2 minute read
Meet the Mumpreneur behind
Words: Michelle Thompson
Nine years ago, I was a first-time Mum attending every baby class I could find, researching weaning recipes, gaining advice from professionals, and generally getting absorbed into Motherhood.
I realised that it would be so much easier if all the information I needed was at hand. So, with a background in graphic design and having worked in publishing, I had enough knowledge to begin the groundwork of a possible parenting publication.
A designer friend of mine helped me out, I used every contact and resource I had at my disposal to see if I could actually make my idea become a reality. I conducted research amongst parent friends and spoke to many health and education professionals.
Finally, in May 2012 I walked into my employers office to discuss my return to work after my maternity leave. Instead of discussing my new house, I handed over an ultrasound scan of my second daughter and the first ever copy of Mummy and Me Magazine. It was official! I was doing this! It wasn’t a whim, there was no going back, I was handing in my notice to become self-employed and launch a new publication.
The years ahead came with many challenges and also many successes. Mummy and Me Magazine has featured some incredible stories, people and businesses, we have won several awards, partnered many baby shows, featured on other media platforms…and amidst it all, I have gone on to have a further five children since the publication began.
Of course, my dream would not have become possible had it not been for you – the reader, the advertiser, and every other person who has believed in and supported me along the journey.
We’re celebrating our ninth anniversary! In addition, we are so delighted to announce that later this year we are launching a second publication across the pond in North America! (It’s all very exciting).
To celebrate, we bring you a fantastic competition in partnership with Cheeky Rascals. One lucky winner has the chance to win a range of parenting products.
It’s great to be joining forces with Cheeky Rascals for this competition, as they too are a business launched by a Mum.
As a new mum working and living in France, Selina Russell found lots of innovative parenting products that were unavailable in the UK. Her friends clearly agreed! With each trip back home, she found herself sourcing various bits and pieces for her fellow new mums. Turning this in to a business seemed an obvious next step. Soon enough, armed with a few leaflets, a van full of products and a gut full of ambition, Cheeky Rascals was born.
Selina is now a well-known, respected member of the nursery industry and sits on the board of the Baby Products Association (BPA), the voice of the baby and nursery products industry in the UK.
One lucky winner will bag a Buggyboard, Potette Plus, Izmi Essential Wrap and Fred Safety Starter Kit (combined prize worth over £100!) from
To enter this competitions and others, visit mummyandmemagazine.co.uk