CHAIR’S REPORT (cont) I would like to thank our small and passionate team for your extraordinary efforts. Jake Morris (Marketing Coordinator), Jodi Mann (Industry Recovery Manager) and Tanya Hanley ( Executive Assistant) who has recently joined us. Key support also from contractors including Maureen Bennett (Project Manager), Rachel Robinson Minogue (Digital Manager) and Melissa Townsend- Media Mortar (Social Media) have all been integral to our success. As always, sincere gratitude to our partners without whom we could not deliver the outcomes for our special Murray River region. In a year of change and adaption, it has been pleasing to see the strength of the collaborative approach come to the fore and we are thankful for the long-term commitment made by our 13 local government partners along with our NSW and Victorian state government agencies. Long-term funding support continues with the Victorian government agency Tourism, Events and Visitor Economy (TEVE) and we are confident that in June 2023 when our funding agreement with the NSW government expires, they will again support our cross-border activities through our successful partnership with Destination Riverina Murray (DRM). I also want to acknowledge the efforts of our two cross border commissioners, Luke Wilson (Victoria) and James McTavish (NSW) who worked tirelessly with us on a myriad of issues throughout the pandemic and continue to advocate for the Murray as we work through the rebuilding program. Finally, I recognise the incredible tenacity of everyone involved in the region’s tourism industry and our river community. We have demonstrated that we are a strong and vibrant collection of individuals, businesses and special destinations. Let us ensure that we always continue to be, as we work together for our fabulous Murray River region. I feel proud of all our recent achievements, realistic about the current challenges in our complex environment, and optimistic about our longer-term sustainable future. I wish you all well and know that the Murray region can look forward to a prosperous future.
Wendy Greiner Chair Murray Regional Tourism