1 minute read
A closed-loop audit on venous thromboprophylaxis prescriptions in an acute general hospital
Jun Yu Chen, Mustafa Kareem and Danujan
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) occurs secondary to deep vein thromboses within the leg. It classically presents as acute leg swelling, pain and breathlessness and is the leading cause of preventable deaths in hospitals.(1) COVID-19 infections are associated with an increase in VTE underlying the increased importance of VTE risk assessment.(2)
To objectively review the adherence to venous thromboembolism prophylaxis prescriptions in an acute general hospital.
Following two previous plan, do, study and act (PDSA) cycles conducted in July and December 2021, two further cycles were conducted in March 2022 (Cycle 3) and April 2022 (Cycle 4).
Cycle 3 - presented findings at departmental meeting and displayed posters
Cycle 4 - added a section on VTE into induction handbook and discuss assessment and reassessment at departmental induction hospitalisation
VTE is the #1 cause of preventable
Every 37 seconds, someone in the VTE risk assessment is quick and
VTE risk assessment is a quick and effective tool to reduce
Regular VTE reminders are essential to ensure consistent