CONSUMERS’ PAGE Issue faced by both Power and NRS Consumers: 1. Submission regarding refund of EMD against coal procured through different auctions: Consumers from Power and Non-power sectors procuring coal from SECL were lift booked quantities till mid-October due to lack of production and adverse condition of coal evacuation infrastructure in certain mines of the Subsidiary such as Baroud, Chhal, Gevra, Dipka, Kusmunda. Request has been made to CIL and SECL so
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that the consumers are not penalised for shortlifting under the stated situation. Also, the EMD amounts submitted by the consumers may not be forfeited and kindly be refunded along with the coal value of unlifted quantity to the respective consumers.
Issues faced exclusively by Power Sector Consumers: 2. Requesting augmentation of coal supply to far-off (beyond 1400 kms) super-critical plants set up under