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Dear valued readers,
Welcome to The Auricle’s January-March Edition, our first instalment fo 2023. We are absolutely delighted to share this publication with you an the creativity of the contributors featured in these pages.
In 2023, the MUMUS Publications team is hoping to create an engagin and informative editorial experience We hope that through The Auricle as well as our associated Writing and Visual Arts Competition, there w be an opportunity for students to learn, read and express their writin and visual art endeavours. Following on from the 2022 edition, th MUMUS Publications team hopes to present a quartly 'The Auricle' fo your reading pleasure
To introduce myself, I'm Yash, currently a 4C student completing my G rotation. Over the past 2 months, the MUMUS Publications team has been getting stuck into creating the M and Grad Guide for the incoming Year 1 and Year A students. As of late in my spare time, I’ve been trying out new recipes (with a great lack of success :P) and have recently started work in the disability support space
I hope you enjoy the upcoming publications that are to come this year, as we hope to share with you some regular segments in the Auricle that will be featured in each edition In the background, we ’ ve been in collaboration with many of our MUMUS Subcommittees to bring along interesting segments for our readers Between each edition, we will be featuring stories from within these pages by publishing them to our website and the MUMUS Facebook page in blog format. Please keep a careful eye out as there may also be new content published between editions
This year we'll be trying something a little new and interesting, through uploading our 'Humans of Medicine' interviews onto Spotify so that you as our readers can have a listen to what we cover in your own time - helping make those commutes to a from uni/placement all the more enjoyable. In house, we've dubbed our podcast 'The Ossicle'.
If you want to contribute to The Auricle, please get in touch with us! Details about the kind of submission we are looking for can be found at https://theauricle.org/contributing/ or if you have any questions, email us at publications@mumus.org or ypat0008@student.monash.edu
We hope you enjoy reading this first edition of 2023. There’s a whole lot to get stuck into!
Happy reading :)
Yash Patwardhan, MUMUS Publications