring folk), from a gathering of traditional yachts to a universal maritime festival, grouping together all manner of sailors, all types of boats and all kinds of activities relating to the maritime world. As such, ocean racing naturally fits in nicely with this context and Thomas Coville’s victorious arrival in Brest back in 2008 (after successfully beating the solo transatlantic record) was the first such significant event. The MOD70s and this first major transatlantic race will thus contribute to reinforcing the openness of the Tonnerres de Brest 2012 towards the whole of the sea and sailor world.” A city which hosts the start and finish of a number of records, Brest is now set to decide the finish of a transatlantic race. What does this size of fleet and this kind of race bring to the plate?
JCL : “The MOD 70 project represents the future of offshore racing with one-design multihulls, where crews will be able to pit against each other, on powerful, high performance machines. As such it was important for Brest to associate itself with this project so as to highlight its wealth of facilities, including the new Port du Château and its network of world famous specialised businesses in the offshore racing and watersports sector. A race like this transatlantic is an additional opportunity to showcase Brest and its maritime excellence (“Brest, the sea par excellence”) Is it important to be associated with a race start venue such as New York, the 3rd biggest megalopolis in the world, with a currency market not to be ignored? JCL : “First of all, New York – Brest have obvious historical and geographical links (Brest, the Gateway to Europe, a city open to the world and to the sea). This association is also about confirming Brest’s place as a major maritime metropolis with fields of excellence in the scientific and technological domains. And then there are these symbolic dates for both countries and for both cities.”
Beyond this major gathering, Brest is unquestionably a city with very close links to the sea, where everything is an invitation to share the passions of watersports and the sea... The special Rade de Brest site, enables all types of boats to sail in a safe environment year round.
Press Contact : RIVACOM La Vigie – 20 quai Malbert 29200 BREST Tel : 0033 2 98 43 93 58 / 0033 6 15 91 17 32 Fax : 0033 2 98 43 68 01 florence@rivacom.fr
Organisation Contact : Brest Evénements Nautiques 18 quai Malbert – BP 22208 29222 BREST CEDEX 2 Tel : 0033 2 98 32 20 08 Fax : 0033 2 98 32 20 20 contact@brest-evenements-nautiques.fr
THE MULTI ONE ATTITUDE FOUNDATION Multi One Design gets involved with water conservation Initiated in Lausanne in 2010, the Multi One Attitude Foundation is an organisation, which aims to use sailing as a means to raise awareness and educate the public, so as to find the solutions to basic questions linked to water conservation.
TWO KEY PRIORITIES: • Ocean Preservation: The foundation will present the issues relating to this subject and encourage the public to actively participate in the resolution of questions linked to the pollution of the oceans. • Water Footprint: There aren’t enough water resources to cover the needs of the population. The Foundation is keen to rally together a greater number of people around the question of water stress.
2012 : SHARE collaborating and working to make a difference • An innovative challenge for the universities and technological startups with the aim of developing solutions linked to conserving water. • “ R a c e f o r Wa t e r To u r “ : a n international programme to raise awareness, linked to the MOD70, the Foundation’s ambassador boat.
associations will enable concrete action to be developed on a grand scale. Education: special participation by Titeuf: On 21 March 2011, the Multi One Attitude Foundation launched a module to raise awareness and it is specifically designed for children aged 10 to 12 years.
2011: LEARN raising public awareness • Christening of the Foundation’s ambassador boat “Race for Water”, on 25 March 2011. • EDUCATION: Creation of a teaching module destined for children, about issues linked to water and in partnership with teachers. • BUSINESS: A programme designed for businesses to raise awareness, including a forum entitled “Offshore racing, a platform for sustainable development?” and the production of a series of commitments relating to a more eco-friendly approach to ocean racing and event management.
2013 : Act finding concrete solutions • A local sphere of activity: in each of the stopover cities on the MOD70 circuit, support programmes will be organised for some local initiatives linked to water. • An international sphere of activity: a partnership with international
In order to encourage this educational programme and appeal to children, the world renowned cartoonist, Zep, has specially created a new book for the Multi One Attitude Foundation. Titeuf, which has sold 11 million copies around the world and has been translated into 15 different languages, will be the hero in this new cartoon. Loved by children and adults alike, this
The race village, designed according to ecofriendly practices, will be a living space as well as a sharing space.
leading light of the Foundation will be a real boon in the mission to draw in a wider public about matters relating to the future of water. THE LODGE FOR THE MULTI ONE ATTITUDE FOUNDATION AT THE HEART OF THE KRYS OCEAN RACE VILLAGE: The race village will gather together all the MOD70 teams and all the partners participating in the circuit. Designed according to eco-friendly practices, the village will also play host to the Multi One Attitude lodge, a space dedicated to the foundation’s mission: to raise public awareness about water conservation. This space will constitute a living space and a place for exchanges, for: • children, with an educational area and the organisation of educational and recreational workshops about water. • the associations and businesses proposing projects linked to water conservation.
Together, let’s protect the most precious resource on the planet: water. Contact : Anne-Cécile Turner Director: Multi One AttitudeFoundation acturner@multioneattitude.com Tel. 0041 2 16 23 92 40 Mob. 0033 6 1 35 08 939 www.multioneattitude.com
six sailing teams
competing in an exceptional boat, the MOD70 6 MOD70s at the start of the KRYS OCEAN RACE:
Because of the strict one-design element, the official yards and suppliers respect a construction and launch schedule. This is why just six MOD70s will take the start of the KRYS OCEAN RACE in 2012. This fleet will be fleshed out with a 7th one-design trimaran for the European Tour in September 2012 and will reach the restricted intake of 12 for the start of the Ocean World Tour in October 2013.
Provisional launches:
MOD Nr. 01 : performed on 21 March 2011 MOD Nr. 02 : performed on 15 June 2011 MOD Nr. 03 : performed on 18 August 2011 MOD Nr. 04 : scheduled for October 2011 MOD Nr. 05 : scheduled for January 2012 MOD Nr. 06 : scheduled for April 2012
This latest generation of absolutely identical trimarans aims to combine modernity and performance, safety, reliability and cost control. Measuring over 10 feet in length (21.20 metres instead of 18.28 metres), the MOD 70s are less beamy than their ORMA ancestors, the latter reaching 18 metres. Seven specific features, which favour safety and reliability, whilst guaranteeing performance, can be noted: Characteristics for a MOD70 • LOA: 21.2 metres • Overall beam:16.8 metres • Water draught: 4.50 metres • Mast rake: 4° • Air draught: 29 metres • Light displacement: 6.3 tonnes • Upwind sail area: 310 m2 • Downwind sail area: 409 m2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SECuRItY – reLIABILItY – PERFORMANCe Smaller sail area (5%) providing more safety when ocean sailing Longer central hull (10 ft) to minimise pitchpoling Raised beam clearance to reduce wave impacts Possibility to lift the centre hull rudder Curved foils for more performance and safety Shorter monolithic canting mast (+/- 8%) positioned further aft in the hull Low temperature cured carbon fibre & foam sandwich construction
MOD70 Designers – Builders • VPLP Design Office(Fr): Designers, architects office • NORTH SAILS (USA/Fr): Sails, 3DL, unique one-design sail wardrobe Official yards: • CDK Technologies (Fr): Project manager yard, assembly • Decision (Sui): Boatyard, construction of the beams • Multiplast (Fr): Boatyard, construction of the floats • Lorima (Fr): Construction of the masts and booms
teams mod70
01 race for water Launch: 21 March 2011 Skipper: Stève Ravussin
veolia 02 environnement mod70
Launch: 15 June 2011 Skipper: Roland Jourdain
Stève Ravussin, exuding enthusiasm for every event as well as being a speed freak, quickly developed a passion for the multihull. Very soon, the Swiss sailor left paragliding and motocross to one side in order to begin his sailing career on Lake Geneva aboard various and varied machines. From the Route du Rhum 1998, which he won aboard a Formula 40, the sailor from Lausanne gained the respect of his peers and entered into the world of offshore racers. For years Stève sailed with Franck Cammas and together they stood out in the Transat Jacques Vabre and again, more recently, when they won the Jules Verne Trophy. Stève Ravussin created the MOD70 project with Marco Simeoni and Franck David. In addition to being the skipper of the MOD 01 Race For Water.
A native of Finistère through and through, he wore out the bottoms of his foulies on various craft in the bay of Concarneau from a very early age. From construction to sailing, Roland has experience of all the different stages, even refusing an invitation to sail aboard the trimaran belonging to his friend Jean Le Cam, in order to build the first Formula 40. With contagious good humour, the sailor has built up a fine maritime track record along the way. After a few years aboard a 60 foot IMOCA monohull, Roland is returning to his first love with this MOD70 project, namely the multihull.
The course from New York – Brest ? “A transatlantic race is always exciting; it’s a relatively long course, but it’s also demanding and fast. This New York / Brest course provides some legendary anchorage points. On the one hand the Statue of Liberty, on the other the Tonnerres de Brest and its old sailing ships. It’s a direct link between the new and the ancient world. It’s a race which will certainly become legendary!“
The course from New York – Brest ? “It’s not a course I’ve ever raced before so it’s pretty exciting to be envisaging this first crossing. Symbolically it will be fantastic to kick off the championship with a sprint which takes the route of the Atlantic Record. There’s nothing routine about it; setting out from New York is always prestigious because we don’t often get the opportunity to leave the United States in that way with the aim of returning home!”
Krys, title partner ? “I would like to thank them warmly. They won’t be disappointed at joining the sailing world, its natural elements, the wind, the sea… I thank them above all for supporting this first Multi One Championship race. It’s an important step for us. And it’s only the first of a long line of races in a championship that is designed to last!“
press Contact: Sandra Mudronja 0041 79 445 87 92
Track record in a few dates: 2010 Holder of the Jules Verne Trophy 2001 et 2007 Transat Jacques Vabre winner 1998 Route du Rhum winner
sandra.mudronja@multionedesign.com www.multioneattitude.com
Krys, title partner ? “An optician who takes it slow and steady goes a long way! It’s easy to draw a parallel between their job and ours, so quite simply, welcome to the club! We’re always delighted to see a new partner coming into our environment.”
press Contact: Valérie Beaulieu 0033 1 58 47 84 95 0033 6 62 04 39 77
Track record in a few dates: 2006 and 2010 Route du Rhum winner 1995 and 2001 Transat Jacques Vabre winner 1991 and 1993 Course de l’Europe winner 1989 World and European Formula 40 Champion
valerie.beaulieu@havas-se.com www.canyousea.com
edmond 04 de rothschild group
03 foncia
Launch: 18 August 2011 Skipper: Michel Desjoyeaux
Launch: October 2011 Skipper: Sébastien Josse
Always question yourself and go back to a clean slate to move forward. Such could be the slogan for one of the top solo sailors. However, he isn’t really a solo sailor because part of what characterises Michel is a great thirst for sharing and exchange. With his results speaking volumes, he is one of the “Bande de Port Laf’” (Port La Forêt, NW France), a band who have been following each other around for years and was behind the Formula 40, ancestor to the ORMA and MOD70 multihulls.
Getting into sailing fairly late in the day, Sébastien Josse plunged into the offshore racing universe by winning the Challenge Espoir Crédit Agricole in 1997. Since then the sailor hasn’t stopped. Indeed sailing on a wide variety of craft and racking up the miles and the experiences, has turned this native of Nice into a very eclectic sailor, as much in control of the helm of a Figaro as that of a 60 foot IMOCA or even the controls of a Volvo 70! We can wager that his brilliant experience aboard Orange II in 2002, his determination and his nerves of steel will serve Sébastien well, so he can quickly get his head around the instruction manual for helming his MOD70.
The course from New York – Brest? “This transatlantic is an historically honoured course because it’s synonymous with the Atlantic record.
The course from New York – Brest? “It’s really great to have the opportunity to compete in an eastbound transatlantic because they’re very few and far between. The course on offer here is pretty reminiscent of the North Atlantic crossing. I’ve never taken part in this particular record, however, during the Volvo Ocean Race, back in 2006, we had a stage from New York - Plymouth. I was lucky enough to be able to sail at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, whilst the Volvo was moored at Manhattan. It was incredible and I have very fond memories of it. This time around we’ll complete the race in Brest when the maritime festival is in full swing, which bodes well for a warm, festive reception, which the inhabitants of Brest are adept at.“
This event will finally enable me to sail around the Statue of Liberty. I’ve never been there! Added to that, the race finish is scheduled during Brest 2012. The course isn’t that easy. There are the currents from the Gulf Stream, the fog from the banks of Newfoundland, but at least it’s a transatlantic in the right direction! Furthermore we’re essentially reviving the great crewed multihull races like the Quebec Saint Malo, a format we were really missing… Whatever happens, the announcement of this first event in the MOD70 circuit, which will sport the name of the title sponsor, the Krys Ocean Race, is a very good thing.“ Krys, title partner ? “It’s always great to welcome a new partner to our sport. Signing up for a long period and contributing towards the development of a new race is very good for the circuit. Welcome to Krys!“
press Contact: Laurence Dacoury 0033 1 47 72 81 41
Track record in a few dates: 2001 and 2009 Vendée Globe winner 2007 Transat Jacques Vabre winner 2004 The Transat winner 2002 Route du Rhum winner 1992, 1998 and 2007 Solitaire du Figaro winner
presse@teamfoncia.com www.teamfoncia.com
Krys, title partner ? “The arrival of Krys as partner to the Krys Ocean Race is excellent news for the MOD70 series, as well as ocean racing in general. There aren’t many partners who choose to support classes of boats and the commitment Krys is demonstrating by signing up for two editions is testament to the company’s desire to join up with the MOD70s over a long period.“
press Contact: Tiphaine Combot-Seta 0033 6 85 58 53 00
Track record in a few dates: 2006 4th Volvo Ocean Race 2005 5th in the Vendée Globe 2002 Co-holder of the Jules Verne Trophy 2001 2nd in the Solitaire du Figaro 1997 Challenge Espoir Crédit Agricole winner
tiphaine@zephyrcom.com www.gitana-team.com
teams mod70
06 oman sail
Born on Île aux Moines in Brittany, Yann Guichard, 38 year old, quickly discovered that his future would be linked to the water. Though Yann learnt to ply his trade with rigour and disciplineasaresultofallhisOlympicpreparation,hewasquicklyattractedbythecallofthe open ocean which gave him the chance to fully express his potential. From the Tornado, to La Trinitaine, Gitana 11 as well as the Extreme 40 Alinghi and the AC45 Energy Team, via a spell on Orange 2 and Groupama 3, this determined sailor has constantly sailed at the top of his game. Helmsman, router, skipper, the man dons each of these costumes with a relaxed frame of mind and performs his role with talent. This ease combined with experience makes Yann a formidable competitor on a Multi One Design circuit, where the sportsman steals a lead over the machines!
From a very early age, Sidney Gavignet has been passionate about the sea, competition and in a constant quest for performance. Chance encounters as well as great determination have led to an exceptional career. This sailor, brought up on a diet of Tornado training, gained renown during the last four Volvo Ocean Races wich he won in 2006 aboard ABN AMRO 1. However, his journey has been eclectic as he’s also appeared on a Figaro, an IMOCA 60, as well as a 60 foot ORMA. Since 2010, Sidney Gavignet has sailed under Omani colours aboard various craft, all of which have been multihulls. The MOD70 Oman Sail falls within the scope of the programme to train up Omani sailors, which is something very dear to Sidney, who cherishes this mission to transfer expertise within the context of this campaign to revive sailing in Oman.
Launch: January 2012 Skipper: Yann Guichard
The course from New York – Brest? “I’m happy to be rediscovering the course having already tackled it back in 2006 and in 2007 during the transatlantic records. The period of July is just perfect ! With a good depression we’ll be able to enjoy it all in downwind conditions and traverse the Atlantic at a good speed in 5 or 6 days. For a first race, it promises to be really competitive! Added to that, there’s the pleasure of setting off from the foot of some of most renowned monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty. On the other side, Brest is a maritime metropolis that has always been part of my psyche. Then there’s the public too, who are bound to come out in force at the start and the finish for what will be a fabulous festival of sailing.“ Krys, title partner ? “It’s a great pleasure to welcome a new partner to our world of sailing. The Krys opticians are renowned for their technical, ethical and aesthetic values so it is no surprise to find them on a circuit such as that of the MOD70s. Their philosophy is also geared towards being as open as possible, with simplified access to everyone. Here too it’s an original approach which doesn’t forget that the general public must be one of the key protagonists on the circuit. Given these facts, Krys promises to be a committed, dynamic partner, focused on this innovative project in which we’re all happy to be taking part.“ press Contact: Léo Lucet 0033 6 62 15 88 04
Track record in a few dates: 2011 -3rd Act 5 Extreme Sailing Series in Cowes -2nd in the Bol d’Or Henri-Lloyd E-GESTION on the M2 2010 -4th in the Route du Rhum -2nd in the Extreme Sailing Series -Winner of the Bol d’Or Mirabaud on the M2 2009 2nd in the iShares Cup 2008 3rd in the World Championship and European Championship on tornado 2007 -2nd in the Transat Jacques Vabre -Record for the North Atlantic Crossing 2006 3rd in the Multi Cup Café Ambassador 1998 1st in the World ISAF standing 1998 on Tornado
leo.lucet@spindrift-racing.com www.spindrift-racing.com
Launch: April 2012 Skipper: Sidney Gavignet
The course from New York – Brest? “New York is and will always be synonymous with the New World and a pioneering spirit. The first time I discovered the grandeur of New York was via the sea, on La Poste in 1992, just before the Whitbread, in an event called the Columbus Race. Here again the symbolism is running high. The finish in Brest packs just as hard a punch in terms of image. It’s one of France’s great maritime cities and the port witnesses the start and finish of many a record. New York – Brest is a classic route for an eastbound transatlantic crossing, but racing it on equal terms is especially motivating for the competitors we all are in this new series.“ Krys, title partner ? “In a race on equal terms, it’s not the machine which makes the difference, it’s man and his perceptiveness. That makes Krys the perfect partner for this event! I fully believe in this class and in this strict one-design. Congratulations to Krys for being on the scene when the MOD70s take their very first steps into racing. Once again it’s a shared adventure coloured by a pioneering spirit, where enthusiasm plays a role at every level.“
press Contact: Jo Grindley 0044 1983 247286
Track record in a few dates: 2008 2nd in the Volvo Ocean Race 2006 - Winner of the Volvo Ocean Race - Sailor of the year 2006 2002 2nd in the Volvo Ocean Race 1999 8th and 1st rookie in the French Solo Offshore Racing Championship 1996 Winner of the Tour de France à la Voile 1991 French number two in the Tornado
Jo.grindley@intotheblue.biz www.omansail.com
www.krys-oceanrace.com • Tous les logos et marques présents dans ce document sont déposés par MultiOneDesign S.A. et
• Toute reproduction interdite • Crédits photos : Yvan Zedda, Benoit Stichelbault, F. Betermin, Th. Martinez • Armateurs Orma et plan : cabinet VPLP
Création :
contact presse france Caroline Muller 0033 6 83 00 83 83
contact organisation : info@multionedesign.com
2012-2014 dossier de presse