What are the Benefits of a Tire Rotation in a Car

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Weight applied on the front and back axels of a car differ significantly which could cause physical damages to the tires.

Generally, the front tire carries more weight due to the presence of the engine and other components.

Disproportionate distribution of weight might cause physical damage to a particular set of tires.

Besides, wheel imbalance and other kinds of mechanical errors in the car could also damage the tires.

Practicing tire rotation after a certain time interval helps to counterbalance the impacts of disproportionate weight distribution.

As described earlier certain factors like disproportionate weight distribution causes uneven tire wear.

Such an uneven tire wear pattern might cause permanent damages to the tires.

Development of such a pattern for a longer period would negatively affect the lifespan of a tire.

So, a visual inspection should be conducted to detect uneven wear patterns.

Appearance of such pattern should not be neglected and tires should be rotated as recommended in the owner’s manual.

It has been found that regular tire rotation could increase the lifespan of a tire by 30%.

Tires with better tread depth provides better traction on the road surface and thus increases the ability of a person to get better control over the car.

However, uneven tire wear or an inadequate amount of tread depth could not generate proper grip on the road surface.

Driving a car with such tires could lead to a fatal collision.

So, efforts should be made to rotate or replace the tires with uneven wear patterns.

As mentioned earlier, tires with better tread depth generates a better grip.

Better grip generation means lower fuel consumption.

Tire rotation could significantly increase the stability and traction which have a combined influence on the fuel economy of a car.

Uneven tire wear patterns should never be neglected as such ignorance could have catastrophic outcomes.

Tire rotation not only extends the lifespan of the tires but also increases the fuel economy of a car.

So, tires should be rotated after an interval of about 5,000 miles to 7,500 miles.

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