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January School Board Appreciation
Argyle ISD joined districts across the state during January 2021 to celebrate School Board Appreciation Month.
The district honored its seven Trustees with the statewide theme of "Navigating to Success." Each year, a theme is chosen to recognize Trustees.
During the Regular Board Meeting on January 19, Argyle ISD schools and administration took time to celebrate the Trustees during special recognitions. Each campus designed a poster and provided special gifts for the School Board.
Typically, school groups attend the Board meeting and provide special performances, but this was not possible this year due to COVID-19 precautions. As an alternative, the campuses participated in a “Thank You” video for the School Board that also included Trustee family members providing messages of appreciation.
The district celebrates and shows appreciation for the tireless commitment and dedication of the Trustees in serving the Eagles students, staff, and the community. They are elected officials who volunteer their time, shoulder critical responsibilities, and make important decisions for the district – especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. They establish the policies that provide the framework for public schools. The Argyle ISD School Board is responsible for approval of the budget, more than 3,800 students, 450 employees, and five campuses.
Trustees recently showed their appreciation for the commitment of the Argyle ISD employees during the pandemic with a one-time payment of $1,000 for exempt employees and $500 for non-exempt employees. During a Special Meeting in August, Trustees unanimously approved keeping the district's plans in place for a safe start to the 2020-2021 school year by adhering to the Texas Education Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention safety guidelines and procedures for in-person learning.
The School Board includes President Sam Slaton, Vice President Dr. John Bitter, Secretary Craig Hawkesworth, Dr. Leona McDade, Jeff Williams, Brad Lowry, and Ritchie Deffenbaugh. More information regarding the Argyle ISD School Board, meeting videos, meeting schedule, and agendas can be found at argyleisd.com.