April 27, 2012 Online Edition

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April 27, 2012



A final farwell from the faces of The Parthenon

Caffeine energizes, causes negative side effects BY TRAVIS EASTER THE PARTHENON

Finals week is approaching again, and many students will be turning to their caffeinated beverage of choice to help them stay at the top of their game. While the average amount of caffeine will give users higher energy and alertness, higher doses can have negative side effects on the body. Those with heart conditions are at an elevated risk of having problems associated with caffeine use. “The most often

described negative effects are nervousness, inability to sleep, increased urination and increased heart rate and blood pressure,” said biology professor David Mallory “These effects are not considered dangerous to healthy adults.” Long-term, higher levels of caffeine consumption has been associated with a variety of health issues in the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as the kidneys and intestines. According to the national council on strength and

Fitness, about 70 percent of caffeine consumed daily by Americans comes from coffee. However, over the last seven years the consumption of energy drinks such as Red Bull or Monster has increased significantly. In 2007, East Carolina University and University of Virginia conducted a study of over 500 college students. The study found that 51 percent of students used energy drinks on a regular bases. Of those who used energy drinks regularly, 29 percent experienced very high bursts of energy and then very

low amounts of energy on weekly bases. 22 percent reported regular headaches and 19 percent reported heart palpitations. “As it is getting close to finals, students may use caffeine to study later, then oversleep or not rest well for the next day’s exams,” Mallory said. “However I think it is unlikely that most people will experience dangerous effects of using caffeine.” Energy drinks average 80 to 141 mg of caffeine See CAFFEINE I Page 5


Students and community members came together to donate hair at the Marshall University Student Center from 11 a.m. through 5 p.m. Thursday for Hair for Herd. Hair From The Herd was organized by Marshall’s campus radio station WMUL 88.1. This year’s goal was to beat last year’s hair inch count of 787 inches. This year’s total hair donated was 1,127 inches. This is the fifth year that WMUL has sponsored Hair For Herd. Students from the Huntington School of Beauty Culture volunteered to cut participants hair. In order for hair to be donated it had to be a least seven inches long. All hair is then donated, to Locks of Love who made the hair into wigs for children who have lost their hair because of to an illness.

Scott McSweeney, student cosmetologist at Huntington School of Beauty Culture, said he was excited to participate such a great cause. “We love doing this,” McSweeney said. “We see it as our way to give back and help out children who really need it.” Participants said they were worried the event would not be able to go on because of the hard rain that hit around noon but the rain cleared up after about an hour and that’s when more people showed up to donate hair. Jessi Sisson, senior radio and television major from Ripley W.Va., said the weather put a damper on things at first, but the overall event turned out good. “I’m glad we had a good turnout because this is a really nice thing for us to do for children,” Sisson said. “Having new hair helps these children cope because



Students participate in the “Be Hope to Her” event on the Marshall University campus Thursday.

Students raise awareness for Kenyan water crisis BY MOLLY URIAN

HAIR FROM THE HERD Marshall loses locks for love



Marshall alumnus Fred Neil receives a hair cut at Thursday’s Hair From The Herd. they have enough to worry about without having to worry about not having hair and being accepted.” Fred Neal, Marshall undergraduate class of 1976 and lifetime resident of


Huntington said he was excited to finally get his haircut. “I let me hair grow all winter to fight against the See HAIR I Page 5

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VOL. 115 NO. 130 |

A glass of water for some individuals may mean the world, while others might take it for granted. Students from Marshall University’s student group of NURU International raised awareness to the global water crisis and extreme poverty of the people of Kuria, Kenya, Thursday during the fourth annual “Be Hope to Her” event. Students walked one mile from the Memorial Student Center Plaza down Third Avenue carrying yellow buckets filled with water on top of their heads. Joanie Borders, president of Marshall’s student group of NURU International, said the event is called “Be Hope to Her” because women in Africa have the duty of going and fetching water for their home. “Women are the ones in charge of the homes,” Borders said. “They do all the washing, cooking and cleaning, and all of that needs water. To have this water they have to boil it all, but

they first have to go get it because they don’t have access to it. So while women are taking care of these tasks within the home, it actually falls to the young women to go and get the water. “These young women have to walk miles and miles which lead to many issues such as rape, getting mugged and beaten and some of them don’t even have shoes which causes many diseases to develop,” Borders said. “We want to bring awareness to these people and change their lives as well. We like to say people are literally walking a mile in their shoes.” Borders said she wanted Marshall students to really get a feel for the campus and realize that as a community people can help with issues within the world. Kati Bailey, Marshall alumnus, coordinated the event for the first three years. Bailey said she was pleased to be a part of Marshall’s commitment to the continuing of “Be Hope to Her”. “A lot of events on campus start out one year and then See HOPE I Page 5

page designed and edited by CRYSTAL MYERS myers132@marshall.edu



FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2012 |

HELP Center to hold graduation for seniors BY HILARY FREEMAN THE PARTHENON

The H.E.L.P. Center at Marshall University will be holding a graduation for its students on Friday, May 4. The Higher Education for Learning Problems Program is celebrating its 30th year of operation and have seen a variety of success stories from students in all walks of life — teaching, counseling, medical students and even a NFL Pro in their alumni. The H.E.L.P. Center has grown from five students in 1982 to approximately 200 students at Marshall.

Diane Williams, coordinator of student affairs and special projects for the H.E.L.P. program, said graduation is the pinnacle of the year for the program. “It is one of the highlights of our year with people who work here and the students because it is the culmination of a dream that many of these students have had that they have been told will not come true,” Williams said. “So many of them have been told all of their lives that you don’t need to bother thinking about college, you won’t do well in college and in spite of that, these students have

pursued that dream.” The H.E.L.P. Center is for students with learning problems — an umbrella term that covers dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, attention deficit disorder and other problems. The program offers tutoring in the subject areas in which the student is enrolled that semester as well as life skills tutoring in area such as time management and study skills. Graduate assistants from a variety of areas do all of the tutoring so the center can have experts on staff in a variety of subjects, Williams said.

Besides the Marshall H.E.L.P. program, Myers Hall, the home of the H.E.L.P. Center, has several branches of the H.E.L.P. they offer to the community such as Community H.E.L.P. which works with school age children, Medical H.E.L.P. to assist medical students, residents and physicians and Diagnostic H.E.L.P. which helps individuals find a diagnosis for their learning problem, Williams said. The H.E.L.P. graduation ceremony includes seventeen students this spring and each will be presented

with a certificate of completion of the program and a small gift. The students graduating will also be given the chance to speak and thank professors, parents, tutors, staff of the H.E.L.P. Center, other students or anybody else who has helped along the way, Williams said. “Many of these students had been told this day would never come. But many of the students had a special teacher in high school that said, ‘I think you can do it, why don’t you pursue this’ and when they came to Marshall we

believed in them,” Williams said. “Those teachers are the teachers who helped their dreams come true. After graduation, the H.E.L.P. Center is no longer involved in the student’s education, they have equipped the students with the ability to overcome their obstacle and learn how to endure through the hardship they might cause, Williams said. “It’s always amazing to me—once these students graduate and get out in the work world in all fields, they always fly,” Williams said. Hilary Freeman can be contacted at roush89@marshall.edu.

More recycling bins pop up around campus By SHANE ARRINGTON THE PARTHENON

In the middle of hallways, down deep dark spaces under staircases and almost anywhere else you can imagine, you can find a recycling bin at Marshall University. As one could envision – that’s a lot of paper, cans, bottles and anything else that can be placed into a recycling bin. Will Chesarek, criminal justice major, said stuff doesn’t march itself to the

recycling center and it’s him, and his fellow recycling collectors, who make sure it gets from the small bins to the compactor where Rumpke Recycling takes it to their facility. “There are a few of us who travel out in a golf cart to collect the recycling,” Chesarek said. “It’s not a bad job. When the weather is nice it’s cool to ride around, pick up stuff and get paid for it. My parents want me to get a job with more hours and money, but for now, this

The less pile up, the better the campus looks.” > ELIZABETH RUTHERFORD

works for me.” The rotating system is usually one collector goes out alone for a set time, then doubles up with another collector, then the new collector does a round and so on. This makes sure

the recycling doesn’t pile up and having two people at times helps with picking up heavier things. “There are days when there’s almost nothing, then days when we have almost too much to pick up,”

Chesarek said. “Departments can also contact us with special pickups if it’s a place we don’t normally go to. Sometimes, they wait until there’s so much we have to make multiple trips.” While he said doesn’t mind making multiple trips, Chesarek said it would be better if departments would contact the Physical Plant before the recycling piles up too much so it can be picked up during normal rounds. Elizabeth Rutherford,

former recycling program coordinator, said having students like Chesarek pick up Marshall’s recycling is a great asset. “Having students pick up the recycling helps us and them,” Rutherford said. “The less pile up, the better campus looks. Also, recycling bins not overflowing stops people from throwing their recyclable items in the regular trash instead. It’s also good for the students because it gives them an on-campus

Honors convocation set for Saturday


The annual Elizabeth Gibson Drinko Honors Convocation will be Friday at 7 p.m. in the Joan C. Edwards Playhouse. The ceremony recognizes outstanding graduates in each of the eight colleges and students who have completed honors scholarships. Mary Todd, dean of honors college, said the name honors convocation is somewhat misleading because various departments on campus issue the awards. “We provide the venue for the colleges to recognize their students,” Todd said.

“That’s why the chairs for the different departments come actually on stage with the students and present the certificates. It’s not an award from the honors college. If the student is the outstanding student in philosophy, that is an award from the department of humanities.” The honors college takes responsibility for completion of John Marshall, Yeager, Hedrick and Erma Byrd scholarships. Students of the Honors College will receive medallions for graduation. In addition to the award presentation, a guest speaker is always featured. Todd said it is tradition to

select an alum. “I like to have a speaker who has some good story themselves,” Todd said. “They’ve been a success. Not necessarily names anyone would recognize, but they present some kind of model of achievement.” This year, Staci Provezis will speak. Provesis is a 1993 and 1995 English graduate of Marshall. She said she is looking forward to returning to her alma mater. “I am very honored and excited about being asked to speak at this year’s Honors Convocation,” Provezis said. “Marshall University See HONORS I Page 5

Et Cetera lunch party set for today THE PARTHENON Marshall University’s literar y magazine Et Cetera will play host to a launch party Friday in the Drinko Librar y Atrium. Et Cetera is an annual literar y magazine that was established in 1953. The magazine accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetr y and photographs from Marshall students. Fiction editor, Michelle Hogmire, said this year’s edition had more contributions than last year’s. “We’ve had a lot of submissions from many dif ferent students,” Hogmire said. “I think we’ve had a bigger presence this year than in years past.”

Hogmire said she thinks this issue will have more variety than year’s past. “This issue is probably the most well-rounded one I’ve seen,” Hogmire said. “We’ve got a lot of diverse contributions from across the board: fiction, nonfiction, poetr y, you name it.” The launch party will mark the unveiling of this year’s issue. Students

and author Joel Peckham will read at the event. Hogmire said Peckham is a highlight of the party. “I’m ver y excited to here Peckham read because he’s just come out with a book (‘Raising the Elegy’),” Hogmire said. “I think it’ll definitely be a treat for ever yone.” The launch party will begin at 3:30 p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m.



See RECYCLE I Page 5


FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2012 |


Empty Bowls fights hunger today in Huntington BY CHERIE DAVIS

FOR THE PARTHENON For one in six people in the United States, going hungry is a reality. Millions of Americans are going hungry, according to Feeding America. It’s been said that one in four children in Cabell County doesn’t know where their next meal will come from. Empty Bowls is trying to solve this problem in the TriState area. The ninth annual Empty Bowls fundraiser will take place Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 1015 Fifth Avenue. Delegate Doug Reynolds has volunteered at Empty Bowls. Reynolds said, “I felt the event did a job of promoting local artisans and awareness of hunger in our community. With all the need in our community, it’s important not to forget too many of our neighbors go hungry. It was a great honor to be able to help as a volunteer, and I made sure to come back last year as a patron.” The Marshall University College of Fine Arts is partnering with several local organizations to complete a successful Empty Bowls event, including B’nai Sholom Congregation, Christian Associates and Keramos Potters Guild. The money raised by Empty Bowls will be presented to The Huntington Area Food bank, which serves 96,000 people each month in 17 counties. The Huntington City Mission is one place the Huntington

Area Food Bank serves. Lynn Clagg, Public Relations & Volunteer Coordinator for the Huntington City Mission, said, “homelessness is not always single individuals who have made poor choices. It can be joblessness that can turn into homelessness or our elderly not ready for retirement but lacking sufficient skills to have a good paying job.” The Empty Bowls event offers a modest soup and bread lunch to remind people in the community many in our area go hungry. The $12 lunch will provide 64 meals from the food bank. Owner of River and Rail Bakery in Heritage Station, Kim Baker, was eager to participate in Empty Bowls. “As soon as I decided to open a bread bakery, I knew I wanted to donate bread to Empty Bowls,” she said. “For those of us who do not go hungry on a regular basis, we forget how important a simple bowl of soup and slice of bread can be. This event sheds light on simple necessities, and the bowls contributed by area potters can be constant reminders that we are blessed to have food to fill them.” In addition to patrons purchasing lunch and a handcrafted ceramic bowl, the event also boasts a large silent auction. Countless businesses and organizations in Huntington have donated items to be included in the auction. For Ralph Hagy, owner of La Famiglia, a new Italian restaurant on 6th Avenue, hunger is an issue said he won’t ignore. He donated a


Delegate Doug Reynolds (left) and Marshall Gallery director John Farley (right) serve food during the Empty Bowls event, which provides food the Huntington Area Food Bank. The fundraiser coupled the Marshall College of Fine Arts with other organizations. gift card to his restaurant for patrons to bid on at Empty Bowls. “I think when it comes to hunger, too often people turn their heads the other way,” Hagy said. “I’ve been fortunate to travel. I’ve seen hunger in many places. But what people don’t realize is that hunger isn’t specific to one place. Hunger is everywhere. I’m so glad to be able to participate in Empty Bowls. It’s a great cause

that raises awareness of the problem of hunger.” Clagg encouraged people to seek out information about hunger and available resources. “Everyone should be aware of resources within their community,” Clagg said. “Families should be aware of potential resources they may need to refer to. Many individuals within our community are a couple of pay checks away from

page designed and edited by JAKE SNYDER | snyder100@marshall.edu

245978 FOLLETTS FOLLETT’S 6 x 10.5 1

utilizing our facility, to a degree.” Last year Empty Bowls raised nearly $18,000 for the Huntington Area Food Bank. “Our goal is to beat that this year,” said Jaye Ike, special projects coordinator for the College of Fine Arts. “$19,000 would be great – $20 (thousand) would be even better. We will have wonderful soups, beautiful bowls, tons of great auction items to bid on – and we’ll have

T-shirts this year. Last year, people were asking so we’ve been working with Chris Wallace of Wallace Multimedia, and he’s given us a great deal. The T-shirts will be black with bold white lettering that reads ‘end hunger’ above the Empty Bowls logo. we’ll sell them for $20, with all proceeds benefiting the food bank.” Cherie Davis can be contacted at davis542@marshall.edu.

C M Y K 50 INCH FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2012





FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: (Top row) Editors William Lineberry, Katie Quinonez, Arian Jalali, Crystal Myers, Patrick Webb, Marcus Constantino, (bottom row) Adam Rogers, John Gibb, Kelsey Thomas, Jake Snyder and Tyler Kes come together for an end-of-the-semester photo.



I guess there is a reason clichés are cliché, because suddenly every one of them appears to be coming true. It seems only appropriate I am sitting in the very newsroom where I spent the majority of my undergraduate career to write my goodbye to not only The Parthenon — but to Marshall University. I’ll do my best to spare you the sappiness. However, a few thank yous are in order. For giving me an outlet to express my creativity, for showing me what my biggest passions are and for providing me with memories I truly never forget — thank you. For the laughs, the tears and the sing-a-longs — thank you. For the abundance of green shirts,


“The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion,” Thomas Paine once said. No other statement could best sum, up this secular thinkers philosophy. It has certainly had its influence on me, and all the better for it. They requested I write this and give a reflection of my time at Marshall University so I complied with this little piece. I don’t know what to say, which is funny seeing as I wrote about 70 editorials this semester. I will say that I have met some wretched people, some beautiful people and some tragic people. I have known many and forgotten just as many. I have no idea whether I am part of a tradition that is undying or some crusading maverick. I have felt suffocated here. I have felt at peace here. I’ve read. I’ve debated. I’ve done a lot and now it is over. And I am OK with that. It would make little sense to feel otherwise. Everything that I wrote about this semester is still there. There are still the poor, the homeless, the suffering, the abused, the hungry, the dejected and the failures. And I still fill that this country does too little to aid its fellow people in their time of struggle. I also feel that See WILLIAM I Page 5


My farewell column from last semester consisted of a list of lessons, rules and laws of the land that I offered to future editors in an attempt to make their Parthenon existence a little less painful. Unfortunately, this list proved ineffective and utterly superfluous because half of last semester’s editors, for some unknown reason, decided to stay on staff. This is my final semester as a Parthenon editor, so for this farewell column, I would like to voice my favorite things about my fellow editors. Disclaimer: Copious amounts of sap are rapidly approaching. Crystal: No one will ever know more about Harry Potter than this gal, and no boss will ever buy you as much pizza. Jake: No one will ever know more about sports in general or sing a better rendition of “Under the Sea” from “The Little Mermaid.” I swear. Billy: Because this guy was on staff this semester, I had a fellow non-meat eater to join forces with. Every time the staff was treated to a pizza party, they had to buy us an animal-free pie. Kelsey: My sailor mouth is only rivaled by this lady’s, and her page design skills are a force to be reckoned See KATIE I Page 5

“your mom” jokes and beautiful sunsets — thank you. For the great teachers, even better friends and the best times — thank you. Now I must speak directly to my Parthenon team. For I have been so very fortunate to work with some of my best friends and to have made many new ones. I could not ask for a better group of people to spend every evening with. You guys have not only produced a paper that is worthy of praise, but you have picked me up each time I’ve been down. For that, I owe you the biggest thank you of all. It is true; these are the best times of our lives. I am just so honored to have gotten to spend them in the company of some of the finest See CRYSTAL I Page 5





It was an odd feeling sitting in my final undergraduate class Thursday morning. On the one hand, if I choose, I will never have to take another test, never have to research another paper and never have to wake up for an 8 a.m. class. On the other hand, I am leaving a home that has become mine over the last four years. My friends have evolved into family, and I have met professors who have had a measurable impact on my life. And with that, I am officially done being sentimental. Instead, I am choosing to share with you one of the funniest jokes ever played on me as an editor of The Parthenon. As a columnist, I am bound to receive emails from those who are not inclined to agree with me. I have had it happen several times, and I appreciate reading other’s opinion. That being said, about eight months ago, I received one of the most hateful emails I have ever received. It was filled with name calling, several words not appropriate for print and an all-around distaste toward my writing. Immediately, I believed that it was a joke. Yet, after looking up the email, it led me to a Marshall student of

Marshall go-ers, I started writing this last week, but it turned out to be more of a graduation speech than a column. And no one listens to graduation speeches, am I right? It was full of do-yourbest-at-everything-you-do and you’ve-got-the-wholeworld-at-your-fingertripsesque statements. Thankfully for you, upon reviewing my pseudo-graduation speech, I decided to slash it. But as generic as it was, it’s true. We really DO have the world at our fingertips. We are part of a small percentage of people who get to further our education to a collegiate level. I hope some time in these four years, you find something you’re passionate about. If you haven’t yet, don’t worry. For me, that time didn’t come until my second semester senior year — when I took this position as editor. It was the first thing I truly cared about here at Marshall, with no grade to motivate me, just pure inspiration to better myself at page design. Finding a passion and learning is not all you should embrace as a student, though. I hope you all accomplish those outrageous “beforecollege-is-over” lists. I unfortunately have yet to. Let us examine my eternal

I feel like my whole life has revolved around the Parthenon this year. First as a reporter covering the science beat (where I learned that college campuses aren’t a breeding ground for supervillains like I had been led to believe), and now as the digital editor, where I stayed up late every night putting stuff up on the web. As one of the only juniors on the current staff, I look at this last edition with a bit of happiness mixed with a lot of sadness. I’m glad to be done, but at the same time it means that I am done spending five out of seven nights every week with the people that have become a support group for me. People who I have spent way too much time drinking alcoholic beverages with (or not enough, depending on how you feel about drinking). I know it’s cliché to talk about how much you’re going to miss your friends when they graduate, but it’s cliché for a reason. So it is with a smile and a heavy heart that I think about how I don’t have Parthenon-related responsibilities after tonight for a while. I can’t stress enough how much I enjoyed being on this staff. It has been a blast, and hopefully you (the reader) have had a quarter of the fun reading

I’m going to write this without making edits as I type — because honestly, I’ve grown tired of editing, lol. (And I’m actually gonna leave that “lol” unless another editor strikes it.) Look, I just started a sentence with a preposition! Okay, so… working on the Parthenon staff (for three consecutive semesters)w has taught me that you’re gonna have some good nights, and you’re gonna have some bad nights; but it’s also helped me realize your coworkers play an integral part of the elasticity that helps you equilibrate between the varying types of nights. Thank you to the members of the staffs I’ve worked with throughout the last year and a half: Y’all have helped me learn so much. Marshall University might not take advantage of The Parthenon as much as it should IMHO, but to the readers who do take the time to grab the paper — for whatever reason — I did this for you, and you probably never even realized it ;) Also, to Professor Morris, you might not have known this, but I used your subsequent emails, chock-full of missed

See KELSEY I Page 5

See TYLER | Page 5


See JAKE I Page 5


page designed and edited by KELSEY THOMAS | thomas336@marshall.edu



See ARIAN | Page 5

FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2012


Continued from Page 4 wish of riding the mechanical bull at Whiskey River — not exactly a college hotspot, I’ve heard, but how can I resist — it’s the only mechanical bull in the whole Tri-State! Anyhow, for the past two years, a good friend of mine and I have been making up excuses as to why we can’t ride that stupid bull. It kept getting pushed to the


Continued from Page 4 whom I did not know. Apparently I made an enemy. Needless to say, I was excited. I have heard of columnists getting hate mail but had never received any myself. I took the time to place it in The Parthenon newsroom and make sure everyone knew I was the one who received it. I even saved the email on my phone as to make sure I had quick access to it should

next weekend, and the next, and before we even knew it, we’re graduating (don’t worry, we’ve made it a pact to go on a celebratory ride graduation night). Another unaccomplished thing on my list? FRAT PARTY! Yes, I’m a senior and have never stepped foot on a solo-cup scattered, blacklight beaming, Asher Roth blaring fraternity lawn. This unchecked business is not to say that I’m dissatisfied with my college experience (you haven’t

heard about the other things on my list that have been victoriously check-marked, like a terrifying journey down the bike ramp next to Morrow Library). But if you’re here, and you’re not having fun yet, change something! One day soon, D.P. Dough at 4 a.m., sleeping until 1 p.m. and taking occasional “personal” days will be far from doable. The days of front porch parties, strobelights and ridiculously tacky bars will soon be over. Yep, it’s

true. You’re breaking some sort of unwritten rule if you enter Bar Code after the age of 25. You’re even kind of pushing it at 23. There’s no better time than now. There is no tomorrow — today is tomorrow. Annnnd this still turned out like a graduation speech. Have fun, kids. Seize the moment. And lastly, thanks for picking up the paper and making my job worthwhile. Kelsey Thomas can be contacted at thomas336@ marshall.edu.

anyone be interested in hearing the story. As time went on, the story died down. I would still mention my enemy occasionally, but for the most part, it had become part of my past. Then we headed off for Christmas break. Apparently, my enemy was not done with me. I received a second email several days before Christmas that was even more heinous than the first. This Marshall student had a vendetta against me. Upon

informing several of my professors of the hilarity of the situation, they made a point to say that someone was playing a joke. But I was not sold on that fact. Remember, I had looked this student up in the directory and I did not know him. Again, I told everyone I knew. To say I was giddy about these emails is possibly the best way I can put it. For another three months, despite the warnings of my professors, I went on

believing that these were real. On April Fool’s Day, the bomb dropped. I was enjoying a night out with my three roommates, just hanging out reminiscing about some of our better times this year. I was graduating and leaving the state, so it was one of the last times we would all be out together. Perhaps it was the spirit of the holiday or maybe it was that we were recollecting our memories. Whatever it was, it was



g i ve s t h e m a n o n - c a m p u s j o b t h a t m a ke s i t e a s i e r f o r t h e m t o wo r k a n d a t t e n d c l a s s e s. ” So the n ex t time yo u ’ r e wa l k i n g o n t h e s i d e wa l k a n d yo u s e e a yo u n g m a n o r wo m a n r i d i n g i n a go l f c a r t o n t h e s i d ewa l k – d o n’ t ge t u p s e t . T h ey a r e t h e o n e s ke e p i n g yo u r c a m p u s c l e a n a n d h e l p i n g yo u h e l p t h e environment. Shane Arrington can be contacted at arrington16@marshall. edu.

universities such as Marshall tend to spend more time creating career clones than creating minds that can think and help create a better

Continued from Page 2


Continued from Page 1 per eight ounces. That is approximately half an average


Continued from Page 1 cold but now that we have warm weather I had been putting off getting it cut because hair cuts make me


Continued from Page 1 fizzle out,” Bailey said. “Be Hope to Her is seen a little bit different. It is not one you just give money to, but you actually get to feel what others feel which is really important. We are human and we can hear statistics and read books, but when we actually experience


Continued from Page 2 certainly has a special place in my heart, and I have many fond memories of my time there.” Provezis is now working in the office of the provost at

Continued from Page 4

world for everybody. It pains me to say, that I can say — in full confidence — that not everyone in this country is given a fair chance. It’s a classic symptom of the typical leftist like myself, but it is a reality, nonetheless. I can say

that while at Marshall I have grown more conscious of the world around me. I have found meaning and I can only hope that my fellow colleagues and editors can say the same. They have taught me a lot, and I hope they can



we’ve had making it. Even though you probably won’t, because reading the news is kind of sad, and reading people talking about how they’re moving on with their lives and stuff isn’t very much fun. Tyler Kes can be contacted at kes@marshall.edu.

wi t h . A r i a n : I t i s l i ke ly that no other living human will k n ow t h e s t r i n ge n t r ules of grammar better than t h i s g u y. A l s o, h e

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p r o b abl y wo n b e s t hair in his high s c h o o l ye a r b o o k o r s o m e t h i n g. K atie Quinonez can be contacted at quinonez@ marshall.edu.

sized can. That is the equivalent of two 12 ounce cans of soda or five ounces of coffee. Manufacturers also add a combination of other stimulants, herbal

extracts and increased sugar and sugar by products to energy drinks to increase energy. The high amounts of sugar used in energy

drinks can also increase obesity and complicate dental problems. Travis Easter can be reached at easter14@ marshall.edu.

nervous,” said Neal. “I heard about Hair From The Hair on the radio about a month ago and I decided that it was time to face my fears and get my hair cut.” Children who receive free

wigs from Locks of Love do not have to have cancer. A free wig is given to any child who has suffered from an illness that has caused them to lose their hair. WMUL also collected

monetary donations during the event to contribute to Locks of Love, that totaled at $50. 27. Ashley Foster can be contacted at foster108@ marshall.edu.

something with our senses it changes us.” Bailey said she was happy to hear others had stepped forward to continue the event on campus after she had graduated. “NURU as an organization looks to Marshall to be a leader to Be Hope to Her events all over the nation,” Bailey said. “Seeing freshman and sophomore

involvement is great. The event is unique, meaningful and empowering to individuals all across the world.” Megan Murphy, Marshall English education senior, traveled to Africa two years ago and participated in Thursday’s event. “It was cool for me because I actually got to see women walk miles and miles to retrieve water,” Murphy

said. “It’s a great opportunity for our campus to see a small portion of what they have to do and endure each day.” “Be Hope to Her” allowed students to learn about the 1.1 billion people who have no access to safe water every single day. Molly Urian can be contacted at urian@marshall. edu.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Provezis is the senior communication and evaluation coordinator. Provezis said she carefully considered the topic of Friday’s speech. “When thinking about the speech I would give, I

considered what I wish I would have known when I was graduating,” Provezis said. “I have also folded in some personal stories and memories as well as some words of advice. One of the focuses of the speech will be the importance of long term

planning.” Honors convocation is traditionally scheduled for the week before commencement. Parents and friends are invited. Brittanee Barton can be contacted at barton35@ marshall.edu.

page designed and edited by KATIE QUINONEZ | quinonez@marshall.edu


Continued from Page 4 people in the world, at a wonderful university, working for a kick-ass paper. I can honestly look back at these years with no regret because I dreamt big, worked hard and acted crazy. And that is more than I could have ever hoped for. So to those of you graduating with me in a week and to those of you left here — cherish your time, learn something new, go outside of social norms, embrace uncertainty, but

I can honestly look back at these years with no regret.” > CRYSTAL MYERS

most importantly enjoy the present and make every day count, because there will never be another moment like now. Crystal Myers can be contacted at myers132@ marshall.edu.

time for them to tell me. My three roommates were the ones who wrote the emails. I refused to believe them. These emails were the epitome of why I wanted to be a columnist. They inspired me to continue to write about controversial subject. And now I have learned these emails were fake. Don’t get me wrong. I completely understand the hilarity of the situation. I was upset that someone who hated me was not real. I am the first one to admit

when I have been had. My friends got me. They got me for nearly eight months. And I bought it right up until the moment they pulled it away from me. And so, to conclude my final column of the year, I want to say thank you to my friends. Though you mercilessly allowed me to continue with the charade for eight months, you gave me a memory I won’t ever forget. Jake Snyder can be contacted at snyder100@ marshall.edu.

say the same about me. There are brilliant and beautiful people even in the most desperate of places. Life flourishes and ends, then begins again. This bit has ended, but all is not lost. It’s been good, sad, infuriating,

depressing and a whole list of other adjectives, but at least it has been. I am lucky to have shared this experience with so many good people. William Lineberry can be contacted at lineberry2@ marshall.edu.


Continued from Page 4 corrections, as negative reinforcement to make myself a better copy editor. Thank you for that. Just a little JSchool humor for ya. Copy editor out. Arian Jalali can be contacted at jalali@marshall.edu.


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