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Plan Do Study Act
• Data analysed to determine effect of intervention
• Interventions adopted
Intervention 1
Intervention 2
• Baseline pre-intervention data collected and analysed
• Intervention 1 performed
• Intervention 2 performed
• Post-intervention data collected (repeat sets collected to assess two different time periods)
• Teaching session following baseline data collection, with open-table discussion about previous MSU requesting or antibiotic prescribing misconceptions. Follow-up reminder session 4 weeks later.
• A new UTI text message generated on AccuRX with link to RCGP ‘Treating your infection’ leaflet on UTIs. This text contains all the advice we should be giving patients (as per NICE guidelines).
• UTI text message and leaflet translated into Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Somali
• UTI Induction handover teaching to incoming FY2 doctors
• UTI management prompt posters installed in practice
Documented patient education
Conclusion and future directions
• Teaching on MSU requesting and antibiotic prescribing with open-table discussion about previous misconceptions improved practice.
• AccuRX texts are a simple and time-efficient way of providing patients with information about UTIs that can be easily applied to other practices with similar software.
• Telemedicine must not be restricted to those fluent in English and future work is looking to address language barriers in current patient education.
• Further rounds of data collections will determine if UTI management ‘prompt sheets’, further teaching sessions, and UTI management texts in other languages can all help to sustain the change seen in the initial interventions