3 minute read
Finding Joy in the Simple
Finding Joy in the Simple, Everyday Tasks
Getting you r kids to hel p aroun develo d the pmen t house aids in ch il dhoo d N ow that families are spending their However, kids who learn how to fit tasks time working, learning and playing from into their days are more likely to improve home, parents are juggling an overwhelming their time management skills. It also teaches amount of responsibility, and finding time kids a measure of independence as they take to engage in structured playtime with the pride in being able to accomplish various kids is more challenging than ever. But, while ‘grown-up’ activities by themselves, not to playtime as a family is crucial for building mention the likelihood that kids who learn to strong family ties and developing a variety pitch in at home are more likely to develop of important skills in children, there are other that mind-set later on in life – like in the ways that parents can achieve all of this workplace. without adding any more stress to their day. Doing every day activities together is
Carryn Martin, an occupational therapist important, too. While chores are helpful with a special interest in sensory integration in teaching children independence, particiand child development, says that involving pating in everyday tasks with your child is children in everyday tasks, such as housejust as important. Not only does it instil a hold chores, meal preps and taking on more sense of teamwork, but is also a great way responsibility with the family pet, can be just to spend time together bonding as a family. as beneficial as playing together. This also teaches children social skills, like
“From an occupational therapy perspechow to work together to accomplish a goal. tive, involving children in a variety of houseMartin says that children develop fine mohold domestic tasks has huge benefits for tor and bilateral skills by spending time in the skills development in children,” says Martin. kitchen – mixing cake batter, for instance, “A child engaged in a variety of short, maninvolves using both hands in a functional ageable and fun everyday tasks – indepenmanner (one hand stabilizes the bowl while dently and with parents – is able to grow the other mixes). “Mental and emotional cognitively, physically and emotionally.” care is just as important as physical care Bring back chore wheels – your kids will for children, especially during these times of thank you for it. In a Braun Research poll uncertainty,” says Kristian Imhoff, Country of over 1 000 parents, when asked whether Manager for LEGO South Africa. “Playing they assign household chores to their kids, together builds healthier, happier families, just 28% of today’s parents said they did, but the simple act of making a meal or foldeven though 82% said they had grown up ing laundry together has an impact on child doing chores themselves when they were and family wellbeing too.” Parents are trying young. It’s not difficult to imagine why their best under the circumstances, and there’s such a discrepancy – kids’ schedules while they can’t add more hours to the day are busier than they used to be, parents to spend exclusively on playtime with the may have negative associations to “chores”, kids, getting the whole family to roll up their and on the other hand, it could be easier for sleeves and dive into everyday tasks at home parents to just do the chores themselves has just as much of an impact on childhood instead of nagging their kids. development and bonding as a family.