Shaikh Muhaisiny: Famous Prayer-2002 ﷽ Download Shaikh Muhaisiny-Famous Prayer-2002 (Word doc and pdf) at Archive. Download Shaikh Muhaisiny-Famous Prayer-2002 Audio at Archive. Read Shaikh Muhaisiny-Famous Prayer-2002 at Wordpress. Read Shaikh Muhaisiny-Famous Prayer-2002 at Issuu. Read Shaikh Muhaisiny-Famous Prayer-2002 at Scribd.
O Allah! You who owns glory and majesty! You who owns power and beauty! You who is grand and high! We ask You, O Allah, glory, power and victory for those who undertake Jihaad in Your path. Allah! Be for them. Be with them. Allah! Give them help, give them strength. Allah! Focus their vision. Point their arrow to target. Unite their words. Reconcile their hearts. Allah, confront their enemies. Allah, You confront their enemies. Allah! Disperse their congregation, shatter their integrity, weaken their dominance, strike dread into their hearts. Allah! Our foreheads are in Your hands. Our affairs return to You. Our plight is not hidden from you.
اي من له،اللهم اي من له العزة واجلالل ! اي من هو الكبري املتعال،القدرة واجلمال ونصرا،نسئلك اللهم ِعّزا ومتكينا .للمجاهدين يف سبيلك ِّ اللهم انصرهم.اللهم كن هلم ومعهم .وقوهم ِ وصو وامجع،هامهم ْ ِّ اللهم سدد رأيهم َ بس . وأصلح اللهم قلوهبم،كلمتهم اللهم عليك.اللهم عليك أبعدائهم .أبعدائهم ِ ِ اللهم ف ْ ِ وأضع،ت مشلهم ْ ّفرق مجعهم وشت ّ . واقذف الرعب يف قلوهبم،شوكتهم أموران ترجع ُ ،اللهم إن نواصينا بيديك . وأحوالُنا ال ختفى عليك،إليك
To You we escalate our poverty, our sorrow and our complaint.
. وشكايتنا، وحزننا،إليك نرفع فقران
To You O Allah, to You O Allah, we complain the injustice of the unjust, the dominance of the evildoers, and the reign of treacherous criminals.
إليك اللهم نشكو ظلم،إليك اللهم ط اخلونة َ ُّ وتسل، وسطوة الفاجرين،الظاملني .اجملرمني
Allah, to You we complain of the tyranny of hate-filled Christians. Allah, the dark night of tyrants’ reign has stretched. Allah, the dark night of tyrants’ reign has stretched.
.اللهم إليك نشكو ظلم النصارى احلاقدين
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اللهم طال ليل.اللهم طال ليل الظاملني . اللهم طال ليل الظاملني.الظاملني
The torture of atheists has prolonged. The heads of criminals are ripe to fall off. Allah, Allah, subjugate them with a slicing Hand of Truth, end our humiliation with it, return our glory through it, shackle our enemy with it. Allah, Allah, confront the center of tyranny and atheism. Allah, confront the center of tyranny and atheism. Allah, confront Amreekaa, the center of Kufr and evil. Allah, of them You are full aware. They wreaked devastation on Your earth, massacred Your servants, and insulted Your religion. Allah, of them You are full aware and upon them You have complete power. Allah, confront them. Allah, confront them. Allah, subjugate them with the cyclone of 'Ad, the blast of Thamud, and the hurricane of the People of Nuh. Allah! Subjugate them with wrath descending from the sky, and destruction sprouting from the earth. Allah, divide their state. Allah turn them into mutually killing states and gangs. Allah, the Ever-Living, the All-Sustaining, place them in the grip of Your servants. Allah, place them in the grip of Your servants. Allah, set up sandstorms in their land. Allah, set up Your sandstorms in their land. Allah! Release our kidnapped brethren. Allah, release them from captivity. Allah, strengthen their back. Allah, keep them firm in their Iman. Allah grant them sovereign power.
أينعت رؤوس ْ و،وامت ّد إيذاء امللحدين .اجملرمني اللهم فسلِّ ْط هلم وعليهم يدا من احلق،اللهم
،عيد لنا عَّزان ُ ُ وت، ترفع هبا ذُلَّنا،حاصدة .وتُوثِ َق هبا ّع ُد َّوان
، اللهم عليك مبعدن الظلم واإلحلاد،اللهم اللهم.اللهم عليك مبعدن الظلم واإلحلاد . معدن الكفر والفساد،عليك أبمريكا ، أفسدوا يف أرضك،اللهم أنت هبم عليم أنت هبم َ اللهم، وأهانوا دينك،وقتلوا عبادك . وعليهم قدير،عليم
اللهم. اللهم عليك هبم،اللهم عليك هبم ، وصيحة مثود،سلط عليهم ريح عاد ِ وطوفان .قوم نوح وما،اللهم سلِّط عليهم ما نزل من السماء .خرج من األرض ِ اللهم اللهم اجعلها ُد َوال.فر ْق دولتهم ّ .وأحزااب متناحرة
اجعلهم يف قبضة،اللهم اي حي اي قيوم . اللهم اجعلهم يف قبضة عبادك.عبادك ت ْ ِّ اللهم ثب،اللهم ثبت األعاصري عندهم .أعاصريك عندهم
اللهم فك.ك إخواننا املسدودين َّ ُاللهم ف .أزرهم ُ اللهم.أسرهم َ اشدد اللهم اجعل.اللهم ثبِّْتهم على إمياهنم
.التمكني هلم
Allah, confront their torturers. Allah, confront their torturers. Allah, confront their torturers.
اللهم عليك مبن،اللهم عليك مبن يعذبوهنم . اللهم عليك مبن يعذبوهنم،يعذبوهنم
Allah, hold them in Your overwhelmingly powerful grip. Allah, use our enemies’ own plots to ruin them, turn their conspiracies into conspiracies against them.
اللهم اجعل،اللهم خذهم أخذ عزيز مقتدر . ومكرهم مكرا هبم،تدبري أعدائنا تدمريا هلم
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Lord of all the worlds. Ever-Living, All-Sustaining, Lord of Majesty and Mercy, Hearer of prayer, Near to all, Acceptor of petitions. We pray to You with firm faith in Your promise that You will accept. You said and Your word is the Truth: “Pray to me and I will accept”1. Allah! Accept our prayer. Allah, accept our prayer.
، وحنن موقنون بوعدك،إننا ندعوك .وإبجابتك ِ .ب لكم َ ْ أستج، ادعوين:وقلت وقولك احلق . اللهم استجب لنا.اللهم استجب لنا
Allah! The Ever-Living, the All-Sustaining, the Absolute Ruler of the skies and the earth. We ask You to liberate Masjid Aqsa from the grip of the Jews. Allah, liberate Masjid Aqa from the grip of the Jews.
اي جبار السماوات،اللهم اي حي اي قيوم نسئلك أن تنقذ املسجد األقصى،واألرض اللهم أنقذ األقصى من.من قبضة اليهود .قبضة اليهود
Allah purify it from all truth-denying Kafirs. Allah, comfort our eyes with its liberation and with the defeat of hate-filled Jews.
اللهم قر.اللهم خلصه من كل كافر جحود .عيوننا به وهبزمية اليهود احلاقدين .اي ذا اجلالل واإلكرام
O Lord of Majesty and Mercy! Allah, You are Powerful and Supreme, everything is humble and lowly before Your glory.
اي ذا، اي حي اي قيوم،اي رب العاملني اي قريب، اي مسيع الدعاء،اجلالل واإلكرام .جميب
وذل كل شيئ،عز وارتفع ّ اللهم اي من .لعظمتك وخضع
Allah, You created us from a single soul and gave us a place to stay and stop over.
،اللهم اي من خلقتنا من نفس واحدة .فمستقر ومستودع
Allah, You are close despite Your high station, You are High despite Your closeness. O Lord of kindness and power. We beg You for glory to Islam and the Muslims.
اي، اي علي يف دنوه،اللهم اي قريب يف علوه نسئلك عزا لإلسالم،ذا الطَّول والقوة .واملسلمني
Allah, O Ever-Living, All-Sustaining! Allah, protect hard-working scholars. Allah, protect practicing scholars.
اللهم احفظ العلماء،اللهم اي حي اي قيوم . اللهم احفظ العلماء العاملني.العاملني
Keep the sincere preachers steadfast. Raise the status of the commanders of virtue and prohibiters of vice, and their supporters among Muslims.
وارفع مقام اآلمرين،وثبت الدعاة املخلصني ومن واالهم،ابملعروف والناهني عن املنكر .من املسلمني
Allah, the Ever-Living, the All-Sustaining, the Lord of Majesty and Mercy!
اي ذا اجلالل واإلكرام،اللهم اي حي اي قيوم
Quran 40:60
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Allah, as for the people whose mission in life is to hurt them, to ridicule them, to be on lookout for their slip-ups, if You do not plan their guidance, Then make misery their reward. Allah, make misery their reward, and place calamity in their path.
والكالم يف،اللهم من سخر نفسه إليذائهم ،ترد له هداية ْ ومل، وتتبع زالهتم،أعراضهم
Allah turn their health into disease, their comfort into sickness, their wealth into poverty, and their strength into weakness.
وعافيته مرضا،اللهم اقلب صحته سقما . وقوته ضعفا،وغناه فقرا
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اللهم اجعل،اللهم فاجعل الشقاء نصيبه . والبالء يف طريقه،الشقاء نصيبه