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End-of-Year Celebrations
At the End-of-Year Celebration, we honored employees who have reached a milestone in years of service at GISD. Thank you all for your continued dedication!
35 YEARS Julie Holder
30 YEARS Kathy Burkhart
Laura Becker, Kimberly Parsons Not pictured: Sue Branch, Lorraine Boeko
Dora Lozano, Janet Johnson, Kay Neu, Mayra Huerta, Stacie Hall, Jennifer Coleman, Amy Allen, Ty Lawson
10 YEARS OF SERVICE Nancy Castorena, Christa Hawk, Sylvester Bland, Kyle Searcy, Jose Molina, Amber Rains; Not pictured: Deborah Thomas
5 YEARS OF SERVICE Jacqueline Dudenhoeffer, Charlotte Williams, Donna Taylor, LJ Searcy, Jason Vanet, Tabetha Trejo, Leslie Crutsinger, Katie Heffron, Irma De Oropeza, Alma De Santiago, Danny Franco, Russ Rutherford, Tammie Kupper, Lori Nixon, Brittenie Polk, Traci Broom, Samantha Calhoun, Ashley Dill, John Ewart, Melanie Farr, Whitney Galubenski Vogl, Jeff Hodges, Loys Hobbs Not pictured: Jacob Gray, Kimberly Gardner, Sheila Smith, Fabiola Lopez Niatasha Klement, Jarred Turbeville, Jennifer Murrah, Blake Crutsinger