Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations Demo Environment

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment

Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Murray Fife, October 2017

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Introduction After you have deployed a new demonstration environment for Dynamics 365 you have a great platform to show all of the transactional features within the system, but that is only the starting point. If you want to spend a little more time configuring the environment, then you can polish up the rest of the features as well so that you can show how Dynamics 365 integrates with all of the Microsoft product stack In this guide we will show you how to go that extra step.

Topics Covered Introduction ..................................................................... 2 Configuring the User Accounts .................................................... 4 Configuring the User Defaults .................................................. 5 Changing the default Company .................................................. 13 Creating a new Worker Record for the Admin User ............................... 15 Replacing the Default Admin Worker with your Worker ........................... 23 Viewing the Worker in Employee Self-Service ................................... 30 Updating the Employee Details ................................................. 32 Assigning your user a Position ................................................ 39 Updating the Users Login Accounts ............................................. 46 Using Excel to Update the User Details ........................................ 52 Summary ....................................................................... 62 Configuring Lifecycle Services .................................................. 63 Configuring Lifecycle Services SharePoint Integration ......................... 64 Configuring Lifecycle Services Visual Studio Integration ...................... 69 Getting Started with Lifecycle Services ....................................... 82 Configuring the Business Process Models within Lifecycle Services ............. 84 Linking Dynamics 365 Help with LCS Business Process Models .................... 92 Summary ....................................................................... 97 Configuring Power BI ............................................................ 98 Creating a Power BI Client ID and Key for Dynamics 365 ........................ 99 Enabling Power BI Integration within Dynamics 365 ............................ 103 Configuring the Power BI Content Packs for Dynamics 365 ...................... 107 Summary ...................................................................... 114 Configuring Exchange Integration ............................................... 115 Enabling the Exchange Integration with Dynamics 365 .......................... 116 Configuring the Email Parameters ............................................. 119 Updating the User Email Provider to Use Exchange ............................. 124 Configuring the Outlook Exchange Synchronization ............................. 126 Summary ...................................................................... 133 Configuring Workflow Alerts and Messages ....................................... 134

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the System Email Templates ....................................... 135 Configuring the Workflow Parameters .......................................... 141 Configuring the Organization Workflow Email Template ......................... 144 Configuring the Organizational Workflow Parameters ........................... 152 Configuring the Email Batch Process .......................................... 155 Summary ...................................................................... 160 Configuring Document Management and SharePoint Integration ..................... 161 Configuring SharePoint Integration ........................................... 162 Creating a SharePoint Document Type .......................................... 165 Configuring the Collaboration Workspace Integration .......................... 170 Summary ...................................................................... 175 Configuring Skype Integration .................................................. 176 Configuring the Skype Presence integration with Workers ...................... 177 Summary ...................................................................... 181 Configuring Yammer Integration ................................................. 182 Downloading the Yammer Desktop Notification Agent ............................ 183 Summary ...................................................................... 187 Conclusion ..................................................................... 188

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the User Accounts When we get a newly provisioned version of the Dynamics 365 demo environment, there are a lot of examples that we can use out of the box including a whole organizational structure of users and employees that we can play with. But the users and the user defaults need to be polished up a little because they are linked to the demo Contoso company and we will be using our own tenant with its own email addresses and user accounts. So the first area that we will look at tweaking will be the user accounts and also some of the defaults that are not automatically configured through the provisioning process.

Topics Covered •

Configuring the User Defaults

Changing the default Company

Creating a new Worker Record for the Admin User

Replacing the Default Admin Worker with your Worker

Viewing the Worker in Employee Self-Service

Updating the Employee Details

Assigning your user a Position

Updating the Users Login Accounts

Using Excel to Update the User Details


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the User Defaults The first thing that we will do in order to polish up our Dynamics 365 environment is to tidy up a couple of the user settings that have been missed when the system was initially deployed. This includes setting a couple of the default user regional options and also setting the default company to be something other than the DAT company.

How to do it‌ Start off by opening up Dynamics 365 on the default workspace page.

Now we will want to access the user options. To do this, just click on the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the form and select the User Options menu item.

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This will open up the user Options form and we will be able to start making a couple of changes.

Start off by clicking on the Preferences tab on the left hand side to show the default user preference options.

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The default Company is set to DAT when we first configure the system, but we will want to change this so that whenever we log in we go straight to the company that we want to transact in. To do this we will want to click on the Company dropdown list and select the default company that you will want to log into from the dropdown list. In this case we will want to set it to USMF to log into the manufacturing company.

Next we will want to specify a default date, time and number format for our user to match our regional preferences. Out of the box, this is blank.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment To do this, click on the Date, time and number format fields dropdown list and select the region code that you want to use for the user. Here we will want to select the en-US option for US English.

Next we may want to change the default time zone that is associated with the user. To do this, just click on the dropdown list for the Time Zone and then select the users preferred time zone. For us it was already set to Eastern time so we will leave it at that for now.

Now we will want to update the default preferences for the Account.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment To do this, click on the Account tab on the left hand side of the form.

Next we will want to configure some of the email defaults that are associated with the user. To do this click on the Email provider ID and select the SMTP option.

Then, if check the Email address and make sure that it is the default address for your user account. If it isn’t then you may want to update it.

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Next we will want to tweak some of the workflow options for the user account. do this, click on the Workflow tab to view all of the user workflow options.

By default, email notifications are not sent to the user, but we want to enable that for our environment. To do this we just need to toggle the Send notifications in email switch. Here we want to have the notifications sent as emails so we will set the Send notifications in email switch to Yes.

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Also if we have workflows that send out line level notifications then we will want to receive notifications individually so that we can approve them one by one. To do this we just need to select the Line-item workflow notification type option that we would like to use. Here we want to send a single email for each workflow task that we have been assigned so we will set the Line-item workflow notification type to the Individual option. Now we have configured the user defaults we can exit from the form.

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Review There are other tweaks that you can make here if you like, including changing the spacing of the fields, and also updating the default color for the workspaces. These changes add small visual cues as to the system that you are logged into and can help you differentiate between user personas if you are logged into multiple users at the same time. But for now we have enough for our demo environment.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Changing the default Company There is one quick tweak that we will want to make to the system at this point and that is to connect to the right company. By default, when you first start up Dynamics 365 it will default to the DAT company which is the global company. We want to change this to one that has data in it.

How to do it‌ You can do these two different ways now that you have the user defaults configured. You can either log out and log back in again, or you can just click on the Company dropdown list in the title bar and find the company that you want to use and then select it. For example, in our example we want to set the default demo company to USMF.

After we have change the company then the banner image will change to show us that we are in the right legal entity and we are done.

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Review Now that we are logged into the right company we can start working on the more exciting integration points within Dynamics 365.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Creating a new Worker Record for the Admin User When the Dynamics 365 tenant is first created, the default Admin user is connected to the Julia Funderburk worker account. Although this may be OK for some people, it’s definitely nicer to have our own name showing up against the user. But before we can do that we will need to create a worker account for our new user.

How to do it‌ To do this type in workers into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Human Resources Workers menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Workers list page and all we need to do here is click on the New button in the menu bar.

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This will open up the Create new worker panel where we can specify our new worker and hire them.

Start off by typing in the First name of our new worker.

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Then type in the Last name of the worker. That is all we need to get hired, and we can click on the Hire new worker button.

Now we have a new Worker record for ourselves.

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Before we finish though we will want to add a little more information so that we can use our worker. Expand out the Contact Information tab so that we can add the email address.

Now we will want to add a new Email address for our worker. To do this click on the New button within the Contact Information tab group.

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Then set the Description to Email.

Next click on the dropdown list for the Type and select the Email address option.

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Now we will want to type in our users’ tenant email address into the Contact number/address field.

And then check on the Primary checkbox to say that this is the main email address that we will be wanting to use. After we have done that, click on the Advanced button.

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This will open up the Edit contact information panel for us with a couple of other options.

Here we will want to set the Instant message switch to Yes to enable our worker’s Skype integration.

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And also we will want to set the Instant messenger sign in switch to Yes as well to tell the system that this is the account that we will be signing into Skype with as well. After we have done that we can just click on the OK button and close out of the form.

Review Congratulations, we are now workers within our new Dynamics 365 environment.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Replacing the Default Admin Worker with your Worker Once we have a worker record created we can then replace the worker that is associated with the Admin user with our own worker account.

How to do it‌ To do this type in users into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the System Users menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Users list page and all we need to do here is click on the Admin user.

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To edit the information for the Admin user account then all we need to do is click on the Edit button.

This will switch us to edit mode and we will see that some of the fields are editable.

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We will start off by updating the Name from Admin to our own user name. After we have done that we will want to change the worker Name which is set to Julia Funderburk right now. To do that, click on the Maintain Versions button in the ribbon bar.

This will open up the worker associations where we can see the link to the worker record. All we need to do here is click on the Delete button.

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When the confirmation dialog shows up asking if we are sure that we want to delete the worker association, just click on the Yes button.

After the record has been deleted, close out of the form.

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When we return back to the worker form the Person will still show that a contact is associated with the user.. All we need to do is refresh the record. To do this, just click on the refresh button in the menu bar.

Now we will see that the Name dropdown list is blank and enabled.

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Now we can click on the dropdown list for the Name and find our new worker that we created and click on the Select button to link them with the user.

After we have done that we just need to click on the Save button to commit the change.

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Now our worker is connected to the user account.

Review How neat is that. control.

Now we are definitely making this tenant our own and taking

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Viewing the Worker in Employee Self-Service Now that we have set up our user account and connected it to the worker we will be able to check out our Employee Self Service page.

How to do it‌ To do this type in employee into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Employee self-service menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Employee Self Service workspace and we will see that our worker is showing up within our personal information.

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Review How cool is that. Now we can access all of our information through the Employee Self Service Portal.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Updating the Employee Details Now that we can access the Employee details through the Employee Self Service Workspace we can start tailoring the information that is shown there to make the user a little more interesting.

How to do it‌ This will open up the Employee Self Service workspace. Right now there is not a lot of personal information that is showing. To fix that just click on the Edit Personal Information link underneath the Employee image placeholder.

This will open up the Personal Information form. + Add link within the Addresses tab.

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Start off here by clicking on the

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This will open up a New Address sidebar for us.

Start off by giving your new address a Name or description. Office Address.

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Here we set it to

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Next we will select a Purpose for the address. By default this is set to Home but we will change this to select the Business option.

Next enter in the Zip/Postal Code and Dynamics will validate that it is correct.

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And finally, enter in the Street address. After you have done that you can click on the Ok button.

Now we have an address associated with our employee record.

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Before we leave we will make one last change and that is to add an employee image to the worker. To do this switch to the Image tab and then click on the Upload new image burton.

This will open up a file browser window and we and then click on the Open button.

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can browse to our employee image

Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment

This will upload the image for us and after we have done that we can close out of the Personal Information form.

When we return back to the Employee Self Service workspace we will see that the image is not showing. All we need to do here is click on the Refresh icon.

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Now when we return back to the Employee Self Service workspace and refresh the page we will see out employee image and also the address information.

Review That’s much better. employee.

Now when you see your employee record it looks like an

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Assigning your user a Position One last thing that we will want to do is to assign a position to our new worker. This will also be shown on the Employee Self Service portal. Depending on the position that we choose we may also have employees that report to us. Rather than create a new position though we will save a little bit of time and assign our user an existing position.

How to do it‌ To do this type in workers into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Workers menu item and click on it.

This will open up a list of all the workers that are configured within the system.

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Within the Workers Search box type in Sara and find Sara Thomas’s employee record. Unfortunately it looks like she is going to have a lot of free time on her hands. From here, click on the End Assignment menu item within the Position Assignment button group.

This will open up the End the Position Assignment side panel.

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Change the Assignment End date to be some time in the past and then click on the Retire Worker Assignment button.

This will remove the position from Sarah’s worker record and make it available to be assigned to another worker.

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Now search through the workers and find your demo worker that you just created. Then click on the Add assignment button within the Position Assignment button group.

This will open up the Create a Position Assignment side panel.

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Now we can type in the Position that

we just made available by firing Sara.

And then check the Make Primary option before clicking on the Create position assignment button.

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When we return back to our demo worker we will see that they now have the new position assigned to them

When we look at the Employee Self Service workspace we will see that the position shows up there now.

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As a bonus when we open up the Manager Self Service workspace we will see that we have direct reports.

Review Congratulations on the promotion.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Updating the Users Login Accounts When we provision a new demo tenant for Dynamics 365 there are a number of user personas that are already configured within the user accounts. The problem is that their user names are not connected with our tenant domain, they are set up to log in using a dummy Contoso email account. So to make these user personas usable we need to do a little bit of housekeeping and update their user information.

How to do it‌ To do this type in users into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the System Users menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Users list page and all we need to do is select the first user account (other than the Admin user).

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This will open up the user details page, and we will want to click on the Edit button to switch to edit mode.

Now we will be able to update the user details.

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Start off by fixing the Email address for the user so that it uses the tenant email that is associated with the Exchange user.

Although it’s not critical we may also want to update the Name for the user as well. It just looks tidier.

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Then click on the Save button to commit the changes.

Now we want to update the next user account. Rather than going back to the main list page though we can save a little bit of time by clicking on the List icon on the left hand side and pulling up the list of users alongside the details form.

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Now we are able to just select the next user.

and repeat the process.

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Note: If the Provider says then you will also want to change it to


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Using Excel to Update the User Details Updating a user manually is a good option if we have just a couple of users. But for our demo system we have about 120 users that we need to update. So we will want a quicker way to update the users through Excel.

How to do it‌ To do this, click on the Office icon in the menu bar and then select the OPEN IN EXCEL User Information option.

This will open up the Open in Excel dialog box, and we will want to click on the Download option.

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When the file confirmation dialog box is displayed, click on the Open option.

This will open up an Excel template in read only mode. To make this a live worksheet just click on the Enable Editing button.

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This will populate all of the current users within the worksheet. But the email address is not showing up in the default worksheet so we will want to modify the columns that are returned in the worksheet. To do this, click on the Design link within the add in.

This will switch the add-in to Design mode. Now we will want to add a new field. To do this click on the pencil icon to the right of the SystemUser table.

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This will open up the table details and we will be able to see the selected fields, and also all of the available fields. Now we will want to add in the Alias – Email field as a column. To do this, select the Alias – Email field and then click on the Add button.

This will add the field to the selected fields. Now just click on the Update button.

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This will show a message box that will ask us to confirm the update. Just click on the Yes button.

Now we will see that there is a new column in the worksheet for the Email address, but it is blank. All we need to do is click on the Done button.

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And then click on the Refresh link within the add-in.

This will open up another confirmation dialog box. Just click Yes.

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When the worksheet is refreshed we will be able to see all of the email addresses for all of our users.

Now just do a mass Find and Replace and replace the contosoax7 domain prefix with the name of the tenant that Dynamics was deployed through.

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Now we will want to update all of the user accounts within Dynamics 365. To do this, click on the Publish button within the add-in.

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That will push all of the changes back to Dynamics 365.

If we look at any of the users within Dynamics 365 then we will see that all of the email addresses have been updated. Now we can close out of the form.

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Review We know that this is probably not the most exciting update to make to the Dynamics 365 users, but if we want to use the other personas we might as well get it out of the way.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary Congratulations. Now we have configured all of our users and set up all of the defaults that we need to take advantage of them.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Lifecycle Services Lifecycle Services is a key tool for Dynamics 365. It stores all of the project information including the methodologies and templates to help you along the way. To make the most out of it though we will want to configure a few extra bells and whistles including connecting it to SharePoint for document management, linking it with Visual Studio Online so that we can track issues there, and also configuring the Business Process Models so that we can take advantage of the task guides and help.

Topics Covered •

Configuring Lifecycle Services SharePoint Integration

Configuring Lifecycle Services Visual Studio Integration

Getting Started with Lifecycle Services

Configuring the Business Process Models within Lifecycle Services

Linking Dynamics 365 Help with LCS Business Process Models


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Lifecycle Services SharePoint Integration The next area that we will polish up will be Lifecycle Services where we will be able to highlight all of the project resources that are available for Dynamics 365. There are a number of different tweaks that we will want to make here. By default, Lifecycle Services does not allow us to save any documents to the site but it will allow us to save the documents to a SharePoint site of our choosing. So, the first one that we will start off with is to link our Lifecycle Services project with SharePoint so that we can save our project documents.

How to do it‌ To do this, return to Lifecycle Services and then click on the project for the Dynamics 365 deployment.

This will open up the Lifecycle Services project.

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Now we will want to access the Project parameters. To do this scroll over to the right of the project page and then click on the Project settings button.

This will open up the Project settings page.

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Now we will want to change the SharePoint configuration details. To do this, click on the SharePoint Online library tab and we will be able to see that we can set the the SharePoint Online site URL.

To find the URL that we need all you have to do is to open up your SharePoint team site for the tenant that you have connected to your Dynamics 365 instance and copy the base URL from the address.

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Then paste the team site URL into the SharePoint Online site URL field. After you have done that you can just click on the Continue button.

This will link the SharePoint site with Lifecycle Services. To test the site, just click on the SharePoint URL.

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This will open up the SharePoint team site.

Review Now we have Lifecycle Services linked with our SharePoint tenant we can start saving all of our trip reports, project plans and specs within there for everyone to access.

No more 3


party project management tools.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Lifecycle Services Visual Studio Integration Within Lifecycle Services you can create a connection to Visual Studio Team Services. This will allow you to link your support tickets to Visual Studio and track all of the tasks associated with them through Visual Studio Online.

How to do it‌ To do this we just need to open up our Lifecycle Services project that was we used to create our Dynamics 365 instance. In the Action Center there will be a reminder to configure the Visual Studio Team Services connection. So all we need to do here is to click on the Setup Visual Studio Team Services button.

This will open up the Setup Visual Studio Team Services wizard for us to start the process, and all we need to do here is to enter in the Visual Studio Team Services site URL and the Personal Access Token.

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To get that information and to also create a Personal Access Token, open up your Visual Studio Online account and select the visual studio project that you want to connect LCS to. If you do not have a Visual Studio project, then just open up the Visual Studio website.

The scroll down to the Visual Studio Team Services section and click on the Get started for free button.

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This will open up the project creation form.

Start off by giving our project a name.

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And then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Continue button.

This will create a new Visual Studio project for us. To get that information and to also create a Personal Access Token, open up your Visual Studio Online account and select the visual studio project that you want to connect LCS to.

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This will take you into the Visual Studio Team for your project.

To get to where you need to be in order to create a Access Token, click on your name in the top right of the page and then select the My Security option.

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This will take you to the Security options for the project and you should be able to see the Personal Access Tokens tab is already selected. All you need to do here is click on the Add button.

This will open up the option for you to create a personal access token.

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First, enter in a Description for the Access token. For example, here we just typed in LCS Access.

Next, click on the dropdown list for the Expires In field and select the length that you want to allow the access token to be valid for. Here we selected 1 year to get the longest life out of the token.

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After we have done that, click on the Create Token button to create the token.

This will then return us to the Personal Access Tokens page and we will see that a new token has been created for us. Quickly copy that token text.

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Now we can return back to Lifecycle Services and past in the project URL into the Visual Studio Team Services site URL field and also paste in the token that we just created into the Personal access token field. Once we have done that we can click on the Continue button.

This will take us to the next step in the process which is to select the project that we want to connect Lifecycle Services to.

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All we need to do here is click on the dropdown list for the Visual Studio Team Services project field and select the project that we want to use for Lifecycle Services. After we have done that we can click on the Continue button to move onto the next step.

That will take us to the Review stage and all we need to do here is make sure everything is still correct and then click on the Save button.

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This will return us to the main dashboard for Lifecycle Services and we will see that there is a new item in the Action center that is asking us to authorize the connection with Visual Studio. All we need to do here is to click on the Activate button.

This will cause a warning message to pop up asking us if we really want to authorize the connection and all we need to do is click on the Yes button.

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This will open up an authorization page within Visual Studio Team Services and we just want to click on the Accept button and we are done.

Now the requirement to link Visual Studio to Lifecycle services will disappear and we are done.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Getting Started with Lifecycle Services When you initially start up Lifecycle Services, it will give you a couple of tips on getting started with the project. Although these are nice the first time you see them, they aren’t that necessary after a while. So to declutter the dashboard we will probably want to hide the tips.

How to do it‌ To do this just click on the Hide button within the Getting Started with your project column within Lifecycle Services.

That will hide the column and just show you what you need to see.

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Review Now you have a clean Lifecycle Services project without any of the extra chatter that it initially throws at you.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Business Process Models within Lifecycle Services One of the key resources for Dynamics 365 within Lifecycle Services are the Business Process Models. These allow you to see how business processes should work, they are a repository for all of your new & updated business processes, and most importantly they are where all of the Task Guides are stored for Dynamics 365 to reference. When you first create your Lifecycle Services project there are global libraries that you can reference but they are locked and read only. To make the most out of the Business Process Libraries we will want to create some new versions of the libraries that we are able to modify and extend for our own project.

How to do it‌ To do this we will start off by opening up Lifecycle Services and then scroll over to the right until we can see the More Tools tiles. There will be a tile there for Business Process Models which we will want to click on.

This will open up the Business process libraries and we will see that there are a couple of default libraries within the Global libraries section.

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We will want to promote these libraries over to the My libraries section so that we can manipulate them. To do this, start by right-mouse-clicking on the Getting started library which will open up an action bar at the bottom of the page and then click on the Create button.

This will open up the Create library panel.

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All we need to do here is enter in a Library Name. In this example we just want to type in Getting Started as the name. By not adding the same name from the global library it will be easier to identify our library from the global one. Then just click on the OK button.

This will create a new Business Process library within your My libraries section.

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Next we will want to create a copy of the APQC library. To do this, start by right-mouse-clicking on the APQC Unified library which will open up an action bar at the bottom of the page and then click on the Create button.

This will open up the Create library panel.

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Type in a Library Name for this new copy as well. In this example we just want to type in APQC Library as the name and then just click on the OK button.

This will create a second library for us with all of the APQC default business processes.

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We will create one more library, but this time we will just create a blank library that we can use to put all of our training task guides within. To do this we just need to right-mouse-click on the new Getting Started library to open up the command bar at the bottom of the form and then select the Create option.

This will open up the Create library panel.

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Type in a Library Name for this new business process library as well. In this example we just want to type in Training Library as the name and then just click on the OK button.

Now we will have a third library that we can use as reference for Dynamics 365. Just as a side note, the create option will create an empty library based off the library that you choose without any business processes allowing us to create our own. We use the Getting Started library because if we used the APQC library then there would be an APQC logo in the new library which we don’t want.

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Review Now we have created some libraries that we can use within Dynamics 365. We have the introduction library, the standard library with all of the default business flows, and a third library which we will be able to populate with training guides for our users.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Linking Dynamics 365 Help with LCS Business Process Models Once we have configured new Business Process Libraries within Lifecycle Services, we will want to link Dynamics 365 with our Lifecycle Services Project and then link up the Business Process Models so that they will be used within the help function.

How to do it‌ To do this type in system into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the System parameters menu item and click on it.

This will open up the System Parameters maintenance form.

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Now we will want to connect the help to Lifecycle Services. To do this switch to the Help tab and then click on the refresh icon to the right of the Lifecycle Services dropdown list.

This will open up a dialog box that will be telling us that by doing this the old configuration links will be lost. Here we just need to click on the Yes button.

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If this is the first time that you will be asked to Connect to Lifecycle Services. All you need you need to do when the dialog box is displayed is click on the OK button. When the confirmation screen is shown that you are now connected, just click on the Close button to exit from the form. Click on the Help tab to open up all of the help options for Dynamics 365. The first thing that we will want to do is to tell Dynamics 365 which Lifecycle Services we want to use for the help system. To do this click on the Lifecycle Services help configuration dropdown list and you will see any projects that you have got configure. In this case we only have one, so we just want to select that project.

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This will populate all of the libraries that we have configured within Lifecycle Services, including the new ones that we created. These will be the libraries that are searched by help for matching business process models and task guides.

The last few are duplicates because we made local copies of them so that we are able to edit them, so it’s a good idea to uncheck them so that the help system does not search through them. This also speeds up the help system a little because it does not have to search the larger libraries twice. After we have done that we can exit from the form.

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Review The linking of the Business Process Libraries is an important thing to do because without doing this no help will be displayed. If you add any additional Business Process libraries to Lifecycle Services, then remember to come back here and refresh the library list and make sure that these new libraries are included in the search list.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary Great work. Now we have Lifecycle Services configured so that we can take advantage of all of its features.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Power BI Power BI is a huge tool for Dynamics 365 because it is embedded in the workspaces and we can have tiles from Power BI Online showing up for the users to reference at any time. We can quickly create dashboards for Dynamics 365 using the content packs and also have this information show up on the workspaces, but in order to do this we just need to make a couple of tweaks to Dynamics 365.

Topics Covered •

Creating a Power BI Client ID and Key for Dynamics 365

Enabling Power BI Integration within Dynamics 365

Configuring the Power BI Content Packs for Dynamics 365


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Creating a Power BI Client ID and Key for Dynamics 365 Before we can use Power BI though, we need to enable it within Dynamics 365 and before we can do that we need to create a Client ID within Power BI for Dynamics 365 and also create a secret key for the authorization process.

How to do it‌ To do this we just need to open up the Power BI Registration form which you can find at Then we will want to click on the Sign in with your existing account button to log in as the administrator for the Dynamics 365 tenant.

After we have signed in we will get a welcome message and then we can start creating the Client ID and Key.

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To start off, we will want to add a name for the application within the App Name field. Here we set the name to be Dynamics 365.

Then we will want to enter in a value for the Redirect URL. This is just the base path for our Dynamics 365 client with /oauth added to the end. It will follow the format of: https://{servername}

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Next we will want to specify the Home Page URL. This is just the base path for our Dynamics 365.

It will look something like this:


Then we will want to specify the API’s that are going to be allowed by this application. Within the Step 3 section of the website, select all five of the API’s. After we have done that we will just need to click on the Register App button.

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The next thing you know, the Client IF and the Client Secret code will be populated with values that are just for our version of Dynamics 365. Note these down because you will need these when we link Dynamics 365 with Power BI.

Review Now we have created our Client ID and Secret Code we have all that we need to connect Dynamics 365 and Power BI.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Enabling Power BI Integration within Dynamics 365 Power BI is not connected to Dynamics 365 by default, partly because we need to have a site to connect to and the secret Client ID and Application ID (or Secret Code). Once we have those two pieces of information we can quickly get everything connected up.

How to do it‌ To do this type in power bi into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Power BI menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Power BI configuration form with almost all of the fields configured for us.

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In order to update the fields just click on the Edit button in the menu bar.

Then update the Azure AD Tenant to point to your Active Directory tenant.

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Then paste in the Client ID that we created through the Power BI Application registration process.

And then paste in the Client Secret value from the registration process into the Application key field.

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Finally, click on the Enabled switch and set it to Yes and then click on the Save button to confirm the changes.

Review Now we have enabled Power BI within Dynamics 365, and we will be able to add tiles from Power BI to dashboards and also add Power BI Catalogs to the menu lists within the workspaces.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Power BI Content Packs for Dynamics 365 In order to show off the capabilities of Power BI within Dynamics 365 you need to have some dashboards and reports to show. You can create these by hand if you like, or you can take advantage of the pre-defined Content Packs that are available within Power BI for Dynamics 365 to create some standard dashboards. The Content Packs contain standard dashboards, reports and data sets that you can quickly link to your own Dynamics 365 application, and have reports within minutes rather than hours, days or months in some cases if you have to build your own.

How to do it‌ To do this start off by navigating to the Power BI web page at and click on the Sign in button to log in.

Initially, because we don’t have any dashboards or reports created we will go straight to the Power BI Welcome screen where it is asking us to create or upload some data. All we want to do here is click on the Get button within the Services tile.

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This will open up the list of standard Content Packs that are available for Power BI. There are a lot here, and if we scroll down just a bit then we will see that there are content packs that have been specifically created for Dynamics 365. To start off, click on the Get button within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cost Management content pack.

When the Power BI Content Pack description is shown, just click on the Get button.

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This will open up a panel that is asking us for the URL where our Dynamics 365 server is located.

All we need to do is paste in the Dynamics 365 URL and click on the Next button. The URL will have this format: https://{servername}

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Next we will be asked for the authentication method that we want to use to connect to Dynamics 365 from Power BI. These credentials will be used by Power BI to connect periodically and refresh the data from Dynamics 365, keeping the dashboards fresh and up to date.

Click on the Authentication method dropdown list and select the OAuth2 option and then click on the Sign in button.

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This will open up the Office 365 sign in form.

All we need to do is type in the administrators Username and Password and then click on the Sign in button.

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This will authenticate the connection, create a connection from Power BI to our Dynamics 365 datasets, build a set of standard reports for us and also create some dashboards as well. Initially all of the dashboards will look a little bare but that’s just because it’s grabbing all of the data from Dynamics 365.

After a minute or two, the dashboard will be fully populated with live data directly from Dynamics 365. All you need to do is repeat the process for the other Dynamics 365 content packs like the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Financial Performance content pack and also the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Retail Channel Performance content pack.

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Review The Power BI content packs are key resources for us because they allow us to create standard dashboards populated from Dynamics 365 with our data, and it only takes a couple of minutes to get financial, costing, and sales reports and dashboards. This is a very cool feature.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary Power BI is a super cool feature for Dynamics 365 and now we have it all linked up. How neat is that?

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Exchange Integration Using e-mails within Dynamics 365 is a great way to send out alerts and reminders to people within the organization and also to people outside the organization. Dynamics 365 allows to send emails through a number of different options including through a mail client, through SMTP, and also through Microsoft Exchange Server. Using Microsoft Exchange Server is by far the best option because it sends the messages and archives them for you within the mail folders, unlike SMTP which just sends them out without a local copy, and it also does all of this in the background without having to open up any applications. Also Exchange is the backbone for Outlook and if we configure Exchange then we will also be able to synchronize contacts, appointments and tasks without having to open up a client application like Outlook.

Topics Covered •

Enabling the Exchange Integration with Dynamics 365

Configuring the Email Parameters

Updating the User Email Provider to Use Exchange

Configuring the Outlook Exchange Synchronization


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Enabling the Exchange Integration with Dynamics 365 All you need to do to take advantage of this is to enable the Exchange integration which is really easy to do.

How to do it… To do this type in exchange into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Microsoft Exchange Server Parameters menu item and click on it.

All we need to do is to specify the Exchange Web Service URL. If you don’t have this at your fingertips, as most of us don’t then don’t worry, just click on the Autodiscover button in the menu bar.

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This will open up the Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover panel. The Email should be automatically populated from our user account, but if it isn’t we can just type it in.

Then we just need to type in out Password and then click on the OK button.

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Almost magically, Dynamics 365 will query the email address and find the Exchange Web Service URL and update the field for us.

Review Now that we have our Exchange Server configured we are cooking with gas.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Email Parameters Once we have our Exchange Parameters configured then we will want to make a few more tweaks to the system. This includes updating the way that e-mails are delivered. We will start by updating the global parameters that control the emails.

How to do it‌ To do this type in email par into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the System Email Parameters menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Email Parameters form within the System administration section of Dynamics 365. You will notice that the Exchange server option has not been enabled. the Exchange email provider and then click on the -> button.

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So select

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Now Exchange has been enabled for e-mailing and integration.

Since we have configured Exchange now within Dynamics 365, we will want to click on the Batch email provider dropdown list and change it from SMTP to Exchange. This will tell the system that for any e-mails that are sent in batch like workflow emails, then we want to use Microsoft Exchange Server as the default transport.

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Next we will want to click on the SMTP tab on the left to update some of the defaults for the SMTP service. Even though we are not really going to be using this option, it’s a good idea to have this configured as a backup option.

First we will set the Outgoing mail server to be which is the default server for Office 365’s SMTP service. Leave the SMTP port number as 587 which is the default SMTP port.

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Then enter in the Username that will be used for sending out the SMTP emails by default. This does not have to be the admin user. In our environment we created a super user called root that we will use to send out administrative emails.

Finally enter in the Password for the user that we chose to send the STMP messages though. After we have done that we can click on the Save button and close the form.

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And then check the Specify if SSL is required option.

Review Now we have the Exchange server configured as our default email provider and also have a backup provider that uses SMTP as the transport.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Updating the User Email Provider to Use Exchange Now that we have configured Exchange to as a valid email provider, we can update some of the user settings to use this option rather than SMTP.

How to do it‌ To do this, just click on the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the form and select the Options menu item.

When the User Options are displayed, click on the Account tab and then on the Email provider ID and select the Exchange option.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Now we can exit from the form.

Review Now we have configured the user to use Exchange as the default e-mail option, things will go a lot smoother.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Outlook Exchange Synchronization Another integration point between Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Exchange is the ability to set up the Synchronization of the Contacts, Tasks and Appointments from Dynamics 365 with Outlook. This allows us to create tasks etc. within the activities function of Dynamics 365 and then have them automatically show up within Outlook as reminders.

How to do it‌ To do this type in outlook into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the System Microsoft Outlook setup wizard menu item and click on it.

This will start the setup wizard for Outlook, and all we need to do here is to click on the Next button.

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The next page in the wizard will show us our Employee record and also the Exchange Server URL and User that we are going to synchronize. The Exchange Web Service URL should automatically populate because we configured the Exchange Parameters, but if it doesn’t then the URL is: All we need to do here is click on the Next button.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment We will now be taken to a form where we will be connecting Dynamics 365 up with the folders in Outlook. We can start this process by clicking on the Pick contact folder button.

This will open up a panel that shows us all of the Contact folders in Outlook that we can synchronize with. All we need to do is select the Contact folder and then click on the OK button.

Click on the Pick task folder button

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This will open up a panel that shows us all of the Task folders in Outlook that we can synchronize with. All we need to do is select the Task folder and then click on the OK button.

This will connect up the Task folder in Outlook with our Dynamics 365 user. Next we can click on the Pick appointment folder button.

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This will open up a panel that shows us all of the Calendar folders in Outlook that we can synchronize with. All we need to do is select the Calendar folder and then click on the OK button.

Now all of our folders are linked with Dynamics 365.

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Before we finish though we will want to set the range of data that we will want to synchronize. To start off we will need to specify the number of Days Before that we want to synchronize. In this example we set it to 30 days.

And then we will need to specify the number of Days After that we want to synchronize. In this example we set the Days After to 90 days. After we have done that we can just click on the Next button.

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Now we will be on the final confirmation page of the wizard and we can just click on the Finish button to complete the setup.

Review How easy was that. Now Dynamics 365 is linked to our Outlook account and we will never miss an appointment.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary Congratulations. server.

We now have Dynamics 365 connected up to our tenants Exchange

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Workflow Alerts and Messages Workflow is a great feature within Dynamics 365 and is made even better when we have the email alerts and messages being sent to the users as they are being assigned tasks and approvals. By default though this feature is disabled but since we have configured our mail settings within Dynamics 365, we can light up this feature and show the full potential of workflow in action.

Topics Covered •

Configuring the System Email Templates

Configuring the Workflow Parameters

Configuring the Organization Workflow Email Template

Configuring the Organizational Workflow Parameters

Configuring the Email Batch Process


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the System Email Templates When e-mails are delivered out by Dynamics 365 they use Email Templates to format the contents. We can have as many of these as we like and we can also personalize these so that they show a little more information than the standard delivered email templates.

How to do it‌ To do this type in email messa into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the System Email messages menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Email messages maintenance form and we will see that there is already a default message template within Dynamics 365 for the Workflow Emails. We just need to make a couple of changes, so click on the WFEmail record.

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This will open up the Email messages maintenance form and we will see that there is already a default message template within Dynamics 365 for the Workflow Emails. We just need to make a couple of changes.

The first thing we will do is update the Sender email address with the default email address that we will want to send the workflow notifications form. Here we will set the email address to the root email address as well.

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Then we will want to update the Sender Name. We will set this to Root as well.

Now we will want to update the email template itself. To do this we just need to click on the Email message button in the menu bar and it will open up an Upload email template panel.

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Now we will want to create our HTML template in Notepad that we will use as the email template, and then save it away on the desktop.

Here is an example of the file contents – the only change that we need to make is to update the {servername}: <html> <body> <font face="Calibri"> <p>

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Today is your lucky day.<br> You have been chosen to review a workflow that has been submitted by someone within the organization.<br> You have an opportunity to either make someone's day, or crush all their hopes and dreams by either approving or declining this workflow.<br> This is a great responsibility and if the burden of this responsibility is too great then you can pass the buck by delegating this task to some other poor soul within your department.<br> Just as a heads up, here is a little more information on the workflow:<br> %message%<br> Your task, should you choose to accept it is to click <A href="https://{servername} rkflowWorkListAssignedToMe">here</A> to view and take action on your workflow approvals.<br> As always should any member of your department be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. This email notification will selfdestruct in five seconds.<br> Good luck.<br> </p> </font> </body> </html> Then we can just click on the Browse button, find the file in the file explorer window and then click on the Open button.

After selecting the template file, we just need to click on the Upload button.

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That will return us to the Email messages form and if we like we can check the header details to make sure everything looks OK, click on the Save button and then close down the form.

Review How cool is that. Now we have a personalized email message that will be delivered with all of our workflow alerts.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Workflow Parameters When workflow notifications are created, there is an option that allows the system to add attachments to the email notification. Unfortunately that is turned off by default, but we can easily enable this feature.

How to do it‌ To do this type in workflow pa into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the System Workflow parameters menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Settings for workflow form for us.

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To allow the update the settings, all we need to do is click on the Edit button in the menu bar to switch to edit mode.

To have the system add attachments to the notification, all we need to do is set the Add attachments switch to Yes. After we have done that we can click on the Save button and close the form.

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Review Now we can have attachments on our workflow notifications.

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Life is good.

Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Organization Workflow Email Template In addition to the system wide e-mail template, there are also organizational workflow templates that allow us to have company specific emails and formats. By default, there isn’t one for e-mail notifications though so we will need to create one.

How to do it‌ To do this type in email tem into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Organizational Email templates menu item (the second one) and click on it.

This will open up the Email templates maintenance form and we can see that there are already a number of templates configured within the organization. To add a new one, all we need to do is click on the New button within the menu bar.

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This will create a new email template record for us.

Start off by typing in a new Email ID for the workflow template. Here we set the Email ID to WFEmail.

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Next we will want to specify the default e-mail address that will be used to send the organizational workflow e-mails by entering it in the Sender email field. In this example we just used the root email account.

Then we will want to type in the name that we want to show along with the email when it is sent and enter it into the Sender name field. In this example we set the Sender name to Root.

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Now we want to click on the Default language code dropdown and select the default language that we want to associate with this email template. Here we selected en-us.

After we have updated the header, click on the Save button. This will update the Email messages grid with an email template for us and we can start configuring the template itself.

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Next we will want to specify a Subject for the workflow email that will be sent out. We don’t have to hard code this though, we can just use the workflow token of %subject% to make the subject the same as the subject of the workflow when it was created.

Next click on the Language dropdown list and select the default language that we would like to associate with the email template. In this example we selected the en-us Language. Note: you can add additional lines to this grid and have different workflow templates for different languages.

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Now we will want to update the email template itself. To do this we just need to click on the Email message button in the menu bar and it will open up an Upload email template panel.

Next we will want to click on the Browse button, find the email template file that we want to use for our notifications in the file explorer window and then click on the Open button.

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After selecting the template file, we just need to click on the Upload button.

Within a second we will be able to see that the email template is parsed out by Dynamics 365 and we can see the message within the HTML body section. If everything looks good, then we can just click on the OK button.

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When we return back to the Email templates form we will see that the Email field has some HTML code associated with it and then we can close out of the form.

Review Now we have an email template configured that we can use for our workflow notifications.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Organizational Workflow Parameters Once we have configured an Organizational workflow template we just need to tell the system to use it for the workflows themselves by updating the Workflow Parameters.

How to do it‌ To do this type in workflow pa into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Organizational Workflow parameters menu item (the second one) and click on it.

This will open up the Workflow parameters maintenance form for us.

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To edit the parameters, all we need to do is click on the Edit button within the menu bar.

Now we will be able to click on the Workflow notifications dropdown list and select the organizational workflow template that we just created. After we have done that we can then click on the Save button and close the form.

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Review Now we are cooking with gas. to send out e-mails.

Our workflows now have a template that they can use

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Email Batch Process The final bit of configuration that we will want to make for the workflow and email area is to set up the email distribution so that it runs as a batch process in the background. This will allow any e-mails that are queued up to be sent by the system to be periodically processed.

How to do it‌ To do this type in batch into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Email Processing Batch menu item and click on it.

This will open up an Email distributor batch panel with all of the configuration options.

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To enable the emails to be sent in batch, all we need to do is switch the Batch Processing option to Yes and then click on the Recurrence link at the top of the panel.

This will open up another panel where we can change the schedule of the batch process.

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All we will want to do here is set the Count field to the number of minutes that we want to wait between the running of the processes. In this example we set it to 1 to run every minute.

And then select the No End Date option so that this will continually run. After we have done that we can just click on the OK button.

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When we return back to the initial panel we can click on the OK button to finish the configuration.

Within seconds we will then get a notification that the batch job has been configured and we can continue on.

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Review Now we have a batch process that will send out our emails for us. but pretty important feature.

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This is a small

Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary OK, now we are rocking and rolling. When we start using the workflows we will have e-mails flying left right and center. No one will be avoiding the streamlining of the business through workflows.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Document Management and SharePoint Integration When it comes or managing documents, SharePoint is the best tool for us to take advantage of because it allows us to manage the versioning of documents, storing documents in SharePoint does not increase the size of the Dynamics 365 database, and also it then makes the documents available throughout the organization. We can use SharePoint in a number of different ways as well including document attachments, as a repository for data exports and also as collaboration workspaces. All we need to do is set up the integration.

Topics Covered •

Configuring SharePoint Integration

Creating a SharePoint Document Type

Configuring the Collaboration Workspace Integration


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring SharePoint Integration The first thing that we need to do is to make sure that SharePoint in connected with Dynamics 365. Usually this is already configured for us when the Dynamics 365 instance is provisioned but it’s always a good idea to double check.

How to do it‌ To do this type in document par into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Document management parameters menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Document management parameters maintenance form.

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If we click on the SharePoint tab, we should be able to see that there is already a Default SharePoint server defined within the SharePoint configuration options.

Update the Default SharePoint Server to point to your tenants server location.

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To double check that everything is configured correctly, we just need to click on the Test SharePoint connection link and if everything is OK then we will get a message saying that Dynamics 365 successfully connected to SharePoint. After we have done that we can just close out of the form.

Review How easy was that?

Now we have SharePoint connected to Dynamics 365.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Creating a SharePoint Document Type Once SharePoint is connected with Dynamics 365 we can start using it as our document management system and create a document type that saves its files to SharePoint.

How to do it‌ To do this type in document types into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Document Types menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Document types maintenance form.

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To create a new SharePoint document type, just click on the New button within the menu bar.

Next we will want to assign our Document type a Type. Here we are creating a document type to store all of our project plans, so we set the Type to Project.

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Next we will want to give our document type a Name. For this example, we set the Name to Project Documents.

Next we want to tell the system that this document will be stored within SharePoint by clicking on the Location dropdown list and selecting the SharePoint option. After we have done that the Pencil beside the SharePoint Address will become enabled and we can click on it to edit the document location.

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This will open up a panel for the Folder selection within SharePoint where we will be able to see all of the sites within our SharePoint site.

All we need to do here is navigate to the document library where we want to save all of our documents to and then click on the OK button.

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After we have done that the Document Type will have a SharePoint Address associated with it and we can exit from the form.

Review How neat is that. We just created a document type that will store all of the files in SharePoint and we didn’t even open up SharePoint.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Collaboration Workspace Integration Another great integration point between Dynamics 365 and SharePoint that we will want to configure are the Collaboration Workspaces. There are useful because they allow the users to create sites within SharePoint for projects without having to touch SharePoint at all. Once these sites have been created, then other people outside of Dynamics 365 are able to collaborate through SharePoint. All we need to do is configure the Collaboration site template.

How to do it‌ To do this type in collabor into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Collaboration workspace settings menu item and click on it.

This will open up the Collaboration workspace settings configuration form.

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To configure a new collaboration workspace, just click on the New button within the menu bar.

Then set the Business Area to All to allow us to create a global collaboration workspace.

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Now we need to set the workspace home page. This will be your tenants team site. To find it just open up SharePoint, go to your Team Site, and then copy the base URL.

Then we can paste the URL into the Workspace home page field.

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Now we can click on the Template dropdown list and we will see all of the site templates that are available on that site. We will want to select the default template that we want to use when creating the collaboration workspace. The Project Site template is a good option to use because it contains some project planning web parts already and also document lists for document storage.

Next we will want to set the Prompt to create workspace switch to Yes so that every time we create a project it will ask us if we want to create a workspace.

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Also we will want to set the Prompt to delete workspace switch to Yes so that every time we delete a project it will ask us if we want to delete a workspace. After we have done that we can just click on the Save button and close out of the form.

Review Now our collaboration workspaces are configured we will start seeing SharePoint blossom as new projects are created.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary SharePoint is a powerful tool, and being able to leverage it within Dynamics 365 is a great asset. And now we have this configured. Rock on!

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Skype Integration Skype is a great way to instantly connect with other people within the organization, but and you don’t even have to leave Dynamics 365 in order to take advantage of it. Dynamics 365 has native integration with Skype. All you need to do is set it up.

Topics Covered •

Configuring the Skype Presence integration with Workers


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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring the Skype Presence integration with Workers Dynamics 365 allows us to use Skype for instant messaging directly from the Dynamics 365 forms. All we need to do in order to get this up and running is to configure our workers with a Skype enabled instant messaging address.

How to do it‌ To do this type in Workers into the search field at the top of the page and Dynamics 365 will show you all of the menu items that match. All you need to do here is find the Human Resources Workers menu item and click on it.

This will open up all of our workers and all we need to do is find the worker that we want to enable with Skype and open up the Worker details.

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Now we just want to find the worker that we want to configure Skype integration for. Here we typed in alic into the filter box to find Alicia Thormber.

Once we have opened up the worker that we want to use with Skype, we just need to open up the Contact Information fast tab, select the email address line within the grid and then click on the Advanced link.

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This will open up the Edit contact information panel for us.

We just need to make sure that the Email address matches the email for the user within our tenant, and also make sure that the Instant message and also the Instant messenger sign in switches are set to Yes. Once we have configured the contact information then we can just click on the OK button and close out to the form.

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Review Now whenever we look at this worker, if they are online we will be able to see their presence icon and will also be able to IM them through Skype right from the application.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary How cool is that – now we can ping anyone within our virtual organization through Skype.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Configuring Yammer Integration Yammer is a key collaboration tool that is part of the Office 365 suite and is a great way to capture knowledge within the organization through conversations and social collaboration. There are a number of different ways that we can show this including the Yammer Notification Agent on our desktop and also by embedding Yammer into our workspaces as feeds.

Topics Covered •

Downloading the Yammer Desktop Notification Agent



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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Downloading the Yammer Desktop Notification Agent One of the tools that we can take advantage of with regards to Yammer is the Yammer Desktop Notification Agent which we can install on our desktop and be alerted when new conversations are posted to the groups that we follow. All we need to do configure this is install it.

How to do it‌ To do this, just open up the tenants Yammer site and in the top right hand corner there is a link named Get Yammer for desktop that we can click on.

This will open up a download dialog box and all we need to do is click on the Download the Yammer Notifier button.

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Then the one-click install box shows up, just click on the Install button.

After the application is installed, we will see a login dialog box that is asking us for our Yammer credentials for our local user.

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Just type in the Username and the Password and then click on the Login button.

This will open up a second Office 365 Login window where we can specify that this is a Work Account.

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And then we just need to retype in the Password for the Yammer account and click on the Sign in button. Next thing you know we will have a notification agent running for Yammer on our desktop.

Review Now we will never miss a conversation within the organization.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Summary Yammer a great collaboration tool, and with Social collaboration being an important feature within organizations, having these features enabled is super important. Now we have them up and running we are on fire.

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Configuring a new Dynamics 365 for Operations Demo Environment Conclusion Congratulations. You started off with the Plain Jane demo system that everyone has and now you have all of the bells and whistles that you will need within a demonstration environment. Now it’s time to show it off and take it for a test drive.

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