Organizing: Ask The Expert
FUN FACT: While helping clients declutter their junk drawers, I find money 100% of the time. Start clearing out those junk drawers to see what kind of treasures you have forgotten about!
by Crystal Nerpel, Owner of Cloud Nine Organizing
s junk taking up valuable real estate in your home? If you are like most American families, you probably have at least one drawer full of junk. We commonly refer to this as the junk drawer.
This is the drawer where homeless items go to live. The drawer where odd gadgets go to die. The drawer we shove things into when company visits. The junk drawer might also have valuable stuff you could one day use, but never do because you can’t find it! It’s totally fine to have a catchall drawer for handy, useful items, but let’s talk about how to make better use of that junk drawer. Junk, by definition, is useless and of little value. Utility items, on the other hand, are useful and beneficial. You don’t need a junk drawer. You need a utility drawer. How to easily turn your overstuffed junk drawer into a useful utility drawer:
Pull everything out of your junk drawer(s).
Sort everything into two piles – useful & not useful. Get rid of all the not useful items immediately. In other words, get rid of all the junk.
Sort your useful items: group all similar items together.
Pay attention to how many similar items you have. If you have duplicates, consider downsizing. For instance, do you really need 50 black Sharpies? Probably not.
Either use drawer organizers or narrow/shallow boxes to contain your useful items.
If necessary, label containers so everyone knows where everything belongs.