When the actual snow hitting the country, take care of your car.
Now the time to review some basic safety items that need in a car.
Carry all the things in the car at all times for safe driving.
Many of them are simple things that already have in the house.
Below points define the things that you should keep in the car.
Make sure your cell phone has enough power to call in an emergency.
Fully charged cell phones can be especially important when roads are:  Slick  Dangerous
Have your cell phone on hand even under the normal conditions.
When you are traveling in winter, don’t forget to keep the blanket.
Apart from the blanket, you can carry other things in your car such as:
When you are traveling to long-distance in a car don't forget the flashlight.
With the flashlight, you can also carry other things in your car like:
Keep a spare tire in the car for driving in emergency conditions with:
Besides the tire tools, you can also carry other things in your car like:
Make sure that your car has these basic supplies before driving.
By carrying these things while driving the car, you will enjoy a drive: Safe Secure Comfortable