Southern Illinois Dr. Bobbie
Laser Fat Removal Everything You Need To Know About It
Although an effective method, traditional liposuction usually results in severe bruising and soreness with patients needing significant recovery time. Furthermore, patients have to be put under general anesthesia along with need for a trained cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedure adding to the overall cost of the treatment.
Non-Invasive Laser Fat Reduction
How Effective And Safe It Is? In contrast, using laser for fat removal is cost effective, safe and has minimal side effects.
Perhaps you have undergone one of these treatments or you are thinking about it. There is a lot of hype around so it is important to know what each treatment can achieve before you take the plunge and pay out a not inconsiderable sum of money for a treatment.
Non Surgical Liposuction m
There are several components that cause a fat stomach, pot belly, or loose tummy.
Laser liposuction can
remove belly fat from under the skin and achieve skin tightening of loose tummy skin. However laser liposuction cannot tighten your stomach muscles or abdominal muscles. To tighten
muscles you will need to do stomach exercises or abdominal work outs.
Belly Fat And
Laser liposuction also cannot remove fat inside your abdomenintra-abdominal fat, called
Mesenteric Fatwhich is wrapped around your intestine. If you are very overweight or obese, only significant dieting will help you lose belly fat that is inside your abdomen.
again this works differently from Laser Lipolysis or Ultrasound Cavitation but like Cavitation it results in the fat cells being destroyed rather than just emptied.
Lipolysis uses extreme cold to selectively kill fat cells.
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