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MPHN uses a supply and demand approach to determine gaps in service which results in identification, prioritisation and planning of strategies or programs to address the gaps identified. Planned commissioned services and programs in response to the identified health needs provide service utilisation data which informs effectiveness and efficiency of services and programs and which feeds back into the continuous review of health needs and gaps in service provision.

A formal approach to reviewing the Health Needs Assessments is undertaken annually, however it is reviewed and updated continuously. The Health Needs Assessment is the precursor to PHN Annual Activity Work Plans which include other factors such as cost, capacity and timing.


Four steps of Needs Assessment and Planning

There are four steps in the process of health needs assessment and planning. This framework details this activity (see figure 3).

Figure 3. Four steps in Health Needs Assessment and Activity Work Plans

Step 1 Planning Needs Assessment

• Define Population(s) • Define Objectives • Identify Partners and Collaborators • Identify resources needed • Identify risks

• Create population profile • Create health status and health behaviour profiles • Gather other data including feedback and consultation data • Use MPHN decision making Tool to consider impact at regional level • Use MPHN LGA data prioritisation Tool to consider impact at local government area level

• Review service use across the region • Undertake service delivery mapping • Review internal data sources from commissioned service providers

• Triangulate profiles and other data and information • Create final list of priorities for MPHN • Identify options for commissioned services or programs to address identified priorities • Endorsement of the Needs Assessment

• Plan development of Activity Work Plans for identified priorities • Develop Activity Work Plans

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