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Founded in 1960 at the Pécs National Theatre, the Ballet Pécs was Hungary’s first modern ballet company. In 2017, on the initiative of Balázs Vincze, who was then director of ballet, the Pécsi Balett Nonprofit Ltd. was established, which has allowed the company to continue with its cultural mission on its own. The individual, distinctive language of dance that marks the productions of the Ballet Pécs draws on a very broad range of sources, bringing to the stage the best traditions of dance theatre. Harangozó, Imre Zoltán and Seregi Award-winning Artist of Merit dancer and choreographer Balázs Vincze made the first choreographies for operetta and musical productions in 2001. Since 2006, he has created numerous ballet productions for the Ballet Pécs. He has a deft hand at adapting well-known and popular literary classics for the stage, showing a superb sense of proportion in rendering the plot through the language of dance. Special and spectacular, his contemporary dance style has classical foundations, and while technically advanced, it is accessible for broad audiences. When we listen to Carmina Burana, Carl Orff’s masterpiece and one of the best known – if not the single best known – pieces of classical music of the last century, what we are in fact confronted with is the thinking of almost a thousand years. The collection of poems in Latin, German and French, texts that date from as early as the 11th century, had a great impact on Orff, and by designating the genre of the music he set it to in 1935/36 as a ‘scenic cantata’, he revealed his own powerful vision for how the monumental work – which expresses in flowing and eloquent images, among other things, the fickleness of luck and wealth and the glory of the blooming spring, wine and love – was to be performed, ideally on a stage. It is hardly a coincidence, then, that the dance stage discovered the sweeping work early on, and in 2019 Ballet Pécs staged their fifth completely new production of it since 1978. Choreographer/director Balázs Vincze has further expanded the already not insubstantial timeframe by bringing to life the world of medieval ballads as a cyber story set in what is perhaps the not-so-distant future in a world that only appears to be several light-years away from our own lives. It is as if a surprisingly familiar-looking time portal had opened up before us beneath the stage and produced a cruel group of oppressors there to subjugate and conquer people who live only for simple pleasures. But as we all know: one fine day, any dark oppression must come to an end. Because it is impossible for hope to fail to return to life and adorn our everyday life, long so grey and black, in bright colors. Ballet Pécs’s Carmina Burana, which has enjoyed great success in several cities, offers a possible escape even for those languishing in a cruel and uniform world.
2023. április 9.
Bart K Tavasz
2023. április 12.
Bart K Tavasz A K Tked Szellem Hollerung G Bor S A Budafoki
Dohn Nyi Zenekar
Közreműködik: Ónodi Eszter – próza, Budafoki Dohnányi Zenekar,
Nyíregyházi Cantemus Kórus (karigazgató: Szabó Soma),
Pro Musica Leánykar (karigazgató: Szabó Dénes)
Vezényel: Hollerung Gábor
Házigazda: Lukács Sándor
2023. április 16.
Bart K Tavasz
Koreográfus: Barta Dóra
Rendező: Szemenyei János
2023. április 16.
Bart K Tavasz Bar Ti Krist F S A Philharmonia Orchestra
Vezényel: Santtu-Matias Rouvali
április 28.
Martin Grubinger S A Luxemburgi Filharmonikus Zenekar
Vezényel: Gustavo Gimeno
2023. április 29.
Palya Bea S Mari Kalkun
Közreműködik: Mari Kalkun – ének, kannel, lábcsengő, harmonika, zongora, Palya Bea – ének, sansula, tapan, televi, Orbán György – nagybőgő, Czirják Tamás – dob, ütőhangszerek, Szokolay Dongó Balázs – fúvós hangszerek, Lisztes Jenő – cimbalom