2 minute read
VTE Prophylaxis In Urology Patients - Preventing The Need To AnticoagulateThe Patient With Haematuria
Dr Alexander Morgan Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Corresponding address: a.morgan10@nhs.net
Most hospitals in the United Kingdom have systems in place that ensure a patient's venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk is assessedon admission. Thirty percent of patients that are admitted under Urology via the emergency department present with haematuria.
Often anticoagulation is held. Failure to restart when bleeding has subsided can put patients at risk of the complicated and potentially catastrophic situation in which anticoagulation is needed to treat VTE in a patient with ongoing or at high risk of bleeding.
At our centre, a VTE prophylaxis assessment tool is used that must be completed for all patients on admission. Often Urological regular anticoagulation is intentionally heldor they are not started on prophylactic anticoagulation. Since this is only formally assessed at the beginning of their admission, we noticed that occasionally there were delays in their pharmacological VTE prophylaxis or regular anticoagulation being started.
Using the NICE guidelines on VTE prophylaxis: All patients to be assessed repeatedly and the correct anticoagulation decision to be made.
To assess whether prophylaxis, using a specifically designed section of the teams list, improved the quality of this prescribing.
Data was collected retrospectively record and the normal teams patient lists.
The patients were assessed as to whether they had their VTE prophylaxis prescribed (both mechanical and pharmacological).
The re-audit used the same methodology to see if there was an improvement in the quality of VTE prophylaxis prescribing.
We identified that a potential way to improve our prescribing was by adding an additional column to the teams patient list that encouraged the team to continuously assess the VTE prophylaxis used with each patient. Rather than just on admission.
Lessons learnt for continued improved VTE prophylaxis prescribing.
Suggestions made and discussed with team at local governance meeting
The percentage of patients prescribed pharmacological VTE prophylaxis appropriately remained similar 90% compared to 94%
What We Learnt
The addition of the new column has increased prescribing of mechanical VTE prophylaxis.
This addition of the new column has not improved our pharmacological prescribing of VTE prophylaxis.
We would like to thank the Urology team of Kingston General Hospital for their guidance through this audit.
(Overview | Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism | Guidance | NICE, 2018)
From discussing with the team, they felt that in general they were more aware of VTE prophylaxis prescribing for each patient. There was always some debate as to the best time to restart pharmacological VTE prophylaxis after episodes of haematuria. We suggested the following interventions to reduce delays in prescribing.
Encourage the patient to mobilise as soon as possible

Ensure mechanicalVTEprophylaxis is prescribed if indicated
Ensure patient remains well hydrated
Senior to assess each day and make the risk/benefit decision to whether or not to start pharmacological VTE prophylaxis
Poster Competition Group C
Full QI Project
Improving Care Pathways
Finding out the investigations to order for common neurological conditions and doing them right is a challenge.

We RACE and CHASE around for tests & tubes for blood and spinal fluid when investigating children for acute neurological diseases . Time is wasted , mistakes are made and children can be harmed

For Acute Neurological conditions

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CHANGE IDEAS: Acute Neurology

PDSA cycles

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Atarandomdayshiftorpointoftime Whentheyareoncallsotheyareavailableandcangivemepersonalfeedback
Wheretodoit Onlineplatformorviaemailorfacetoface Inthehospitalonthewardortheneurooffice

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Baseline measure

Sampling after Change ideas
Acknowledgements: Jane Runnacles