mumpreneur August 2015
Mothers Mean Business Launch!
Emma Mumford The Coupon Queen
s e t i s b e W g n i n n i rd W Amazing Mumpreneur Businesses Online
Award Winning Websites Pg 16 Pg 16 Pg 17 Pg 17 Pg 17 Pg 18 Pg 18 Pg 18
Burble Baby Sue Salaman Ambi Gift Hampers With Love Your Very Own Story Vicca Fashion The French Bedroom Company Days in Bed
pg 16
pg 17
Mumpreneur Magazine is designed and produced by Mumpreneur UK Ltd. 94 Bell Lane, Marston Green, Birmingham, B33 0LR
pg 17
pg 6 pg 10
Pg 4 Pg 5 Pg 6 Pg 7 Pg 8 Pg 9 Pg 10 Pg 11 Pg 12 Pg 13 Pg 14 Pg 15
Forever Living Understanding Accounts Petit P.A The Lampshade Company Freya Lillie Mothers Mean Business Mad About Bookkeeping Marvellous Superfoods Sensory Education Hip Pose Emma Mumford Coupon Queen Room To Grow
pg 11
pg 18
pg 7
Have a story? Get in touch: Advertise with us: General enquiries:
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Increase your profits by understanding Increase your profits by your numbers understanding your numbers
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Author, Penny Lowe, is a mother and grandmother as well as running her own accountancy practice. She also trains and coaches business owners to make sure their business is a success without too much stress.
Use Code MUM1 to get your discounted copy Wellington Consulting Ltd 70 Eastheath Avenue, Wokingham. RG41 2PJ Tel: 0118 911 1202
“Let Petit P.A. take care of things whilst you concentrate on taking care of you and your baby” Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. But that doesn’t make the prospect of having a baby and becoming a parent any less daunting. Are you... • • • •
Unsure what is the best pram, cot, car seat etc for you? Maybe you’re too busy at work to spend hours trying to find the best ante-natal course or baby class? Is the thought of finding suitable childcare for your child before you return to work keeping you awake at night? Worried about what to do once you get your baby home?
You don’t need to worry Petit P.A is here to assist you every step of the way! We are a ground-breaking Personal Assistant service designed specifically to support and assist mothers-to-be and new parents as they juggle life with a baby. All our services are focused on enhancing your experience of parenthood while saving you precious time and energy and include; • • • • •
1-2-1 support, assistance and advice from your own dedicated P.A In-depth research on essential items, ante and postnatal classes and courses Assistance selecting, securing and organising childcare. Assistance preparing for your labour including the organisation of your hospital bag and assistance organising your home for baby’s arrival. Event Management of special occasions such as Baby Showers, Babymoons, Christenings and ‘Sip & See’ parties.
Services can be purchased by the hour or as part of an individually tailored package. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTANCY CALL WITH A SPECIALIST PREGNANCY ADVISOR. CONTACT US THROUGH OUR WEBSITE WWW. PETITPA.CO.UK or directly Follow us on Twitter: @petitpa1
Sometimes even Mum needs someone to lean on.... “Thank you so much for the help you gave me at a time when I was really stressed and anxious. After spending 2 weeks using 3 different breast pumps, all of which were useless, you sourced me the best product I could have asked for. It gave me the chance to feed Abbie, something I thought was slipping away from me. I can’t thank you enough.” Melanie, Mum to Abbie. “There’s no substitute for a mothers advice, with Petit P.A. not only do you get multi mothers’ advice with experiences and tips you wouldn’t know to ask but it’s like hanging out friend to friend!” Sinead, Mum to Imogen and Zara-Lily
“Being a working mother of 2 young children I understand first hand the pressures women are facing as they attempt to balance home and work life. Our services support and assist women as they start a family, removing stress from what is a wonderful, but often daunting time in their life. We can help you achieve the perfect balance every working mum wants.” Erin O’Toole, Petit P.A. Founder
our years ago mumpreneur, Angela Berry from Colchester was facing something of a cross roads. Where would she find the work life balance that was needed to be successful and find time to share with her young family? Should she continue with a business in the corporate world, seek a salaried position or do something that she really enjoyed and turn it into a commercial venture? Angela chose the latter and so The Lampshade Company was born. Headquartered in a spare room in Angela’s Colchester home, she successfully made the switch from a corporate environment to a consumer led business. Angela took her first steps into selling her handmade lampshades using designer wallpapers and fabrics. Angela’s headquarters was soon full of shades, materials and paperwork. Other parts of the house were also taken up with boxes and bulk purchases of materials and more space was desperately needed. Angela didn’t want to commit herself to lengthy rental agreements for business premises and with another baby just months away she didn’t want to travel too far. Fortunately the answer was in her garden in the form of a double garage. Planning consent obtained, the garage was soon converted to a comfortable warm and light work space where she was able to employ others to help her respond to her growing order book. Today The Lampshade Company keeps to its principals of handmade quality products. Whilst juggling the work with childcare, particularly following the birth of her second child, Angela has sometimes felt frustrated at the slow progress of her business, but that is now all set to change. A new range of designer fabrics from Osborne and Little, Sanderson and Emma Bridgewater are about to join those in her current collection. Whilst the journey in the last four years has had its share of frustrations, it has also had its highlights. Earlier this year the company won the Gold Award for Small Business Website at the Essex Digital Awards and in 2012 the company was a finalist in two categories at the Colchester Business Awards. A video has just been released about Angela’s business which can be found at As her young family grows and the four hourly feeds have given way to family meals, Angela feels excited for the future of The Lampshade Company, confident that the difficult choice she made four years ago was the right one! We would like to offer Mumpreneur readers 20% discount on your first order placed on our website, just enter discount code 20TLC. This offer will expire on the 1st September 2015, so shop now!
Isn’t it about time the value of working mothers is better realised in the business world? Launched 7th August 2015
Mothers Mean Business - an online glossy magazine offering all the advice a working mother could need, with high profile guest bloggers and inspiring interviews from working mothers who have experienced great successes of their own. @Leedsworkingmum mothersmeanbusiness
any mums (and dads) make lovely things to sell on to friends and family, but did you know that in many cases you should be declaring this income to HMRC.
There is no precise definition of ‘what is a business’ and certainly there is no amount that you are entitled to earn before you need to register your business. The main things to consider: - Do you intend to make a profit? - Does the frequency and number of transactions suggest that you are running a business? - Did you buy, make or do up the goods to sell them on? - Did you borrow any money to finance getting started? If any of the above apply to you then it is likely that your hobby has turned into a business; so it really is time to get your accounts and tax on track and register with HMRC. Mad About Book-Keeping is a small friendly team of book-keepers, run by mums for mums. We work only with small businesses and can help with book-keeping, payroll & self assessments. 01420 768286
Marvellous Superfood is a small family business that’s making a big impact. The all woman mother and daughter team specialises in creating, blending and distributing high quality, organic superfood powders and health food products.
From humble beginnings Marvellous Superfood have recently been endorsed by olympic swimmer Michael Jamieson, they’ve also been awarded a Free From Award for their all natural plant based Super Protein Powder. Their extensive range includes the highly popular Wellbeing Blend which is a green powder made from a potent mix of plants, roots and algae. Regular users report an instant energy boost and say with regular use they get fewer colds flues and viruses. The low calorie, protein rich supplement is made from: chlorella, spirulina, kelp, wheat grass, barley grass, hemp and beetroot. For further details on the extensive range of award winning products check out:
Hip-Pose Ltd One mother’s design to help other parents
aving a baby is supposed to be the most cherished of experiences, so imagine being told at a few days old that your child has a dislocated hip and will need treatment for it. It’s a surprisingly common condition, affecting about 4 in every 1,000 babies worldwide. If discovered before 6 months old, treatment involves the baby wearing a restrictive Pavlik harness with straps that hitch the knees up 90 degrees. This keeps their legs in a ‘frog like’ position holding the hip in place whilst it grows. They must wear their harness 24 hours a day for several weeks and cannot be bathed in it or swim. Up until now, dressing a baby in harness meant cutting clothing to fit over the irregular shape or putting them in sleepsuits twice the size they needed, but thanks to HipPose Ltd, this is no longer the case! I set up the company from personal experience after trying to dress my daughter Lucy, during treatment. I hated having to ruin new clothes by cutting them up and felt upset that I couldn’t enjoy dressing my little girl in pretty clothes. My daughter sadly went on to need major surgery to correct her dislocated hip (around 10% of cases do, particularly if diagnosed late). She had to wear a solid hip spica cast from her chest to her ankles for three months and no clothes would to cover it. At first I made waterproof trousers to go over the cast but then made them in denim, cord and pretty fabric to help disguise it. I found that with the trousers on, no one noticed the cast or made comments. It also helped to keep it clean and dry, not easy task when you are weaning a baby!
My ideas proved to be a hit with the NHS staff treating Lucy who encouraged me to set up the business. Together we refined the designs and parents helped trial them. Next I won a business start up grant, designed a website and found a UK manufacturer all within a few months. By January 2012 I was selling online and now have customers from all over the world and sell to hospitals too. This year, to my delight, I won Gold for innovation in the Prima Baby Awards 2015, beating some big high street names. It can be an awful shock to be told your baby has Hip Dysplasia, and often a worrying few weeks or months follow during treatment, but I love that I am able to help parents keep one small part of their day normal. Being able to still dress their children makes a big difference to my customers who also say how much happier their babies are in Hip-Pose clothes. My aim would be for every parent to be given a HipPose sleepsuit at diagnosis, to help soften the blow of the bad news and give them hope. To see the full range of hip dysplasia clothing and useful products please visit:
For further information please email Sam Bowen: and to learn more about DDH please visit the STEPS charity:
Emma Mumford – Extreme Couponing and Deals UK My Journey so far…
started money-saving back in June 2013, I was in a really bad relationship and took on his £7k debt (stupid I know!). The relationship very quickly broke down and I was sadly left to clear the debt and pay bills at the same time. From that I found my passion for saving money & couponing and I was asked very quickly by followers to start a Facebook page to share my knowledge. This happened in the September and I haven’t looked back since. My Facebook page grew at rapid pace with demand going up every week for more and more money-saving posts. In June 2014 I started my website and also my blog the two sites have a very different feel one being exclusively for offers, deals & discounts and my blog a more personal approach where I can share the beauty/ fashion/lifestyle products I love and what is saving myself money. This year I was lucky enough to be voted to the finals of the UK Blog Awards by all my amazing 185k followers and even won Highly Commended Blogger (Young
Persons Under 25). This was a complete shock to me as I never thought in a million years that my writing could win an award! I have also taken the Youtube world by storm delivering my money-saving tips, beauty tips and what goes on my in my crazy life. When I started I never imagined creating a business from my hobby, I wanted to help people and make sure no one ever ended up like myself again. As demand grew I really struggled to keep up with it while working a part-time job also. Life was really different back then and I felt consumed by my retail job and really un-happy. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur but never had the right idea or money. Little did I know that my passion would transform into my full-time job and career. I never imagined that I would be doing this as a business and having the incredible opportunity’s. I have been lucky enough to feature in national papers, TV appearances, Radio, Magazines the lot! I am so grateful that I found a way to get out of debt and help others at the same time.
Little did I know that my passion would transform into my full-time job
If you would like to learn my tips & tricks then please visit; Extreme Couponing and Deals UK @couponqueenemma @couponqueenemma couponqueenemma I love to hear from different brands and businesses so please get in touch!
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Award Winning Websites
I Like many of our peers, Mumpreneur UK is predominantly an online organisation. We don’t have a high street store for people to walk into and browse around. Even those who do take the leap into bricks and mortar businesses have to have a strong online presence.
t started with a burble… Inspired by their very own burbling babies, Burble Baby is a luxury online boutique, specialising in charming hampers and enchanting gifts for new mums and their babies. Their range comprises an adorable collection of trinkets and keepsakes, classic clothes, pretty accessories, sumptuous skincare and traditional toys. If you browse their delightful gifts, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect present for baby showers, new arrivals, christenings, first birthdays and more!
Our websites are our online shop windows and as such we need to ensure that they are kept updated, regularly, cleaned, polished and made attractive to allw ho see them. That’s what the Mumpreneur UK website Awards are all about rewarding those who’se online presence is a credit to them and their businesses.
Burble Baby have carefully selected brands and products for their boutique with their own, and your, burbling babies in mind. From organic to best of British, to those brands that are truly, simply, ‘WOW! Gorgeous!’ Take a look at some of last you’re sure to be delighted! Gifts months Website Award and hampers from Burble Baby are Winners and find out all certainly stunning presents to receive, as well as to give. about them! With such a unique collection, Burble
You can enter your business Baby is sure to have a gift or hamper for a website award here! to suit the new mum or baby you are
ue is an experienced consultant, mentor and credit management expert. Sue has over 20 years’ experience working in service based businesses in a variety of roles including Business Consultant, Head of Revenue, and Finance Project Manager and was recently featured in The Sunday Times. Sue specializes in helping women in business to generate and grow their income, confidently and profitably price their services so that they have more time, more money and less stress.
Sue sees many women struggle with this part of their business. From start up’s to experienced entrepreneurs, the relationship between their sales and finance can be like a rocky love affair, and in an attempt to justify their cost and prove their worth, they give away too much of their time.
Visit to redeem 15% off your 1st order.
Getting out of her day job and starting her own boutique style consultancy has given Sue the opportunity to share her expert knowledge with other entrepreneurs, who have vision, passion and the desire to transform their life and business.
buying for, not only that, we’re sure they will be dazzled!
stablished at the beginning of 2015 by Mum of three Nicole, Ambi Gift Hampers was born. “After looking for gifts that I thought needed to be practical as well as gorgeous I couldn’t find it. Most gifts I had been given after having my baby just looked good but had no practical use. My idea was to put together a well thought out, good quality, practical product that looked beautiful was the inspiration for my business. In the short space of time since starting my business Ambi Gift H a m p e r s has had lots of interest, including Corporate business’s. Ive also become a proud Sponsor of Miss Galaxy & Miss Teen Great Britain. I Entered my 1st Gift Basket Competition in June and received a 3rd place award and also won a Mumprenuer Gold website award. Ambi Gift Hampers are stunning well thought out personalised hampers containing high quality products to suit all budgets and any occasion. Hampers are also bespoke so i can basically put together a hamper tailor made to the customers requirements. We create hampers for baby showers, mum to be, birthdays, children themed hampers, weddings, Corporate, new home, thank you hampers to name a few.
Unique handmade gifts handpicked for every occasion. With Love sells British Handmade gifts, made with love by small businesses, independent crafters and makers. Showcasing British handmade products that have been carefully handpicked, according to their aesthetic appeal, innovation and style. You won’t find anything on With Love that has been made in a factory! Our pages are full of thoughtful gift ideas for friends and loved ones. Every gift we sell has been made by a very creative pair of hands and a large helping of enthusiasm.
Beautiful Handmade Gifts Support Handmade - Support British - Support Small Businesses
My idea to create my own personalised children’s books was inspired by my journey as a first time mummy. As a former Languages teacher I (naively) thought I knew all there was to know about children - that was until I became a parent & found myself (unsuc-cessfully) trying to calm my screaming baby! When my daughter was just 4 months old, I randomly found myself singing a story at the top of my lungs using her name as the main character. This not only stopped her from crying, but gave me a light bulb moment that would soon develop into my new business, Your Very Own Story. From that moment on, I went on a mission to not only write & illustrate my own personalised story-books, but to also make them into a keepsake gift full of childhood memories to treas-ure. Within 3 months (most of the time with my daughter sleeping on me in her sling), I had created them & they were ready to be launched. I have also designed a range of personalised prints, write a parenting blog & give away free craft activities for children on my website www.
There are so many brilliant makers who make the most wonderful items, but the challenge as a customer can be to find them. With Love provides a place where customers can browse and purchase beautifully crafted items. If you need a stunning, unique gift for your friend or loved one, then come to With Love.
B As a conscious fashion designer it was always so important to design my clothes with value and need in mind. I’d noticed lots of incidents where mothers were embarrassed to feed their babies in public spaces. In my opinion, it’s a natural and also an important act to raise a healthy child. This was my biggest inspiration to design revolutionary apparel for breastfeeding mothers. I wanted to offer them outfits which provided discreet feeding options whilst on the go. My designs are so unique compared to other designs as each has two layers, which gives the opportunity to cover the child and the breast from the outside too!
I just finished a capsule collection of eight breastfeeding tops, five trousers and a skirt! It’s a summer collection with a new cut and new mix of fabrics.
orn out of a fascination with French design, craftsmanship and heritage, the French Bedroom Company was established in 2006 by Georgia Metcalfe, who has combined classic French furniture with playful, progressive design, to revolutionise bedroom styling. Combining enchanting Louis XVstyle furniture with a touch of the unexpected, the Design Team draws inspiration from everywhere: a 16th Century carving, a piece of jewellery, a work of art, ruffles on lingerie, even the female body - with fun and femininity at the heart and quality at the core. They love to mix up colours and textures to create beautiful pieces that make a statement and start a conversation; making the mundane magnificent.
ngela Milnes was excited and humbled to hear she had won a Mumpreneur Wesbite Award for her parenting and lifestyle blog Angela, a Mother and previous Early Years Teacher, set up Daysinbed. com after spending two years resting “in bed” due to a rare illness called Adrenal Insufficiency. shares brilliant parenting and teaching ideas for children in the home, along with great family fun experiences, and practical tips for healthy living.
In 2015 they were named a UK Cool Brand for the fourth consecutive year and scooped numerous awards including ‘Best Lighting’ House Beautiful Awards, ‘Best Bath and Bed Retailer’ Sheerluxe Online Shopping Awards, and ‘Best Organisation Blog’ The Amara Blog Awards. Their collections make for an elegant and inspiring interior theme while remaining chic, and above all else, unique. also shares Angela’s ongoing health battle and raises awareness for Adrenal Insufficiency. This has proven to be very popular and is helping people across the world to better understand the illness. works with well known brands to review wonderful products and fun-filled experiences for both children, parents & families. With fabulous giveaway prizes, teaching and health tips, Daysinbed in one brilliant blog and website, a blog that is relevant to every Parent and Mother.
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