What To Expect and Special Offer For You! -New You Body Sculpting murphysborochiropractic.com
WELCOME TO NEW YOU BODY SCULPTING Thank you for trusting us to TRY US OUT. You are with us for one week, but we hope to be part of a BIGGER journey for you. The week $99 special is valued at $300 to $400 worth of products and services. Each light session is valued at $125 value, one week of nutrition and detox products is valued at $72, Each vibration plate session is a $15 value and each sauna session is a $25 value. You could not ever get all of this for $99 any other time.
-NEW YOU BODY SCULPTING We say, on average most lose about an inch a session, so 1 to 2 inches of loss at your first measurement is average. Some of your friends may lose more. Just know that everyone's body is so different and that does not make your experience less valid. You are just getting started! If you continue with 12 sessions, you can expect to lose around 12 inches, the 18 sessions about 18 inches and 24 session about 24 inches. Soon you will decide whether you want to continue the "New You Program" or continue with the products. I recommend the whole program and if you want to do this, we want to offer you a one time special JUST FOR YOU. It is good for this one week of your promo. Normally our packages are $1750 for 12 sessions, $2250 for 18 sessions, and $2750 for 24 sessions.
SPECIAL JUST FOR YOU THIS WEEK ONLY 8 sessions for $800 (bold)(averages 8 inches of loss) one month supply of our products, 8 Infrared light sessions including Brain Tap, A month of UNLIMITED vibration plate and infrared sauna, One on one coaching, One month of Brain Tap use at home 18 sessions for $1800: (averages an 18 inch loss) one month supply of products, 18 infrared light sessions including Brain Tap, 9 weeks of unlimited use of our vibe plates and infrared sauna jump, one on one coaching, our RED LED light facial mask to reverse signs of aging, one month of Brain Tap app, 24 sessions for $2400 (averages a 24 inch loss) 24 infrared light sessions including Brain Tap, our anti-aging facial mask, one month of our nutrition and detox products, 2 weeks of unlimited use of our vibe plates and infrared sauna jump, one on one coaching, 5 measurements. Of course we will be with you each step of the way to help you succeed. If you want in on this, please whisper to one of our staff you want in on this SPECIAL and they will let you have this special deal. If continuing on, isn't an option for you now, Le'ts get you set up FOR SUCCESS with the products that have helped you cut your cravings and nourish and detox your body so powerfully. Ask us how you can earn points to get "Free" products. Please give your name, address, email, phone number and method of payment to our Wellness Coordinator, Rachael Clark, so she can set this up for you. murphysborochiropractic.com
drbobbie@weightlossmurphysboroil.com 106 S. 14th Street Murphysboro Il 62966 7992 Aviation Drive Suite A Marion Il 62959 618-684-3344 | 618-998-9333 VISIT : MURPHYSBOROCHIROPRACTIC.COM