Issues commonly faced by both Power and Non-power sectors: 1. Issue of grade slippage at the CIL Subsidiaries: In spite of continuous monitoring and several measures taken up by MoC and CIL including reforms and policy changes to eradicate the issues with coal quality, instances of grade slippage still crop up in almost all the Subsidiaries at times. Certain suggestions have been made by the coal consumers to tackle this persisting problem:
A) Calculation of GCV on As Received Basis (ARB): Gross Calorific Value (GCV) of coal is calculated on equilibrated basis by CIL, which does not consider the presence of moistures other than inherent moisture. This causes a loss on account of GCV of coal for the consumers.
06 | CCAI Monthly Newsletter July 2020
It has been requested that Calculation of GCV on As Received Basis (ARB) may be introduced as per international coal trading practice.
B) Periodical regradation of coal mines: It is also requested to consider periodical re-gradation of coal mines on half yearly basis by the Coal Controller’s Organisation in those areas where the issue of wide difference between declared grades and third party results are occurring on a continuous basis. C) Round the clock surveillance of Referee coal samples: Analysis results of
Referee Samples are the final determining factor in the entire 3rd Party Sampling & Analysis procedure in case of disputes. Therefore, it is suggested that there should be one central storage room for keeping referee samples of all areas under one Coal Company and the room has to be kept under 24*7 Hrs strict security with CCTV surveillance.