Nanjing Expat - Issue 01 Expectations

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Imagine you receive a parcel, an unexpected package in your hands. Expectation is that feeling you enjoy when you open the package; the feeling of excitement, apprehension and hope. Expectation is a very powerful human emotion that can create or destroy, give shape to ideas or even define lives. Often we hear it is better to not have expectations because we may end up disappointed. The fact is that you cannot avoid having expectations; as a primal instinct it is an aspect that separates us from the animal kingdom. Primates are incapable of selfawareness, they cannot place themselves within the context of space or time. Humans project the future and adapt themselves to the circumstances. This ability comes largely from expectation. Facing a new challenge is always hard. To succeed takes time, patience, effort, adaptation, acceptance and learning. Probably one of the biggest challenges we face in life is moving to a new town or even harder to a new country, especially China; always culturally rich yet so intriguing and mystifying, and a city like Nanjing; sometimes forgotten yet so diverse and dynamic. In this issue, our blogger gives their impressions of the extremely high expectations Chinese families have of their children to strive for what is considered a bright and deserving future. We have the views of a writer who came to Nanjing with certain preconceived expectations but were blown away with what they actually found here.

We speak to someone who after moving to the city decided to listen to the call of his real passion and dedicate himself to capturing beauty through his lens. A Swedish photographer shows us his view of the city through images that show the contrast between a modern, growing, dynamic city and that of the traditional and conservative former Chinese capital. Our local sommelier gives an objective review about what to expect from a renowned and traditional Chinese vinyard and finally, when expectation does turn to disappointment and we feel trapped and hopeless, our life coach provides perspective to help us cope and overcome those little crises we all have once in a while. Nanjing and China in general is a place that must be experienced at first hand; it takes a great deal of dedication and open mindedness. Everything we may have learned or thought about the Middle Kingdom is often just vague speculation, but after experience and learning we realise the efforts pay off and in a positive way. As a new magazine we are likened to the newcomer to town; filled with high expectations, eager to learn, experiment and adapt; and you as our readers are the most important part of that process. Your feedback, positive and otherwise can only be helpful to us on this path toward fulfilling those expectations.

Please enjoy reading.

General Manager: Keith Maguire Editor: Frank Hossack Creative and Art Direction: Ronald Paredes Graphic Design: VOZ Design


Alexandra Loulias Bobby Brill Cheryl Malloy D S. Fraser Fredrik Jansson Jay Walker Laurence Grenville Nathan O. Taylor Ron Stalenberg

Special Thanks to:

British School of Nanjing Richard Anderton Joshua Maddox Mr. An Life Magazine Korean Information Yini Zhang John Teo Boaz Rottem Kelly Yan Vera Cai SinoConnexion Jonathan Bender Lulu Wang Paredes Amanda Roeth Costa Coffee Golden Wheel & 1912 Contact Nanjing Expat For Sponsorship: For content or feedback: For classifieds: For Competitions: For City Guide: For Life Coach:


Cover Concept : An unexpected package always raises expectations. Nanjing Expat Issue #1 - Expectations October 2010 Nanjing City Jiangsu Province China

LAO NANJING 老南京 To celebrate our first issue, we would like to offer one lucky reader a special meal for them and their friends…… or family……or whoever really, we don’t care, as long as you all have fun! The meal is kindly offered by Cosima, Nanjing’s smallest restaurant. The entire restaurant will be opened up especially for you and your friends. We feel our first issue has been quite creative so to win the prize, all you have to do is be creative yourselves; the winner shall be whoever comes up with the funniest and most creative caption for the above cartoon! Send your creations with your name and telephone number to Judges’ decision is final. *Terms and Conditions apply.

On Sunday I bought a pet. Several minutes later it got into a fight and injured itself so I left it under a tree. It will not have escaped the notice of any expat that the Chinese make great students; they are hardworking and motivated. From an early age they carry the expectations of their parents to do well at school, get to a good university, study abroad, get an apartment, earn lots of money and of course get married and have a child. Nothing demonstrates the need for a good match more convincingly than the dating events aimed not at the young people but at their parents who go to the park with a bag full of photocopied adverts and photos of their child in order to meet other parents in a similar position. What is the effect of this endless stream of expectations on the young Chinese? Men are set to outnumber women by 30-35 million by 2020. Chinese girls’ expectations have therefore risen; they can afford to be picky and expect to find a tall graduate who can offer an apartment and a good income. So the boys need to pull out all the stops to get the girl, competition is much greater but I often wonder whether academic success and material wealth come at the price of being interesting. As I have a quick run through in my mind of my western friends I can find nobody who does not have an interest whether it be mountaineering, tennis, marathon running, photography or vintage cars. But the expectations of Chinese parents seem to stifle any activity that does not lead to academic and ultimately matchmaking success. In fact some parents actively discourage their children from enjoying a hobby (joining a class is a good way to meet people) as it takes time away from finding a suitable spouse. But in a culture where academic success is paramount it is this which is seen to be crucial in the struggle for a future full of material wealth and happiness. Like the over-optimistic parent of the fat kid on sports day, the expectations I had for my 5 kuai fighting cricket failed to take into account its size and lack of spirit. So shall it follow that Darwin’s theory of natural selection will see the mother of the short high school graduate with a low income and no apartment spending many more afternoons in the park, in expectation? Text and Photo by: Jay Walker

Bobby Brill is an American multimedia content producer living in Beijing. After discussing his new book “Nanjing – Life on the Water’s Edge” on CCTV News’ “Dialogue” programme he writes here of a pilgrimage to capture the unique cultural heartbeat of this ancient city.

Being based in Beijing I sometimes get deep hunger pangs for culture that can be a bit hard to satisfy among all that modernism and progress. Don’t get me wrong, there is a unique joy starring at the Forbidden City from the window of my taxi, but then the moment fades as I go back to texting I will be late because of the traffic! Not quite the expectations I had of working in a place so foreign to me. After a short while, as many of us do, I wanted to find an easier way to experience China. Nanjing was touted as a gourmet buffet of culture and one that would fulfill my expectations in a way not anticipated.

As a fledgling writer I was given the chance to write

a book for the Foreign

Language Press and as fate would have it, Nanjing

was their city of choice. From the first steps along

the tree-lined streets of the city I was hit with so much

culture that it knocked me off my feet. Ming dynasty

architecture that is real and not some recent Chi-

“From the first steps along the tree-lined streets of the city I was hit with so much culture that it knocked me off my feet”

natown-esquire tourist trap like back home. Small

As a tourist you have to, yes, have to visit the Qin-

named after people of whom I have actually heard

an admitted mess. The once epicenter of Confu-

Yat-Sen – I know who he is, and this is where he

as China fell on harder times, but like much of the

alleyways filled with hip people creating art. Streets

huai River enclave. The area was not to long ago

not demonized in my American history books. Sun

cius culture and riverside revelry was left to fester

lived. My expectations were stoked.

culture areas of cities throughout China it has gone through a revitalization that includes familiar sites

like trendy shops, multi-national coffee shops and other Western fast-food joints, plus the more tra-

ditional local food hawkers. As a good traveler, I reminded myself to look past all this and keep my

expectations up because it was too good to pass

up the story of how this was once the stomping grounds of some of the brightest minds in Chinese

history and where poets and artists mingled with sing-song girls.

Working hard at keeping the neon lights and golden

arches from awakening my inner cynic it did not take long to realize that my expectations – the expectations

of something cool, something relaxing and dare I say something cultural – was not only my hope but the hope of everyone else who was strolling along the riverside. Young and old would grab a few local snacks,

for which the area is perhaps most famous, and just sit. Sit watching the boats float by; sit staring up at the old houses of the famous courtesans that kept their

homes right on the water’s edge; sit trying to soak up a bit of the culture that once was and save some for themselves.

I followed around a few groups of people to see where

were the best spots to sit and where to find the best

places to eat. The words famous throughout China

get tossed around excessively here but I managed to enjoy the appropriately named stinky tofu. I found a nice spot in the shade stuck between a tea house and

group of old men playing Chinese chess where I sat eating my stinky tofu and waiting. It did not take long for me get antsy, wondering when the culture would

come and wash over me rendering me with the same content faces as everyone else had. After five minutes I had had enough, I had to talk to someone.

“Meeting the locals can be daunting”

No matter how many witty blogs we read or how much

armchair traveling we do in front of the TV, getting up

and forcing ourselves to interact is tough. We dance our way through curio markets and brightly lit food streets, but interrupting people who are enjoying themselves and actually meeting the locals can be daunt-

ing. Finally I had mustered up the courage to do just that when thankfully a few local university students had the same idea and beat me to the punch. I was re-

lieved; writing about someone else being cool is easier than doing it.

For all the questions that were floating around in my head the students had many more. The two Master’s

students said they wanted to practice their English, as is often the case, and wanted to know what I was doing

here. They were inquisitive as to the husky white guy

sweating and swearing while wrestling with a tripod,

two bags of camera gear and a laptop – lets just say I did not blend into the surroundings. Both of the young ladies were from outside of the city and had as many questions about my culture as I had about theirs.

Nanjing and the Qinhuai River area offer a place for real culture to develop among people.� We talked for a while and they invited me along with a few university friends to have dinner where

later we talked more about everything under the sun.

It dawned on me over dinner and became clearer

over the next few days was something very special was happening here. Something outside of my expectations, Nanjing is really a college town. All that cheap street food is not trendy but has a long

history of poor students needing to eat on the run between classes. All those universities are filled with students who have been stuck in class all day

and just want to expound on everything from the meaning of life to how annoying their professor is.

As evening creeps in, the bars and night-clubs offer up

another haven to release all that pent up energy. Just

imagine what poetry Li Bo would have written if he had a techno beat! Nanjing and the Qinhuai River area offer a place for real culture to develop among people.

Our expectations of a city are often carefully laid out for

us in glossy form on bookshelves and news-stands or

perhaps more commonly shine brightly on our computer

screens. They are packaged and compartmentalized for

maximum enjoyment. However, there is no travel bro-

chure entitled Sit And Chat With Chinese People. That expectation of discovering true culture we have to do on our own; it requires that special atmosphere that is found along the Qinhuai River and in the great city of Nanjing. Find more from Bobby at

Reflections: The Xuanwu lake park area in central Nanjing is well worth a visit. Go for a walk on the city wall, take a boat ride, visit the Jiming temple, or just bring your favorite book and enjoy the view of the beautiful surroundings.

Tourism at the bridge: A Chinese couple have their picture taken at the famous first Yangtze river bridge in Nanjing.

Lady in black: Crossing Shanghai Lu in rush hour can be difficult especially when talking on the phone at the same time.

Rain hits Nanjing: Fierce rainfall in downtown Nanjing is no reason for staying at home. 5 minutes rest: A couple of Chinese men having a rest overlooking Xuanwu lake during the hot summer in Nanjing.

Evening snack: Fast food is gaining popularity in China and the university area of Xianlin outside Nanjing is no exception.

Fredrik Jansson is a freelance photographer based in Nanjing. To see more of his work, visit him at

‘Chop chop!’ Who hasn’t been told that by their parents in the mornings as they get ready (slowly) to go to school. We all know that this means to ‘hurry up’, ‘get a move on’ but the origin of the term is quite interesting. The term originates from the area near the South China Sea as English sailors and Chinese businessmen conducted trade negotiations. ‘Chop chop’ was the anglicised version of ‘k’wâi-k’wâi’ meaning hurry up. This can be dated back as far May 1834 when it was printed in ‘The Canton Register’. So far, so easy. The pronunciation of the phrase is where it begins to veer off to a slightly different direction. The same English sailors understood the meaning to be ‘speed’ or ‘urgency’ and it was this that led to chop-sticks. The sailors were fascinated by the pace at which they watched the Chinese eat not with forks but with small, round sticks. Soon, the phrase ‘quick-sticks’ or ‘chop-sticks’ was born. It’s also interesting to note that the original Chinese name for chop-sticks is k’wâi-tsze, which translates literally as ‘nimble boys’ or ‘nimble ones’.

Chop Chop!! 21

Boaz Rottem is a professional photojournalist based in Nanjing. After traveling around the world for 13 years as a water irrigation specialist, Boaz settled in Nanjing 5 years ago and traded his irrigation career for that of full time freelance photographer. Here he talks with Nanjing Expat’s Alexandra Loulias. “I was supposed to work with a big irrigation company from Israel that have offices around the world. It didn’t really work out. They wanted me to work in Xinjiang province for 4-5 weeks and travel back to Nanjing for 10 days or so. I just didn’t want that. For years people told me, “Why don’t you try to sell your photos or publish them?” and all of the sudden I felt this was the right moment.” The world of photography is vast. Some photographs are strictly art, shot in the studio or abstract. Just another part of the photography spectrum is photojournalism. In the pursuit of his hobby and newfound career Boaz has been fortunate to travel extensively across China, India and Africa. He particularly savours invitations into people’s

by Alexandra Loulias

“I wouldn’t say I am happy to get a great shot of a starving child. But, I feel like I am happy that I managed to document it.” homes; opportunities to go beyond the photo as an experience. “Once you leave that surface of traveling and documenting, the interaction you get is a little bit deeper. And it’s just a little bit, but it’s better than nothing. Yeah it is difficult to see [poverty or sick children in Africa]. But I feel like I am documenting. I think it is important for the world to see. I wouldn’t say I am happy to get a great shot of a starving child. But, I feel like I am happy that I managed to document it. I wasn’t happy for the moment. You cannot ignore those things are there. When I go out and shoot, I don’t click as an artist. I click as a photojournalist. It’s art because it can sell as art. When I sell a print, I am very satisfied. Not just because of the money, it is a nice feeling to know someone wants to buy your photo and hang it in their house, gallery, office. I think it is very rewarding.” Intimate photography can be challenging and even taboo across different cultures. As a professional photographer Boaz builds relationships with his

subjects beyond the camera lens. “I think one of my skills is the way I interact with people. I try to create a positive atmosphere so that they feel comfortable with me then I will take their picture. I try to kind of play with the camera. Show them the camera and I can see their reaction. Smile, not smile.... curiosity. In the digital age, it is easier when you can show them the picture and they all get excited. It helps. I try to create some kind of… relationship. Even if it’s for a few minutes.” Boaz estimates that it has taken two years to earn a living from his freelance photojournalism career that is all about non-stop work. If not working on a direct request for a client and sending prints all over the world, Boaz is updating his stock photographing collection or walking around Nanjing acquiring it; documenting the city’s daily life. “Like everybody knows, there are zillions of digital cameras around the world and everybody is shooting pictures. Many agencies want to try to get the free shot. I was a part of it. The first magazine said, ‘Oh we’ll publish your work, we’ll give you credit.’ Of course I got excited, I want to see my photos in a Magazine. Many magazines take advantage of that. The competition is definitely more difficult because of

“The life of an artist is never an easy one; the beginnings of a career in any artistic field are perhaps the hardest.” this.” Boaz lives in Nanjing with his wife and 2 children; a 3 year-old girl and boy, and believes the historic capital of Jiangsu has become a relatively easy city in which to live as a foreigner. “Nanjing is their hometown! Thats what they know. We travel, we see other places. They speak Chinese and English. They like it here. They love Aqua City! I think it is a good place to raise children. It is very peaceful. Nanjing is a very modern city. I think this is actually a friendly and relatively easy place to live if one is open minded. You come to a new place and you have to leave aside what you liked in your hometown. Explore, it can be an adventure. I had been to China three times before in the nineties. So coming back to China after a long time and arriving in Nanjing was kind of exciting. It was like doing again the things that I didn’t realize I missed. The street food, the smells, the grayish

daily scenes. These things are all part of the China I know. It is nice to walk in the small alleys of the old neighborhoods and you look up and see this big tower up in the sky. I enjoy both the old and new.” The life of an artist is never an easy one; the beginnings of a career in any artistic field are perhaps the hardest. Above all else, to anyone wishing to tread a similar road Boaz advocates bucket-loads of patience. “There are a lot of struggles. You must be determined. It is very easy to fall off track. It’s hard. It sounds like a dream job. It’s a dream job when you sell and when you succeed but most of the time I spend working alone in front of the computer. That’s not really the dream job.”

Find more of Boaz’s work at his website:

Somewhat surprisingly, the Chinese wine industry has been around in some way since the early 1800’s. However, in terms of maturity and overall quality, especially at the high end, it is still really a toddler on the world stage.

That is not to say it is a small producer; for example, Changyu is part of a parent company that produces over 120,000 metric tons of alcoholic beverages annually. Changyu mainly markets 3 labels of Dry Red Wine with the major external difference being the colour of the label. The pale grey label tells us it is the most expensive of the 3, although at around 70RMB it’s not going to break the bank! Freshly opened and poured it showed a brick red, garnet colour; indicative of a significant amount of cabernet although the label gives no clues as to the varietals. First sniff reveals a slightly musty smell and a trace of menthol and greenness, but it’s the fruit that dominates. I picked up on black cherries, stewed plums and blackberries. There was also a hint of cigar and an earthy, nuttiness.

Ron Stalenberg is an Australian sommelier who in this column shall expose wines he has recently tasted in China; usually everyday wines on the tacit that they are readily available in Nanjing and affordable, unless an opportunity comes his way that is simply too good to refuse!

“Drinking good wine, with good food, in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.” Michael Broadbent MW, Sales Director of Christies wine dept.

On the palate, the fruits come through strongly. It is a medium bodied red with soft tannins and restrained acidity balancing well with the lower alcohol. The Chinese tend to keep the alcohol levels down to a reasonable 12 or 13% and this is a positive for me. Anything more would simply be overpowering, given the lighter nature of most Chinese wines. Let the wine breathe for a while though for a pleasant change-up. After an hour or so, the colour browns off a little, the mustiness disappears and the nose and palate open up to reveal some lovely chocolate and mocha tones, really adding to the flavour. It was a pleasant complement to the lasagna that night and would pair equally well with a barbecued steak, spaghetti bolognaise, or even roast pork.

Restaurant Review

My Place

You know you have arrived somewhere very special, a little secluded, intimate and welcoming when, under a lamp in a narrow back alleyway in Gulou, you find a buzzer on a door marked “My Place”. When John Teo, known to all as JT, opened this restaurant in 2007 he wanted it to feel like a visit to the home of a friend and he has succeeded. For JT treats you as his personal guests; this restaurant is his passion and it shows in the fine details; the service, the atmosphere and the personal attention. My Place can seat 20-30 people in five rooms, with the main room seating 10-12. Pre-dinner drinks can be enjoyed at the bar or sitting next to the fireplace in a cosy lounge. We chose to sit in “The Belvedere”, a solarium enclosed by French windows, dressed with soft curtains and twinkling lights – very romantic. JT describes his menu as international cuisine with an Asian influence. He has taken the recipes of many famous chefs, including his favorites Jamie Oliver and 28

Gordon Ramsay, and adjusted the ingredients to suit locally available produce and condiments. We enjoyed entrees of lamb kebab and bacon wrapped mushrooms, followed by Singapore style chilli prawns and honey roasted duck, ala Ramsay style! The food was flavourful, excellently prepared, well presented and served at the right temperature. Vegetables served freshly sautéed are crisp and full of flavour. The menu ranges in price from appetizers at ¥35 to a hearty fillet steak selection at ¥158.

An extensive wine cellar houses a good representation of world wines, both still and sparkling and prices range from below ¥200 to more expensive fine wines. Many can also be purchased by the glass. After some discussion of our menu choices JT recommended a delicate pinot grigio from Italy – the Chiaro 2008 and a Robert Mondavi Twin Oaks Shiraz 2007. The pinot grigio is a delicately fruity and versatile white wine that sits well with lighter style dishes and seafood. We also sampled a Lindeman’s Semillon Chardonnay, a more robust white and a good accompaniment to chili style seafood. The shiraz with its soft tannins, ripe red berry fruits and slight menthol finish was perfect with the lamb and the duck. JT knows his wine and is happy to recommend choices. In fact his menu is one of the only ones in Nanjing which has a wine match suggested for each food choice. For the uninitiated My Place can be close to impossible to locate, and therefore JT suggests diners can make their way to the Phoenix Palace Hotel on Hunan Road and call him. He will send staff to guide you to the door. It is well worth the effort to then sit in My Place and imagine you could be anywhere in the world with international cuisine, fine wines, good service and an excellent host.

My Place is located at 37-11 Gaoyunling Lane, Gulou district 南京市鼓楼区高云岭37-11号 and open every day from 6pm onwards. Reservations are recommended. Tel: 8360 1289

Restaurant Review

Taj Mahal

Down one of the alleys that lead off Shanghai Lu can be found a restaurant whose hidden location belies it’s great food. The Taj Mahal Indian restaurant is one of the oldest foreign restaurants in Nanjing, and has built up a fine reputation operating for many years from its first location opposite the visa office on Fengfu Lu. The restaurant’s new incarnation in this little lane is a bright, airy and welcoming place that comfortably holds 40 diners.

For main course, ‘mutton saag wala’, a creamed spinach and spiced lamb that was creamy and again full of flavour. This was accompanied by a portion of butter naan bread, perhaps a little rich for many tastes. We also enjoyed the ‘lamb rara’ along with a keema naan, a regular naan with a filling of gently spiced meat. It is a very heavy bread but for me by far the most enjoyable. These three dishes, three breads and a couple of nice cold beers came to a total of ¥140. The portions are generous and, given how filling Indian is in general, represent good value. The second Taj Mahal Indian restaurant in Nanjing is located at 189 Shanghai Lu, a little north of the junction with Hankou Lu. Tel: 8335 0491

Restaurant Review

Soul Mate

The background music at Soul Mate is unashamedly French and the place is all the better for it; Serge Gainsbourg with a burger on a Sunday afternoon is a pretty nice way to relax.

The soundtrack to your meal is Bollywood music videos blaring out from the prominently positioned television; a riot of music, colour and movement that suits the variety of exotic flavours and tastes that emanate from all around. It might be a cliché but true none-the-less that the addition of a group of real live Indian people in an Indian restaurant could only a good thing be! In terms of food, this was true. To start we shared a starter of ‘chicken pakora’; deep fried chicken with chickpea flour and tender spices for which the chickpea flour is merely a very light and flavourful form of batter. The chicken itself is of very high quality and delicious combined with the spices and batter. 29

Soul Mate is one of the many French restaurants or café in town and its armchairs plus selection of reading material help to create a tranquil escape from urban life. I get the impression that it is not a place that ever becomes particularly busy since the way I was received was somewhere between surprise and bewilderment. Maybe I was just disturbing the ongoing game of cards. A pity therefore that Soul Mate does not get busier more often as the food is good, served quickly and very good value. The bacon burger consists of a thick juicy patty, bacon, cheese, lettuce and tomato topped with mayonnaise on one bun and ketchup on the other.

Although I am a firm believer in burger buns being toasted the Soul Mate chef seemingly disagrees. At ¥25 with a generous portion of French fries, it represents seriously good value. I also plumped for the banana smoothie at ¥20 making it competitively priced and in terms of taste easily better than nearby rivals. Try also the crepe which is crammed with onions, cheese, ham and potato; a light and delicious dish I highly recommend. The display of breads inside the door seems to have disappeared of late; I hope this is only temporary as their mini croissants were amazing! Soul Mate can be found at 15-1 Nanxiucun (off Hankou Lu) Tel: 8332 8418

Activity Review

The Hash By Laurence Harris

Why do they do it?

The locals watch, bemused, as the strangers pass. Some run, clad in all the right gear, chasing some invisible quarry. Later, a more sedate bunch walk past in the same pursuit. And all the while there is the strange cry of “On On”!

In December, 1938, the Hash House Harriers as we know it today was founded in Malaya (now Malaysia) by Albert Stephen Ignatius Gispert, an English chartered accountant. A group of businessmen and civil servants would run the streets of the city, to shake off the weekend’s excesses. The trail was marked by scraps of paper in the tradition of the schoolboy game ‘Hares and Hounds’. The Hash House Harriers are now found in major cities all over the world and especially in places where there is a large expat community. 30

Infirmly set in tradition, and enticed only by the promise of another beer, Nanjing Hashers have since April 1997 met once a month to run or walk for a couple of hours (longer if hopelessly lost – not uncommon) following a trail set by the Hare, and ending up at a local noshery. Numbers can vary from less than twenty to more than fifty, and words of untold languages burble among them. At the finish, the tired and enfeebled Hashers refresh themselves and enact various Hashing traditions including a singsong of the Hash Song or Anthem, showing that the social aspect is at least as important as the exercise component. Indeed, the way some Hashers amble along the trail oblivious to the marks, recounting some endless tale, you could be forgiven for thinking that it is just ordinary folk out for a stroll. No words can adequately prepare you for the Hash. Just set your mind on having a fun day, and get in touch with this disreputable bunch via email at: Please note the Nanjing Hash is promoted as a family Hash, and is less ribald than some other Hashes.

Event Review

2010 Nanjing International Jazz & World Music Festival From modest beginnings in 2002 the Nanjing International Jazz & World Music Festival has grown to become one of China’s premier events for jazz and world music from all over the globe. A labour of love for its two organisers; Nanjing local and accomplished Er Hu player Mr. Dong Jinming, and long term Nanjing expatriot resident and businessman Mr. Helmut Güsten, the Festival takes place each October, bringing together jazz musicians and lovers thereof in a week long celebration and exchange of musi-scapes and experience. The 2010 Festival takes place from 22nd to 30th October with bands from Germany, Canada, the USA, Belgium, France, Holland along with homegrown talent from China. Concerts take place in venues to satisfy every personal taste; from music hall ampitheatres, universities and 5 star hotels, to some of the bars in Nanjing good enough to take live music seriously. This year’s festival boasts two notable firsts; the convenience of online advance ticket purchase from the festival website (delivery is also free) and the addition of three concerts outside of Nanjing. So get online to make sure of your ticket and tell your friends living in Suzhou to make sure to attend one of this year’s Nanjing International Jazz & World Music Festival concerts!

Film Review


By D.T. Siddhartha Fraser With the recent flood of low and high budget suspense and horror films online and on silver screens- what does a guy have to do to get an audience? Turns out a combination of wolves, the cold and razor sharp suspension cables can realise great payoffs. FROZEN is the latest project from Adam Green, director of Hachet, Coffee and Doughnuts, and a variety of shorts over the past 10 years. I had never heard of any of those films or Green until I picked up Frozen. Green works on low budget, quick films that have a fast turnover in a niche market; which is cool, however, it makes them harder to access as time marches on. Frozen centers around three university friends who pay off the chair attendant in order to ski on a budget. Just before the hills close, our three characters take one last trip up the lift, only to fall victim to the lack of training and protocols all too familiar in North America these days. This last trek up the mountain becomes the longest of their lives when they are stuck 50 feet above ground, forgotten and isolated as a winter storm approaches. After taking the glorified scenic ski lift on Purple Mountain, Frozen works as a concept for me. The movie makes you consider what you would do in the same situation. Beyond that, it is up to the individual’s taste and how far they are willing to accept this situation. Frozen takes place mainly at night and we know it is supposed to be night. However, all the floodlights tended to take me out of the story; it is scarier to not see the ground or only see glimpses of it as a full moon comes out from behind some clouds. The sounds of wolves and silhouettes of their snouts as they track their prey are much more terrifying then a wolf suddenly appearing in full light. You would think a low budget film would have less equipment and therefore less lights. Not with Frozenthey lit everything they could think of. Green tries to build characters we care about by giving us a wide birth of dialogue during the beginning of the film. 31

The opening 15 minutes are not very strong and for most people will be a waste of time. There is definitely a low budget American feel to Frozen from the often cheeky performances to the musical score leading you into the emotions you should be feeling. The concept is enough to make it a future cult classic and perhaps a slightly higher budgeted remake by Rob Zombie. For those interested in local cinema intended for export, check out Spring Fever by Lou Ye. This digital feature is about a married man who has an affair with another man. Living in Nanjing, it is quite funny to watch as the exterior scenes have characters chatting in low voices on streets with birds chirping in the background; the occasional car driving by and a low murmur of people in the background. Not like Nanjing at all unless you are deep inside a park or on top of the mountain. I liked Brokeback Mountain and I thought it was a great love story told in a fantastic way but Spring Fever is just a silly film trying to imitate French new wave. Is there even spring in Nanjing? No. I could not get into the story, especially after seeing the two men hook up in a park where I have been barbequing! Gay or straight, I do not want to prepare food there again! I laughed a lot during the movie, I laughed at how it portrayed Nanjing, I laughed at the characters and I laughed at the mixed messages it was sending. Finally, also out on DVD is MacGruber; a comedy based on an Saturday Night Live sketch parody of the 1980s TV series; MacGyver. Unlike most of the SNL movies, MacGruber (Will Forte) is entertaining during the early hours of the morning; comedies of this nature tend to be more enjoyable once you are over tired. The cinematography is nice for an SNL picture, but it is remains purely something to have on in the background when the boys are over for a few hands of poker. Remember to put a few extra RMB in your piggy banks over the next few months. The Star Wars trilogy is going to be released in digital 3D but more importantly the new TRON film hits cinemas this December!

British School of Nanjing Family Day

Pfrang Day 2010

Jobs Jobseekers Chinese tutor available

For Sale

Cheap Books

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Accommodation and Hotels Fraser Suites Nanjing 南京辉盛阁国际公寓 116 Lushan Road, Jianye District 庐山路116号 025 8626 8888 Nanjing’s first international serviced apartments. Fully furnished 1 to 3 bedroom apartment suites ranging from 138 sqm to 249 sqm; offering a fully equipped kitchenette, home entertainment systems, balconies, and a Clubhouse with leisure facilities make this the accommodation of choice for many expats. Nanjing Sunflower International Youth Hostel 80 Zhanyuan Road (next to Fuzimiao’s west gate) 瞻园路80号,在夫子庙西门的附近 025 5226 6858/025 6685 0566 This is an international youth hotel in Fuzimiao, one of Nanjing’s most famous scenic areas. It includes free pool, DVDs, cable TV, foosball, Wifi, travel info, an English menu, and an English speaking staff. Sofitel Galaxy 9 Shanxi Road 山西路9号 025 8371 8888 The Sofitel is a luxury hotel located at the end of the popular shopping street, Hunan Road. This is the accommodation of choice for many visitors coming to Nanjing, and is associated with the Sofitel Golf Resort, situated on Purple Mountain. Sofitel Zhongshan Golf Resort 1 Huanling Road 环陵路1号 025 8540 8888 This golf resort is located at the foot of Purple Mountain and is the preferred hangout spot of Nanjing’s rich and famous. A five-star plus location that’s great to visit and relax in. Sheraton Nanjing Kingsley 金斯利酒店 169 Hanzhong Road 汉中路169号 025 8666 8888 The Sheraton is one of Nanjing’s older, finer hotels located centrally within walking distance of Xinjiekou. Amenities include a nearby 18-hole golf course, fitness center, baby sitting service, butler service, car rentals, and much more.


Jinling Hotel 金陵饭店 2 Hanzhong Road 汉中路2号 025 8472 2888 A landmark hotel and one of the original high-class establishments in Nanjing. The Jinling Hotel is conveniently located in Xinjiekou. Inside there are restaurants serving Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Hong Kong cuisine, shops, a decently sized mall, and even a micro brewery. Also home to a travel desk. Holiday Inn Nanjing Aqua City 南京水游城假日酒店 No.1 Jian Kang Road, Nanjing, Jiang Su Province, China 210001 地址:中国江苏省南京市建康路1号 邮编:210001 025 8008308191 A convenient location close to the Confucius Temple and part of the Aqua city complex. Home to restaurants, a grand ballroom, function rooms, Full fitness centre also available with Spa, indoor heated pool Crowne Plaza Nanjing 皇冠假日酒店 89 Hanzhong Lu, NANJING, 210029 CHINA 汉中路89, 南京,210029中国 84718888 Modern western hotel located in the west of Xinjiekou. Range of restaurants, full Spa and health centre facilities including pool. Travel service also available. Parkview Dingshan Hotel 南京丁山花园大酒店 90 Chaha’er Lu 中国南京市察哈尔路90号 58802888 An elegant hotel located in a lush, expansive garden setting to the west of Xuanwu Lake. Ultra modern design combined with traditional Chinese architecture. Popular for its Huai Yang cuisine. Nanjing Grand Metropark Hotel 南京维景国际大酒店 319 East Zhong Shan Road, Nanjing, China 江苏省南京市中山东路319号 86-25-84808888 The 5-star Grand Metropark Hotel is located next to the Nanjing Museum. A wide variety of recreational and entertainment facilities. Holds a grand ballroom also. Xuanwu Hotel 玄武饭店 193 Zhongyang Lu 地址: 南京市中央路193号 83358888 Close to the railway station and international exhibition center. Top-class dining available. The Revolving Restaurant on the 20th floor.

International Conference Hotel Nanjing 南京国际会议大酒店 Sifang Cheng Road, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing Xuanwu District No. 2 南京市玄武区陵园路中山陵四方城2号 025-84430888 Located at the foot of the Purple Mountain scenic area. Facilities include a night club, bar, sauna, swimming pool, KTV, tennis courts, health club, beauty salon. Nanjing Central Hotel 南京中心大酒店 75 Zhongshan Lu 江苏省南京市鼓楼区中山路75号 025-83155888 The Central Hotel is located in Xinjiekou, A hotel that combines spectacular architectural design with the hotelier’s traditional values of comfort, hospitality and attention to detail.

Resorts Regalia Resort & Spa (Qinhuai River, Nanjing) 御庭精品酒店(南京秦淮河) E5, No 388, Yingtian Street, Qinhuai District (Chenguang 1865 Technology Park), Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 中国南京市秦淮区应天大街388号(晨光 1865科技创意产业园)第E5幢 025 5188 5688 One of the most luxurious Spa resorts in Nanjing, conveniently located just outside the city wall on the Qinhuai river. Thai style Spa offers a holistic approach to rejuvenation and relaxation. Its five spa villas by the river exude serenity, peace and solitude. Dining offers a uniquely satisfying combination of Chinese, Asian and Western cuisine. Kayumanis Private Villas & Spa Xiang Zhang Hua Ping Sizhuang Village, Tangshan Town 中国江苏省南京市江宁区汤山镇寺庄村, 邮编 211131 025 8410 7777 High End private villa in Nanjing. Refreshing natural hot spring with mountain view. A perfect place for a romantic escape and spa in the city. Tangshan Easpring Hot Spring Resort 汤山颐尚温泉度假村 8 Wenquan Lu, Tangshan, Jiangning 汤山镇温泉路8号 51190666 A Leisure hotel in Tangshan offering different types of bathing. 128RMB for adults, 65RMB for children under 1.3m tall.

Business & Education International Education

British School Of Nanjing 南京的英国学校 Building 2, Jinling Resort, Jiahu Dong Lu Jiangning District, Nanjing CHINA, 211100 2号楼金陵度假村,贾湖董绿 南京市江宁区 中国,211100 025 5210 8987 Nanjing EtonHouse International School 南京伊顿国际学校 No. 6 West Song Hua Jiang Street, Nanjing 南京市松花江西街6号 025-86696778 Nanjing International School 南京国际学校 8 Xueheng Lu, Xianlin College and University Town 中国南京市栖霞区仙林大学城学衡路8号 邮编:210046 85899111 Grand Canadian Academy 中加国际高中 30 Beijing Dong Lu 北京东路30号南京外国语学校内 83282339

China Pharmaceutical University 中国药科大学 24 Tongjia Xiang 童家巷24号 Hohai University 河海大学 1 Xikang Lu 西康路1号 Nanjing Arts Institute 南京艺术学院 15 Huju Bei Lu 虎踞北路15号 Nanjing Audit University 南京审计学院 77 Beiwei Lu 北圩路77号 Nanjing Agricultural University 南京农业大学 1 Weigang 卫岗1号 Nanjing Normal University 南京师范大学 122 Ninghai Lu 宁海路122号 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 南京航空航天大学 29 Yudao Jie 御道街29号 Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications 南京邮电大学 66 Xinmofan Lu 新模范马路66 号 Nanjing University of Technology 南京工业大学 5 Xinmofan Lu 新模范马路5号

Nanjing #1 Kindergarten International Division 南京第一幼儿园国际部 266 Baixia Lu 白下路266号 86647868

Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 南京中医药大学 282 Hanzhong Lu 汉中路282号

Language Training

Chamber of Commerce

New Concept Mandarin 新概念普通话 17D1&D2, Shangmao Century Plaza, No. 49 South Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, China 南京市中山南路49号商茂世纪广场17楼 D1&D2 025 8487 2361

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China-Nanjing 中国欧盟商会 30F Zhujiang No.1 Building, 1 Zhujiang Road 珠江路1号30楼 025 8362 7330

mt: Modern Training 现代培训 72 Shanxi Lu 山西路72号 8663 3921

Universities Hopkins-Nanjing Center 中美中心 22 Hankou Lu 汉口路22号 83592651 Nanjing University 南京大学 22 Hankou Lu 汉口路22号


Southeast University 东南大学

Australian Trade Commission Jiangsu Office 澳大利亚贸易委员会南京 Suite 1163, World Trade Centre, Jinling Hotel, 2 Han Zhong Road 南京市汉中路2号 金陵饭店世界贸易中心 1163 025 8471 1178 Baden-Wurttemberg International 德国巴登符腾堡州国际经济和科技合作协会 7-3 Dabei Xiang Meiyuan Xin Cun 梅园新村大悲巷7-3号 84728895

China-Britain Business Council 英中贸易协会南京代表处 Rm 2514-2515, 50 Zhonghua Lu 中华路50号2514室 52311740 French Hauts de Seine Economic office in China 法国上塞纳-江苏合作协会南京代表处 A2 - A3, 17F, Shangmao Plaza, 49 Zhongshan Nan Lu 中山南路49号商茂世纪广场17层A2 - A3 86893700 Netherlands Business Support Office - Nanjing 荷兰贸易促进委员会南京代表处 Suite 2316, Building B, 23/F, Phoenix Plaza, 1 Hunan Road 湖南路1号凤凰国际B座2316座 84703707 NRW China Representative Office, Economic Development Corp. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 德国北莱茵威斯特法伦州经济促进局驻华 南京代表处 50 Zhonghuang Lu 中华路50号 52270000

Clubs & Charities Pfrang 普方基金会 7-3 Dabei Xiang, Meiyuan Xincun 梅园新村,大悲巷7-3 025-84729068 The Pfrang Association was founded in November 2000 by a group of foreigners. This charity raises money to sponsor the education of children from impoverished families countryside of Jiangsu Province Hopeful Hearts 心的希望 Hopeful Hearts is a group of foreign women living in Nanjing who are dedicated to raising funds to provide surgery for disadvantaged children in and around Jiangsu Province with heart conditions. Nanjing International Club 南京国际俱乐部 Founded in 1990 with the objective of promoting social contacts and good community relations within the international community in Nanjing, and throughout Jiangsu Province.

Shopping Art Jiangsu Art Gallery 江苏省美术馆 266 Changjiang Lu 长江路266号 86643757 Works of local artists, exhibits changed frequently ART 国艺堂 D-1 Shuimuqinhuai, 99 Shitoucheng Lu 石头城路99号水木秦淮D-1号 83321600 Picture framing service and all kinds of art related books, materials Shenghua Arts Center on Jiangxin Island 南京圣划艺术中心 2 Zhoutai Lu on Jiangxin Island 江心洲民俗街洲泰路2号(原乡土乐园) 86333097 86333100 Exhibition of Chinese contemporary art, including photography, sculpture and painting.

For the Home Ikea 宜家家具 99 Mingshi Road 明匙路99号 025 8638 2345 The Swedish furniture giant offers everything that you can find anywhere else in the world, including reasonably priced furniture and a food court with a variety of European choices available. There is also a small import food shop. B&Q 百安居 286 Ning Li Road 宁溧路286号 A furniture and hardware store, perfect for those who want to start some do-it-yourself projects. Here you can find lumber, tools, fixtures, and even a kitchen sink. Located about 1 km south of Ikea, right next to Metro. Hongxing Furniture 红星国际家具广场 224 Zhongyang Lu 中央路224号 Large furniture mall with many shops. Jinsheng Market 金盛百货大市场 2 Jianning Lu 建宁路2号 Large indoor market with every thing from home décor to wires to Christmas trinkets to electronics, etc. Cheap but be prepared to bargain Jinling Decoration Market 金陵装饰城 88 Jiangdong Zhong Rd 江东中路88 Everything needed for a new home Longjiang Flower Market 龙江花卉市场 78 Qingliangmen Da Jie 清凉门大街78号 Huge outdoor flower market with a variety of plants, cut flowers, fish tanks and fish, and a selection of gardening tools


Modern House NJ (Remo) 摩登仓 Ground Floor, Lan of mercy and Social Hall, off Huaqiao Lu 慈悲社兰之堂5-2号 86555566 Copied designer furniture, decent quality

Malls Deji Plaza 德基广场 18 Zhongshan Road 中山路18号 025 8478 8066 A western style mall located at the northern end of Xinjiekou. As one of Nanjing’s premier malls, there are a wide variety of high class shops and western restaurants such as Bella Napoli, and high end shops such as Louis Vuitton and Burberry Also a movie theater. Nanjing Aqua City 南京水游城 1 Jiankang Road 健康路1号 025 5223 3999 A newer Nanjing shopping mall, home to a wide variety of restaurants and western brands as well as a cinema and an import supermarket. Golden Eagle Shopping Center 金鹰国际商城 89 Hanzhong Road 汉中路89号 025 8470 8899‎ A popular department store with a wide selection of clothing, homeware, and a foreign food supermarket located on the upper floors. Wanda Plaza 万达广场 98 Middle Jiangdong Road 江东中路98号 025 8680 5588 The largest mall in the west of the city, mostly occupied by Chinese brands. However there is a wide variety of food including Walmart and one of the largest movie theaters in Nanjing. Golden Wheel In-Citi 金轮新天地 8 Hanzhong Road 汉中路8号 025 8477 3788‎ One of the major Xinjiekou malls and also one of the newest. Inside there is a wide variety of western brands and foods, including a donut shop, a Japanese teppenyaki restaurant, and many other choices. In terms of fashion, there is a wide selection available, including brands Sephora, H&M, and Timberland. New City Mall 新城市广场 99 Caochangmen Street 草场门大街99号 025 8621 0888 One of the larger malls in Hexi, the western portion of the city. It contains many brand name shops, a variety of restaurants, a yoga studio, and a Warner Brothers movie theater.

GIANT 捷安特 178 Zhongshan Bei Lu, opposite of the fabric market ‘Bu Bu Bu’ 中山北路178号 83611227

Electronics Photography Equipment Professional Market 照相器材专业市场 3F, Bingjiang Friendship Shopping Center, 301 Jiangdong Bei Lu 江东北路301号滨江友好商城三楼 Dongding Plaza, 699 Zhujiang Lu 珠江路699号东鼎照材市场 Suning Electronics 苏宁电器 8 Shanxi Lu 山西路8号 National chain store selling household electrical appliances

Groceries Metro 麦德龙 288 Ningli Lu 宁溧路288号 German hypermarket with a wide selection of foreign foods in Nanjing Carrefour 家乐福 - 235 Zhongshan Dong Lu 中山东路235号 - 26 Jiqingmen Street 激情门接26号 - 7 Daqiao Nan Lu 大桥南路7号 - 341 Jiangdong Zhong Lu 江东中路341号 French supermarket with a small but good selection of imported food Auchan 欧尚 - At the crossroads of Heding Qiao, Jiangning 江宁河定桥十字路口 - 151 Hanzhongmen Da Jie 汉中门大街151号 French Hypermarket Times Grocery 泰晤士 48 Yunnan Lu 云南路48号 Very popular foreign food store with wide selection of imported food

Miscellaneous Toys R Us 5F, Deji Plaza, 18 Zhongshan Lu 中山路18号德基广场5楼 Toys for children Foreign Language Bookstores - Nanjing Foreign Language Bookstore 218 Zhongshan Dong Lu 中山东路218号 - Nanjing Xinhua Bookstore, 56 Zhongshan Dong Lu 南京新华书店 中山东路56号 Librairie Avant Garde - 3F, New City Plaza, 99 Caochangmen Da Jie 173 Guangzhou Lu 先锋书店,新城市广场3楼 - 173 Guangzhou Lu 先锋书店,广州路173号


Hunan Lu Xinhua Bookstore 47 Hunan Lu 湖南路新华书店 湖南路47号

Decathlon 迪卡侬 286 Ningli Lu, next to Metro 宁溧路286号 (麦德龙对面)

Advertising Bookstore 193 Zhongyang Lu 广告书店 广州路193号

Phoenix International Book Mall No.1. Hunan Lu 湖南路1号凤凰国际 S·Z·Y Wine Shop 水之韵葡萄酒 48 Wangfu Dajie 王府大街48号 84213022 Imported wine shop.

Services Travel Services DT Travel 大唐国际 Room 22E, Golden Wheel Building, 108 Hanzhong Road 汉中路108号金轮大厦24E室 Office: 84720097 400 886 1212 (Free) English service includes: flights, visas, hotels and holiday packages. Lufthansa German Airlines 德国汉莎航空公司 Reservation Service: 4008 868 868 (CH, EN) Sales Office: Room 951, World Trade Center, 2 Hanzhong Road 南京市汉中路2号金陵饭店世贸中心951室

Transportation Services Nanjing Train Station 南京火车站 141 Longpan Lu, Xinzhuang 新庄龙蟠路141号 85822222 (enquiry) 85824224 (tickets) online train timetable and booking, but only in Chinese. Nanjing Lukou International Airport 南京禄口机场 Lukou Town,Jiangning District 江宁区禄口镇 968890 52480499 Airport Shuttle Bus 机场大巴 6am-8.30pm leave every 30mins, 25RMB 1. Nanjing Railway Station, next to Bus 17 南京火车站17路车站旁 2. Nanjing Zhonghua Men Station 南京中 华门车站 88 Jihecun Lu, 集合村路88号 3. 221 Longpan Zhong Lu 龙蟠中路221号 Nanjing Coach Terminals 南京长途汽车站 Coach timetable/ticket enquriy 96196 Nanjing East Coach Terminal 南京长途汽车东站 17 Huayuan Lu 花园路17号 85477345 (enquiry) To Shanghai, Suzhou Nanjing Hanzhongmen Coach Terminal 南京汉中门客运站 Located half a block east of the intersection of Hanzhong Lu (汉中路) and Huju Lu (虎踞路) 86612288 (enquiry) To Nantong


Nanjing Zhonghuamen Coach Terminal 南京中华门车站 88 Jihecun Lu, 集合村路88号 52418504 To Gaochun, Anhui Prov. Nanjing Zhongyangmen Coach Terminal 南京中央门总站 Next to Zhongyangmen overpass, one kilometer west of Nanjing Train Station. 中央门立交桥对面, 南京站西1公里处 Main coach station to Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi Nanjing North-Central Coach Terminal 南京中北长途客运中心 100 Shengzhou Lu (Sanshanjie Station by Metro) 南京升州路100号(地铁三山街站) Main Local Bus Routes Air-conditioned bus costs 2 RMB, otherwise 1 RMB. Bus No. You 1 (游1线) Nanjing Station 南京车站 - Xuanwu Lake 玄武门 - Presidential Palace 总统府(1912) - Purple Mountain 中山陵 Bus No. You 2 (游2线) Yuhua Tai 雨花台 - Zhonghua Gate 中华门 - Confucious Temple 夫子庙 - Presidential Palace 总统府-Purple Mountain 中山陵 Bus No. 1 (1路) Nanjing Station 南京车站 - Xuanwu Lake 玄武门 - Gulou 鼓楼 - Zhujiang Lu 珠江 路-Xinjiekou 新街口 - Confucious Temple 夫子庙

Healthcare Huanuo Dental Clinic 华诺齿科 - 35 Taiping Street 太平巷35号 025 8445 8115 - 139 Hanzhong Road, Room 807 Wuxing Nianhua Building 五星年华商务层807室 025 8698 0180 - 2 Ruijin Road, 2 Dayang Gouyu Way Jiayuan 瑞金路大阳沟御道家园2号门面 025 8448 1193 Dr. Gao Feng’s Mobile – 13951643759 Offering a variety of services, including cleaning, repair, and braces. English service is also available. Nanjing Union Dental Clinic 南京友联齿科 First floor of Grand Metropark Hotel Nanjing, 319 East Zhongshan Road 中山东路319号维景国际酒一楼 025 8481 8891/ 8480 8888 6555 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-12noon Western standards dental care with English language also available.

International Traveler Health and Quarantine Center 国际旅行卫生保健中心 025 5234 5700 1 Baixia Road, in the Zhongjian Building 白下路1号中检大厦 A place all long term visitors have to go for checkup necessary to get a visa. Here travelers have everything tested from their ears, noses, and throats to EKGs, sonograms, chest X rays, and blood tests. BEN-Q Hospital 明基医院 71 Hexi Avenue 河西大街71号 025 5885 8800 The hospital is located in the southwestern area of the city, conveniently located beside the subway. BENQ is staffed by local specialists, with occasional visits from Taiwanese doctors. Nanjing International SOS Clinic 南京国际SOS紧急救援所 319 East Zhongshan Road, in the Grand Metropark Hotel 中山东路319号南京维景 国际大酒店 025-84802842 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-12noon 24hr Alarm Center: 010 6462 9100. Worldwide touch human touch. International SOS is the world’s leading provider of medical assistance, international healthcare, security services and outsourced customer care. Staff are foreign or foreign trained, making this the health care provider of choice for many expats in the city. Also contains a public pharmacy. Global Doctor 环球医生 East Mochou Lake Road, next to Shuiximen Street 莫愁湖东路, 靠近水西门大街 025 8651 9991. Emergency Number: 13805174397 Global Doctor is an Australian based medical company that provides primary care, occupational healthcare and emergency assistance. Another clinic of choice for many foreigners living in Nanjing. Most staff are foreign. Located relatively close to Xinjiekou. Gulou Hospital 321 Zhongshan Lu 中山路321号 83323101 Major trauma hospital (24hr) Nanjing Children’s Hospital 72 Guangzhou Lu 广州路72号 83117500 Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 155 Hanzhong Lu 汉中路155号 86617141 The Major Chinese Medicine hospital

Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital 123 Tianfei Xiang 84460777 Major hospital for pregnancy checks, labour & delivery. Yifeng Super Drugstore 159 Hanzhong Lu 汉中路159号 86795111-825 8am-9pm English speaking staff. KB+ Dental Hospital 31 Fujian Lu (Huafu Mansion) 025-83433333 400-110-8899 Jiangsu’s first digital dental hospital using the best in western methods. Treatments include dental cosmetics, implants, tooth whitening, correction/straightening, protection, treatment. Dan-De Dental Clinic 107 Shigu Lu, Huawei Mansion, 9F 025-84217177/7077 Diagnostic and treatment services. Tooth repair: orthodontics, cavity removal, complete tooth surgery & oral surgery. Tooth protection: sonic and ultrasonic cleaning, polishing, examinations and estimates. Oral cosmetics: whitening and decorating. People’s Hospital 300 Guangzhou Lu 广州路300号 83718836 The major western medicine hospital

Pets Nanjing Veterinary Station 南京畜牧兽医站宠物总医院 448 Longpan Zhong Lu 龙蟠中路448号 84484781 Major center for pet illness treatment and vaccination Ai-Bi Pet 艾贝尔宠物医院 258-27 Zhongyang Lu 中央路258-27号 83112202

Bank of China, Jiangsu Branch 中国银行江苏分行 148 Zhongshan Nan Lu 中山南路148号 84207888 Standard Chartered 渣打银行 - Nanjing Branch 南京分行 88 Gulou Jie 鼓楼街88号 83763999 - Xinjiekou Sub-Branch 新街口支行 75 Zhongshan Lu 中山路75号 83505656 - Longjiang Sub-Branch 龙江支行 99 Cao Changmen Da Jie 草场门大街99号 86212888 China Merchants Bank 招商银行 1 Hanzhong Lu 汉中路1号 84797269

Professional Services Picozzi & Morigil Law Firm 11F Tian Cheng Mansion, 199 Guangzhou Road 广州199号 天 诚大厦11楼 86556731 Picozzi & Morigil Law Firm is a foreign owned and operated firm located in the center city.

Miscellaneous Avis Car Rental 汽车租赁 78 Kazimen Da Jie 卡子门大街78号 83210799 / 4008821119 Professional interpreter with extensive Sino-foreign business background 13002512862 Bottled Water Delivery Service By Coca-Cola Nanjing 400 828 2288 (Free) For home & office


FORNET Dry Cleaning 福奈特 22 Muxuyuan Dajie 苜蓿园大街22号 84872506 1F, Auchan, Jiangning 江宁欧尚超市1楼 58990337 63-5 Wangfu Dajie 王府大街63-5号 84213216 Dry cleaning service.

China CITIC Bank Nanjing Branch 中信银行南京分行 Citic Mansion, 348 Zhongshan Lu 中山路348号中信大厦 83799386

Nanjing Event Tickets Office 南京票务网 Rm 816 Muma Apartment, 1 Weixiang (on Danfeng Jie) 丹凤街卫巷1号木马公寓816室 84533308 - 83651880 Tickets for on-going events in Nanjing

Tom Dog Pet Center 汤姆狗宠物中心 1 Shanghai Lu 上海路1号 86662858 Pet stay-over and dog walking service, retail outlet and English speaking staff


Lustre Cobbler 莱斯特皮鞋修饰 Golden Eagle Shopping Center, 89 Hanzhong Lu 汉中路89号金鹰国际 Central Department Store, 79 Zhongshan Nan Lu 中山南路79号中央商场 Shoe repair Hong Bang Tailor 红邦裁缝 18 Nanxiu Cun, off Shanghai Lu 上海路南秀村18号 Tailor: Dong Feng 13851847204 Tailor: You Wen 13851760748 Hong Bang is a well-known tailor near Nanjing University that specializes in making custom suits and can provide 24 hour service. Alterations are available, and clothes can be copied as well. Open 24 hours a day. Public Security Bureau 公安局出入境管理 1 Honggong Ci, Sanyuan Xiang 三元巷洪公祠1号 84420004 - 84420114 Visa, residence permit.

Property Services 5i5j Real Estate 我爱我家房产 189 Guangzhou Lu 广州路189号 83698369 Nanjing’s largest letting agency. Many more offices all over the city Crown Relocations 嘉柏(中国)国际货运代理有限公司 Rm1908, Block B, New Century Plaza, 1 Taiping Bei Lu 太平北路1号新世纪广场B栋1908室 84541017 Joanna Real Estate 嘉园置地 Rm120G Bldg B, 300 East Zhongshan Rd 中山东路300号B栋120G室 86952929-211 13770619060 English service for renting apartment/ house in Nanjing CMR Corporate Property & Relocation Services 南京浩麦房地产咨询 12C1 Jinlun Mansion, 108 Hanzhong Lu 汉中路108号金轮大厦12C1座 84701658 Relocation & Ayi service Sun Homes Real Estate Room616, Hongyun Building, 185 Hanzhong Lu, Nanjing China Hotline: 86-25-5186 0590 & 5186 0592

Faith Houses

Gyms & Sports

Nanjing International Christian Fellowship 69 Changjiang Lu, PICC Insurance Hotel 长江路69号南京保险大厦 Service: 9:30am to 11:30am every Sunday 13057627945 For foreign passport holders only. English service. Translation available in Chinese and French

Namah Nairobi Fitness Center 耐力国际健身 - 105 North Zhongshan Road 中山北路105号 - 2 Ba Tiao Xiang, Hongwu Road 洪武路八条巷2号 025 8469 7088 - Chengkai Jiayuan, 119 Shimen Kan 石门坎119号城开家园 025 5792 7088 Namah Nairobi is one of the larger gyms in Nanjing offering weights, treadmills, exercise machines, yoga and other specialized classes. Nairobi is the gym of choice for many foreigners in the city.

KuanEumHui Korean Buddhist Club 观音会南京韩人佛教会 1703, Bldg 2, Fuli Shanzhuang 富丽山庄3栋1703室 13222018582 Service: 11:00am Shigulu Catholic Church 石鼓路天主教堂 112 Shigu Lu 石鼓路112号 84706863 Service (Korean): Sat 4.30pm Service (EN/CN): Sun 4.30pm The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints Jingli Hotel, 7 Beijing Xi Lu 北京西路7号晶丽酒店 Mormon service, Sun 10am Foreign passport holders only

Leisure & Sports Massage & Spa Flow Spa 川,天地SPA 46 Xijia Datang, Ming Cheng Hui (200m north of Xuanwu Lake’s Jiefang Gate) 西家大塘46号明城汇 (里玄武湖公园的解 放门200米) 025 5771 8777 Flow Spa is nicely hidden around the south end of Xuanwu Lake. It offers a wide variety of services and treatments, and is open from 10:30 am to 10:00 pm. Shoujia Medical & Health Center 手佳按摩 Building 2 191 Jiangdong Bei Lu 江东北路191号2楼 86212961 Provides various types of massage with blind masseurs Facial-Spring 春之源美容中心 28-1 Dashiqiao Danfeng Jie 丹凤街大石桥28-1号 83604422 Various packages available including face, neck and shoulder massage. Congen Massage Healthcare Club 康骏会馆联系我们 81 Huaqiao road, 1-2floor, 025-8223 2513 8663 2513 Hunan road, shiziqiao 025-83242326 Foot massage, general body massage: 80yuan/60min. 10% discount.


Wu Tai Shan Stadium 五台山体育馆 1-6 Wutaishan,Gulou District 鼓楼区五台山1-6号 86614156 All kinds of sports facilities available, including tennis court, swimming pool, pingpong table, badminton court and many more Wutaishan Bowling 五台山保龄球 1-6 Wutaishan (next to Wutaishan Stadium) 五台山1-6号

Newly refurbished Olympic Century Star Ice Skating Club 奥体世纪星滑冰俱乐部 222 Jiangdong Zhong Lu (Inside Olympic Center) 江东中路222号奥体中心内 86690466 Sun Palace 太阳宫广场 Longpan Lu on south-east bank of Xuanwu Lake 太平门(阳光路3号) 85400888 Indoor swimming park featuring water slides, a wave pool and an artificial beach Ninth City Billiards 9城花式撞球 1912 District, 52 Taiping Bei Lu 太平北路52号1912街区 84504303 7pm till late Klein Billiards 克莱恩台球 135 Hongwu Lu 洪武路135号 84568088 9am till late. Huanyu Paragliding 环宇星辰航空俱乐部 13305183396 A new experience in the sky

Clubs & Courses Changqing Taekwondo 长青跆拳道馆 33 Shigu Lu 石鼓路33号 51167738 Karate Eifuukaikan 空手道影风道场 96 Yushi Jie 鱼市街96号 52989189 RMB30/90mins For kids & adults Taichi

6.00am everday on Shanxi Lu square next to KFC everyday next to Wutaishan Stadium Pisarev Ballet 比萨列夫芭蕾舞学校 5 Guangzhou Lu 广州路5号 86975095 Zhongshan Shooting Club 中山射击俱乐部 147 Zhongshan Dong Lu 中山东路147号 84615141

Gun shooting Xiao Dong Latin 晓东拉丁舞 42 Shigu Lu 石鼓路42号 83908713

Golf Xuanwu Golf Club 玄武高尔夫俱乐部 Inside Xuanwu Lake 玄武湖公园内 Driving range Strike balls onto the lake Zhongshan Golf Club 钟山高尔夫俱乐部 7 Huanling Lu 环陵路7号 84606666 Gingko Lake Golf Club 银杏湖高尔夫俱乐部 1 Guli Yinxing Hu 江宁区谷里银杏湖1号 86139988 Nanjing Harvard Golf Club 南京哈佛高尔夫俱乐部 176 Zhenzhu Jie, Pukou District 南京市浦口区珍珠街176号 58853333

Art & Culture Drug Art Museum 12 Ding Hui-Men Street, 22 Building 定淮门12号(世界之窗软件园) 22号房 83752646 Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall No. 418 Shuiximen Dajie 水西门大街418号 025 8661 2230 8:30-4pm, closed Mondays Dr Sun Yat Sen’s Memorial No. 1 Zhongshan Ling 中山陵1号 7am-6:30pm John Rabe House Xiaofenqiao No. 1, near Zhujiang Lu Metro Station 小粉桥1号 8:30-4:30pm Nanjing Museum No. 321 East Zhongshan Road 中山东路321号 025 8480 2119‎ Daily 9am-5pm

Nanjing Art and Cultural Center 南京文化艺术中心 101 Changjiang Lu 长江路101号 84797920 Regular large-scale shows by professional Chinese and overseas performers Jiangnan 631 Niuda Theatre 江南631牛达剧场 5 Yanling Xiang 延龄巷5号 84419786 Weekend Chinese modern small theater shows Nanjing Art Academy Concert Hall 南京艺术学院音乐厅 15 Huju Lu 虎踞北路15号 Irregular performances by Chinese and overseas students and faculty Jiangsu Kunju Theater 兰苑剧场 4 Chantian Gong 朝天宫4号 84469284 Live performance of Kunju opera (similar to Pekin Opera)

Hairdresser Toni & Guy Essensuals 彩绣汤尼英盖南京店 3 Beimen Qiao Road 北门桥路3号 025 8471 5767 Toni & Guy is a foreign owned beauty salon and hairdresser located just off North Hongwu Road (洪武北路), close to Zhujiang Road. The salon of choice for many. VS Philosophy Hair Salon 沙宣理念美发 6F Deji Plaza 德基广场6楼 84763486

Manicure Nail Bar 指爱你美甲 44 Wangfu Dajie 王府大街44号 84209596


Call cinema for English language availabity Xinjiekou International Cinema in Deji Plaza 德基广场新街口国际影城 18 zhongshan Lu 中山路18号德基广场7楼 84797700 Nanjing Shangying International Cinema 南京上影国际影城 98 Caochangmen Da Jie 草场门大街98号 866223345 Aqua City Hengdian Cinema City 水游城横店影视电影城 4F, Aqua City, 1 Jiankang Lu 建康路1号水游城4楼 82233700

Miscellaneous Tom’s World 汤姆熊 B1, Suning Global Dept. Store, 18 Hunan Lu 湖南路18号苏宁环球负1层 Arcade games for young kids & adults.


Food & Drinks Asian Cuisine Himalaya-Nepalese & Indian Restaurant 喜马拉雅尼泊尔印度餐厅 193 Shigu Road (in Sunglow Bay near the Sheraton) 石鼓路193号 Phone: 025 8666 1828 Himalaya is a very popular restaurant serving a variety of Nepali and Indian foods in a setting as authentic and inspired as the dishes themselves. An English menu, an English speaking staff, free delivery within 1 kilometer, and Wifi are available. Kohinoor Restaurant 科伊诺尔餐厅 45 Zhangshan Bei Lu 中山北路45号 83122522

Indian Cuisine Punjabi Restaurant 本杰比印度餐厅 2 Shizi Qiao, Hunan Road 湖南路狮子桥 2号 Phone: 83245421 A well-established Indian restaurant in Nanjing offering traditional Kadhais, Murghs, Masalas and Vindaloos in addition to more familiar Chinese dishes prepared using Indian spices. An English menu, an English speaking staff, and free delivery within 3 kilometers are available. Taj Mahal 泰姬玛哈印度料理 117 Fengfu Lu,Xinjie Kou 新街口丰富路117号 84201178

Indian cuisine Ooedo Japanese Restaurant 大江户日本料理 199 Hongwu Lu (one block south from Walmart) 洪武路199号(户部街长发银座侧面) 84563378 Open: 11.00-14.00;17.00-22.00 Eat as much as you can: RMB128 (unlimited soft drinks); RMB158 with unlimited sake. Seafood, roasts, beef, goose liver, hotpot and more (over 150 choices). Wifi & English menu Tairyo Teppenyaki 大渔铁板 57 Zhongshan Road 中山路57号 025 8472 9518 66 North Taiping Road (in 1912) 太平北路66号,在1912里 025 8445 8310 Tairyo Teppenyaki is famous throughout the Nanjing expat community for its special offer: 150 RMB for all you can eat and all you can drink. This includes sushi, sashimi, saki, beer, and everything on the menu. Much of the food is cooked right in front of you. Shuizihui 水之惠 18-2 Wangfu Dajie 王府大街18-2号 84217517

Japanese Cuisine Tairyo 大渔 Shiziqiao,Hunan Lu 湖南路狮子桥 83204001 Japanese cuisine Nagoya 那古野 4FGrand Hotel,208 Guangzhou Lu 广州路208号古南都饭店4楼 83311999 Japanese cuisine Fudefang 福德坊 6 Taogu Xin Cun, Hankou Lu 汉口路陶谷新村6号 83312091 Korean cuisine Ke Jia Fu 可家福 137 Ninghai Lu 宁海路137号 83314283 Korean cuisine Keziguli Muslim Restaurant 克兹古丽餐厅 53 Wangfu Dajie 王府大街53号 85981468 A delicous change from the standard Chinese cuisine: spicy noodles, potatoes, chicken and lamb dishes. Xinjiang performance. Droje Pema Tibetan Food Bar East Jiahu Road, near Bajia Lake in Jiangning 佳湖东路,靠近江宁区的百家湖 025 5210 6550 The only known Tibetan restaurant in Nanjing and is located far outside the city center. Anyone getting off the Metro at Baijia Lake Station can easily find it. Cuisine ranges from curried fried rice to roast yak. Fresh yoghurt is made on site. Istanbul Turkish Cafe 食正坊咖啡店 209 Shanghai Road 上海路209号 025 8330 9030 Istanbul offers a range of Turkish food, with highlights including Turkish ‘pizza’, kebabs, wraps, freshly made yoghurt, and some desserts. All food is halal. Hookahs are available for smoking during or after a meal. Golden Harvest Thai Opera Cafe 金禾泰大餐厅 2 Shizi Qiao, Hunan Road 湖南路 狮子桥2号 025 8324 1823 Golden Harvest is one of the only Thai restaurants in this area of the city. The cuisine is called authentic Thai, and prices tend to range quite high, with set meals for four costing between 400 and 1,000 RMB.

Chinese Cuisine Beijing Duck Restaurant 北京烤鸭店 77 Shanghai Lu 上海路77号 86637779 11am-2pm, 5pm-9pm Foreigner’s favourite Beijing roast duck restaurant for years A Taste of Yunnan Flavor 云南味道 5 Changjiang Hou Jie (near 1912) 长江后街5号小6楼 84513069 Mushrooms, chicken soup, rice wine & more. Gold & Silver 金银餐厅 Jinyin Jie Shanghai Lu 上海路金银街 52269790 English menu Fangmanting 芳满庭海派餐厅 A7, 1912, 288 Changjiang Lu 长江路288号A区7号楼 84521868 Traditional Shanghai cuisine Jacky’s Place 琪记香港餐厅 300 Hankou Xi Lu 汉口西路300号 83737340 Cantonese home style food Bellagio 鹿港小镇 1-A1, 1912 District, 52 Taiping Bei Lu 太平北路52号1912商业区1-A1 84522281 English menu & Taiwanese flavour. Dongbei Renjia 东北人家 34-1 Shizi Qiao, Hunan Lu 湖南路狮子桥34-1号 83359998 Food from Northeast China South Beauty 俏江南 72 Taiping Bei Lu,1912 District 太平北路72号1912街区 84511777 Stylish Sichuan restaurant Nihero Cantonese Cuisine 瀚典粤鸿和酒楼 18 Hunan Lu 湖南路18号 57923588 Cantonese fusion food Gorgeous Meal 香江美 96 Wangfu Dajie 王府大街96号(三茅巷内) 84207766 Dim sum, soup & more Ziqi Hotpot 滋奇火锅 224-1 Zhongyang Lu 中央路224-1号 83377100 The Chinese version of fondue, with boiling stock (spicy or not) where you cook your choice of meat and vegetables. One pot per table.


Daniang Dumplings 大娘水饺 B1, 3 Zhongshan Nan Lu 中山南路3号南京新百B1楼 84723578 Many branches in Nanjing. Features all kinds of Chinese dumplings (shuijiao) Yayan Hotpot 雅宴涮涮锅 18-2 Wangfu Dajie 王府大街18-2号 84205355 Taiwanese style hotpot. Different from traditional Chinese hotpot with one pot each person. Try the curry stock Yunzhong Xiaoya Restaurant 云中小雅餐厅 54F, Shangmao Plaza, 49 Zhongshan Nan Lu 中山南路49号商茂世纪广场54楼 86893333 Romantic rotating restaurant with a view of the city center Songji Spicy Crab 宋记香辣蟹 5F, 145 Zhongshan Dong Lu 中山东路145号5楼 84653677 Specialty spciy crab dish Nanjing Dapai Dang 南京大排档 - 2 Shizi Qiao, Hunan Road 狮子桥2号,湖南路 025 8330 5777 - 96 Caochangmen Avenue 草场门大街96号 025 8621 8777 - 7F, Deji Plaza 德基广场7楼 025 8472 2777 A fine Chinese restaurant serving up a variety of specialties including traditional Jiangsu cuisines Lion’s Head (meatballs), honeyed lotus roots, shrimp tofu, and roast duck soup dumplings. An authentic, high class Chinese meal. A One Kitchen 南京精菜馆 - 7 West Beijing Road, in the Jingli Hotel 北京西路7号, 晶丽酒店里 025 8331 0818 - 288 Baixia Road 白下路288号 025 8457 0888 - 7F, Deji Plaza 德基广场7楼 025 8457 3333 A One is a more famous Chinese gourmet restaurant in Nanjing specializing in “Huai Yang” food. A variety of dishes are served which incorporate seafood and various specialties of Central Jiangsu Province. Prices here can get quite high and private rooms are available.

Lion King Palace Restaurant 狮王府大酒楼 2 Shizi Qiao, Hunan Road 狮子桥2号, 湖南路 025 8330 6777 One of the largest and easiest to find places in Shizi Qiao, and serves Huai Yang food. This restaurant features waiters in tuxedos and regular performances. Widely considered one of the best restaurants in Nanjing. Jin’s Cafe 金海湾咖啡屋 1F, Jinling Hotel, 2 Hanzhong Road 汉中路2号,金陵饭店1楼 025 8471 1888 One of the best known buffets in Nanjing, and is stocked with a wide variety of both Western and Chinese cuisines, as well as many desserts. Jin’s is located within the famous Jinling Hotel, which explains the price tag: 179 RMB per person. The Green Field – Vegetarian Restaurant 1F Zhengyang Building, 56 Yudao Street 御道街56号正阳大厦一楼 025 6661 9222 One of the very few vegetarian restaurants in Nanjing offering a wide selection of food including sushi, disguised tofu, Italian gelato, and of course, plenty of fresh vegetables. Specialized drinks and teas are also available.

Western Bars and Restaurants Nail Jazz Bar 钉子吧 10 Luolang Street, (200 meters south of the Sheraton Hotel) 罗廊巷10号, 立金斯利酒店200米 025 8653 2244 One of the more relaxed bars in Nanjing and offers a wide variety of imported beers. The bar has a cozy upstairs and a more open downstairs, complete with a stage and a foosball table. Tuesdays are open mic nights. Opening hours: 6:30 pm – 2 am. Blue Marlin 蓝枪鱼音乐餐厅 54 North Taiping Road, in 1912 太平北路54号,在1912一条酒吧街 Middle Liyuan Road, Jiangning (near Baijia Lake) 江宁区,利源中路 (百家湖附近) An older establishment in Nanjing and still a popular expat hangout. It doubles as a restaurant which serves German and European food and a bar. A Fillipino band provides entertainment nightly, and happy hour is from 4:00 to 7:00 pm daily.

Danny’s Irish Pub‘丹尼’爱尔兰酒吧 4F, Sheraton Nanjing, 169 Hangzhong Road 汉中路169号金斯利酒店4楼 025 8666 8888 7775 Located on the 4th floor of a Sheraton hotel. The hotel serves a variety of beers and liquors, offers a good place to sit and chat, and features live performances. Open from 6 pm onwards. Finnegans Wake Irish Bar 芬尼根爱尔兰酒吧餐厅 6 Cinnalane, at the corner of Shenzhou Road and South Zhongshan Road 熙南里6号,靠近神州路和中山南路的路口 025 5220 7362 Authentic Irish bars in Nanjing, located off the road within Cinna Lane. It features an exclusive selection of whiskeys, a good range of food, and regular music performances. A favorite place for many expats to hang out. Secco Restaurant and Bar 喜客西餐厅 3 Kunlun Road (South of Xuanwu Park’s main gate) 昆仑路3号,在玄武湖公园正门的南边 025 8337 0679 Secco is a German restaurant and bar, located in a side street very close to Xuanwu Lake. Features barbeque, buffet, outdoor dining, strong mixed drinks, with good deals and specials. Secco is a major draw and a good place to start a night out. Talking 对话西餐厅 - Ninghai Road, 9 Pei De Li, Room 101 宁海路培德里9号栋101室 025 8320 0844 - 21 Jinyin Street 金银街21号 Talking is a restaurant and pub, with two locations located extremely close to Nanjing University and Nanjing Normal University respectively. Served are a surprisingly large variety of beers and liquors, as well as a good selection of food. Open 11:00 am til late. Don Quixote 堂吉诃德餐厅与酒吧 39 Chengxian Street, off Zhujiang Road 珠江路成贤街39号 025 8335 9517 This pub doubles as a Spanish restaurant offering a variety of cuisines. However, after the kitchen closes, a live band comes on upstairs. Downstairs, there is a large screen plasma TV and videogames. Open 11:00 til late. Bluesky Expat Bar & Grill 77 Shanghai Road 上海路77号 025 8663 9197 Bluesky is one of the original expat bars to open in Nanjing, and serves a wide range of Western food such as burgers, pizzas, and Aussie meat pies. There is also a wide range of beers, including several Australian brands. Like any good pub, there is a pool table and darts.


Ciao Italia 你好意大利 193-2 Shigu Road (outside Sunglow Bay near the Sheraton) 石鼓路193-2号 025 86608807 Master chef Giuseppe serves over 140 authentic Italian specialties, including 30 varieties of pizza that are widely considered some of Nanjing’s best. Free delivery is available. Swede and Kraut 云中西餐厅 12 Nanxiu Cun 南秀村12号 025 86638798 This bar and restaurant near Nanjing University features an impressive beer list, including German and Belgian labels, alongside a menu of traditional European foods and desserts. Take out and special holiday dinners are available. Joy Haven 珈亦·湾 3 Kunlun Road, 2-1 Ming Cheng Hui (next to Xuanwu Gate) 玄武区昆仑路3号明城汇2-1号 025-83357777 Joy Haven is a Western restaurant located right next to Xuanwu Gate, best known for its steak and fantastic atmosphere. The cost is not too high, and is usually under 100 RMB per person. La Table de Mr. Eiffel 巴黎盛宴 83 Guangzhou Road, near Qingliangshan Park 广州路83号,靠近清凉山公园 025 8371 1900 Offers authentic French cuisine and carries an extensive list of French wines by the glass. It is located in an old Chinese garden house with an entrance on Qingliang Shan Park. There is also an outside terrace. Soul Mate 索味法式休闲餐厅 15-1 Nanxiu Cun, off Hankou Road 南秀村15-1, 靠近汉口路 025 8332 8418 A French restaurant and bar located in an old house very close to Nanjing University. They serve a variety of cuisines and drinks, including French style pizzas, omellettes, mixed drinks, wines, and beers. Open from 11:30 am to 10:00 pm. Les 5 Sens 乐尚西餐厅 52-1 Hankou Road 汉口路52-1, 靠近南京大学 025 8359 5859 3 Lan Jia Zhuang 兰家庄3号 025 8361 7859 A surprisingly inexpensive French restaurant. A set menu is available for 78 RMB, and many other dishes cost less than 50 RMB each. Options include goose liver, fillet of lamb, duck breast with apple, and tiramisu. Open 11:30 am to 10:00 pm, and take away service is available.

My Place 我的家(高档红酒吧及餐厅) 37-11 Gaoyun Ling 高云岭37-11 025 8360 1289 My Place is a high class bar and restaurant located close to Hunan Road. Served are wide varieties of top shelf foreign liquor and wines. A fusion of Singaporean and international cuisine is also served. Open from 6:00 pm onwards. Jimmy’s 193 Shigu Road (inside Sunglow Bay near the Sheraton) 石 鼓路193号 025 86792599 A popular American-owned sports bar and restaurant. It offers satellite sports coverage, a full bar with draught beer, and simple American food like hamburgers, hot dogs, subs, tacos, and most famously, pizza. Free delivery within 3 kilometers. Another Jimmy’s 209 Shanghai Lu (across from Skyways) 上海路209号 8331 8085 11am until 12pm 61 House 陆拾壹号餐厅 61 Hankou Xi Lu Road 汉口路61号 13851434386 09:00 till late Sancho Panza 173 Guangzhou Lu, Wutaishan Sports Stadium 广州路173号,五台山体育场北 大门内 (无为高尔夫球场西侧台阶上) Zorof 宅地·无间 No 50, East Mo Chou Road, Jian Ye District 建邺区 莫愁湖东路 50号 025-86660019 10:00-02:00 Meeting Point 81 Shanghai Lu 025-58002915 English enquiries: 18951692356 Chsinese enquiries: 13512510170. Lucky Star Steak House & Bar 乐宜达牛排咖啡厅 C-203 2F, Golden Wheel In-Citi, 8 Hanzhong Road 汉中路8号,在金轮新 天地2楼C-203室 025 8471 5481 Located within the Golden Wheel In-Citi featuring steak, mussels, shrimp, and other seafood. Coffee is also served. Open 10:00 am to 10:00 pm Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 am to 10:30 pm Friday and Saturday. Behind the Wall 答案墨西哥餐厅 150 Shanghai Road (in Nanxiu Cun) 上海路150号, 在南秀村 8391 5630

One of the best known Mexican restaurants in Nanjing located in close proximity to Nanjing University. They serve good food, a relaxed atmosphere, live musical performances, strong sangria, and beer. Open 11:00 am to 1:00 am. Cosima 可西玛 120 Shanghai Road 上海路120号 Cosima is the newest addition to the Nanjing pizza scene and is already famous for being the smallest restaurant in the city. There are only three tables and enough seating for six, ensuring that all customers are paid attention to. Aside from pizzas, a variety of Spanish food, including pincho appetizers, are also served.

Teahouse/Coffeeshop Sculpting in Time Café 雕该时光咖啡馆 2F, 47 Hankou Road 汉口路47号2楼 025 8359 7180 Sculpting in Time was started by two college graduates from Beijing and offers various services, such as brunch, cocktail hours, film screenings, and serves a variety of Western food. Their brownies are widely known.


Paulaner Brauhaus 宝莱纳啤酒花园 123 Guangzhou Road 广州路123号 025 8311 7188 A German restaurant and bar located on the side of Wutai Shan Stadium’s hill. The decor, beer, and food are all entirely German. A band performs nightly, and there is also a biergarten.

Mazzo 玛索国际娱乐 52 North Taiping Road, in 1912 太平北路52号, 1912酒吧一条街 025 8463 1912 Mazzo is one of the most popular clubs in 1912 right now for expats and Chinese alike. Comprising two distinct locations, Mazzo VIP and Mazzo 2, this club offers booths, tables, and VIP rooms. Music played here is predominantly Top 40 tracks and hip-hop.

Vanilla Sky 香草天空 - 4-4 Taogu Xincun, off Shanghai Road 上海路陶谷新村4-4号 8320 2884 - 10 Beiji Xicun, just north of Gulou Square 北极西村10号, 鼓楼广场北边 5771 1778 Vanilla Sky serves up a variety of Western foods, including pizzas, pastas, steaks, and salads. Reasonable prices and a cozy atmosphere.

Scarlet 乱世佳人 Within 1912, near Changjiang Back Street 1912酒吧一条街,靠近长江后街 025 8440 3362 34-1 Hubei Road 湖北路34-1号 025 8320 6090 Scarlet was one of the original bars to open in Nanjing which catered to foreigners. Over time, the interior and music has changed, but both locations are still a big draw for the foreign community.

Taberna Crestatx 格纳斯酒吧餐厅 388 Yingtian Avenue, in 1865 Creative Park, Building E6 应天大街388号, 1865科 技·创意产业园 025 5188 5657 Fully authentic Spanish restaurant offers Nanjing’s best private cigar bar with Habanos directly imported from Cuba. Spanish and international music.

Polar 77 Music Bar 极地77音乐酒吧 129 Hanzhong Road 汉中路129号 025 8470 2006 Polar 77 Music Bar specializes in rock music, and skips the DJ entirely in favor of a live band which performs nightly. Music played is usually a blend of Western rock classics, Chinese songs, and Spanish guitar.

Deli Skyways 云中食品店 - 160 Shanghai Road 上海路160号 025 8331 7103 - 10 Taipingmen Road 太平门路10号 025 8481 2002 - A18, Yadong Commercial Plaza, 12 North Xianyin Road 仙隐北路12号 亚东广场A18室 8579 1391 One of the best known foreign shops in Nanjing offering a variety of sandwiches, cakes, chocolates, and desserts. Large cakes and pies can be pre-ordered, and holiday specials are available. A selection of imported cheeses and wines are also available.


Castle Bar 古堡酒吧 6 Zhongyang Road 中央路6号 025 8361 9190 Castle Bar is one of the most popular underground hang outs for foreign students and older expats alike. Features a variety of music, some live performances, guest DJ’s, pool tables, and various parties throughout the year. Nanjing Nianyi Club 南京廿一 1 Cinna Lane 熙南里街区1号 025 8662 1588 A restaurant and a theatre combination with nightly shows of traditional style Kun opera (昆剧). Private rooms are available for dining, with seating ranging between six and twenty people. Over 100 foreign wines and extremely high quality food is available.

Nanjing Expat Distribution Points The following are amongst the places you can find Nanjing Expat • Alliance Francaise • Baden-Wurtemberg • Behind the Wall • Blue Marlin • Bluesky • British School of Nanjing • Congen Massage Healthcare Club • Cosima • Costa Coffee • Dande Dental Clinic • Droje Pema Tibet food bar • DT Travel • EUCCC • Fraser Suites • Fuzimiao Youth Hostel • Himalaya • Holiday Inn • International SOS • Jimmy’s • Joanna Real Estate • John Hopkins • Kayumanis Nanjing • La Table de Mr Eiffel • Les 5 Sens • Lufthansa • Lukou Airport • My Place • Nail Bar • Netherlands Business Support Office Nanjing • Nordrhein-Westfalen Global Business Partner • Novas • Paulaner • Pfrang Association • Regalia Resort & Spa • Sculpting In Time Café • Secco Restaurant and Bar • Sheraton Hotel • Sinoconnexion • Skyways • Sofitel Galaxy • Sunflower Youth Hostel • Swede & Kraut • Taj Mahal • Talking • Toni & Guy

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B-boy Battle Castle Bar Live Jazz - CD Pub Burger Night Finnegan’s Wake Basketball 18:30 - 20:30 Nanjing International School

Live folk music CD Pub

Parents and Toddlers Play Group 10:30 –12:00 The British School of Nanjing

Golden Balls Football 18:00 – 20:00 Nanjing International School

Nanjing No.1 Toastmasters Club 19:15 to 20:45 Nanjing Hohai University

Live Folk Music CD Pub

Live folk music – CD Pub Basketball 18:30 - 20:30 Nanjing International School

Killer Pool Blue Sky Expat Bar & Grill

Latin Night - CD Pub English Corner - 20:00 - 21:00 - Gulou Square

Salsa lessons & dancing CD Pub

BBQ chillout Sundays Jimmy's Live Jazz - CD Pub Nanjing Dragonflies Ultimate Frisbee Club practice 16:30 - 18:00 Nanjing Normal University English Language Mass 18:00 - 19:00 Shigu Lu Catholic Church Baseball 9:00 Nanjing Normal University

Sep 30 - Oct 24 - Chinese and Western Art Exhibitions - Jiangsu Art Museum

Oct 04 - 17 - Shanghai Jazz Festival Oct 09 - "This city sucks, but we love it" Punk Rock Show - 61 House Oct 10 - November 10 - Same Bed Different Dreams - Drug Art Museum / 15:30 Oct 16 - Cross-cultural Fun Day - Baima Park / 09:00 - 14:00 Oct 16 - Oktoberfest - Regalia Resort & Spa / 13:00 - 24:00 Oct 18 - Heritage and Planning in Paris - Elsa Martayan conference - Alliance Francaise / 18:30 Oct 22 - 27 Nanjing International Jazz Festival Oct 22 - Open House and United Nations Day - The British School of Nanjing / 10:30 - 13:00 Oct 23 - 24 Nanjing International Music Festival - Nanjing Yangtze River Road 88, Nanjing Green Expo Garden, Riverside Park / 14:00 - 22:00 Oct 27 Honig (Live folk music) - Castle Bar Oct 29 - 30 Halloween Camp for Years 3, 4 & 5 - The British School of Nanjing

Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov

02 - Tamas Wells (Live Acoustic Music) - Castle Bar 05 - Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night) - the British School of Nanjing / 18:30 - 22:30 06 – Hope Hearts Goes Vegas (Fundraiser) - Studio 21 / 19:30 - 23:30 13 - Super Junior megashow (Korean Boyband) - Olympic Stadium 16 – Nanjing International Club Bazaar 28 - Beijing 2010 Piano Recital by Lang Lang - Nanjing Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium

Dec 4th - Christmas Fair - The British School of Nanjing / 12:00 - 15:00

Nanjing Expat’s Life Coach

“The problem is not China, or your job, or your friends...” Cheryl Malloy has 15 years of experience as a professional and personal life coach. As a Nanjing Expat herself, she is also here to show us fellow readers how we can reach for the stars, while keeping our feet firmly on the ground.

“English teachers… can quickly be trapped without the cash to return home or move their lives forward” Living the life of an expat is an adventurous and exciting option for me and for many others and so I was surprised recently when I was asked a question about being “stuck in China”. The person said to me that China can be interesting for a while and then it just becomes a matter of time before you must leave and move on to something else or be trapped here and unable to leave. The person seemed to be telling me that being in China, and in this case as an English teacher, can be a trap. English teachers, according to this person, do not earn great salaries and can quickly be trapped without the cash to return home or move their lives forward. What I was hearing was a plea for a solution to the trap, whether it be real or perceived it was feeling real to this person. As a coach my first job is to check reality with my clients. It is amazing how many people I have coached who have convinced themselves of a ‘truth’ when in fact that truth is a perception. We all have days when we feel trapped and wonder how we can extricate ourselves from the position in which we find ourselves. The reality is the trap often exists in our own minds – we create it and we grow it. There is always something you can do to change and improve your circumstances. And whilst ever you believe you are not in control you will surely convince yourself that the trap is getting deeper and harder out of which to climb. I remember someone saying to me once that the first rule of holes is - if you find yourself in one STOP DIGGING! Planning the escape is not so difficult and requires a few simple strategies.

Firstly – this is your problem and you have to own it. The problem is not China, or your job, or your friends (or lack of); it is your problem and only you can solve it. You cannot change what is external and you will certainly not change China! Only you have the power to change your circumstances – so stop looking for the solution “out there” and blaming external factors for your personal circumstances. Take responsibility for your decisions and start making some smart ones.

Make a plan and put some timeframes on it. Tell yourself when you are going to do it and put in place the necessary actions to get moving on it. Take one step at a time and be true to yourself. Speak positively about the direction in which you are traveling; what you focus on tends to expand. If you put all your thoughts and energy into being in a rut, complaining about it, focusing on the negative aspects of it, then I can guarantee you that is where you will continue to be – stuck in your very own personally constructed rut! Think about a time when you were feeling positive and energized and reconstruct that feeling. You may have slipped away from your purpose in life. Think about where you are, why you are there and where it is leading you, then energise that decision of where to go next.

What do you want in your life? How can you create it? Quite simply drowning your sorrows, laying in bed and bemoaning your circumstances or complaining to your friends about how bad it is will never be the solution.

RUTS - Reality Under Trying Situations. Yes they are tough so they require courage. And yes you can throw them off with a plan and strong conviction. Decide today you are not going to be stuck in a rut, that your life is worth more excitement and success and that you can make it happen.

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