Makosi Today Issue 1

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MAKOSITODAY NOW SHOWING ON FEATURES 03 Brian Story 20 Year living with HIV

05 Tokwe Mukosi Donating Pads to girls in Tokwe Mukosi

BOOK REVIEWS 10 Things Your Husband Desparetly Needs By Evan Mawarire


Fountain Of Wisdom

by Rabison Shumba

WEALTH 12 Selmor Mtukudzi : Exclusive

14 TK ZIFM’S Big Dog. 35 Munya : The Astro Story


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EDITORS NOTE I am humbled, blessed and honoured to be scribling on this piece of paper to come up with an editors note. Makosi Today the magazine is birthed and I celebrate you for reading it. In my notes in every edition I will be discussing the interesting magazine topics and my journey. In this special edition we have women warriors like Tsitsi Dangarembwa, Tsitsi Masiyiwa, Pamela Samasuwo of Vanhu Vamwe, Kirsty Coventry and more. Why women, it’s women’s month and we are celebrating women who are making good in offices, homes, industry and every other area of life. I have been reading on leadership and have concluded that each and

Founder & Editorial Director Makosi B Musambasi

every one of us has a leader within. We can’t all be presidents, we can’t all be prophets and prophetesses but we can be good leaders in what we are called to do. To be a good leader, you must not allow yourself to be overcome by that which is negative, but must believe In a better future, which will be brought about by having the right attitude. Learn from yesterday, live for today and dream big about tomorrow. Honour the past by all means but do not be slave to it...yesterday’s and today’s achievements are our gateway to tomorrow, but they do not provide a blueprint for the future. Our world demands new ways of doing things. ..sometimes doing the

Editor Munyaradzi Dodo,

Cover Design Raymond Gwindi

Contributing Writers Kelvin Mutize, Sheda,

normal thing in a different way. You must believe in what you set to do. Do not allow yourself to be influenced by the doom and gloom that is so popularly advanced by the masses, because the gloom of today is invariably the boom of tomorrow. To activate the leader in you, you must be motivated, posses common sense and have the ability to be your own slave! PERSEVERE. .. Till next time, take care of yourself and each other Makosi. B. Musambasi Editorial Director

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A WALKING MIRACLE 20 YEARS LIVING WITH HIV Brian has been living with HIV for the past 20 years. Surprising his 4 kids and wife are all negative

The Teputepu family - jostling each other in fun - quickly arrange themselves for a family photo. Leading this family is a man whose story is exceptional, nothing short of miraculous, at age 42 having lived more than half of his life positively with HIV. Brought up in a devout Muslim home with a strict father, Brian Teputepu, understood the value of hardwork and what it means to look after ones family. It was in his early years, having moved from home to look for work in Harare, that the young Brian had a religious conversion that saw him accepting Christ and becoming a Christian. This conversion came about after a series of relationships which ended in one girl breaking his heart. The heartbreak made him question himself and some of his life choices. It was in that season that a friend invited him to a bible study which he attended and which eventually led to him giving his life to Christ after 3 years. Life seemed to take a nose dive when in 1997 Brian learnt of his HIV status. Coming to

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terms with his status was difficult as he

Africa and beyond”. Via one on one evan-

struggled with the idea of whether he

gelism coupled with scripture and materi-

would ever settle down and start a family

als distributions, Brian and his teams have

of his own, that was until he met his future

manage to forge symbiotic relationships

wife Leo, who was herself HIV negative.

with like minded ministries and individu-

He disclosed his HIV status to her and she

als in the furtherance of the Gospel of

accepted it and after several months of

Jesus Christ

courting, they had what he calls a “whirl-

That is not all that Brian has been up to,

wind wedding” and 14 years later both

he has also managed to succesfully found

Leo and their 4 children live their lives

an organisation, PS234 whose vision is

HIV Free.

to assist people living with HIV. PS234 is

Brian used to own a customs clearing

an acronym which stands for Psalms 23

company but now he runs a Christian

v 4. PS234 advocates for positive living,

outreach organization which focuses on

fighting stigma and it has plans to set up

sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to

wellness and counselling clinics which will

truck drivers that are crossing the board-

be used to disseminate information about

ers daily. Its mission statement reads:


“Called out to minister to truck drivers in

Called out to minister to truck drivers in Africa and beyond

Here is one person who has so much in store for him. Watch on Makosi

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WHATS IN YOUR HANDBAG? I started carrying a handbag almost 14 years ago when I was still a teenager. ..and I noticed that the older I got the bigger the bag got lol (I’m sure many of you can testify) But, how to we choose the stuff we put in our handbags today? Here are some of the things you will find in my bag, 1. Fragrance (it’s is paramount for a woman to smell like a garden of roses), 2. Hand sanitizer (with this Ebola age you have to keep your hands minimise catching bugs when you sanitise your hands always), 3. wipes (sometimes you may feel like having a bag of crisps are there is no where to wash your hands- you will thank me for this one) 4. Finally lipstick or balm ( when you talk, people tend to look at your lips and no one wants to be looking at dry lips, they could miss your message if your lips are messy...

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Makosi poses with fans in Tokwe Mukosi

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Makosi and her team took

emulate the gesture by Makosi to help the


time out to visit the vic-

needy here. The situation is not yet stable,”


tims who are sheltered at

she said.


Chingwizi Transit Camp

where donated sanitary pads for the girls

Many of the girls in the camp cannot



afforrd basic neccesities. While donor


agencies are doing their level best to help


After travelling for 9 hours in hot weather

the flood victims more still needs to be

the team finally arrived.


“It’s important for people who can help to

The girls in Tokwe Mukosi still need your

physically go to Tokwe Mukosi.

support. If you would like to be part of the






Donate a pad campaign visit: “The situation on the ground is actually overwhelming. More than 3 000 families

Watch the highlight video from the trip

are living in tents. The help is, indeed,


needed. The welfare of women is very important to me and that is why I went with sanitary towels and cotton wool because I know how important that is to


a woman. The women at Tokwe Mukosi need that; they are not forgotten,” she said.


Deputy district administrator Elisa Chauke said she was grateful for the donation as it would go a long way in alleviating the

CALL: +263779604727

plight of women at the camp. “The sanitary ware are like a loaf of bread to women. They are very important to the


girls in this camp. I hope many people will

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WHY THE AFRICAN GIRL CHILD SHOULD READ? By Sheda Why do I read? I read because I love it! It opens my mind…. I explore horizons; learn new words, new names, new places. It lets me dream about places to go to and people I would like to meet. Why should the African Girl read? She should read because reading frees her from the chains of poverty, ignorance, oppression. Even if she can not go to school, she should read………a comic book, a pamphlet, a page. Learn new words, explore new worlds. Women have been oppressed for too long. I believe that the only way to break the shackles is to educate ourselves. If we can not go to school, we must learn to read, even if that is the only form of education we receive.


If you can read, you are less easily deceived. Reading can build a generation of literates and not illiterates. Once you can read, you can ask questions, once you ask questions, you begin to demand answers! Knowledge is power and power is ultimately freedom!!

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WATCH & WIN! Watch Makosi Today every weekday on ZBC TV1 in Zimbabwe and on VOX Africa and stand a chance to win amazing “Run For Your Life” T-Shirts “Run For Your Life” is a breast cancer awareness campaign run by the Makosi Today Inc. Questions will be posted on Makosi Today Facebook Page & Twitter.

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GET ALL THE INSPIRATION YOU NEED! Rabison Shumba already has 4 books to his collection. Makosi gives a taste of whats to come in Season 3.” As part of Makosi Today Season 2 we are introducing a new section we are calling LEADERS ARE READERS. In the first episode we catch up with Rabison Shumba. Rabiso. He is an international motivational speaker, life coach and author. His book, “The Greatness Manual” “Fountain of Inspiration volumes 1 and 2” are tools for personal and professional development. He has also published “Showers of Inspiration” which is a collection of his inspirational poetry. Together with 100 American Career Expert Authors, Rabison co-authored a book 101 Great Ways to Enhance your career, a book that has changed the lives of many across the globe. In a high speed interview and a teaser for season 3, Rabison shares with Makosi the idea behind his book Fountain of Wisdom. Watch here

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astor Evan is gaining prolific

is a series of memos written by a husband

shared on Facebook and the response was

popularity around H-town

to his wife in which he expresses the


for his new book;“What HE

things he struggles to explain to her face

It was then he decided to share the ideas

Wants” which targets the

to face.Pastor Evan and his wife Samantha

in a book to address “the huge commu-

concerns of women who are

of 10 years are also working on a follow-

nication gap” as it appeared in couples

always wondering about their husbands’

up book called, “What She Needs” which

that were not sure about what the other

most important needs are; especially

parallels What He Wants and is targeted to

person in the relationship wanted.

over issues men do not naturally open up

men wanting to learn about their wives.

to. It unashamedly and explicitly covers

Makosi sits down in Season 2 with him to

“Respect, Romance, Sex, Security

Commonly being referred to as the “Sex

and Behavior” in 10 short chapters in a

Pastor” he is often requested to speak

break down the insights in his book.

“no holds barred” manner. The book is

at premarital festivities like bachelor and

Watch on VOX Africa -

meant to help women understand their

bachelorette parties. He says regarding

Watch ONLINE on

husbands better.

the books inspiration, “At one such bridal shower I spoke about only five things and

He believes it’ll give troubled or stagnate

the response was

marriages a “spark.” The book’s personality

incredible. I thought more on it and

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She is the daughter of the legend Oliver Mtukudzi, he is the son of the great Zax Manatsa. They are one of the most powerful couples on stage in Zimbabwe

Selmor Mtukudzi the daughter of music legend Oliver

I looked good, dressed well and ate well. And when something

Mtukudzi and has been in the Zimbabwean music

happens to your family as in my case, people would say things

industry for over 10 years.

about my father whether good or bad, it adds strain to your life,” she said.

She has for the time opened up on her relationship with her father, superstar


“Even now I have to



make sure that I provide

she described as

enough for my children

“frosty.” Speaking on


the sidelines of her

always ask . . . is this

album launch at the

Oliver Mtukudzi’s grand-

Zimbabwe German

son? So I make sure



that at school my son

Selmor revealed that

has everything that he

the two were not




on speaking terms, saying she did not

“While it’s normal for

understand how and

most children born to

when this started.

the rich and famous to

“We haven’t spoken

be spoilt rotten, this

in months and I am

wasn’t the case with me.

not aware of the beef.

I would say that I learnt the hard way literally living off my mother to where I am today. The most saddening thing is that people

Selmor her husband Tendai Manatsa and her sister Sandra

think when they see me driving around or dressed well it is all

Mtukudzi opened to Makosi in their first TV interview together.

because of my father but NO! Whatever I have, Iearned it through

They talk about being born to a celebrities, and the repercussions

working hard.” She said her mother had been a pillar of strength

as people expect a lot from you. “There is so much pressure for

and even as a married woman she continued to lean on her

being a daughter or son of a celebrity. I remember there was a

mother financially,

time when my mother had to go out of her way to ensure that 14 MAKOSI TODAY Magazine •

DOES MUSIC RUN IN THEIR VEINS? emotionally and physically.“My mother featured in the music

WekwaSando, Kwekwe Band, Jabavu and Pax Afro,” she said. Her

industry in the late 1970s with hits like‘Vana Varimunzara’ which

latest 12-track afro-jazz album talks about herself as a child, moth-

she wrote and recorded with Bybit Mtukudzi, On the album there

er of three and wife to fellow musician Tendai Manatsa. She spews

is a track called “Amai” which Selmor dedicates to her mother.

bile about growing up in a broken family on such songs such as “Amai”, “Ndinochengetwa naMwari” and “Rudo Hwayi.”

“My first job was at Adam & Sons where I worked as a sales representative. However, I lost my job after I reported late for work. From then on I joined other musicians and groups including Tanga

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rom the dusty streets of Rimuka in Kadoma Zimbabwe to the bright lights of Egoli, Jo’burg South Africa TK struck gold when he became one of the most sort after DJ’s in South Africa, hosting

very popular shows on South Africa’s Metro FM. Soon after he landed a role as a TV presenter on the popular African Television station Channel O, which saw him rubbing shoulders with international Celebrities and travelling across the globe to events like the Reggae Festival in Jamaica - Reggae Summer Fest. In 2001 his career took a major nose dive, when was deported from South Africa. Devastated, he came back home and picked up the pieces and started all over again. Today he is back on top, and is one of the most recognized


media personalities in Zimbabwe. Tonderai Nokutenda Katsande. Popularly known as TK by his multitude of fans, he is the big Dawg on Zimbabwe’s ZIFM Stereo. Thousands of Zimbabweans wake every morning to the booming sound of his voice. TK has one of the most distinctive voices on radio with a deep masculine tone, he has his listeners glued to “The Ignition”, a breakfast show he co-hosts every morning on radio. His popularity has seen him do numerous local and international TV adverts, TV


K AT S A N D E 16 MAKOSI TODAY Magazine •

Shows, red carpet events and even acting. Today Makosi finds out what drives Zimbabwe’s Big Dawg! Watch TK’s Episode with Makosi on

REVIEW: ASTRO VIRTUAL II Astro Mobile revealed that of their 10 000

sold 50% of the Virtual 2 that we have

recent imports, close 50% of the units

already shipped in the country’.

have already flooded the market, a figure

Revealing how they could have it possible,

which we ofcourse can not confirm or

“As a marketing strategy, the company


has employed a payment plan strategy to increase the sales of its products. The

“Apparently the products have been

payment plan involves all civil society,

received with aplomb by local consumers

what the plan does is allowing the con-

in an environment infested with renowned

sumers to get the product at zero deposit

brands such as Apple,

and will pay a monthly installment of $31 until they settle their full payment of the

Samsung and Huawei. we are slowly gain-


ing traction and visibility from the general

MUNYARADZI GWATIDZO - CEO, ASTRO MOBILE I am a highly ambitious young

populace.”said an executive

During the launch, the phone was touted

man,who always wants to make a

Astro Virtual 2 is the company’s flagship

to have, Android operating system 4.3

global difference.I am crazy about

smartphone which was launched recently

(upgradable to 4.4) with full HD 5 inch

mobile technology and i believe

at a colourful event at Harare Golf Club,

gorilla screen, Quad core processor , 16g

am in the process of building the

where experts from Industry, academia,

internal storage buoyed by a 18mp rear

biggest african mobile brand ever

business, government ministers and the

camera plus a 5MP front camera all packed

called Astro.

media fraternity gathered to witness the

up in 6.5mm (though we measure 6.7mm)

launch of the phone.

housing for a price of $499.

According to a fresh report from the

For those of you with Apples and

on technology and I believe these

company, Astro Mobile shipped a record

Samsungs we did the comparison and

solutions should be home grown.

10000 Astro Virtual 2 smartphones into

contrast and came up with overall judge-

the country so far, and more are expected

ment. A hands on report of the actual

I have already created another

to flock in if sales are to require of that.

feel and specs review is still being done

mobile brand which is now found

The executive said, ‘ The Virtual 2 is sell-

for checks and balance. - See More at

in over nine african countries

ing like hot cakes and people are excited

called g-tide and I believe Astro

I strongly believe the future of africa and the world strongly relies

about it and that has seen our sales grow’,

will even do more.

the source also continued to provide with some sales estimations, ‘So far we have

Watch Munyaradzi Gwatidzo’s full interview on


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By Mfonobong Nsehe - Forbes

the United Nations, who is renowned for his vanguard role in the international Civil Rights

Tsitsi regularly held party-like events in


her home for orphans in which the chil-

Tsitsi is quick to emphasize that beneficiaries

dren always ate to their fill. Many times,

of their scholarships are not mere students,

she visited the children in their orphanag-

but “History makers.” And the connotation

es, offering them food and personal men-

has a spiritual dimension to it. “Once an

torship. It was an exhilarating experience

orphan comes on the program, he or she intelligent Zimbabwean children. These ceases to be an orphan because s/he now has four foundations are part of the Higher

for her, but she felt it was not enough. “I spent time with these children and I came to love them. I wanted to keep doing more for them, but I realized that it was not just enough to keep giving


a Father in heaven who empowers him/her to Life Foundation, an umbrella organization for all the charity efforts of the Masiyiwas. make history,” she says. The Trust now has ‘History Makers’ in Tsitsi Masiyiwa serves as Executive Chair. Zimbabwe, Burundi, South Africa, Lesotho Why is Tsitsi Masiyiwa and her husband

I wanted them to grow up and fend for

and Swaziland, and Tsitsi says they are plan- doing all this? ning to take on more countries in their pro- “We’ve been successful, and I feel that

themselves and become successful peo-


ple. I wanted them educated,” she says.

“We are most certainly planning to expand to sibility to support initiatives that will fuel other African countries. While setting up the Africa’s growth and development,” she

It was at that point that Capernaum Trust

Trust was in line with fulfilling my promise to says matter-of-factly. God, it was also majorly driven by a desire to “Look around Africa, you’ll see that new

them fish. I had to teach them how to fish.

began in earnest, supporting orphaned and vulnerable children by paying their school fees, and providing funds for school uniforms and stationery. Strive and Tsisti Masiyiwa dug into their personal

people who are successful have a respon-

see major development and social upliftment millionaires are springing up everyday. It in Africa. The Econet Group does business in is good to create wealth, but along with many African countries and we are making wealth-creation must come a deep sense money from these places. We have to give of responsibility. Africa’s rich need to col-

Today, the Capernaum Trust pays the

back. It’s only reasonable thinking that busi- lectively deploy their resources for the nesses give back to the communities in which good of the people around them.”

school fees of over 40,000 students, whom

they do business.”

Tsitsi calls “History Makers,” across the

While the Capernaum Trust is Tsitsi Masiyiwa’s urging rich Africans everywhere to give most popular philanthropic endeavor, it is far back.

resources to fund these scholarships.

Primary, High school and Tertiary levels. Of that number, close to 3,000 of them are University students with some of them studying in the United States, South Africa and Australia, where the fees are usually much more expensive that in Africa. In February,Tsitsi and her husband established the Ambassador Andrew Young Scholarship, a $6.4 million dollar scholarship fund that sends African students to attend the Morehouse College in the United States. The fund is named after Ambassador Andrew Young, a former United States Ambassador to

Tsitsi Masiyiwa is now at the vanguard in

from her only one. Along with her husband, In April this year she joined forces with she is a co-founder of three other chari- some of Africa’s most prominent philanties- the Christian Community Partnership thropists such as Nigerian investor Tony Trust (CCPF), a charity that provides financial Elumelu, Kenyan banker James Mwangi support for church and church organizations and Nigerian philanthropist Toyin Saraki working in the least evangelized areas of rural to form the African Philanthropy Forum Zimbabwe; theNational Healthcare Trust Of (APF), a regional affiliate of the San Zimbabwe which provides financial support Francisco-based Global Philanthropy for medical drugs, human resources, trans- Forum. The group aims to build a commuport in the event of a health crisis and the nity of African donors and social investors Joshua Nkomo Scholarship Fund – named devoted to fueling Africa’s growth and after the late Zimbabwean nationalist which development. also awards scholarships to exceptionally “Collectively, we will find the best, effective and most strategic way to pursue philanthropy in Africa,” she says. Follow me on Twitter @EmperorDIV

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VIEWING SCHEDULE Makosi Today Starts airing on VOX in September 2014. Checkout the schedule

The Pan African TV Network Voxafrica is the worlds premier Pan African news and general entertainment channel with English and French language channels. Vox News with over 40 correspondents

The first Pan-African TV channel, broadcasting on SKY #218 in the UK, DStv #191 & GoTV

across Africa daily news broadcasts are dedicated to Africa-related news stories. Voxafrica is international and currently consists of 4 channels. Voxafrica is only Network that appeals to the whole African diaspora. Voxafrica English on DStv, Africa’s premier Pay TV platform. Voxafrica English on terrestrial on the GoTV platform in Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda. Voxafrica UK, Ireland and Europe on BSkyB & Eutelsat. Voxafrica Central Europe in French to France, Belgium & Switzerland on various platforms; Voxafrica Afrique in French to French speaking Africa on the premier subscription channel Canal Sat Horizon, Startimes TV and other free to air platforms across Africa. - See more at:

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It is said that,“Behind every successful man there is a woman.” . Well in Season 2 of Makosi Today we feature a woman many would term ‘superwoman’. Meet Paolo Thompson, a qualified herbalist and nutritional therapist, colon hydro-therapist, registered ethno health care practitioner and also a professional artist & interior designer whilst juggling her role of mom to 5 children! Married for 10 years to popular and well known TV host Gary Thompson, (GTA Advertising,


Money or Box Television Game show) Paola Thompson is a woman of many talents and gifts but it is her work in the medical sphere that has made her a force to be reckoned with since founding “A Life” Clinic in 2006. Whilst filling in for her mother Dina Cesanowho had traveled for a season, she found herself


moving more and more into the medical sphere, initially starting with colon hydrotherapy. She went on to open “A Life” Clinic whilst pursuing her Masters degree in Ethnomedicine through London School of Hydrotherapy. She has appeared on TV, radio, airline magazines and also multiple press articles showcasing the work that she is doing in the medical sphere.


‘At “A Life” Clinic we use natural treatment methods to bring natural healing to people and this can be attested to by numerous life changing testimonies.’ Thompson was quoted saying in a recent interview. ‘One man came to the clinic with prostate cancer but with one natural treatment over the course of three months, he now has a doctor’s report to prove he is cancer free and had done no other treatment in conjunction. Another lady, had stage four breast cancer but six months later after following our suggested protocols she is free from breast cancer,’ said an excited Thompson. ‘Seeing someone who comes in unable to breathe or walk properly or wanting to fall pregnant and then to come out changed, able to breathe, or walking with a spring in their step, or holding a baby is nothing short of a miracle.’

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LAURIE OWENS IN SOUTH AFRICA A WOMAN IS RAPED EVERY 26 SECONDS Shot on location in South Africa Laurie Owens a reknowned interior desistory is a common story in South Africa. Laurie was gang raped in her own home. She was helpless against the intruders who could have killed her. She was lucky to come out alive. It is estimated that a woman is raped every 26 seconds in South Africa. The statistics are staggering.. Johannesburg South Africa is the rape capital of the world. Over 50% of South African women will be raped in their life time. In this exclusive interview Laurie narrates the details leading up to the traumatic day. She explains all the details and breaks down on many occassions how they dragged her to the bedroom and took turns to rape her. Laurie unlike most victims is fighting back. She invented a bracelet which carries a gprs device which can be triggered when a victim is in danger. Laurie hopes her device will prevent what happened to her from happening to anyone else in asimilar situation facing a life threatening situation. Rape is very traumatic and while she can do nothing to erase the memory of her ordeal, her prayer is that she can make a difference in somes life. Lauries story is one of the best stories we have ever come accross. A story of reselience, determination and perseverence. Laurie is changing the face of AFRICA one story at a time. Watch Laurie Owens Episode on VOX AFRICA & MAKOSI

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P SQUARE T he history of Nigerian music industry will not

group called SMOOTH CRIMINALS and mainly danced and mimed

be completed without the chapter of the group

Michael Jackson’s, M.C. Hammer’s and Bobby Brown’s songs. The

p-square. If achievements are one of the yard sticks

group existed for about 5 years. Peter, Paul and two other friends

to measure the success of artistes, P-square will

(Michael and Melvin) later formed an Acapella Group called MMPP.

remain number one on the chart of all research groups. They have

The group was unable to withstand the test of time so it disinte-

defied the odds, weathered the storm and re-written the history

grated leaving behind the two Ps - Peter & Paul now known as

of the Nigerian music industry; they have also proven that there


are always differences between artistes and musicians. Source - Arguable, p-square remain the most popular Nigerian artiste all

Watch Makosi as she intervies the twins in their home in Lagos

around the globe. It is generally concluded that this set of twins


PAUL & PETER OKOYE remains one of the greatest symbol of Nigerian entertainment industry alongside legendary Afro beat icon Fela. Setting record and re-written history is what the duo of Paul and Peter Okoye popularly known as P-square are recognized for. They are goal getters and pace setters in the music industry in Nigeria. P-square remains the only artiste that scores platinum with all their past three albums including the latest album titled Danger. The album which was released on the 15th of September 2009, was recorded to have sold one million copies in eight days after its release. P-Square’s entry into the Music Industry started during their school days at St. Murumba College Jos. They formed a dancing

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TSITSI DANGAREMBGA A MOTHER, WIFE, WRITER, DIRECTOR & FEMINIST Tsitsi Dangarembga is one of the most renowned filmmakers on the African con-

In a rare interview with Makosi, Tsitsi

tinent. She was the first Zimbabwe Women

explores her illustrious career and sheds

to ever direct a full length feature film.

light on a glowing career, her personal

She penned the award winning classic

background and gives advise to girls across

Neria and she is also the founder of one of

the continent

the International Images For Women Film Festival. She has been fighting for womens rights from the beginning with her wildly successful book “Nervous Conditions”.

If it comes down to a choice between you and them... choose you!” - Tsitsi Dangarembga SEASON 2

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Pam SamasuwoNyawiri Walking out of my comfort zone, gave me a feeling of freedom

Pam Samasuwo-Nyawiri was Finalist Vogue & Muuse: Best

I have never experienced. God showed me that the world was

International Fashion Accessory Designer 2014. She is the Bearer

indeed big, and His purpose in my life would be fulfilled. This

of The Vice Chancellor’s Award 2014, Best Academic Achievement:

walk has been a three year life tutorial. I have learnt that humans

NTU, named Fashion Designer of the Year 2014: ZIWA. She is a

beings are more powerful than they realise, The Bible says that ‘’

Nominee Mulberry Accessories Award 2014 for Best Directional

We have dominion over ALL earth.. it does not say ‘’SOME’ earth..

Collection, columnist for 263 Voices DailyNews Newspaper

but ALL... which means that we can be ANYTHING we will ourself

and the founder of Style Panel 263.

to be. What a blessing to know that through Christ, I have power!.

1. What does your job involve?

4. What is your business philosophy?

I am a Journalist turned fashion accessory designer. I think my

Making a living should not interfere with building strong families,

combination is great because it has given me the capacity to

which are the foundation of a strong society. God is honoured

explore my creativity in expressing myself through writing as well

when we follow His plan for family life.

as designing. I specialise in minimalist luxury leather goods. So I could say I am a designer and a maker because I am involved in

5. What should all women avoid doing?

the creation of my pieces from start to finish. I love being a woman and I love other women. I think that sister2. What is Vanhu Vamwe?

hood is a blessing and many of us miss out on it by presenting or displaying jealousy and contempt. There is a certain ugliness that

Vanhu Vamwe ‘Shona’ for ‘one people’ and is an accessories brand

is created by these characteristics. My grandmother used to say

that sends the message of coming together as citizens of the

something about how some women were not really physically

world. Vanhu Vamwe is the new age of contemporary design and

unattractive, but the darkness in their heart was so evident on

focuses on a simplistic approach to design by embracing the value

their faces, that they became ugly. Women should avoid pulling

of minimalist design. My accessories are created using a blend of

each other down. We are the bearers of humanity and should be

different materials with an emphasis on leather. All my work is

the peace givers and makers. Avoid confrontations in public that

handmade impeccably using different ancestral techniques, and I

misrepresent your flagship as one who gives life. Do not do it!

am interested in showing the beauty of the materials used. 6. What is your signature scent? 3. What are the greatest lessons you have learnt in your career? I have always loved Chanel fragrances. As a child, my mom had an I have surprised myself a lot over the last few years. When you

‘indecent obsession’ with Chanel and still does. For the the longest

are in a bubble for a very long time, it is a very scary thing to just

I can remember I wear Chanel Coco Mademoiselle. I can never

walk out of it and start something afresh. At 36 years old, I walked

tire of its scent and there is something very classic about it. A few

out of my job as a journalist and went back to University to study

years ago , my husband bought me ‘Joy’ by Jean Patou, which is

fashion. That was the most ‘OTT’ thing I have ever done. When you

ridiculous in price as far as I am concerned, but it is so divine. That

have two almost teenage kids, a house and all the responsibilities

has become my co-signature perfume. I only ever wear it on spe-

that come with, you want to ensure that you are responsibly safe..

cial occasions and I use ‘Mademoiselle’ during the day.

and the latter is a phrase I resent. I don’t ever want to feel safe in a job.. that means that I am not trying harder. 28 MAKOSI TODAY Magazine •

7. When are you happiest?


I have kissed a few frogs in my time, but every time I am kneeling in prayer with my husband and daughters holding hands, I almost pinch myself. I am overwhelmed that when I talk to the Father who knows my heart, the people who love my heart are right there with me. Every single day, in that moment, my spirit sours in happiness. 8. As a parent, what is the one piece of advice you would offer parents? Parenting is a blessing to start off with, however it can also be a challenge. We have tried so hard to give our children the same upbringing we had. Like my husband, I come from a family of blessings. I had an amazing childhood. We realise that we can be the ‘’greatest’ parents of all time, however if we do not plant the seed of Christ in our children, we have failed. The world is even more now full of temptations than ever before, and as there is advancement in technology and this ‘’new age’’ mantra is preached, we are vulnerable to raising generations that will destroy more than build. I am no expert on parenting and each day I continue to grow as as a parent. Parents must be exemplary. Practice what you preach. It is important for your children to trust you. Mean what you say. Your kids do not remain babies, they grow and they leave your nest. Make each process memorable, each age and stage meaningful. Some adults have never been children, and this makes me very sad, as you find a lot of children in adults roaming around. These are the same people who decay a society already full of issues. When I look at both my children, I see leaders for tomorrow. I respect who they are , and who God is moulding them to be. The mother of Christ did not know that one day her child would be the man who saved humanity. That is powerful. 9. Who has been your most important mentor? From the start of my fashion career I have been very blessed to have been exposed to a lot of inspirational people. Each one of them has added treasured value to me, and planted a seed which has begun to flourish. I do not have a ‘’most important’ mentor, however I must say the Designer Paul Smith is a very wise owl. The father of fashion and a mentor to many, Paul Smith stressed that money is not the root to any successful career. Credibility is. Once you set standards as a credible person, the rest is history. ‘’You don’t follow money, once you have set the foundation, it follows you’’. 10. What is your advice on cultivating business relationships? I have a very strong work ethic, and therefore the most irritating thing for me is to work with unprofessional people who cross the boundaries of business relationships. Healthy business relationships are founded on transparency and hard work. I am blessed to work with a team of extremely focused people. No long-term relationship survives if the two parties aren’t honest with each other. In addition to providing a product or service your client needs, your chief responsibility is to be open and honest in all of your dealings. Clients are smart, they know when they are being conned or manipulated. Even telling a “little white lie” about why you failed to return a phone call can damage your reputation. Without a reputation for integrity, you’ll never be able to cultivate the kind of long-term relationships your business depends on. MAKOSI TODAY Magazine • • B




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